![]() The (W)Hole FamilyA Screenplay by Autumn Dawn Gorny![]() A soon to be college freshmen, with a dark past. Embarks on a horrifying vacation with her BFF and cannibalistic family.![]() The (W)Hole Family By Autumn Sims INT: THE WALL MACY(18), the all American sweetheart, soon-to-be college cheerleader. With her blond blue-eyed appearance, she was easily lead people into believing she was "just another blond" Mr. TOWNSEND(45), a dry humored history teacher. Walked toward Macy’s seat with a cold look his face. MACY: (Looking side to side before looking up at him) Um... MR. TOWNSEND: What is the year of the Black Plague started. MACY: 1320 MR. TOWNSEND: Where MACY: Asia MR. TOWNSEND: (Spins around, walks back, yells) Wrong! Central Asia, He sits back down at his long gray desk. MR. TOWNSEND: Be glad, Miss that this wasn’t a test you would have failed. THE BELL RINGS 2. 2. INT/EXT: FREEDOM Macy stands at her locker as she dumps its contents into a bright pink crate aggressively. MACY: I will be so glad when I am out of this damn town. If I ever see Mr I-am-better-then-you Townsend again it will be too... TIFFANY(18) a tall thin girl with long black hair and green eyes. Her bohemian dress makes her look like a 1960’s hippie. She walks up to Macy(unnoticed by Macy) stops, giggles before tapping on the locker door. TIFFANY: Same here, giving you a hard time again? Thank God it is the last day of school and we are (dances in a little circle) off to college woo hoo! But first, you must must muust come up to the lake with me. MACY: OK, Your dad said he would take us up there, right? TIFFANY: (Half smile) Yea. CUT TO: At dawn The two of them packing the back of a black van. DAVID (25) a skinny white guy with shaggy brown hair, and tattooed arms, positions the bags in the back to fit. MACY: I thought your dad was taking us. TIFFANY: Business trip, this is my cousin(BEAT) David, he’ll be taking us. David looks up and stares a Macy, looking her up and down. He does not smile. DAVID: Hey. He returns to the bags Macy shifts uncomfortably: MACY: Hi. CUT TO: (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: 3. David driving down a long and winding road, early morning hours, Tiffany in the passenger’s seat. 1960’s music playing in the background. Macy is in the back of the van sandwiched between the driver’s seat and the bags and landscaping equipment, on a little crib mattress on the floor. She starts to look around. She notices a shovel, a pick axe and a roll of burlap, all stained with an odd red color. Macy starts bouncing up and down along with the van, things start sliding into her. MACY: Ouch! She looks up to see David looking at her through the rear view mirror. DAVID: Sorry this stretch of road is a bit bumpy. Just buckle down. Cousin why not offer her something. TIFFANY: (Snaps) I’m getting it! Tiffany turns around and hands Macy a thermos, Macy raise her eyebrow. TIFFANY: What? You think is laced? The vans swerves. Macy laughs. MACY: Nooo, just didn’t think you would have a thermos, you, I always thought you were the Starbucks type. TIFFANY: True, I am. This is Moore’s. MACY: Oh, OK understood. Hey by the way where is he? (Laughs) I remember him always trying to get me alone with him. David shoots an angry glance toward Tiffany. (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: 4. TIFFANY: (Nervously) Yeah I think he had a crush on you. She laughs as she takes the thermos, taking a large gulp. Tomato soup dribbles down her chin. MACY: Can you believe Mrs. Style tried to give me a F because I would not do a push up. Like I was going to break a nail! TIFFANY: Shut Up! How did your rents take that? MACY: Easy, daddy took care of that. I mean the whole library is named after my family. I can’t fail a class. Seriously her name may but Style, but she has none. Tiffany laughs. TIFFANY: What did your daddy say about you "ruffing it?" Macy crosses her arms and huffs. MACY: He laughed, he says I can’t go a day without the staff. But, I explained what you said. That it is good to lower yourself to the unfortunates. So that will listen to you more. 5. INT: THE (W)HOLE FAMILY The van comes to a sudden stop, David jumps out. DAVID: We’re here. Tiffany jumps out after him, leaving Macy in the van alone. Macy awkwardly gets up and climbs into the front driver’s seat. The door is locked. She tries the passenger’s it too is locked. She looks toward the back, noticing the door blocked. MACY: Very funny guys, now let me out. I have to pee. From outside the van you can hear Tiffany and her father, JACK(45) talking. TIFFANY: Daddy! JACK: Hello sweetheart and what did you bring us? TIFFANY: Oh, just a girl from school, very athletic-a cheerleader. 