![]() Chapter 22A Chapter by Raelyn
We all arrived back at the Montgomery house around the same time. Fran and I were bruised, but nothing too major thankfully. I excused myself to run up to the bathroom and clean up before we grabbed something to eat. Dimitri's voice popped into my mind just as I closed the bathroom door.
Alex was still not excited about being Zayne's paladin. First he had to struggle with Dimitri who no doubtingly loved me more than life itself. Now he had my childhood friend to look after, who just happened to be in love with me as well. It was beginning to feel as if the odds were stacked against Alex and myself. “Rae you need to be careful around Grendel, he is a very old vampire with some serious abilities. Some of which were developed skill and some outright lethal power. He can mask himself to a certain degree and appear completely human to all except the older vampires, who can always depict who is vampir and who is human. It comes along with being around for centuries I suppose. His nest of vampires are just as opinionated as he is. Yet we do not know if he is good or evil or how old he actually is.” Dimitri solemnly said. “Thank you Dimi. I will keep that information in mind, and I'll also inform Fran and Zayne. Do the others know this?” “Yes they do. It was left to me to tell you. We all feel so bad that you have been pulled into this crazy mess involving Grendel and his nest.” “No one needs to feel bad. It happened, we'll all get through it and be better off when its all said and done. I'm gonna get cleaned up, eat and then go speak with Paul in private. Please stay out of my head during this time, Dimi.” “As you wish Rae my love.” I returned to the kitchen and began munching with Fran. After the days events I was starving. We made small talk and ate for the next hour. You would think that I'd be so full that all I'd want to do is go to sleep, but I needed to talk to Paul to clear up some concerns I had about the Blood lust, Ilnayus, and Nosanguinous. And I knew Paul was the perfect person to discuss these issues with. “Well Fran, I'm going to go speak with Paul, then call it a night. What are your plans?” “I think I'll retire to my room. I want to replay my visit with Micah. You know Rae, he's a rather handsome man for as old as he is...” Fran grinned and walked off. I walked over to Paul's study where I knew he would be. I lightly tapped on the door. “Please come in Raelyn.” “Thanks Paul. I'm sorry to bother you, but I have a few questions that I only feel comfortable discussing with you.” I said as I closed the door behind me and made my way to the chair across from him. “Alright Raelyn, what is it you would like to speak to me about?” “Well I was hoping you could clue me in on what Blood Lust does, what Ilnayus and Nosanguinous are and do?” “Well Raelyn, Blood lust makes any vampire caught up in it faster, stronger, able to stand in daylight, needing less blood although what fuels Blood lust the best is VAMPIRE blood. Humans die trying to protect any vampire who is an object of blood lust and they too will be drained to the last drop, a painful process for them, if they get in the way. In short no vampire can stand against another vampire whose blood boils for the kill. Who is caught up in Infernal Blood Lust. The vampire caught in blood lust knows only one thing...to purge the wrong and set things aright again.” Paul paused for the briefest of seconds then continued. “Only after things are set right will the vampire calm again. When it is done, the vampire must be shut away for a while and not be fed until he or she collapses. Feeding prolongs it. Fresh human blood makes it worse. The younger the victim the more power it gives. If they feed from a teenager after feeding all night on vampires and humans in blood lust they become so powerful they cannot be controlled at all by anyone. In vampire sense they become god. Someone turned from a vampire in blood lust, who then goes and gorges himself on innocent young blood will become a god himself. Only the elders know the ceremony that ends the Blood Lust. Being the Ilnayus you yourself can invoke this at your own free will, though I would not suggest it. Nosanguinous, is the blood warrior. The Nosanguinous can be controlled by the Ilnayus due to the unbreakable bond between the two. It is forbidden for Ilnayus and Nosanguinous to have daily contact. They are only supposed to come together when the council calls them.” Paul explained. “So I can safely assume I'm a big deal and so is Zayne right? How will I know who the Nosanguinous is? Could it have been Dimitri? This is craziness Paul. A week ago Fran, Zayne, and I were in our own little worlds without any of these issues. Now it seems as though every time