![]() Chapter 17A Chapter by Raelyn
“What the heck?” Hailey whispered and then made the mistake of trying to touch me too. She too came away with the same third degree burns.
“What the hell did that witch do now!” Alex shouted looking for Fran. I could hear Dimitri's laughter in my head. “I don't think they find that funny Dimitri.” I said looking at Hailey's hand. “It is unpleasant, Rae, I agree, but they will heal. The damage is not permanent. If any vampire would try to hold you for a longer time. though, the damage would be definitely more severe. Fran really can't help it you know. It's her job to make sure you're safe. I'd be worried if she didn't take her duty seriously.” Dimitri chuckled. “I think Alex is ready to kill her though.” I said with a smile. “She rarely tells him when she does something like that. She thinks its none of his business.” “It took me three days of dreams for Fran and I to work that protection spell out. The foundation of it is Uriel's Protection. At first she was making it so that NO vampire could touch you. I had to be pretty persistent to get her to allow in only those who were in love with you to breach the strong barrier she had erected. She finally gave in when I told her that if we found you unconscious in a burning house we would die trying to pick you up and rescue you.” I knew that Alex could not hear a word Dimitri just said to me due to his blind anger towards Fran. I held my hand out to Alex. He looked at my hand and then into my eyes. He slowly raised his hand and touched mine. Nothing happened. Alex let a sigh of relief. “At least she trusts me this much.” He muttered still angry. “I'm sure she trusts you more than the bad guys Alex.” I said choking down a laugh. Fran could be so exasperating sometimes, but she meant well. “Yeah, right.” Alex replied rolling his eyes. Looking at his handsome face, I knew without a doubt. Alex was in love with me. Dimitri sighed in my head as though he had not realized what this revelation would mean to me. I smiled up at Alex and he looked back at me with a question in his eyes that I was not able to answer. He would reveal his love in his own time. I no longer felt the need to rush him. Everyone began going in their own directions. “Raelyn.” Dimitri's voice filled my head again. “I am here.” “I know you are scared, but I promise you everything will be okay. Valhalla pride will take care of Fran, Zayne, and you. It is part of who we are. How did you disappear earlier?” “I found a way to keep all of you out of my head. I am terrified Dimi, not for myself, but for Fran and Zayne. People are willing to kill Zayne, and Fran if she gets in the way.. That is what is terrifying me. If something happens to me then so be it, but I cannot handle either of them being harmed.” “My love, it'll be okay. Go speak with Alex, I will not listen, He needs to talk to you. If there is something you wish to tell me, you will get a hold of me.” “Thank you Dimitri.” I turned to Alex then and looked into his eyes. I knew he would read the concern in my own eyes. Alex grasped my hand and turned to head up the stairs. There was much to talk about. Within seconds we were upstairs in Alex's room. As he closed the door behind us, he made sure to lock it. When he turned around I saw the fear in his face and it scared me. “Before we start the following conversation, I have one request.” Alex softly spoke. I was in his arms before he realized I even moved. At the moment I couldn't have cared less about rules. I just needed a few moments of being held by something real. Solid and steady. I consider myself a strong person, yet all this psychic magical crap was beginning to push me over the edge. I felt as though I could lose it at any minute. Alex must have sensed this because he gently pulled back enough to lean down and kiss me. This was not so much a kiss of passion as it was of reassurance. His hands casually slide into my hair as I wrapped my arms around him as much as I possibly could. Neither of us rushed this kiss, it was tender and a chance for the two of us to escape for a few minutes. As the kiss ended Alex kept me close and lead us both over to the bed. He sat down first guiding me to sit as close as possible before gradually laying us both down and on the bed to discuss everything. Every event that had happened to me today went swirling out of my conscious orbit for that minute and I closed my eyes just enjoying laying on the bed with someone who was in love with me. I wanted to stay there in that secret place, smelling his hair, feeling his strong body next me, letting his love flow over me like a warm tropical breeze. But I couldn't stay there no matter how much I needed it. Everyone