![]() Collision CourseA Chapter by Ricky![]() Lycia manages to make it to the alien system but realizes that she's not alone. Meanwhile Richard tires to gain control over his demons![]()
In Between Systems. Escaped pod, Day 8
Lycia sits
at her family’s dining table at home, her father and mother sit at opposite
sides of talking about their day. Her brother, Dremux, and sister, Emerzan are there
as well sitting across from each other as well. Emerzan is teasing Dremux about
how the girls at the academy all think he is very handsome and that it’d be
nice if he drops by. As usually he replies firmly denying such request and
reminds her she is there to learn not gossip with the other girls.
been so emotionless ever since he joined the navy, they have taken her joyful baby
brother away and morphed him into an organic machine. He always did say he
wanted to become more than what he already was, probably didn’t expect months
of intensive training that would test all his weaknesses. They hardened his
mind, body, and very core to become as unbreakable as it possibly can. She remembers how playful he use to be as a
child, if it wasn’t for his face she’d probably not recognize him.
scoffs at his casual response and continues onward just to annoy him. Lycia
smirks, it was amazing that he’d let her constantly bother him. Then again that
has been the case throughout their lives, Lycia recalls that if Emerzan wasn’t
teasing her, she’d be picking on their little brother. Though she’s been doing
it more so to Dremux than herself lately, maybe it is because he isn’t around
as much anymore. Lycia rolls her eyes as Emerzan continues blabbing on about
what was happening at school. Emerzan has always so talkative, always having
some sort of accomplishment to say about herself. Lycia stops eating and notices
her father had halted his conversation with her mother and began praising Emerzan
for whatever she had done. Emerzan, along with being talkative and annoying, is
also always so very kind and helpful to everyone she met, which was one of the
reasons everyone loved her so much. She even would go out of her way to help
others species, which is also why she’d end up in trouble so often. And her
mother as per the norm would scold her sending her to some school far from Alyu
to punish her. Yet it usually had the opposite effect and Emerzan would
continue to be the helpful hand to anyone or anything in need.
sighs thinking about what she how little she has accomplished through her life
and can’t recall anything too memorable. Her height alone makes things harder
by itself, but what is expected of her seems an unrealistic task. Her father though,
had decided she’s ready to carry his torch, with no warning none the less. She’s
not sure that she is ready for that responsibility. She just sits and stares at
her food until her mother begins calling her and instinctively she raises her
head ready to answer, “Yes moth…er?”
No one is
at the table anymore, and now the table has been absolutely wrecked, scratch
marks line it with broke glass ad sliver ware thrown all over the floor. She
then feel steamy breathes on the back of her neck accompanied with a terrifying
growl. Before she can even get up Lycia is yanked through the back of her seat
by a scaly clawed pair of hands. “You
thought you could escape from us Alyuan, but you can never escape. Never!” Daemon’s
voice growls from a black void and when she looks at her assailant she is greeted
by the Renuein she killed. With its mangled neck hovering above her blood pours
all over her face and it gives a horrific grin. Lycia pulls at the grasp choking
her and begins gasping for air calling out for her family to come and save her.
But nobody came; as it starts to blacken the only sound she can hear is Daemon’s laughter which is becoming
more distorted. She could feel herself falling, venturing deeper into the dark
abyss with the laughter all around her. With one last gasp, Lycia peers it into
the dark void just in time to see Daemon’s jaws snapping at her.
snaps awake up falling out of her seat her head slamming hard against the
floor. She groans rubbing where her head and looks around her. The emptiness of
the life pod is getting to her, she’s been isolated in this pod for what
must’ve been days at this point. It isn’t that she was lonely she is use to not
having anyone to talk to, it was the small area she is confined in. She’d spend
most of her time pacing around the pod checking on how close she was to reaching
her random destination. Last time she’d slept she had a dream that the pod was
closing in around her crushing her. Sighing once more and picking herself up to
check on her status once more. This time however, she notices the pods lights are
beginning to flicker. Realizing that power was slowly beginning to drain from
the pod she decides to stop the checkups, no point in knowing where you’re
going if you get stuck once there.
Now she
paces again along eating the horrible emergency ration she found in one of the
pods compartments. The all day long repetitive routine is driving her crazy.
The last interaction she had was with another medical drone that seemingly
appeared out of nowhere tending her wounds in her sleep. Unfortunately for the
drone the biogel it administered stung resulting in her breaking another drone.
Since then the pod as been completely silent aside from her trying to find ways
to distract herself. The pod doesn’t even have any books or videos to take her
mind off her current situation. At this rate, she feels like she’ll go insane
before anyone can find her. She shouts in frustration releasing her piling
stress. A few more hours past while she just sits in silence doing nothing but
listening to the sound of the Slip-Space Drive pounding.