we turn around something else is happening. I'm to the point that I just want to kick someone's a*s!” Paul laughed a hearty laugh at that last statement. It was nice to hear him laugh. It reminded me of Santa Claus laughing, like he does in the cartoons I watched as a child. “Oh Raelyn, you remind me of my Lily. Such a kindred spirit and spitfire all in one. You'd fight to your death to protect those that you love. It's a rare thing to see, and it brings me great joy to know that you are on our side. Is there anything else you wish to know?” “Well I'm kind of.... Never mind now is not the time, and if I really want to know then I'll ask him myself. I think that is all.” “Well if there is anything else at all, do not hesitate to ask Raelyn. Have a good evening.” I smiled and quietly exited the room. I was thinking to myself as I headed to the hall to go upstairs when I heard Fran's voice coming from the kitchen. This was beginning to be the common conversation place of this gigantic house. “So why do we have to have the illustrious councilor here again?” Fran asked eying Zayne suspiciously. She still didn't trust him. “Because Fran” Alex replied pointedly.” Zayne is “The Sire” and is here to give Paul his answer. I had not expected to see Zayne back so soon, rather at least not until the next morning. “And what exactly does that mean?” She said tilting her head looking Zayne a little closer as though there were some physical difference she could see.. Alex let out a not too patient breath. “He can impregnate female vampires, but not human women.” “But he's human.” Fran stated. “Yes.” I replied smiling. I knew Fran was in one of her moods. That meeting with Micah really got to her in a oh so good bad way. This was going to get ugly before it got better, but I also knew I would find this friendly bantering between Fran and Alex funny. “How is this possible, Alex?” Zayne quizzed. “Let me explain a little more. The 'Sire' gene was inherited by Zayne through his great-great Grandmother Amilia. Your great-great grandmother was the opposite of you. She was impregnated by a 'Sire'.” Alex stated. “Oh that's no good.” said Fran who went back to examining Zayne as if he were something in a petri dish. She shook her head as though Zayne was someone to be pitied. Alex was exasperated. “The first Sire born in over 5000 years and you think there is a problem? Woman! Vous etes frustrants!” Zayne smiled crookedly. He liked that Alex made him sound so important. I hid my laugh behind my hand. Alex's Vampiric pride was showing...a rare thing, but Fran was not heading in the direction that Alex thought she was taking it. He though Fran didn't want Vampires to reproduce. I knew better. “He's shooting blanks mon ami!” Fran laughed and pointed to Zayne using french to accentuate her conversation with Alex. Zayne's smile quickly crumbled. “He is legend come to life!” Alex declared. “He is sexually unique. There is no other like him!” Zayne smiled again. He liked it when Alex put it that way. “What?” Fran sputtered through smiling eyes. She couldn't stop laughing now. I couldn't either, except thankfully no one was watching me. All eyes were on Fran. “We now have heterosexual, homosexual and now nosfersexual? Now I've heard everything!” Zayne had had enough. He grabbed his crotch suggestively. “So you pining for a little piece of me too Fran? I don't mind slumming it with you for an hour or two in my bed.” “No thanks cowboy.” Fran giggled shaking her head. “If I understand Alex correctly...you're shooting blanks. I prefer a man to come to my bed with a loaded gun primed and ready to fire armed rounds.” Zayne fairly growled at Fran. I realized I was going to have to stop this before Zayne killed Fran right here in the kitchen. Zayne had not had a lot of sleep in the last few days and my normally calm friend was being pushed passed his limits. Zayne was really a free spirit at heart and the idea of bowing to anyone who called themselves Master, I knew, was not something he would do easily...if ever. “Don't be sad studmuffin, I hear there's vampire poo-nanny just lining up for what you're packin'.” Zayne lunged. Alex caught him and looked to me for help. Alex was now smiling too. “Really Fran, stop teasing him!” I said trying not to laugh. “Ok, ok I'm going.” Fran purred as she walked out of the kitchen chewing on a blueberry croissant. “See you later beefcake.” She threw over her shoulder to Zayne. “C'est du n'importe quoi.” She says pointedly to Alex. “Where did you learn to speak....?” Alex said laughing with a faint blush on his cheeks. I couldn't tell just what Fran said because Alex didn't translate the phrase in his mind, but I knew it was crude enough to make Alex pleasantly surprised and a little embarrassed. “Internet.” She winked at Alex and left. Alex laughed out loud while he kept Zayne from committing murder. “I feel sorry for Zayne.