Lux and Ezreal love story Chapter 12 the adventure begins

Lux and Ezreal love story Chapter 12 the adventure begins

A Story by haimer

well next part of the story when they finally leave and depart for a new area filled with surprises and all sorts of goodies.

Chapter 12 the journeys begin

A long time passed with no one speaking Ezreal took this time to analyse Lux's face, within her he saw just a glimmer or spark of hope dwindling inside her eyes. On second look he saw tiredness and exhaustion, this made Ezreal question whether it had ever been there, in the end he came to the conclusion they all needed "do you want to get some sleep, we cant do anything now anyway?" Lux looked down pondering the request she soon responded "i think your right, lets get some sleep" a rather irritated voice came from below near there feet spoke "i hate waiting, you know being a book i have had to wait 300 years and now a night too" the book sighed "this is bloody ridiculous" they looked down at the book, staring deep thinking of what to say "look thiloia we arent books we need sleep, so just wait till the morning" Lux then leant down and put the book under her shoulder. Together they retired to the bedroom once more they got into the bed, Lux had placed thiloia on the dresser before hand. There was a farm glow from the outside as the sun set they fell into darkness.

They woke to a roaring sun beaming with pride through the open balcony, it shined directly into there eyes. Ezreal was forced to open his eyes, Lux on the other hand slept soundly, after all wearing a black out mask no light could penetrate that. He shielded his eyes using his palm, it partially worked once the his eyes adjusted he heard a strange rhythmic and ancient tune, it sounded divine the sounds flowed into each other, oddly enough it played and told a story about a an ancient war from the beginning of time, portraying all the parts with precise detail, both sides good and evil locked together in a mash for survival, alas both sides were evenly matched, but it had a deeper meaning not one side was right both sides just fought for what they deemed justified, evently the tune ended with both sides retreating to heaven and hell.

After a few seconds Ezreal turned around and saw the book once more, it looked and panicked then spoke rashly "you did not hear anything!" it looked sheepishly but still wiser than anyone he had seen before or anything at all he had seen. Ezreal stared and watched the book to see what it was going to say but it did not speak so he drifted off thinking about such a tale. Eventually he asked "is it true or fictional?" the book seemed not to hear him then chucked "that story is as true as the very stone this building is made from, it happened over 100000 years ago, but its still fought today never ending, never yielding look around what sides do we have today?" Ezreal decided the book wanted a logical and reasonable answer in the end he settled on "Noxia and Demacia?" a new twisted and prideful facial expression appeared upon the book "finally one who understands me, yes my boy it is just those two this battle had and is being fought since the very creation of time, both sides believe they are justified, cods wallop, none are right in this there is only one questio, that a man must understand." Ezreal pondered "would that question be what side he stands?" The book again looked amazed "yes it is, so i ask you which one do you stand with and why?" the book awaited his answer; it came all too soon "Well i decided that i for obvious reasons of Lux, Garen and all the people i have met here i will join Demacia, and because the Demacia took from me what i loved most" he let out a sigh "my family" the book saddened slightly but regained its new happiness " that is a good reason, im glad you found me down there, i hate that musty old library, that is a place for not living beings".

Lux awoke she streched her arms behind her and yawned loudly "good morning Ez and thiloia" she blinked and looked around, she gave Ezreal a short hug before wandering off to get dressed once she was gone thiloia spoke "you may want to get your things ready" Ezreal responded in a rather bright mood "ok ill be right there" 

20 minutes later outside in the courtyard of Demacia all three stood there a back pack on Lux and Ezreal's back Ezreal was the first to speak "Lux do you want to know where we are going?" Lux smiled, she seemed happier in the suns rays "yes tell me where are we going, i forgot to ask before" Ezreal face deepened "well your not gonna like this, but the horn is found in the grove of the spirits, but the issue is some of the most dangerous and intelligent spirits live in there, some may be demented and evil after being locked away, but some may still have sanity maybe even making them more dangerous, in the heart of the grove, that is where the horn lies" Lux's face seemed to harden again "im sure we will be okay" Lux held Ezreals hand for reassurance "im sure we will be too".

With that they departed leaving behind Demacia and heading for the Grove of the spirits.

this chapter is d

© 2013 haimer

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great stories chins lololololololololol

Posted 11 Years Ago

can i get some reviews so i can see what i need to improve/change

Posted 11 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on July 15, 2013
Last Updated on July 15, 2013
Tags: adventure, action, romance



United Kingdom

im still here writing something new called three realms a story of adventure and many different things, a place where everything is or nothing may not be what it seems, where madness is reality and.. more..

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