![]() MeddlerA Chapter by Shayna NemrowMrs. Forman’s office was still as dismal as ever; even Braydie and Archie’s optimistic Auras were subdued by the overwhelming dreariness. Braydie was sitting next to me, and her fingertips were touching my forearm on the armrest. I could feel her need to be protected from Mrs. Forman, even though that need was almost subconscious. I gave her a confident smile that didn’t even fool me. “I would advise the two of you to remain silent. Archie and I will deal primarily with the woman.” Barrick said in commanding undertones. “Only if she addresses you personally will you speak. Do you understand, Flynn?” I nodded. I didn’t want to talk to the VP anyway. She was so obviously scary that it made my flesh crawl. The door opened and she breezed in, her Aura still cemented. Braydie’s hand crawled over and her palm pressed against the top of my hand; a reassuring white gleam flowed from our combined Auras. “Mr. Barrick, your son is facing expulsion from this school.” Mrs. Forman said without prelude. “He makes a nuisance of the staff and the rules of this establishment.” “I think not.” Barrick said calmly, his Aura a power-blue cloud. “If you recall, I phoned you this morning and requested that Flynn’s classes be coordinated to Miss MacLeod’s.” Mrs. Forman smiled in a sickly way, “Mr. Barrick, I’m afraid that this school functions on the academic prowess of the individual student. That is how our classes are formed. Miss MacLeod’s classes are Advanced Placement, which I am afraid is far above and beyond your son’s ability.” I ground my teeth together, anger coursing through me like a river riptide, even if my Aura was still stubbornly protective. Braydie however, looked as mad as I felt. I was grateful that someone could relate. Barrick however, only steepled his fingers and said, “Is that so.” “It is.” Mrs. Forman replied. Then she looked at Archie. “And you, Mr…?” “Sinatra.” Archie said with a grin, “Archer Sinatra. In no way related to Frank.” She returned his friendliness with a blank stare, and then said, “Your ward is also facing suspension and even expulsion. I’m afraid that despite the familial closeness of these two…though I can’t imagine them even being remotely related…Flynn has placed a bad influence on your ward.” “My ‘ward’, eh?” Archie asked, still cool as a cucumber, “Actually, I think my niece is the bad influence on the boy. That isn’t the reason we came to speak with you, however.” Mrs. Forman raised an eyebrow. “Oh no?” “No,” Barrick replied, “We wish to know who is meddling with you, and why you are focusing your attentions on my apprentice.” For a silent moment, Mrs. Forman’s face changed from a blank expression to one of despicable fury. A split-second later she made a move for the door, pushing her chair over in the act. Barrick was faster, though. He blocked her exit, and with a hiss, she backed away from him, only to be confronted by Archie on the other end. Braydie had grabbed my arm fully, and without noticing it, we had left our respective seats, and were pressed against the wall behind Archie; his arm flung out protectively over us, his Aura’s hue matching mine. Mrs. Forman bared her teeth; her eyes turned from coffee brown to milky gray, and her Aura grew pitch black. I swallowed; I’d never seen a purely black Aura before. The vileness of it stripped me of any courage I might have had beforehand. “Do not try to call for help.” Barrick commanded. “All those outside can hear nothing.” “You think I am so stupid?” Mrs. Forman asked. It wasn’t her voice though. It was a gasping, hissing rasp that came from her throat. And it sounded like a man, rather than a woman. Archie’s spine stiffened, “Leorahn.” Mrs. Forman giggled in a high pitch. “Do not try to interfere, children.” Barrick stepped forward, “This is not legal, Leorahn. The adepts will hear of your Meddling. What do you want?” Mrs. Forman glanced over her shoulder at him, “Keeping a sharp eye on your investments, Marcus. Nothing more.” “Stay away from my boy.” Barrick warned. “And my girl.” Archie added. “If I were you, I would leave the woman’s body before you are expelled.” Mrs. Forman’s eyes grew dark, even darker than her Aura. She glared at Archie, and then her eyes slid over to me. Her lips curled over her teeth as she said in her horrible voice, “Believe no lies, boy.” Barrick started forward, and was there when Mrs. Forman’s eyes rolled back into her head, and she collapsed. He caught her halfway down, and laid her down carefully, putting his hands on either side of her face. He looked up at Archie and nodded. “He has left.” “Who was that?” Braydie asked, her voice shaking slightly. “Leorahn.” Archie said, shaking his head, his face grim. “Will she be all right?” “As far as I can see,” Barrick replied, “She should awaken any time now.” I stood stock still, the eyes of the creature burning through me even as I stood there, its voice echoing in my ears like a never-ending song. I mouthed them to myself; “Believe no lies.” “Flynn.” I looked into Barrick’s eyes, and saw his concern there. I shook my head, telling him I was all right. His Aura only relaxed slightly. It was then that Mrs. Forman began to stir. When she opened her eyes, she looked dazed and confused. She looked directly into Barrick’s eyes and said, “Hi.” “Do you feel all right?” He asked her. She sat up with his help. “Oh…I think so. What on earth happened? One second I was looking through student files and the next…well goodness, I don’t even know who any of you are!” The sweetness in her voice took me off guard. She sounded nothing like the Mrs. Forman I knew; more like some fairy godmother in a fairy tale. Just slimmer and significantly more attractive than anything I’d seen on Cinderella. “Forgive me,” Barrick said, “I am Marcus Barrick, this is Archie Sinatra and our children, Flynn and Braydie; respectively.” “Pleased to meet you,” She said, “I’m Ms. Jocelyn Foreman.” I blinked, “Ms; not Mrs.?” She smiled, “I’m not married…Flynn, is it? I apologize to everyone…I suppose I must have fainted for some reason. Was I supposed to meet with you?” I glanced at Braydie and muttered, “She doesn’t remember?” “She wouldn’t.” She murmured back. Barrick helped her gingerly to her feet and said, “In fact, we were trying to correspond the children’s classes.” “Really?” She asked, leaning against the edge of her desk, “Well, I have limited authority when it comes to that sort of thing. You need to speak with their academic councilors.” “Interesting,” Archie said, “We were under the impression that you were in charge.” Ms. Forman laughed. “Of very little, I’m afraid…may I ask why you want them in the same class?” “They have been together for a long time,” Barrick lied, “They perform better when they are in the same room.” “Like twins?” Ms. Forman asked. “Indeed.” Barrick said. I was startled that the lie came so easily to him. I felt a nagging doubt at the back of my mind, but I didn’t know where it came from or why. “Well, I’m sure this can be accomplished.” She said with a warm smile in our direction, “I’m sorry we haven’t met; I just got here a few weeks ago and don’t know many students yet. It’s Flynn Barrick and Braydie Sinatra, then?” “MacLeod.” Braydie said, “Archie’s my maternal uncle.” “I see,” She responded, “It’s very nice to meet you all. I’m sorry you found me in such a state…perhaps we’ll meet on better terms next time.” “I certainly hope so.” Barrick agreed, reaching out for the doorknob. It was time for our exit. As we walked out of the office, though, I noticed that through Barrick’s calm Aura, there was a wisp of dark orange, almost brown. © 2011 Shayna Nemrow |
1 Review Added on November 16, 2011 Last Updated on November 16, 2011 Author![]() Shayna NemrowGoodwell, OKAboutFine Art major at Oklahoma Panhandle State University; Home-grown New Mexican with a whacked out, twisted sense of humor. But enough about me... more..Writing