Lux and Ezreal love story Chapter 9

Lux and Ezreal love story Chapter 9

A Story by haimer

Ezreal walked inoto the room Lux was still staring at her brother, completely oblivious to her surroundings. Before approaching Lux, Ezreal put the necklace in his pocket for he did not think it would be a good time to give her the gift so he decided to approach her, not wanting to disturb her he walked over slowly. Once there he shook her shoulder gently, she turned and faced him "Lux are you still up its late, how long have you been here for?" she stared blankly her voice went flat "i don't know how long i have been here!"she then returned staring into space, Ezreal spoke once more his voice full of care and concern "Lux you need some sleep" she ignored him. 

Her voice returned to normal, "fine i think you may be right" she mulled it over in her mind after a few minutes she grabbed Ezreal hand and pulled him down a long corridor "Ez come this way" they slowed down to a stroll after some time they approached a wooden door, it opened with a creak. Inside the walls were made from stone and had a marble floor on the left was a small cosy looking wooden bed, further to the left was a dresser with a open closet several different clothes sets were on show most of them were Lux's usual blue plate Armour the only diffrent one was a set of blue nylon pajamas, there was a lone mirror on top of the dresser, mean while on the left side was an open balcony with a view over the whole of demacia, the view was unreal such beauty and grace. Ezreals jaw dropped and he walked outside and stared into the vast city, he could have sat there for hours staring out and watching the inner most workings on the city he could see blacksmiths and all sorts of trades a bakers, schools and just shops since it was sunset most places were packing down there stalls.he turned and walked back inside Lux's face relaxed and she was wearing the blue nylon pajamas. Lux then spoke her voice had returned to its usual smart cheery tone "well are you going to get ready for bed?" after seeing how she had returned, it reminded Ezreal of how things would calm down and at last balance out once Garen got better, still Ezreal was taken aback by this comment he had though they only shared beds due to the lack on tents, he was happy it was not. "Errrr yeah only one problem, i have always lived alone so i never bought any pajamas" he looked at the floor awkwardly and his face turned red Lux then laughed and smiled, it was not a mean laugh more of a humored laugh "its ok just wear your underwear" she then turned climbed into the bed and chuckled to herself. Ezreal slipped out of his cloths and soon he joined Lux in the bed, they hugged "good night Ezreal" he replied "good night"

It did not take long for him to fall into the veil of his waking dreams, once again he returned into his house except this time it was burning he was in bed. He just woke up, he could smell the bruning wood he heard screams all around, all around the noise was full of agony following his instints he ran and he ran and he ran yet no matter how far he ran he still heard the screams filling his mind with pain the sound haunting him. Ezreal awoke in his dream back in his house it was still burning yet this time he opened the foor to his living room. He stared in horror as he watched, his mum and dad were fighting noxians, Ezreals father looked like him a spitting image just he had a few more wrinkles. Each one of them had 50 noxians on each side, yet his parents were calm and collected they knew there impending fate, Ezreal was forced to watch mercilessly as his parents fought to the death, he tried to scream yet no sound came out he tried to help only to be stopped by a cold icy barrier. His dad wielded a long sword and his mum used dual daggers. They danced to the blood shed and melody, they ducked and dodged and weaved like the wind calm yet deadly, every time there attackers missed they slew 3 of them and even if the blade nearly touched them they countered attacked the end result was the same his parents were amazing, soon the room filled with body's they bled creating a red carpet of death over the floor. Just when his parents were about to win the roof well down and crushed them both just as he had heard the scream his mother screamed one last time then silence, he watched the burning room. All of a sudden he awoke and jumped up sweating and panting, "it was a just a dream" he thought he calmed then turned and saw Lux was gone she was standing dreaming out she stood and watched the city from the balcony, her hair waving behind her all was calm once more. Ezreal drifted back into sleep yet this time he was not troubled by his past. He awoke got dressed and wondered back into the hospital and then he saw it... 

© 2013 haimer

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Added on July 13, 2013
Last Updated on July 13, 2013
Tags: adventure, romance, action



United Kingdom

im still here writing something new called three realms a story of adventure and many different things, a place where everything is or nothing may not be what it seems, where madness is reality and.. more..

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