6. INT/EXT: CONFUSION. Macy looks out the window to see Tiffany and her father, a portly man with thinning brown hair, talking. She rattles the door and bangs on the window. Tiffany, and her father look toward Macy, as other members of the family come into view. Tiffany waves at Macy, Macy waves back nervously then points to the lock. Three burly men walk up to the door and unlock it. One of the men grabs Macy and yanks her out of the van throwing her over his shoulder. Macy is kicking and screaming. MACY: Hey, let go of me! Tiff! TIFFANY: Sorry, Jay is just excited, it has been a while since we have had guest up here. Jack throws Macy a cage, and closes the lid on top of her. 7. INT:FAMILY TRADITIONS Under a roar of laughter, Macy’s screams of terror are faintly heard. DAVID: Confused, We are the(Beat) Holes family. Macy’s eyes widen Laughter is heard. Macy shakes her head wildly no. DAVID: YEAH! TIFFANY:(O.S.) ( I tell people H, is my last and those stupid enough to accept it... Tiffany comes up from behind David. TIFFANY: ( becomes my... Makes quotation marks around the word friend.)friend. SARAH: Well get her out of the sun! I don’t like sun burnt meat. The three burly mean grab a hold of the cage, pick it up and carry it into a decrepit looking two story farmhouse. MACY SCREAMS FADE TO BLACK 8. EXT:WAYWARD CHILD MOORE(21) His shaggy black hair is covered with a camo ski cap, as is the rest of his body. Though skinnier the rest of his family, is rage against them makes up for his bookish nerdy appearance. He creeps out of the tree with only the moonlight to show him the way. He reaches the dirty window, with a piece at the bottom missing and peers into the kitchen. He sees Macy locked in a cage and his SARAH cutting vegetables. MOORE: Macy! He runs back into the woods. 9. INT:PREPARATION Macy curls into a ball in the corner as she cries. Sarah finishes cutting up the vegetables starts to place them in a stock pot, stops and looks at Macy. SARAH: Get dinner a beer, we need to loosen the muscle, or grand-pa wont be able to chew it. She resumes putting the vegetables into the stock pot. She walks over to the cage, holding a large kitchen knife. Tiffany enters the kitchen. Macy turns around to see Tiffany behind her. MACY: (sobbing) I thought you were my bff, what is going on. TIFFANY: I told you she was athletic and dumb. (looks down at Macy) We are going to be now, the nutrients you will supply me will last a lifetime. Macy scurries to the other side of the cage,unknowingly to her,she know has her back to the SARAH. Sarah bends down and plunges a knife into Macy’s arm, she rips it out. Macy screams. Sarah sighs stands up, grabs the stock pot and puts it in the fridge. SARAH: Well looks like we are having left over trucker, she’s too tough. Tiffany bends down smiles, TIFFANY: How long? (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: 10. SARAH: No more then a couple of days. David walks in. TIFFANY: Here help she needs tenderizing. Tiffany unlocks the cage, starts to open it. Macy kick the top out of Tiffany’s hand tries to jump out. David grabs her, lift her up and throws her into a wall, knocking Macy out. Macy slumps to the floor. TIFFANY: Good going numb nut, now I have to put a tube down her throat. DAVID: Oops. TIFFANY: Grab her legs. David and Tiffany pick up Macy and carry her over to the kitchen table. Macy moans. DAVID: S**t, should I hit her again? Tiffany glares at him. TIFFANY: No, I’ll make it quick, Luckily Louie stole some anesthesia from the hospital. Out from under the kitchen table, Tiffany, picks up a brown ragged backpack and places