![]() Lux and Ezreal love story Chapter 8A Story by haimer
Chapter 8 Demacia
Hours passed yet still he and Lux sat there at Garens side waiting for a sign anything, yet still nothing it seemed hopeless Garens condition had only gotten worse. He had entered a deep coma, even the greatest healers in the whole of Demacia said that the only cure would be time and rest. The hours dwindled into days, servents would enter and leave, only putting down a tray of food consisting of fruit and vegetables on the bed for whoever felt hungry, Lux had not eaten she seemed in a deep state of depression, her face was glum it looked full of worry and fear. Garen seemed so peaceful like this, he had short shallow breaths, all was quiet it was like a veil of sorrow had fallen upon them. Ezreal was the one to break the silence his voice full of care"Lux this is not healthy you need a break or something to break this tragedy!" a few minutes later a voice responded it sounded quiet and full of pain it was a whisper "no i cannot leave his side, i wont leave his side, if anything happened and i was not here , i could not forgive myself" Lux returned to silence clearly not wanting to speak. Ezreal decided to visit the man and woman from earlier, Ezreal strolled down the corridor in a light pace soon after he emerged into the same map room the man and woman were there like before. They stood in silence Ezreal walked over and leaned against the map "what are your names i never asked before?" the man spoke with the same natural authority "i am king Jarvan the 4th welcome to Demacia it is unfortunate that you came here at such horrible events" then spoke the woman her voice full of power and fire "and i am Shyvana the half dragon" Ezreal spoke again his voice trailing slightly "err what are Garens chances of you know..." Jarven looked around he then spoke "under these circumstance, im afraid to say not much but we can always be hopeful, you know that man is one of the Greatest in all of Demacia, it would be a shame if he stayed like that" he looked around once more clearly showing respect for his injured friend. "There are sales in the towns market why don't you go check it out, if something goes wrong we are still here!" Ezreal replied "i think that would be a good idea" Ezreal turned and started to walk, Shyvana put her hand in her pocket and pulled a small leather pouch "wait you forgot this!" she threw the pouch it glided in the area and landed in Ezreal hand "what is it?" she smiled "its money to buy what ever takes you fancy" Ezreal walked down he corridor, the corridor had a small red carpet down the middle and manikins on the sides, they were some pictures of battles on the walls. As Ezreal walked down the corridor he heard sounds of cooking, teaching and many other activites, as soon as ge saw the exit he walked with new vigor once got outside he was blinded for one second, he had spent too much time indoors he put his hand over his eyes while they adjusted. He saw a large wall directly in fornt of him it curved around the castle in the middle of the wall was a portcullis (iron bar doorway), to his left soldiers trained and sparred locked in a deadly dance of sword battle, meanwhile on the right more soldiers but they were training with bows, all the swords men wore shiny plate armour and the archers wore leather armour also the archers used metal bows with runes inscribed upon them, there arrows were made from pure steel with more magic runes they translated as "Armour piercer". There was a man ordering them about he was 5.7 tall, short brown hair, hazel colored eyes, small ears and a medium sized nose, when he turned Ezreal noticed he had a small circular bold spot on the back of his head. the man turned and noticed Ezreal he strode towards him, he spoke in a rough voice "Hey who are you and what are you doing on these grounds" Ezreal nearly spluttered with shock "err i entered with Lux in a passage way in the castle" the man stopped laughed heartily "i am only joking with you, i know who you are Ezreal jarvan informed me" "welcome to the training grounds, here we train young recruits into the elite force by either the way of the sword or path of the bow" he then listed several names with that he then turned and walked away. Ezreal walked over to the portcullis and what he saw through the gate was a busy street with stalls on both sides with shopes behind those but strangely enough the roads were wide enough not to be crowded, the shops and stalls sold everything you could think off books, clothes, food everything at all but Ezreal went there with a special idea on his mind past the street he saw a water fountain and further than that a large oak tree sitting on a hill side, its branches stretched everywhere. 20 minutes later each of those minutes felt like an eternity to Ezreal he was dragging his feet lazily across the floor, he was walking down a small path way with a few shops he finally saw the shop he was looking for outside of it was a small man with Armour made from diamonds it covered him head to toe, the strange man shuffled before entering his shop. The shops name was "gems are truly outrageous" Before ezreal walked in he looked through the window he could see necklaces and about every kind of jewelry imaginable, Ezreal was about to enter when he heard a strange camp voice from inside "and who may you be?" "err im Ezreal i came here looking for a gift for my friend" Ezreal walked inside and started to browse the stores wares Taric then spoke again "my my my your a cute one, maybe i can find something for you" taric gestured Ezreal to follow so he did they wondered into the back of the shop "so tell me are you dating or just friends?" an awkward silence followed untill Ezreal spoke again "were just friends" Ezreal noticed a lone necklace it was made from gold and silver intertwined, hanging in the middle of the neck area was a ball of crystal gems made from emerald but with some ruby veins running deep into the stone, it looked perfect. Ezreal imagined Lux wearing the necklace Ezreal picked it up then whispered "perfect" he then spoke louder "this will do, how much will it cost" taric shuffled over from where he was standing "for you its free"he then laughed before picking up a bag and placing the necklace gently inside. Ezreal returned to the medical room and found Lux sitting there doing nothing like she had done for days, she was watching Garen for the slightest difference in his condition nothing happened... © 2013 haimerAuthor's Note
StatsAuthor![]() haimerUnited KingdomAboutim still here writing something new called three realms a story of adventure and many different things, a place where everything is or nothing may not be what it seems, where madness is reality and.. more..Writing