White and Red

White and Red

A Poem by Nicholas Antonio Young

Freedom isn't free
Nobody tells you
Nobody tells you freedom is more bitter than sweet
I was dragged into the cold
And now I'm alone
Singing notes formed into chains inside my soul
A sour symphony relenting, embedding in my bones
Metal digging holes into the hole that used to be my heart
Now turned to stone
It's white as snow
Just like the bitter winter sky was
The day that we were no longer us
Chiseled away by hands not my own
But yours
The master artist, my puppeteer
Oh what a canvas you've painted with my blood and tears
So sorry my sweet, does the red not wash away?
As if it would, even if I stayed
The color of betrayal doesn't fade
Quite different is the color of betrayed
This color will fade into the grave

© 2016 Nicholas Antonio Young

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Added on January 16, 2016
Last Updated on January 16, 2016


Nicholas Antonio Young
Nicholas Antonio Young

Nashville, TN

My name is Nick. I'm just another person in this world filled with thoughts and ideas with the desire to express. I love to read pretty much any form of literature, but my interests in actual writing .. more..
