Personal Log: Day 1

Personal Log: Day 1

A Chapter by Megan S.

Mason. That’s what I was called these days. Mason Crenshaw. It used to be One, but when they transferred me, they couldn’t really call me that anymore. One was the name of a non-human. For each transfer I adopted a different name.

Paris, France: Jack Carrington- Exchange Student

Chicago: Tyler Hanson

Harper: Cory Shay

Denning: Beck Turner

Now, here in Fenton, I was Mason Crenshaw.  First day here, and I could already tell why I’d been sent. This was a small town, perfect for testing; perfect for most anything except major media broadcasts. As we’d found out, big cities weren’t a good place to test.

It was time to start the process.

Test One: Integration…


© 2011 Megan S.

My Review

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Intersting start. I wish it was longer but I guess this was just a intro. I shall be reading on...

Posted 12 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on June 9, 2011
Last Updated on June 14, 2011
Tags: robot, inhuman, unfinished


Megan S.
Megan S.


I'm a simple teenage girl from podunk Arkansas trying to get by in the world of high school. I started writing as soon as I could, and I've never quit. Over the years, what writing means to me has cha.. more..

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