"BLINKED"                    Author : Ralph Marston

"BLINKED" Author : Ralph Marston

A Story by Ralph Marston

this story is about a business man who for no reason one day losses his family business and mind. so he trys to find out who he really is and his real name. their are eight pages to this one story.




The Beginning:


By all accounts your a normal happy married man, with a wife and three children.

your self employed (owning your own insurance company) and your wife owns her own fashion line, called..."Life Styles".  that are featured in some of the most up scaled stores in Paris and New York, also else where in the world of fashion. 

Then on one perfect day....while your on vacation, with your family. you "Blinked". the last thing you rembered that you had been driving along a country road with your family members.


The next thing you can recalled is being at an opera (?). your not dressed for the occasion, then you realized.."Where is your family" (?) and how did you get from where you was, moments before...to this theater. then your questioning "why here". your clothing are those of a street person, not at all , what is you normal attire, of clothing that was worn by you, and even the clothing you had on ? where are they now.

as your ejected from the seating area, you become even more confused, and for some strange reason your having a hard time trying to remember your "own name". never mind who is your wife or your childrens names and their dates of birth. your taken to the third floor for your own protecting, its the managers office. the manager request a staff member to summon law enforcement officals along with a medical staff, to assist with this stranger found sitting in the theater.

soon you find yourself being question by the police officers and medical unit dispatched to the scene. once your on your way to a local hospital. on arrival there, the medical personal start questioning you also. but your now in "shock", all of these things you've once had are all gone and the worst is about to begin.


The emergency room doctors and other personal, keep questioning you and finally your taken to a secured unit. once there your seen by Doctor Ryan Taylor, M.D. (a physiologist). soon after your meeting and having answered his questions to the best of you ability. he (Dr.Ryan Taylor)  stands and tells you that your suffering from four different types of "phobias". the first one is "Paranoia", the second is "Panic attacks" and  third one is "Delirium" and the last one is believed tobe "amnesia".

you are now all alone for the frist time in your life, "you are truly all alone". you are now taken over completely.... body, mind and soul, by these drugs being aministered into your I.V. (internal injections).

now you become one of the millions of those walking dead...., those whom live on our street and are our neighbors in this great country of ours. these persons are cleaning our windshields or hold an empty coffe cup asking for some spare change, and they also walk among us . they shop and eat at the same places as we all do. but that doesn't help you or anyone else now. he (John Doe) now begins to hear awomans voice ?, strange she sound like he knows that person but can't remember from where, she (the voice) saying...relax my love....I'm here with you always.







page two:

                 Medication time:



As your days turn into weeks and then months.

your still in a fog. you begin to question yourself, why hasn't anyone started looking for you ?, your name tag ays a name one it "John Doe" (?) (but you really don't know why they have given you that name), and deep down inside your mind.... you can almost remember your name. then again its "medication time" and your once again off into another world of your own again. free from pain and bad memories, your walking around, some times in circles. while other times... its to nowhere. your days pass so fast, its even harder to keep track of them now. again between medication times.

you again question yourself of how you cold have had such a great life, yet their no one searching for you. no one going down to file a missing persons report? , isn't there anyone looking for me ?. is this whom I'm really am a common street person or someone who has hit on hard times and am I just looking for a free meal and an easy way out ?. then you start thinking of you children and your wife, and you once again begin to cry, being there for the holidays and birthday partys their first day of school and all of there sporting events ?. how..., how could I just make up these events... out of thin air.

your wife, dinner partys,... you engagement party and most of your very own wedding. someone who is crazy can't come up with all these memories can they ?.

then once again... you hear the door key turns the lock and a buzzer beeps.... someone yells out... line up for your medication...., and your mind once again goes blank.


this morning was going to be special.... for mister John Doe, because the staff had reported such a good reprort, on the patient John Doe. that his doctor was willing to let him tour the grounds and walk with an assistant (for the first time since arriving at this intuition).

