You think you're the head everyone has to depend on you cause you work the hardest and make all the money. You drink an eighteen pack a night, but everyone just brushes it aside. While under its control you attack verbally, physically, and mentally. No one can be happy if you're not happy. I wont ever take you seriously, my love is just an act learn to man up and get some help. You're a fool and its a petty Grow up!
Kaytlyn: I noticed in your profile that you write your "heart," and I can sense that in this poem. I'm not really qualified to critique poetry as I have read so little of it and written so few poems that I feel out of my league. However, this poem deals with an important subject from a special perspective. It is terrible for children growing up in an alcoholic home. I hope that that is not your experience, but if it is, it is very healthy for you to write about it, to talk about it and to get the support you need. Or if this is about someone you know, to give them lots of hugs and support. The essential thing is that for those in this plight to know it isn't their fault, they are powerless over the alcoholic but they are not condemned to live that way always. And sometimes alcoholics do stop drinking and do change their lives. I'm giving you a standing ovation for this poem! Taylor
I am going through a similar emotions and am trying to express them through poetry.. this is well written!
Posted 9 Years Ago
8 Years Ago
Thank you. Feel free to read anymore of my poetry if you'd like and I will read some of yours. Poetr.. read moreThank you. Feel free to read anymore of my poetry if you'd like and I will read some of yours. Poetry I feel is one of the best constructive ways to release emotions. Anger, sadness, even some forms of happiness. Never shy when releasing your emotions in your poetry. Let the readers see your feelings. If you ever want me to read some of yours before posting them just message me anytime.
8 Years Ago
Thank you so much for reaching out to me! I definitely will let you know! thanks so much
Thanks for sharing this poem. The details included in this poem are great and allow readers to connect.
The only thing that I might change is the ending, as it seems rather abrupt (from my interpretation, the last line is the alcoholic talking to his child). This is just my opinion and if I have offended, I am sorry.
Posted 9 Years Ago
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9 Years Ago
No offense, it ends this way on purpose. Thank you for taking the time to read my poem .
Kaytlyn: I noticed in your profile that you write your "heart," and I can sense that in this poem. I'm not really qualified to critique poetry as I have read so little of it and written so few poems that I feel out of my league. However, this poem deals with an important subject from a special perspective. It is terrible for children growing up in an alcoholic home. I hope that that is not your experience, but if it is, it is very healthy for you to write about it, to talk about it and to get the support you need. Or if this is about someone you know, to give them lots of hugs and support. The essential thing is that for those in this plight to know it isn't their fault, they are powerless over the alcoholic but they are not condemned to live that way always. And sometimes alcoholics do stop drinking and do change their lives. I'm giving you a standing ovation for this poem! Taylor
I feel like this is a lot about fathers, only because when you say head I think of the term "Head of households" and sadly there are many people like that out there. I like this because a lot of sons/daughters will look to their parent with this point of view if, this was their situation. I like it. Nice write.
Hey I'm Kaytlyn. i'm 25, I live in that annoying of a state called Florida. I do enjoy writing and reading. So send me requests anytime. I love to write my "heart" out. I feel its best to express all .. more..