The pod slows
suddenly jerking fiercely, reacquainting Lycia with the floor. The navigation system tries to speak but all
that comes out of the speakers is garbled static. “What happened?” Lycia
questions picking herself back up. Again though, the response is
incomprehensible, but a hologram pops up showing the star system she’d just
entered. The planets are completely unfamiliar to her, with different sizes and
colors revolving around a star much smaller than her planet’s. The types of
planets are surprisingly organized with solid planets closer to the sun while
the gas planets, aside from a displaced moon, are farther away neatly divided
by an asteroid belt.
stares at the projection, the scan shows that it is the third planet from the
star that is habitable. It isn’t the worst planet she’s seen, it’s smaller than
her planet and only has one moon but it should be suitable enough to land on. “Enhance image around the third planet.” Lycia orders which is
followed with a broken reply.
With a
better look of the planet she sees what she is dealing with, the planet is
mostly covered in water. And there are divided continents each showing their degrees
of lushness and aridness, which seem fairly balanced. Oddly though, this planet’s
atmosphere has an increasing carbon-dioxide level. The scanners then pick up
some anomalies near the planet that blink a dark blue. They instantly catch Lycia’s
attention, soon she zooms in on alien stations that are orbiting the planet.
This planet is inhabited.
judging on how primitive the stations appear as well as how there is no traffic
going to or from the the planet it seems that they’re incapable of long
distance space travel. “Great, now I get to deal with savages. That’s just what
I needed.” Lycia whines. Sitting back down into her seat she plunges her face
into her hands just wanting her hardships to end. Just wanting to go home and
get her life back on track, it may be a tad dull but its better than all the
trauma she’s been through.
So, having
to land on that planet with the primitive aliens that live there only adds on
to her stress levels. Recalling all the stories Dremux told about encountering
isolated beings makes her hearts sink even more. He described to her that
they’re always cautious and ready to attack at any movement you make. Communicating
with them is a near impossible task, because they would never let you get close
enough to them to place a translation device on them. He said that if you even
managed to grab one it would scream and squirm causing a panic where the mass
of them would flee or try and stop you. And that usually results in a bloodbath
worsening relations.
That got
Lycia thinking, when she lands how is she going to communicate with them? Does
this pod even have the necessary equipment to handle a first contact scenario? Standing
up Lycia starts looking around the pod trying to find anything that might be of
use. Fortunately there aren’t many places that one can store any equipment, unfortunately
the places that there are are either filled with food rations and water or out
of her reach. Extending her arm toward an overhead storage, she hops to grab
the handle. Her fingers skim it taunting her as well as fueling her frustration. With a few more attempts, along with a running jump, Lycia manages to
open the cupboard only now to be left with how to grab the long container
within it.
Looking around she tries to figure out what she can stand on to grab the container. But seeing how her ship was one of the best guarded in the Alyuan fleet not much was packed into the escape pods. Coming up with an idea she goes back to the console that the navigation system. “Commence manual override.” She commands getting another muffled static reply that is followed by a long silent pause. “Commence manual override!” Lycia orders once more sounding annoyed. After this second order two nobs jut out of the console at her chest level. Taking a moment to herself she is reminded that the nobs are meant for a pilot who is sitting. With that thought in mind, she refuses to sit in the chair, it would only emphasize how small she is. She grabs the nobs and tilting them slightly with pod mimicking her motion. Looking back she had hoped that it would be enough for the container to slide out. She sees it shuffle but it gets caught on the edge. Giving it a scowl, she tilts the pod further, but nothing happens. With her agitation beyond her limit of reason, Lycia thoughtlessly jerks the nobs to get it over the ledge, but instead throws the pod into roll tossing herself around. Thrown into the air Lycia slams against the ceiling, the pods lights now begin to flare a dark blue and the stress put on the hull can be heard with a quick few pops and cracks. After a few more rolls the pod realigns itself resetting it trajectory so that it can reach the third planet as intended. This sudden change in movement body slams Lycia back to the floor leaving her dazed, but before she could do anything the container she’d been after comes rushing down towards the consoles sandwiching her head knocking her unconscious.
Earth. Alki Beach, Seattle, Washington. 8:15 P.M. Richard chuckles at what a pathetic sight he must be right now, this large man sitting alone in the fading sun, splinters sticking out of him like a porcupine, huddling his knees to his chest, sitting alone on a deserted portion of the beach. He pities and hates himself for it. “She’s right. I’m almost an adult now, I need to get my act together. Even if I have to be herded like the rest of society. At least I’ll know that I’ll have a role with some meaning to it.” He speaks openly to himself. As he finishes though his thoughts fill with dreams he once had, things he wanted to do, ways he wanted to set himself apart from the rest of the world. These feelings inside him conflicted with each other making him a boiling pot of emotions ready to burst once again. Grabbing his head he feels his emotion battering his skull, meanwhile he just wants it all to stop, he wants things to go back to being simple without things and people complicating everything. “Richard, are you ok?” Sara’s voice tears through the whirlwind thoughts like a heated blade. He flinches thinking that he was alone. “Yeah, yeah I’m fine. How, uh, how long you’ve been standing
there?” Richard does his best compose himself. “Not that long I saw you hit your head pretty hard. Are you
sure you’re alright?” Sara asks looking very concerned. “What that, that was because I felt a mosquito land on my
head and you know that I hate bugs. I don’t think it got me though I’m pretty
HARD HEADED.” Doing his best to erase all the troubling thoughts from his mind.