was in danger and I couldn't act like every moment we shared wasn't precious. I had to use the time given to us wisely. I was angry that I had to give up my peaceful resting place for harsh reality. My eyes sprang open and I let out a long tired breath. First things first. “Where have you been? I searched for you and the best I could do was Paul telling me everything was all right.” Alex let out a long tired breath of his own. The look on his face told me immediately that I wasn't going to like his answer. For the first time since I met him, I saw fear in his eyes. “When you were at lunch did you see anything out of the ordinary?” He whispered. “Why are you whispering Alex, we are alone.?” “Because I am not sure if someone is listening.” He said. His eyes turned crystalline blue violet. I hadn't notice his eyes changing color like that. My body reacted instantly. My face flushed and something much lower started to tingle. This is not what I was laying in bed for. I thought I'd better move before talking turned into something much more pleasant you could do in bed. I stood up and walked away from him trying to control myself but when I looked back at him still lazily reclining on the bed my breath caught in my throat. Nobody should look that good. Alex smiled despite himself. “I am highly flattered ma petite and you could not want me more than I want you at this moment with your beautiful face flushed with desire for me. But we must talk. Please.” I shook my head to clear it and tried to concentrate. “Who is listening?” “Evil.” Alex whispered even lower. “Does this evil have a name?” I said walking toward him again. The desire was gone just that fast. “It does but we dare not speak it. Sometimes to name a thing is to call it. I have already had a sample of its power and it was almost my undoing. I do not wish to experience it again.” Alex looked at me and I knew he was scared. “Besides only Dimitri knows its true name, and I have not spoken to him about this yet.” “Did it hurt you?” Alex's fear was rubbing off, or I was just now beginning to understand what my little stunt with Zayne had cost them both. “I'm sorry. I should have been available.” “Oh no ma petite!” Alex exclaimed.”I am so very happy that this thing could not get to you through me! You do not have the skill or the strength to fight it. As I was fighting it I was thankful for one thing. When I saw into it's mind I knew that it did not know that you existed. Most of my struggle was keeping it from finding out what secret I held. Had I let it, it probably would not have hurt me at all. It was angry at me for not submitting to its will and then tried to kill me for my insolence. If it had not been for Dimitri...well,..I don't know that I would have been strong enough.” All the color drained from my face. Alex just told me that he almost died. I backed away shaking my head and the world started to swirl around me again. This time, I felt strong arms around me, picking me up and setting me gently on the bed. “No no Mi amour I am fine. I promise. Please, please don't do this.” “What is the matter Rae?” Dimitri's soft voice filled my mind.”May I?” He asked but not to me. “Yes.” Alex whispered. I knew Dimitri was not talking to me nor asking my permission. Suddenly along with Alex's scent of cinnamon and expensive cologne was Dimitri's scent of vanilla filling my mind and senses with a sense of safety. “We are here my little one” I heard Alex's voice but with Dimitri's lack of accent. They were both here with me and I did not feel the strain with Dimitri as with the last time when he had tried this by himself. Soft scents of home and warmth and security surrounded me and overrode my sense of dread. “Listen to me my love. I do not lie to you, you know that.” Dimitri spoke softly to me. “That you were unavailable to us was a true blessing. We will survive this and we will not leave you alone to grieve again. I promised you. Do you trust me?” I laughed softly. My birthday was so much fun because Dimitri would not lie to me even under those circumstances. So I was clever about how I asked him questions about what he was doing for my birthday, and he had to be clever about his answers if he wanted it to remain a secret. Dimitri was talking to me right now, from beyond the grave because he said that he would protect me and I was in danger. I guess that was proof enough. It did not stop the uncontrollable shivering though. “She's in shock.” Alex said his voice filled with concern. “So very fragile after all. Damn.” and then wrapped me in blankets and quickly went and unlocked the door. Just as he got back to the bed, Paul walked in with a hot cup of tea. “Drink this.” Paul urged. “It will calm