it was reported to his doctor... that while visiting the grounds, he (John Doe) showed no signs of attempting to leave the park bench area. the patient just stared off into space and also watched the duck in the pond area. the doctor was hopeful that within the coming months, he would have a break thru in this case with John Doe. fnding out who he truly was and why all memories were lost. any way Doctor Ryan Taylor felt soon he would know the true identification, whether relativism and relinquish his real name, they both have been searching for since that first day years ago.

over time.... John Doe isn't looked after or watched as he once was. he just walks around till he comes to the park bench and looks off into space and if the ducks are out and about in the water he stares at them for a while until the medical personal say's its time to return indoors again.

on one fall day... the medical staff becomes busy with some other patients, he bends down as if he is adjusting his sneakers, he turns his head and seeing no one around looking towards him, he starts walking down a path... then along the gated area and walks towards the rear of the pond area... on the way he spots a part of the gated fence broken and slips thru it, without being seen by any medical personal.







page three:


                     Man on the run:



as he (John Doe) travels further thru the wooded area, it opens ... to a row of single family homes. he notices some of the have gardens in their back yards, while others have laundry drying on there clothes line, drying in the breeze. John Doe now see's one clothes line with mens clothing drying in the sun. so he now walks towards that area and begins to remove what he needs from the clothes line and heads back into the wooded area to change out of his pajamas. as he trying to keep a low profile, he keeps walking thru the wood area (so as not to be seen by anyone who lives in those homes. hunger now controls his thoughts, as he again walks out of the wooded area to again see another garden in the rear of another home..and strolls towards it (picking up some tomates and other vegetables that are growing) then placing the vegetables into his pants pockets. soon he arrives to an open area (its a main street), he's now looking for some street signs, something to direct his whereabouts ?. he sees one sign (that reads) "slow... railroad crossing ahead". so now he walks towards the train tracks and once there... (John Doe) becomes confused again... should he begin heading to his right or left ?, he looks towards the sun and desperately...he chooses to the right (as the sun now is about to set for another day). he now hopes to get as far away as possible, before someone either catches him or sees him and he is detected. so now as he walks down the train tracks path (he's trying to walk along side the underbrush) incase a worker or train approaches. that would give him enough time to flee into the woods again. now off in the distance.... he hears a whistle blowing, as the noise becomes louder... he can almost make out the lights heading from behind him now... then he notices a speed limit sign (posted for these train tracks). he thinks it's slow enough for him to be able to board the train and slip on without being noticed.

as the train approaches, now slowly passes by his location... John Doe dashes out of the woods and starts running towards the moving train. he now able to grab hold of the outside railings, as he jumps forward... he able to place both feet onto the runners and begins to climb on board (it turns out to be a cargo transporter, they are used for the movement of liquid cargo) the ladder and now finally he truly feels he will be able to find his family once again. again he hears a females voice speaking to him softly "be carefull my love and rest"

after what seemed like hours had passed on by... his arms are getting tired and now he feels even colder (from the night air blowing down on him) with each passing minute. theirs only but one thing left to do and that was to get off the train and rest some where for the night.

he climbs down the railings once again and as the train begins to make another turn, he jumps off, now picking himself up he knows that the first thing is to find some shelter and salso some thing to eat (where his last meal was yesterday around noon). he dusted himself off and starts walking towards where the lights have all but faded now. after awhile longer... he notices a small fire burning so he starts walking toward that direction....hoping to find some shelter.




© 2012 Ralph Marston

Author's Note

Ralph Marston
this is part one and three of an eight part story.

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this was the first time I had wrote a story and I haven't owned a computer / lap tap before so I didn't know how many pages I could fit into one space at a time.
this why this story has been wrote with the beginning and continues with chapter two and then the final story. Ralph.

Posted 12 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on September 16, 2012
Last Updated on September 28, 2012
Tags: First Story


Ralph Marston
Ralph Marston

Abington, MA

For years I felt lost in my own world, their has to be more to life then someone just working to get ahead in life. for some strange reason this "friend" has suggested that I start writing and I did. .. more..

                         "BLINKED"     The Final Story      Author : Ralph Marston ..

A Story by Ralph Marston