“ Alex sent to me still smiling. “What do you mean?” I returned enjoying the obvious joy in his thoughts. “Not all who have fangs in this house are Vampires ma petite.” Alex said looking pointedly at the doorway where Fran had just been. “I am more than grateful her venom is no longer aimed at me.” “Now thanks to Fran, we have to find a way to calm him down.” He said holding on to the still struggling Zayne. I laughed in earnest now. I didn't envy Alex his job as Zayne's paladin. Alex slipped one of his hands loose from holding Zayne, he reached up and touched Zayne's forehead. Zayne collapsed unconscious into Alex's arms. Alex simply picked Zayne up and set him on the front room couch. There were certain advantages to being a vampire... “How did you do that?” I quizzed still laughing a little at the situation. “Years of practice mon cher. One of these days I may teach you, that is if you'd like me too?” “I'd love that. Hopefully this insane run of bad luck goes away soon, then maybe we all can get back to having a semi-normal life again.” “Mon couer, things for you will never be as they once were. Being Ilnayus and gifted as you are, there will always be those who find out about you that want you for their own evil doings. But there is a chance to be semi-normal, or as close to it as possible.” “Thanks Alex, you could have let me believe that for a while longer. Instead of bursting my bubble.” I teased him half-heartedly. “Mon couer, I will never allow you to delude yourself in false pretenses. I will only speak the truth to you.” Alex said smiling as he picked Zayne's unconscious body back up off of the couch and proceed to the stairs. I followed him while he carried Zayne to one of the empty rooms. Meanwhile Paul paced in his office carrying on a conversation with Dimitri that none of us were privy to. 'D****t Paul, Grendel is an old vampire, and along with his age comes some serious abilities. Granted some are developed skills and some outright lethal power due to his years. We know he can mask himself to a certain degree and appear completely human to all but the oldest vampires. That is what is making it so hard for us to find him.” “Dimitri my son, we know Grendel is a master of his own clan, yet we know nothing of his actual age nor do we know if he is acting on good faith or evil. He has done a great many things for the vampire community so convincing others that he is evil will not work without proof. He has done his part at keeping vampires safe and mysterious, and just because we have heard rumor that not all his will is for the better does not mean we can go after him just yet. “ “Uncle, what about his aversion towards humans? Is that not enough?” Dimitri spat out. “Grendel does not hide the fact that he thinks humans are just food. There is no love lost between humans and Grendel. A lot of vampires use humans for food my child, humans hunt vampires while they rest. They both have weaknesses and faults. You have to remember that the elite vampir will tend to agree rather than ostracized Grendel for this frame of mind. The elite vampir holds to the belief that human kind are cattle at worst; and slaves at best.” “There have to be others like us Uncle.” Dimitri said sounded defeated. “Valhala pride is one of the only prides that thinks of humans as creatures with a right to live their own lives and not in submission to a vampire. This is our primary difference. Because we have the power to rule the entire vampire world in the United States, no one truly screws with us. Most vampires are scared of what we will do. We are still capable of the savage blood lust that other weaker vampires are not capable of. When true blood lust happens humans and vampires die...a sign of our nobility among vampires. “ “I do not understand Uncle... We have so seldom spoken of this.” Dimitri was rather intrigued that Paul was sharing this with him now. “Blood lust is necessary because vampires are a vicious race at their core and Blood lust makes any vampire caught up in it faster, stronger, able to stand in silver lyte, needing less blood although what fuels Blood lust the best is VAMPIRE blood. Humans die trying to protect any vampire who is object of blood lust and they too will be drained to the last drop, a painful process for them, if they get in the way. In short no vampire can stand against another vampire whose blood boils for the kill, who is caught up in Infernal Blood Lust. The vampire caught in blood lust knows only one thing...to purge the wrong and set things aright again. Only after things are set right will the vampire calm again.” Paul finished softly. “What