you.” I smiled. “I feel so stupid, but I just....I just can't....” Alex looked at Paul over my head and Paul's reaction was to glance at me with serious eyes and just a hint of a nod. “Ssshhh mon couer, we are here. We are here.” Alex took over singing softly to me a French lullaby. I let it soothe me and I felt Dimitri leave. This time I did not feel abandoned at his parting. Paul left quietly closing the door. “Alright ma petite, I know you have a million things running in that beautiful mind of yours, can you tell me now?” I started to talk as he still held me and stroked my hair. As I talked, I sipped the tea and my nerves began to soothe. My body slowly stopped shivering. I lay in the cradle of Alex's arms and spoke softly to him. “Well I want to discuss what I overheard of your conversation with Dimitri first. Tell me more about this blood magic w***e thing. By the way, why don't we just refer to it as BMW doesn't sounds as graphic.” “Well a BMW, as you so wish to call it, if basically a human slave to a vampire for the soul purpose of being a living food bank and sex slave. You mainly see them in the clubs and with older more stronger vampires. I didn't want to give you details however I think it best you know now. A BMW gets treated horribly, they usually look worse than a heroin junky. They have fang punctures all over, even in places you wouldn't think of, they are beaten and bruised. This is not a willing partnership at first, after the first hundred times of being abused they soon learn to just comply. This is not like you and I coming together or even you and Dimitri. This is restraining them to the bed in leather bonds, beaten and torturing them with that what scares them the most, then roughly taking advantage of them in every possible way. A prostitute gets treated better. It is complete abuse mind, body and soul. Most vampires refuse to acknowledge such a thing exists. Most are truly disgusted.” Alex paused and watched me as the fear literally shook me. I had no idea exactly the extent of what I had been referring to until now. “Can you continue?” He asked worriedly. “ Your body is tensing against me. I will not tolerate your being hurt again today. Do you wish to wait until later? “Tell me about Montclaire.” I answered him. Alex sighed. “You can be so stubborn sometimes. Monclaire is the oldest of all of us to our knowledge. He is 3000 years old. His clan consists of approximately 400 vampires, some pure-bloods others that have been brought over. He is our marshal. For the most part he is fair in his rulings, but he can be brutal if someone openly disobeys him or breaks one of our laws. I believe he tries to understand our virtues when it comes to humans. Although he was raised to firmly believe humans are nothing more than food to our kind. Going before him as Dimitri and I discussed is a double edged sword. I cannot say which way he would lean, but I do believe he would keep you for himself, and I could not bare for that to happen.” We sat in silence for a moment, allowing myself to comprehend everything I just received. This was worse than I imagined. Alex's face was suddenly shadowed as were his thoughts. He was hiding something and I knew he would tell me no more. When I looked as though I would ask, he told me. “Ask no more. Montclaire will never see you as long as I'm around.” “Just know that I will do everything I can to avoid any of that happening to you.” Alex had a fierce look on his face that I had never seen before. His body had turned to rock underneath me. The soothing Alex was gone. The battle worn warrior was beneath me now. It was my turn to soothe. “I am safe Alex. We will not have to deal with Montclaire.” I smiled as I looked at him. “Such innocence.” He whispered as he kissed my forehead. I felt his body relax just a little. “Now on to the items and information from Dimitri. I have his sword which he requested go to you. I now own the condo complex we live in.. It was one of Dimitri's financial endeavors. I now have his bank accounts which total $325,000,000.00 between personal and business. Everything he owned is now solely mine. Then there are the green, blue, and yellow notebooks which I haven't even touched yet. I kept our portrait he had done, the scrolls, and the antique vase, plus the chest that had the weapons and swords, and there were two of these necklaces.” I said showing him the new addition around my neck. “The other pendant was given to Micah to give out and there was a praying hands one that I want to give to Fran for her birthday.” I said shrugging. “Now about Zayne. This is the part I find truly interesting.” “So according to this prophecy, he is the only one?” “Yes the prophecy reads