it on the table. CUT TO: Large old fashion syringe filled with a clear liquid. MACY SCREAM 11. EXT.SAVIOR? From under the back porch deck Moore waits, various combat gear laying next to him. Footsteps are heard, Moore creeps to the opening, he see boot covered feet. He watches the go in to the forest before running out from under the porch. Moore quickly grabs a red headed guy in a overall shirtless, showing his scrawny figure. Moore places his hand over his mouth so he can scream. He slices her throat, and carries his body into the forest. Moore props his body up against a tree. He starts to go back to the porch when he hears a truck coming up, he looks at his gear under the porch as he sinks into the trees. Father, gets out of the truck, he starts to walk toward the house, when he sees, Mell’s boots peeking out from under the brush. He stops right before he reaches the edge. JACK: Mell? Mell, where the hell are you? We got to get some more beer, thanks to your brother, Sis said dinner needs some beer to soften up. Come on, hurry up. He waits, bouncing on the balls of his feet. JACK: Good God boy, how much did you drink? Father walks into the forest,he grabs hold of a low branch. He catches the body just as it falls on him. JACK: (Screams) MELL! TIFFANY, DAVID, SARAH! Quick get out here! Tiffany, David, the SARAH, come running out. TIFFANY: What dad? SARAH: What’s all the hollering about? (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: 12. DAVID: What the f**k? Mell! CUT TO: Moore Dragging Macy out of the kitchen, through the front door into the woods. 13. INT:HISTORY Macy’s eye’s blink rapidly, though blurry she sees a fire, and Moore with a large hunting knife. She starts screaming and tries to move. MOORE: Macy, Macy calm down, I wont hurt you. I brought you here. MACY: (Slurred) Sure and your sister was just joking. Moore jumps up. MOORE: (Screams) She’s not my sister! We might have the same mother, but she is nothing to me! Macy shakes her head, grimaces in pain. MACY: What, but I thought.. Moore sits down by the fire. MOORE: Let me explain. CUT TO FLASHBACK: 1991, 4 year old Moore watches his mother being led off by court guards as his SARAH holds a little infant baby in her arms. CUT TO: The inside of an old Buick car Moore,his SARAH and an infant Tiffany, seat in the back seat as his step-father drives. MOORE: Why did those guys take mommy? SARAH: Because the thing, couldn’t keep her mouth shut. (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: 14. JACK: Sarah, be nice. At least she didn’t tell on us. Sarah shrugs her shoulders. SARAH: So what do we do them? She nods her head toward Moore and Tiffany. JACK: Well I am Tiffany’s father, so she definitely stays and I guess we can keep him too. CUT TO PRESENT: MOORE: So I was raised by them, but I always remembered my mother. I have run away hundreds of times, but they always find me. Macy tires to get up but lays back down, clutching her side. MOORE: Stay down, and keep still, you have three broken ribs. Believe me I know. MACY: (breathing heavily) Say, say I believe you, why not go to the cops. Moore chuckles darkly, and runs his fingers through his hair. MOORE: My mother, those times I ran away, I always went to one place. The Sanctuary House, where my mother is held. She is the one who told me to go back. MACY: Some mother. Moore jumps up and yells. (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: 15. MOORE: You don’t understand! My mom, though a great woman in my eyes, has always been sick. She can’t help it. She kept her mouth shut to protect me. She knew if she took the fall, they wouldn’t hurt me. MACY: What about Tiffany? MOORE: Tiffany, is one of them, flesh and blood. I on the other hand, was( Moore does air quotes) "brought in". Moore sits down next to Macy and starts to lift her shirt. Macy tries to fight him, but can’t lift her arms without cringing in pain. She gives up. MOORE: I need to check your bandages. Remember I am vegetarian. He takes a quick look, then looks into Macy’s eyes. She looks back at him. MACY: I believe you. But.. 16. EXT/INT:MISSING DINNER Tiffany, David, Sarah, and Father stand at