![]() Lux and Ezreal love story Chapter 6A Story by haimer
Ezreal gently ended the hug he then sat down quietly, all was silent the only noise that could be heard was the crackling flames from the burning tents, Xin zhao broke the silence he spoke hastily Ezreal picked up a sense of urgency. Xin knelt
"i must leave Garen is heavily injured and needs medical attention he has precisely 123 wounds, do not fear most of them are just small cuts or bruises you must rest i will head onwards Lux will show you the way!" with that Xin gracefully stood he stretched his arms, he then ran to garen, this was the first time Ezreal had seen garen since the fight. Lux had passed out the days events had been tiring, Garen was covered with cuts, a long gash across his nose was the first thing Ezreal noticed, then he looked further at Garens body, he had been ravaged their were holes in his Armour. But what Ezreal noticed the most was a long diagonal cut across his chest, there was blood seeping from the crevices. Before Ezreal could have more time to see Garens well fare, Xin started to run, bit by bit Ezreal could see less and less untill his eyes closed, the last thing he remembered was Xin's shadow. 6 Hours later Ezreal awoke clearing his mind he looked around, the tents had been turned to ashes also there were 2 small blood piles dampening the earth. One was Garens and one was Katarinas, Ezreal silently cursed her name. Lux was still asleep, Ezreal decided to see the surroundings he climbed a nearby tree, the bark was covered in small knobbly tree parts "perfect for arm or foot holds" thought Ezreal . He began the climb, it was easy once at the top Ezreal looked around the view was amazing, in the distance he saw fields then further a massive gate with cobblestone walls, they extended for 10 miles each side, on top of the battlements soldiers marched, there were archers at regular intervals watching from all sides, Ezreal could not make out there features to his vision they looked like blurry blobs, at the front of the gates and walls he saw fields and fields of crops growing he could even make out the shapes of some farmers . Climbing the tree provoked memory's from Ezreals past he saw himself as a young boy he had the same blond hair, he wore a white T-shirt and a pair of linen trousers, he was sitting on a tree branch outside his family home. Ezreal remembered how he sat there day dreaming about fighting noxians for hours each day before his mother and father came home. But that all changed that unholy day Ezreal was day dreaming, he had one leg dangling off the side of the tree branch as usual. But something was different during mid thought, he heard a shrill scream. The young boy lowered himself down the tree, then he went inside. His home had two bedrooms one for his parents and his own, the house had wood logs for the walls, the floor was cobblestones, in the main room of Ezreals house it had a small fireplace burning brightly and a variety of animal skins on the floor and walls,but something was off, there was a tall dark man, his face was concealed behind a iron mask the mask itself was a imprint the eyes were dark and menacing to the young boys mind, the only thing that stood out to Ezreal at the time was the noxian logo, it was imprinted upon the brow of the mask. "Get off me" yelled a woman this was Ezreals mother she had long blond hair wore a leather jacket and similar jeans to Ezreal her face had calm blue eyes and a small nose... before Ezreal remembered anymore he was rushed back to reality, the wind was blowing dangerously against him the tree swayed side to side all the branches swayed with the pace of the wind. Ezreal noticing the change in patterns then decided to climb down, he then climbed down carefully nearly slipping twice then he was safely at the bottom. 1 hour passed Ezreal was sitting nearby, Lux had just woken she yawned loudly "ahhhh" she glanced around "good morning Lux" Ezreal said cheerfully, she did not respond he decided to leave it be, he knew the pain she was going through. Instead he decided to break the silence "Xin mentioned you knew a secret path into Demacia?" Lux looked up, stared at Ezreal she spoke coldly and full of worry "it is 1 mile to the left, the passage way leads into the ancient library that only high ranking demacian officers or family's have knowledge of its very existence" then she returned into her shell of her mind. "Ok so we should start going now the longer we take the less chance.." he stopped himself there before he said anything more, Lux started to return to normal at the mention finally getting closer to her brother. Ezreal cautiously stepped over the tree roots he put his arm out, Lux grappled his arm and Ezreal picked her up and carried her in his arms. Sometime later they arrived, Ezreal was watching his footsteps this part of the forest was thick with overgrowth, there was a maze of roots spiraling over the floor. They followed the roots they seemed to be pointing in some direction at long last there was a door in the shape of an archway and as black as night, the stone seemed to be obsidian. 9 key holes were in a circle shape around the door, it had strange symbols engraved around the outside. Ezreal stared with wonder "who crafted such a door?" "it was made over 10 generations ago by the crown guard, it was never used in the end until now" "do you know how to open the door?". As soon as he had spoken his eyes wondered he noticed a small pattern glowed on the floor made from one large glyph, there were 4 larger trees all around each of the trees had a different symbol carved into there bark. he knelled Lux then spoke with the distraction of thoughts from her brother's welfare her own condition seemed to improve. her voice returned "Ezreal you traveled and explored, have you seen those symbols before?" she almost seemed completely better her own interest must have sparked. Ezreal started to translate his eyes moved as they scanned the symbols with a vigorous pace "these symbols" he continued reading "ah yes i see, these symbols they translate as blood of pure blood of a true crown guard is needed" Lux put her hands into her pockets and searched, slowly she pulled out a vial containing some blood, Ezreals eyes widened "is that your blood?" shortly after Lux replied "No, when a new imitate becomes a crown guard they are given a small sample of blood from the elder its called blood of the pure, this blood is really water from a hidden fountain under the crown guard training grounds, they mix many compounds together once given you only have one sample we believed they lied when they told us it opened a secret door but we all keep them as a memory of the times of training" Ezreal shrugged not knowing how to react "do you think it will open this" he tilted his head slightly "there is only one way to find out" "CATCH" the vial drifted through the air and landed safely in Ezreals hand "ok lets do this". The vial popped open at the top, slowly not to miss a drop he tilted the vial until all the water landed on the ground, nothing happend a small fzzz came from the ground then silence "well" he shrugged "give it chance" suddenly a small crack became visible on the door, the hinges creaked and moaned as the door swung inwards. Ezreal walked over and picked up Lux "how are we going to see in there its pitch black?" "they don't call me the lady of luminosity for nothing!" a small ball of energy materialized in Lux's palm the energy swirled in and out in a small sphere shape. The tunnel was made of obsidian like the door, as Lux's magic light touched the walls had strange symbols coating the walls they were made from golden shapes, graceful and beautiful.The size varied the longer Ezreal looked the more and more they looked like hieroglyphics. They descended into darkness.... © 2013 haimer |
StatsAuthor![]() haimerUnited KingdomAboutim still here writing something new called three realms a story of adventure and many different things, a place where everything is or nothing may not be what it seems, where madness is reality and.. more..Writing