Chapter 8

Chapter 8

A Chapter by Rasheem

In the country Ohara home of the high king Luther lee James young II and the royal family. Golden bells rang in this country and for all countries around the world. There were no people in the streets of Ohara nor stray animals or even birds flying in the sky. Only the sound of the golden bell provided the streets of Ohara with company. In the center of Ohara was a red building so tall it could be seen a hundred miles away. This building was known as the house of Dagon. Inside of the house of Dagon were thousands of people all dressed similar the men and women wore red silk shirts that came all the way down there ankles. They sat quietly in their seats. At the front of the church observing everyone from below was the royal family.

A golden coffin decorated with emeralds and diamonds was positioned on a glamorous podium ten feet in front of the royal family. The upper half of the coffin was open inside laid the late king Luther lee James young II he was dressed in a very fancy red and gold cloth his body was oiled down making him look like a manikin.  Standing beside the coffin was a man wrapped in silk white sheets he also wore a tall, white peaked cap with jewels embedded in it. In his hand was a red and golden crown embedded with the most glamorous jewels from around the world. On one knee with his head down looking at his father was Luther lee James young III there was a red and golden sheet around his body.

Everyone in attendance was quiet there were a few tears scattered around the room mostly coming from the royal family. Luther mumbles some words to his late father then throws up signs with his hand indicating worship to Dagon. Luther looks up at the man dressed in white and nods his head.

“Men and women of Ohara we are gathered here today to grieve over our late king Luther lee James young II. He was a great king he ruled this world with honest and fair judgment backed by the blessings of Dagon our god we have known peace for over a hundred years. Thanks to this great man’s rule. All hail Luther King of the world!”

 The man dressed in white voice was strong it echoed throughout the whole cathedral. Everyone chanted “All hail the king!” Once everyone was silent the man dressed in white spoke again.

“This however is not just a day for grieving it’s also a day for joy!” The man dressed in white holds the crown high in the air so everyone could see. Light shined in from the windows making the crowns emerald’s shine bright.

“On this day a new king of the world is born!” The man dressed in white places the crown gently on Luther’s head.

 “All hail our new king Luther lee James young the third!” Everyone in attendance screamed and clapped for joy. Luther stood up he closed his father’s casket then turned towards his people. Luther’s eyes were emerald red. A wide grin formed on his face

“I feel it… the curse my father was talking about it burns just like he said it would. I won’t make the same mistake you made father this is no curse it’s a gift from god.” Luther thinks to himself

Luther raised both of his arms in the air. “Behold my people our god Dagon has a gift for the king.” Luther’s entire body suddenly burst into flames the man in white took several steps back the audience gasped.

“Do not be alarmed this is the power my grandfather used to purge the world!” The flames sat on Luther’s body like clothing. He was completely unharmed by them. The audience stood then bowed before Luther the man dressed in white bowed as well. Even the royal family bowed before there king. Luther laughed with a voice so sinister it sent chills down the peoples spines.

The next day in Luther’s castle he sat high and mighty on his throne. There is a guard standing on his left and a guard standing on his right. Seven feet in front of him kneeling down on one knee was a dusty man in his late forties. The room is filled with one hundred people fifty sit on four rows of benches to Luther’s left and fifty sit on the right. They mostly consist of elderly citizens a few of them middle aged with some even nursing a baby in their arms.

A large emerald gold chandelier dangled from the roof over their heads. The light shined on it illuminating the room. Luther’s red gold crown sparkled in the light. It sat hanging slightly of the left side of his head. The crown looked as if it could fall at any second. Luther held his left hand under his chin. Everyone in the room was silent. Luther looked down on the man kneeling before him.

“You were hereby charged for stealing meat out of the market how do you plea?”

“The man slowly held his head up guilty your majesty but I ha…”

“Silence” Luther ordered the man’s lips moved no further. Luther raised his brows at the audience.

“This man has pledged guilty to a third degree law the punishment is death.”

The audience gasped voices of worry rise in the crowd. A woman holding a baby in her arms stood up on the first row. Her eyes filled with water.

“Please your majesty don’t kill my husband. He only took the meat because we had no food to eat!”

The lady had more to say but Luther raised a hand indicating silence.

“I didn’t say you could talk. I should have you executed for speaking to me without permission.”

Luther slumped back in his throne from his point of view. The audience was looking up at him and him down at them.

“But I’m in no mood to leave a child parent-less. I will ignore your insolence only once. Tears poured from the ladies face. Others witnessing this event unfold held their heads down. Some shook their heads in pity. Even a few of them had tears of their own.

“Guards take this man away.”

“No!” The lady yelled. The man looked back at his wife tears in his eyes.

“Be strong honey! You must not waiver you have our son to raise.” The guards picked the man up to handcuff him.