that a human male will be our sire. The sire only comes along every 5000 years. Zayne is the only one in existence that any of us know of.” “What happened to the last one?” “The last one was captured by the wrong house. Anubis Pride has no respect for anything other than its own greed. The Sire was no more to them than a prize steer who brought a great price. And because they hate humans so thoroughly the forbade all but the most elite houses access to what only the Sire can really do. His life was short and filled with nothing but terror. They turned him into a BMW, and leased out for vile services of all sorts, and finally he had had one beating too many. Thankfully he did not survive long. Oddly enough Anubis Pride did not stop torturing him long enough to procreate. Only two houses benefited from the services of that Sire. Valhalla Pride was one; Icarus Pride the other. Vampires are terrified of the Sire and they hate him. He brings the one thing we are most fascinated by and all of us have given up. Life.” “We could protect him by having him embraced. Right?....If he wanted to of course.” “Unfortunately, no Ma Petite. You cannot protect him that way. You cannot turn a sire into a vampire without losing the most valuable thing about him. The ability to reproduce.” “Is it true he's the only one who can impregnate a female vampire?” “He is the sole being that can impregnate a female vampire. Something about his body coming into contact with a female vampire causes her body to make the necessary changes to become pregnant, allow a pure-breed to be born.” “Hmm. Speaking of making babies..” I said laughing, and rolled over on to Alex's chest and kissed him. Now this kiss was nothing but passion. And well needed. I placed my hands along his jaw line at first then slowly moved them into his hair. As his hands ran along my back our kiss deepened to the point that if we did not stop then it could prove to be a long night, and unfortunately now was just not the right time. “Not that I'm complaining mon couer, but may I ask what that was for?” Alex whispered sensually. “That my dear, was to make up for this morning, for being a rock for me when I feel like I'm losing it, and for just making me feel alive again.” “In that case, may I be so greedy as to ask for another one?” Alex smiled his sexy grin and kissed me again. Meanwhile Fran and Hailey had returned with Zayne. Fran and Hailey excused themselves to the kitchen to make up some snacks, while Paul took Zayne into the privacy of his study. “Zayne I think you may want to sit down for this.” Paul stated seriously. “No I want to know what in the hell is going on and why I was forced to come to your home for this conversation.” “You are here because there has been a change of events that center around you. This has nothing to do with the department. Fran and Raelyn are here as well.” “I can assure you Paul I will not be staying here tonight and I've had just about enough of your cloke and dagger method of communication. I know vampires have a penchant for mystery but I assure you Paul I do not. Tell me what is happening or I am leaving right now.” Paul took a deep breath through his nose and exhaled through his mouth. “I can assure you Zayne that we are desperately trying to keep you safe. And as far as being a vampire.” Paul let his fangs slide slowly down his mouth. “If I want to keep you here I very well could. You will stay until you understand what is happening.” “Do I understand you to mean that you will keep me here against my will?” Zayne said incredulously. “If need be.” Paul answered carefully. This conversation was not going well. “But the law...” Zayne stammered. “You cannot!” “Make no mistake Zayne. I am master here, and you are in my house. We are law unto ourselves. You know that more than anyone. And you fall under our law.” “That's not possible! For me to fall under your law I would have to be...” “Part of Valhalla Pride? Yes Zayne. You fit that description.” Paul guided Zayne to a chair to sit before he fell. He continued to talk giving Zayne time to process the information that he was just given. “The three of you will remain here as long as you need, and someone will be close by at all times whether you are here of not. Raelyn was sent to see Micah. “Yes I know of him.” Zayne replied hollowly. “In her visit she discovered some rather important information. She did not share this with Micah or anyone other than those in this household right now.” Zayne leaned forward listening intently. He had laid his emotions aside to analyze what he was being told. Good. Paul could deal with the analytical lawyer. “You are one of the key links in our great prophecy. You are our 'Sire”. Have you