Sara doesn’t
laugh, but she does smile and shake her head tossing a first aid kit next to
him. He thanks her and pauses awkwardly while yanking it over. The painful
process of plucking the splinters fro his legs is a slow one. Surprisingly the
smaller one hurt more than the larger ones, but they bleed less too. The sight
of blood causes her to turn around, though he lets out pained groans when
plucking particularly painful pieces of wood. As he finishes he places
antiseptic and bandages in his leg and brushes the sand and smaller splinters off
his pants. He walks up to Sara and tells
her that they should head back. “You going to be alright to walk?” She asks looking at his
staggered stance. “Eh I’ve had worse. Just need some time and rest to let it
heal.” “Um… if you say so. Probably shouldn’t forget all the drift
wood you collected.” Sara reminds him “Right things are probably already, ya know, because you
already had to walk back there alone without me.” Richard collects the wood. “Yeah… when they asked me where you were I told them that
you tore your pants.” Sara slowly answered. “Wait. WHAT?!” Richard feels his heart pop out of his chest.
“Calm down. I didn’t tell them about anything that happened
over here, when they asked where you were I said that you had tripped and you
got some splinters in your leg. And that you didn’t think you could walk back so
you asked me to a first aid kit. I know you probably want to keep what actually
happened here between just us.” She explains. “Yeah if you don’t mind. I really don’t want to play into
the stereotype of the big aggressive guy.” He thanks her and they continue
The walk back to the group is a long, quiet, and awkward one, with neither of them wanting to make eye contact. Richard just stares at the still gleaming water. The sun is hidden behind Bainbridge Island, but the light still shines bright highlighting its outline. The sky near the island is a soft pink that fades into a darker blues-purple the farther you go away from it. The heavy sounds of helicopter rotors swallow the splashes of the water causing Richard to search for the aircraft. He barely gets the chance to glimpse the helicopters as they are speeding across the sky. He recognizes them as a pair of apache attack helicopters. “That’s weird.” He thinks to himself. He never remembered helicopters being part of Sea Fair, but those helicopters are pretty maneuverable and they might be new. “Richard going on?” Sara asks distracting him from the
oddity of the military aircraft. “Hmm, oh nothing. Just lost in my thoughts.” He answers. “No, I mean up ahead, look.” Sara continues pointing at a crowd
of people gathering on the shore. Richard takes notice but only for a brief
moment, because of a blinding glare coming off the water. Turning to look the
see is a bright light in the sky. The light is blinding white, so much that it
hurt his eyes trying to focus on it. Taking
a moment rubbing his eyes he looks at
the light again, but now it’s larger and closer to the water. The light washes over the landscape at an insanely
fast pace. The object’s glare over the city’s
skyscraper causes the whole sky to light up blinding him for a good moment. He
jumps in his skin though, when he hears bloodcurdling screams coming from down
the beach. Squinting his eyes he sees the crowd of people running away from the
beach, ducking behind cars and panicking into nearby buildings. He attempts one
last look at the object noticing it hurling straight for them. “Sara run! Run!”
Richard makes his message as loud and clear as he possibly could the
object now roaring down. He drops the wood yanking her away practically
dragging her. Sara does her best telling
him to slow down and that she can’t keep up with him. He can’t hear her though,
between the sons of whatever is crashing and screams from the people he can’t
hear much and keeps his pace. She falls down catching him off guard, Richard
stops to pick her up taking another’s look to see when the object is. That was
a mistake. Richard gets Sara up and tosses her
up the cement staircase trying to follow behind her. Before he can though, the object
crashes into beach as the sand giving way carving its way up the shore. Diving
out of its path he tries to scurry away, all the while debris showers over him,
pelting him with hot sand and debris. The sound of the crash has his ears ringing
while the debris burns though his clothes onto his back. Just when he thinks
he’s far enough he curls up covering his head.
From the object, a heavy piece of debris comes flying out hitting him
square in the jaw. Richard slumps to the ground fighting to stay conscious, but
he fails. © 2019 RickyAuthor's Note
Featured Review
StatsAuthor![]() RickySeattle, WAAboutI am a young ambitious man who has always been fascinated in telling stories. And unlike the rest of my family who can draw very artistically i cannot so writing is as best as i can in displaying what.. more..Writing