happens afterward Uncle?” Dimitri exclaimed, excited to be learning not only new information, but maybe something that will help later on. “When it is done, the vampire must be shut away for a while and not be fed until he or she collapses. Feeding prolongs it. Fresh human blood makes it worse. The younger the victim the more power it gives. If they feed from a teenager after feeding all night on vampires and humans in blood lust they become so powerful they cannot be controlled at all by anyone. In vampire sense they become gods. Someone turned from a vampire in blood lust, who then goes and gorges himself on innocent young blood will become a god himself. This is what I believe this evil force is after. That and to take control of the Sire. Having these two things would make this evil literally invincible. No one can control a god. We have found out this piece by piece. Now the murders make sense. People were murdered for two different purposes. Now we know how the murders are connected.” “A god who can control the birth of purebloods. Grendel would order all of the females within his pride to produce at least two children. We are not talking about only human deaths here.” Dimitri mused with horror evident in his voice. Make the characters show action. Don’t write in the third person. Paul knew the entire time that the two were linked. He just couldn't make the connection until now. Dimi is the only other person to understand that if this evil achieves its two goals, all human kind is lost. It hates humans. Only elite vampires will survive. Turned vampires will be killed. The pride of Valhala will be no more. They would all have to be destroyed lest they produce another Sire again. “There is more to the Blood Lust if you are up to hearing the rest my child.” Paul paused. “Of course I am.” responded Dimi, knowing that there was a reason Paul was giving him this information, although he was not sure of that reason just yet. Only now Dimitri was starting to get worried. “Even when the vampire is starved he is still very much a danger. Short temper. His body will still burn for the hunt and for fresh warm blood flowing from pulsating veins. After a while he will gain control of himself, and then he will collapse. For a few days he is helpless as a baby. He must sleep for 24 hours. Then and only then can he be fed. And then only in small amounts of synthetic blood. He is very very weak. He has expended the same energy as though he had not fed in a month.” “Because of all of these factors , the ancients wake up and tend to the one in Blood Lust. Only they remember what to do. A solemn ceremony is performed asking the spirits of the blood lust to rest and give the vessel back that they have used. Only they are aware of the location of the special stone crypt constructed for this very purpose. inlaid with a special amethyst protection crystal constructed of quartz and imbedded with a sliver of silver from the passover chalice Jesus drank from at the last supper the night before he died.” “Only they know the pitfalls of feeding one in Blood Lust too soon. Only they know that if he feeds on a teenager, or a child, he will become uncontrollable, and no one not even the ancients know what will happen then.” “Uncle Paul, who are the ancients you speak of and where are they?” Dimitri inquired. “The Ancients are our oldest known pure bloodline to date. They are at rest and will not awaken until desperately needed. That is all I know of them, they are very secretive. Just in telling you what I have, I could be made to fight or go to the Silver Lyte. There have been rumors over the decades about an obscure vampire history book, however neither myself, nor any one I know have been able to locate it.” Paul finished sounding exhausted. “Uncle.... Is this goodbye?” Dimitri whispered with great sorrow. “I'm afraid it every well may be my boy. Look after the Pride as best you can. Only repeat this information just passed to you if it means life or death to Valhala Pride. This is a confidence between us that can only be broken by harm resulting in death to the pride.” Dimitri felt a great sadness between Paul and himself. Knowing that Uncle Paul would not be with the Pride much longer caused great sorrow and anger for Dimitri and he could do nothing but blame himself for dying too soon. And there was nothing he could do to prevent it from happening nor could he tell the rest of the Pride the reasoning behind Uncle Paul's death. “Rest my child, this burden will not be yours to carry quite yet. I doubt they will come for me anytime soon.” Paul said ending the conversation. THIS PROBABLY SHOULD BE THE NEXT CHAPTER! At the same time Paul and Dimitri were talking, Alex and I were enjoying a peaceful, evening. “Alex, how