ever wondered why your many indiscretions have produced no children by now in life?” Zayne blanched. Paul had hit too close to home with that last comment. Zayne didn't want a vampire nosing into his private liaisons and he certainly didn't want Paul guessing his secret fears. Zayne had believed for some time that he was sterile. “Your DNA is not compatible with human females. You and only you can impregnate female vampires. Because of this new information it is of grave necessity that you bow your alliance with one of the houses. You need to belong to a house of vampires in order to remain protected.' “You are out of your mind!” Zayne exploded out of the chair he was sitting in. His grey eyes now rimmed in red sizzling with anger. “I am human! I will NOT pledge my life away to a Pride of vampires! I do not bow to your law. I am free to do as I will, and speak my own mind and I damn well plan to stay that way!” It was at his moment that Alex jumped up out of the bed we lay in together with a look of utter madness on his face and headed towards the door, I knew that it was best if I follow directly behind him, this could only turn out bad, whatever it was. Alex burst through the study door fangs bared eyes red with vampiric rage. “You will show respect to the master of Valhalla Pride human or I will beat some manners into you!” Alex hissed moving around Zayne with cat-like grace. “Hold my son.” warned Paul. “He is new to our ways. I am not offended.” “And if Zayne could see our bloodline in his eyes, we would not be having so much trouble.” Paul didn't think Zayne's eyes had changed before. Maybe it was proximity to his true family. There wasn't time to figure it out now. “He needs to learn some manners.” Alex ground out. “Fine my son, you may serve me in this as your request. You are now Zayne's Paladin.” Paul said waving his hand toward Alex. “No I cannot!, My master I didn't mean that I...” Alex stammered. “You did not mean what my son?” Paul turned red eyes to Alex. Alex shut up. Glowing red eyes on a normally patient Paul meant he had just about run out of patience. Alex had only himself to blame for spouting off in front of Paul in the first place. Alex went down on one knee head bowed, crossing his chest with his right hand in a fist, and raising his left hand in a fist at his waist. It was Valhalla Pride's most formal way of greeting their Master, and an acknowledgment of who was in charge. “As you wish my Lord.” Alex replied fiercely. “You are a good son Alex.” Paul waived his hand for Alex to stand up again. He hated such formalities amongst vampires but he understood the need for it. Such powerful creatures needed well defined boundaries. “Alex, explain to your new charge what will happen to him if he does not stay safe with us.” Alex continued where Paul left off. “Other houses will try to kill you. Lesser houses want to capture you and use you to make money for them for stud services. You can pledge to a house of vampires or become a slave for hire, or be dead. Those are the choices. You are not old enough or fast enough or strong enough to elude a world full of vampires who want you so badly. They will not stop until one of those three things happen to you. Period. The amount of power and prestige that you bring to the vampire pride that you bow to is unimaginable. Until you choose. The Prides will fight each other for the right to own you. Not only does this endanger your life but now it also endangers all of our lives, including Fran and Raelyn's.” “Holy s**t! Are you freaking joking with me?” Zayne was about to have a coronary right then and there. “I will not be owned by anyone! I am no man's slave!” “You haven't been listening. It is not us, who seek to capture you.” Alex declared his lack of patience showing. “This is as real as it gets.” Alex said closing the door behind him and Raelyn as softly as a needle falling to the carpet. “Zayne, I know this isn't easy for you. All my life I have known that you above all others value your freedom the most. What Alex is telling you is the absolute truth. Valhalla Pride is placing itself in great danger with the other houses by bringing you here.” I said placing a hand on his shoulder. “This will benefit your house greatly if I choose Valhalla.” Zayne said watching Paul closely. “When must I make this alliance?” “I will not lie. Any house you choose will gain prestige among the Pride. The sooner the better to prevent fighting between us. And if you chose not to make your allegiance with us, there will be no grudges held against you. We will approach the other Prides that treat humans with dignity and respect if you wish to interview others.” Paul remarked. “But be forewarned, even