the edge of the woods. Mell’s lifeless body between them. DAVID: What the f**k? Mell! How. JACK: I don’t know, I thought he was just taking a leak. TIFFANY: Lets get him Tiffany holds Mell’s feet but suddenly drops them. She runs toward the porch. She falls down right at the edge of the porch, sticks her hand under the porch and yanks out a back pack with reflectors on it. TIFFANY: (Sniffing the back pack) Moore! She throws the back pack on to the porch and resumes helping the others take Mel back into the house. SARAH: What is this Moore, he doesn’t come up here, hasn’t since he was 11. TIFFANY: It’s his back I know his smell. It’s him I tell you! She looks over to the table were Macy was. Tiffany start screaming TIFFANY: Where is she? She, she was right here! David, Sarah and Father go in different directions. David goes into the cellar. He crouches as he descends the stairs DAVID: Oh dinner, oh dinner, where are you? (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: 17. Sarah looks in the living room. She stop at the front door. SARAH: Hey! She pulled a runner. David, Father and Tiffany all run into the living room. DAVID: Impossible it was knocked out cold by me and Tiffany. Sarah points to the ground. Her finger points to drag marks encased by footprints. SARAH: She had help. TIFFANY: Moore, he’s behind this. Sarah looks at Father. SARAH: We should of had him then. JACK: Look we are many things,cannibals even, but we are not beast! We are family-blood. Now he might not have our blood, but he is Tiffany’s blood and the son of my late wife’s! SARAH: You were always the soft... TIFFANY: Shut it! Dad’s right, but right know Moore is not in his right mind, he is like our mother. We need to find him and Macy. SARAH: Where should we start. DAVID: Oh oh I know that mine, yeah he and I use to always go to. TIFFANY: Lets go. 18. INT:UNSAFE Moore and Macy, now propped up sit by the fire, hissing as it slowly dies. Macy cries out of pain and fear. Moore has his arm around her. Outside faint voices are heard. The fire goes out. MOORE: Wait here I’ll get some more wood. He walks out of the mine, he stops to let his eyes adjust to the light. Just out side to the left, he starts picking up pieces of fallen debris. and start to walk back in. He stops he slowly spins around, shakes his head and runs back inside. He grabs a hold of Macy, she starts to scream. MOORE: Macy it’s me, listen.We have to go I think they realized you where gone. Macy tries to get up but collapses. Moore puts Macy’s arm around his shoulders and carries her farther into the mine. They walk along a the wall of the mine, the yellowish-green of the willemite and orange-red of the calcite light their way. MACY: Under different circumstances this would be almost romantic, creepy but romantic. Moore Laughs MOORE: Well when this is all over remind me to bring you here for a picnic. Macy rolls her eye. MOORE: Just a little further and we will be able to rid the cart. (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: 19. MACY: How do you know this place MOORE: (Sighs) Childhood. They reach a set of track with a rickety cart. Moore slowly lifts Macy into the cart. He gets in himself. He slowly starts the cart with a long stick. MOORE: I’ll just do it this way, because it gets a bit bumpy. DAVID:(O.S.) Moooooore, dinnnner. Moore looks behind him, Macy tries to raise up. Light from flashlights bounce off the walls. Moore throws the stick and releases the brake fully. MOORE: Hold on. They race down the track, Macy tries not to scream out in agony as they bounce down. Moore holds on to the stern maneuvering across the hair-pin turns and down steep drops. THEY SUDDENLY STOP 20. INT: REDEMPTION Moore covers Macy in fallen branches and heads toward the house, yelling. David is the first to emerges out of the cave. Macy slides herself under the branches. In the distance he sees Moore carrying something in his arms. David motions toward the others to follow him. CUT TO: Moore runs into the house, he heads down into the cellar and grabs the gas cans. DAVID:(O.S.) Hey cuz, we’re home! TIFFANY:(O.S.) Bro, where did ya put our dinner? A loud crash from the cellar catches their attention. They run toward the cellar door. David reaches it first. He makes it down to the third step. The stairs collapse. DAVID: AHHHH, Tiffany stops before falling, David lays on the floor. He screams. On the wall beside him, a shadow appears, The shadow shows a person lunging a long spike into David’s chest. TIFFANY: David! CUT TO: 21. Open access window. 