My Chihuahua dog died in July. Her name was Agnes and this is a picture of her grave. You may be wondering why I put a door and cinder block on top of her grave. I'm not an expert at digging holes. I put the cinder block and door on top of her grave because I was afraid that a bigger dog might come along and dig her up. My next door neighbor was kind enough to loan me a shovel so that I could dig her grave.
I was originally going to hire a Taxidermist to mount Agnes when she died because I wanted to have her forever. But doing that might not have given Agnes the respect she deserved. I didn't want to risk being disrespectful so I buried her instead.
When I save up some money, I'm going to put a fence around her grave and I'm going to buy a headstone for Agnes that will have her picture on it. When poor Agnes died, it hurt me. It hurt me even more than I thought it would. May Agnes Rest In Peace.