though they may be fair, other Prides understand humans only as servants or slaves. They will treat you kindly, but you will breed with whomever they tell you to breed with. Valhalla Pride alone will make sure you have a choice in the matter and treat you with all the respect a human deserves. We will try to give you as much freedom as we can without endangering your life. It is more than what others will do.” Zayne was visibly shaking. “May I think on this tonight and get back to you first thing in the morning?” “Yes.” Paul answered. “But you must stay here under our protection until you decide.” “And what if I refuse to be held here against my will?” Zayne's eyes glittered with his anger that he was now directing at Alex. “There are nether parts of this house that you are not acquainted with. I would be happy to show you what an American dungeon looks like. Just remember boy that this is not just your life we are talking about, when making your decision.” Alex snarled. “You are like a living hope diamond Zayne. Beautiful, rare and simply too valuable to leave lying around.” I said one last time trying to make him understand. Zayne stood up and glared at me. “Did you send them after me?” “Yes I did Zayne.” I touched his face and let him see my fear for him. “You have no idea what viciousness Prides are capable of. I don't regret what I did to keep you safe.” Zayne pressed his lips to my forehead, and then slid them down to my lips. Before I could stop him, he was kissing me. When he pulled back I was breathless. “I do this for you only. To keep you safe.” For a split second Alex's eyes were blood red. A simple nod of my head and touch of my hand began to ease that anger. “Zayne take tonight and weigh your options. I will expect your answer in the morning one way or the other.” Paul mandated. “Hailey will tell you about the other Prides that would suit you best if you wish.” I looked at him then at Alex who was fairly sizzling with anger. Alex clenched his eyes shut struggled to reign in his anger and then opened his eyes to simply nod at me, and I grinned turning to follow Zayne out. “Zayne tell Fran we are gonna head back to the condo, then if you two will meet me by the car, I'll be out in just a minute.” Zayne nodded and continued out the door. I walked over to Alex and wrapped my arms around him. “The condos are now my responsibility, so I need to at least go by there and check on things.” “I understand completely mon cher. If you need anything you can communicate through our mind-talk. I also took the liberty of programming my cell phone number into your phone, in case you feel the urge to call and talk normally. You don't mind do you?” “I don't mind.” I said out loud. My face flushed with unexpressed anger. I didn't want to get angry over something I'd been meaning to do anyway, but damn I wish just once either Dimitri or Alex would ask. Paul just stood watching us with a smile on his face. I met Fran and Zayne out by the cars. Zayne and I hugged. “I'm sorry you got involved in vampire politics Zayne, but it could not be helped.” “Right.” He said rolling his eyes. “What possible reason could I have in getting you involved in my messes?” I said incredulously. “You could have come to me first!” Zayne ground out. “You could have acted like a friend instead of a vampire!” Ok, so over being nice to him. I thought to myself. I let him have it. “What's wrong with being a vampire Zayne? Think carefully before you speak since you are going to be surrounded by them for the next few days. And really what would you have done Zayne? Listened to me? Said Ok Rae, no problem. I agree to stay at Paul's house until we figure out what's safest for me to do? Is that what you would have said Zayne?” If he wanted to be pissy about this I could do pissy too. “No Rae. I just wanted someone to come to me calmly with the truth. I didn't appreciate being kidnapped in the middle of the night by near strangers.” He said eying Fran, who poked her tongue out at him. “We could have let them have you. Let whatever hell Pride wanted you and let them capture you to w***e you out and torture you 'til you wished you were dead. That would have been better wouldn't it? At least then when we came to rescue you you would have understood what we were protecting you from!” Zayne's face went pale his eyes rested on Alex who had followed me out and just stood back and listened. “They wouldn't...they couldn't...someone would know...” “That's what we've been trying to tell you Zayne. There are prides out there that would and have already done it once.” Alex told him carefully with no emotion coloring his voice. “What...What happened to the last one?” Zayne said, his body visibly