22. INT/EXT: REVENGE A door slamming and frantic footsteps are heard in the background. Sarah screams. Her face goes an ashes gray, with a look of fear and surprise. Her eyes closes as her body slumps over the wooden spike that slices through her stomach. Her face lands on David’s back. CUT TO: Tiffany and her father running out of the house. They see a the end of the spike entering the forest followed by a trail of blood. A loud crash catches Tiffany’s attention. TIFFANY: Dad you go a find out what that(she points toward the blood) is, while I check this out. FATHER: No! Moore is picking us off one by one, I am not leaving you alone. TIFFANY: That’s not him in the house, even he can’t be into places at once, it’s Macy. I can take her. But I need to to follow Moore. Just don’t let him see you. Take your.... She looks toward her father’s truck to see the rifle missing from the back window carrier. TIFFANY: Get the shot gun out of the shed and go, now! Her father hesitates for a beat, then nods and runs to an old wooden shack. Tiffany spins around and runs into the cabin. She is greeted by Moore in the living room. She stops dead in her tracks. (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: 23. MOORE: Surprised sis? TIFFANY: I, I... MOORE: Was expecting Macy, little sweet Macy. Gun shots are heard in the background. The door slams shut. Tiffany spins around to see Macy standing behind her. Macy decks Tiffany. Tiffany falls to the floor. blood trickles down the left corner of her mouth. She tries to get up Macy kicks her back to the ground. She lays still, breathing hard. MACY: Confused? Well let me explain. You see I have know Moore for a while know... CUT TO FLASHBACK 24. INT:LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT Inside a gray windowless room, a 11 year old Moore waits to see his mother, on the other side of the glass divided table. His mother is led into the room. Moore picks up the phone, he motions for her to do the same. She does, but only stares blankly at the glass. Moore starts to talk to his mother. MOORE(11): Guess what, I did my first one, and you where right. I it was amaz...... Moore’s voice trails off. The cube next to him sits a skinny ELDERLY MAN. The left side of his face is severely burned. ELDERLY MAN: Hello sweetie, now I know those people said you killed those two old ladies and where found chopping there bodies and.... He gulps, turns toward Moore, shutters and turns back to whom he was talking. ELDERLY MAN: ...feeding it to the older lady’s cats. But I believe you darling, you just, just had a fit. I will get you the best doctor and lawyer my money can buy and get you out of here. I don’t worry your (he purses his lips) mother is out of the will, for allowing you to be treated like a unfortunate. CUT TO: MOORE(11) MOORE(11): Well see you later mom, I’ll let them (he makes air quotes around find me) find me. His mother smiles, as he walks away. As he walks past the Elderly Man, his eyes lock on Macy. (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: 25. CUT TO: PRESENT MOORE: See truthfully, mom died two years ago, not that you would care. Moore quicklyy looks up at Macy. Macy also looks up. MACY: Yeah that was a faithful day, but, She grabs Tiffany, preventing her from escaping. MACY: ...nice try b***h.! Macy grabs a large steel spike and drives it through Tiffany’s stomach. TIFFANY SCREAMS 26. EXT:ROAST ANYONE? Macy sits outside a cafe sipping coffee. A newspaper is on the table, with the headline: "5 CANNIBALS FOUND BURNED ALIVE." The picture under the headline shows five small pits with pig roasts. She awkwardly gets up, a small bump shows under her shirt.
© 2010 Autumn Dawn GornyAuthor's Note
Added on September 21, 2009 Last Updated on May 13, 2010 Author