“Your majesty please can I hug my wife and son one last time?” The man pleaded. Luther scratched on his cheek considering the man’s request. Then he shook his head no much like a mother does when she tell her child they can’t have a toy. The guards begin taking him towards the exit. The woman’s tears flowed out like a waterfall as she watched them carry her husband past her. He looked at her smiling. The face he displayed was one with no regrets. In an instant he managed to shrug of a guard. He head butted the other one knocking him back a few steps. Then the man sprinted to his wife the best he could with the handcuffs on. The wife met him halfway hugging him tightly in her arms. He rested his head on her shoulders tears running down his face.

“I love you honey.”

“I love you to.” She choked out

The guards who were caught by surprise were now between them one grabbed the woman pulling her away from her husband. The baby she was holding cried abruptly. The other guard grabbed the man by his arms pulling him back roughly. Luther’s eyes turned bright red.

“You dare attempt to defy my law!?” Luther rose out his chair. Everyone including the guards was still.

“Since you can’t walk to your fate like a man you can die like a coward with your family!”

“No Please don’t! I only wanted to hug my wife and kid one last time.”

Luther’s bright red eyes turned emerald he stared at the man’s wife all of a sudden she burst into flames. She dropped her baby as she fell to the ground kicking and screaming. Her screams were so strong they could be heard throughout the whole castle. On the floor blood splattered on benches and carpet laid her infant son. The room turned into an uproar. Women and men shocked about what they just seen. Luther still stands with his eyes shining emerald.

“Silence!” He roared. Everyone fell silent except for the women who continued to scream endlessly as she was being burned alive and the guards who tussled with the man who was desperately trying to get free. Luther snapped his finger sparks of flame appeared then went away. The flames on the women went out along with her screams. What lay on the floor in the courtroom was a burned corpse that couldn’t even be recognized as a women or man. The convicted man screamed.

“No!  My wife! My son!” The guards held him flat on his stomach he laid there helplessly in front of his burned wife and dead infant son.

 Why!? We were poor! I had no choice but to take food! What was I supposed to do? Let my family starve?” The man wiggled and squirmed trying to match his eyes with his dead son who lay in a pool of blood.

Luther Chuckled. “You say poor like it’s an excuse.” Luther began stepping down the steps leading from his throne. Two guards followed head straight walking steady one to the left and one to the right. As Luther made his way to the man the masses held their heads down. Not one person dared to even glance in Luther’s direction. As Luther came closer he stopped to look at the dead baby. Luther shook his head.

“Damn there is blood all over the carpet someone clean this up and hurry this carpet is Velcro!”

The cuffed man squirmed and screamed.  “Curse you Luther! You will pay for this!”

Luther stood over the man his eyes glowing bright red. “You’re just a peasant who couldn’t even afford food for your family. I did you a favor.”

“F**k you! You may be a king to these people but you’re not my king!”

Luther slammed his hand on the man’s face. The action made a loud smacking sound. The man yelled again this time in pain. Luther’s right hand was on fire it burned on the man’s face.

“O now that’s were your wrong. I should burn you now but I don’t want to mess up my room any more than it already is.” Luther lifted his hand from the man’s face leaving a hand mark on the side of his cheek.

“Take him away.” The guards dragged the man who still had some fight in him past the double doors. His screams were strong at first then went faint. Luther surveyed the room everyone held their heads down.

“Court is dismissed I no longer feel like hearing any more of your problems.”

In the courtyard on a green grassy field Luther sits on a bench just a few inches away from a giant water fountain. He sits there mind appearing to be elsewhere. A man approaches in the distance. He’s dressed formal.

“Your majesty I just got word from the chief scientist in the lab. He says he may have a way to get our men to the belt.”

Luther stuck a finger in the fountain twirling it around making a tiny whirl pool.

“That’s good news although I doubt it’s going to be easy to make it to that place.” Luther’s red eyes shined back at him from the reflection in the water.

“But make it there we shall.”



© 2018 Rasheem

Author's Note

This was originally two separate chapters but since the first peace was so short i combined them

My Review

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The storyline is well-crafted & realistic & it flows well. There are a number of spelling errors, too many to list, but you can work on that. You are very good at conveying a person's character thru dialogue. I really felt how the new king was brash & thoughtless in the way he deals with people. I do not like the way you say "the man dressed in white" many times, over & over. This phrase is too long to repeat so often. Maybe you can find a more concise way to call him out: "the pale-draped monk" (using some religious term like "priest" instead of "man" -- to show he's leading the ceremony). Other than those thoughts, this chapter is well done (((HUGS))) Fondly, Margie

Posted 6 Years Ago


6 Years Ago

Thank you margie! I will try and be more careful with spelling. Also i see what you mean by me refer.. read more

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1 Review
Added on March 21, 2018
Last Updated on March 25, 2018




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A Chapter by Rasheem

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