did you know that sitting under the stars in the spa would help to to relax?” I asked with a mischievous smile. “Ma petite, I was not sure it would work for you, I only knew that I myself find it relaxing and calming. I do however have to admit I did have an ulterior motive for this this evening.” Alex slyly grinned. “Oh really and what evil sir could that motive possibly be?” “To get you into your bikini and alone for a little while.” he stated as he wrapped his arms around me and kissed me gently. We took advantage of being alone. We talked and laughed, we kissed and explored each others bodies, of course only the parts that were exposed by our bathing suits. I knew I was not quite ready for anything more. Alex talked to me about all the places he had been and the things had had learned over the years. I was immensely enjoying our moment of solitude together when Fran and Hailey came running out and dove into the pool. “There goes our alone time!” Alex grumbled. “Oh behave my dear, at least they gave us a hour or so of alone time, they could have bombarded us within fifteen minutes of us being out here.” I smiled and kissed his cheek before diving into the pool. Next thing I knew, Alex was swimming up behind me, Zayne was diving in with Gaylena, Enrique, and Manuel following him. All that was missing now was Paul and of course Dimi, however I knew he could not enjoy this moment of fun time with us. “Who's up for a game of water volleyball?” Zayne questioned serving the volleyball to me. Zayne and I had years of practice playing water v-ball together. It was our favorite pass time when the weather permitted it. With my new found talent I was managing to keep the weather warm enough tonight to enjoy a few hours in the pool and spa. “Let's split up, four on four. Fran, Zayne, Gaylena, and I on one team..” I said with a childish smirk. “I do not think so ma petite... I know better than to allow the three of you ladies to be on one team.” Alex laughed. “Fran, how about you come join my team and Enrique can join Rae and them?” “Sure why not!” Fran shrugged with a giggle. We played for about two hours, before a chorus of our ringing cell phones began and interrupted a magnificent evening. “Okay who's phone is that?” Zayne grumbled. You could hear the disappointment in his voice. With Alex, Fran, and my line of work you never knew when you might be needed. I looked at Fran and Alex and it was clear that it was all of our phones ringing at the same time. They must be short in the ER this evening was my thought. “Looks as though we are going to cancel the rest of this game and pick up at a later date guys.” Fran stated grimly. Every one swam over to Fran and wrapped their arms around her. It was Manuel's upbeat comment that made her smile again. “C'mon Frannie love, this is just a minor bump in the road, we'll certainly have a rematch. Maybe even get Paul and Micah to join us.” I simply looked at Alex grinning and shook my head as I climbed out of the pool and reached for my towel. As I grabbed for my towel, Alex was suddenly there. I was beginning to think that I would never get use to their unusual speed. “Duty calls mon cher. I can only assume that we all have been away from our lovely ER long enough. And if we are all three being called you can bet that Dr. Davidson is back to work.” Alex spoke gently. “Let's go get changed Fran.” I called as I listened to the voice mail. Sure enough it was Glenn. His message was short and sweet. “Raelyn, you have been away long enough. We are short tonight and could use Francine, Alexander, and you for the remainder of the shift.” I smiled as I hung up my phone. He sounded good, which could only mean that Aurora was doing better. I quickly glanced at the calendar on my phone, it was Michael's night as house supervisor. It should be a rather good night. I looked over my shoulder to see Fran had already wrapped up in a towel and was heading in my direction. “Well what's the message?” Alex and Fran asked simultaneously. “Davidson is short handed and could use our help this evening.” I responded. “Then let's get changed and get there.” was Alex's comeback. © 2010 RaelynAuthor's Note
Added on February 6, 2010 Last Updated on February 6, 2010 Hospital Blood
Chapter 10
By Raelyn
Chapter 11
By Raelyn
Chapter 12
By Raelyn
Chapter 13
By Raelyn
Chapter 14
By Raelyn
Chapter 15
By Raelyn
Chapter 16
By Raelyn
Chapter 17
By Raelyn
Chapter 18
By Raelyn
Chapter 19
By Raelyn
Chapter 20
By Raelyn
Chapter 21
By Raelyn
Chapter 22
By Raelyn
Chapter 23
By Raelyn
Chapter 24
By Raelyn
Chapter 25
By RaelynAuthor![]() RaelynAZAboutIm a 28 yr old single mom. I work at the local hospital in ICU. In my free time I am attempting to write my first ever novel. Tweet more..Writing