I really like the concept of the "mirage" and how you used it here. Your poem says so much in few precious words. The photos enhance your words and leave one wondering the answer to your questions. Your poem is beautifully written.
I'm listing the words of yours that stand out and go so well together here: "mirage, distant star, light years away, illusion, exist, figment of my imagination." Your writing is simply brilliant!
Reading down these reviews I find myself wondering who could be so cruel and somewhat inane (banal) as to use the word 'banal' in the same sentence with 'narrative' when the piece they are reviewing is indeed not a narrative piece but a poetic chain? People are entitled to their opinion, but kindness is free! If you are bored go somewhere else...this lady has serious writing to do.
I found this enchanting. An illusion is not real, but a star is and that is what you are Raj. You have said much in few words and that takes talent, which you have in abundance...kudos and bravo!!
Helen xx
How often are we faced with such challenging mirages/illusions/visions.....call it what you want.......that bring out such basic questions that ask upon our identity and those of others around us....or of those who have left some mark in our lives......
How often are we posed with such fragmenst of existences that exist for us....but might not for others....
Beautifully penned.......Ireally love the way you bring out these deep questions with an ease that seems so difficult.....
Keep writing such wonderful pieces....and yes, keep up those amazing pics as well...I'm surprised how you come up with such apt pics for your poetry....truly amazing!!!1
Short but very much vivid and complexed in it's own way.
I agree with Nuala that the concept of Mirage is really very much appealing.
Both of the pics here are complimenting your write and thus making its sense much better!
Great work :)
I love when I found inspiration in music as it seems to capture a simple but power energy that flows through the very core of my being. I really enjoyed this and found it so enchanting to allow my thoughts to be consumed with your words and images they paint.
Flickering and blazing,not yet blown out in the wind...
the flame has to sustain itself when the rains set in...
Beyond norms and overrated sanity
" We look before and after
And pine for what i.. more..