trembling. Alex looked worriedly at Zayne and then at me. I shook my head no. Zayne could be as stubborn as the day was long and I could see in his eyes he still didn't quite get what we were trying to do for him. If we stopped now, he would wake up tomorrow and convince himself this was all a bad dream. “He was a doctor. He had a fiancé, and a whole lot of friends who were going to his bachelor party that night. They whisked him away as he was getting into his car from his apartment parking lot. No one who loved him ever saw him again. They took him away to some castle in Europe that had deep dungeons. They whored him out and tortured him until he died.” “I think I'm going to be sick.” Zayne stated as Fran brought him a chair. He sat down hard. She gently made him put his head between his knees. All the while talking softly to him. I was sorry a little bit that we were talking to him so roughly, but this is one of the reasons why a relationship between Zayne and I would never work. I don't want to talk every situation out to the Nth degree just to make him feel safe. “We did it the nicest way we could Zayne, honestly. You just don't realize the danger you're in. You just don't, and there is no way to explain it to you, because you don't want to listen to anybody.” My head was beginning to hurt talking in circles like this. Zayne slowly looked around at the people surrounding him looking for someone to say something different than what he just heard. There was no one who would tell him anything different. Sometimes love is harsh. Sometimes it is the only way to save one you love. “Please help me.” He whispered hanging his head. Fran and I hugged Zayne while he cried. When the tidal wave had subsided Hailey walked him back into the house. Fran and I took the quick drive to our long lost condo in my car. “The meeting with Micah was strange wasn't it?” Said Fran shaking her head. “It was way too much information!” I stated still fighting a low grade headache from the experience. “Micah was a little strange looking too. His ears were..” Fran hedged. “Were what?” I questioned waiting for her response. “He was just a balding old man with long white hair. He did seem like he could read my mind though. That creeped me out not just a little bit.” Fran was stunned. Micah had not tried to read her mind once. Was it that he couldn't? Raelyn had not seen the same young handsome man that Fran saw and she needed to know why. She decided not to trouble Raelyn with this new mystery until she had some answers of her own. Fran decided she would have to pay another visit alone to Micah Ontario...or Tivir if she really wanted to be accurate. We were pulling into our drive way when I realized that our front door was cracked open. I grabbed Fran's hand and mentally called for Alex's attention. I was not sure if he got the distress message or not but man did I hope so. Fran and I carefully started up the walk. We were halfway there when Dimitri began screaming in my head. “RAELYN, THEY ARE NOT THERE TO TAKE YOUR BELONGINGS, THEY ARE THERE FOR FRAN BECAUSE THEY THINK SHE IS THE ILNAYUS!!! You need to get the both of you out of there now. Nolyan, Sylvyan, and Antone are awaiting your arrival inside.” “Okay, alright. I'll do what I can.” “Fran, I do not think we need to be here. Let's get out of here.” I said and we turned to head back to the car. Just then Sylvyan grabbed Fran by the hair and covered her mouth, just as Nolyan grabbed me dragging us into the house. I got the impression they were waiting until nightfall to leave with us. I bit Nolyan's hand and he released me. “Nolyan, what in the f**k do you want? Didn't you get enough of me the other night?” I yelled with as much venom as I could manage. “I am not here for you sweet thang. Although I'm gonna enjoy taking advantage of you for days, since your lover is not here to prevent it this time around. We are here for her. She is our Ilnayus, and Master Grendel wants her for his own.” Fran glanced at me, and I knew instantly she would swear with her last breath that she was Ilnayus if it meant protecting me. Realizing this tears began to run down my cheeks. Fran was too angry to cry. There was no way that Alex and the Valhalla pride could get here in time. It had been 30 minutes since I sent Alex the distress message, and I was beginning to lose hope. Just then a shadow caught my eye. It was Gaylena. Thank God, was all I could think. “Rae, mon chéri, I brought along your samurai swords and Fran's kitana, in case the two of you might want to join in. Gaylena is placing on the floor in the hall now. On the count of three I want you to bound toward Fran. Then once we have their attention I want the two of you to either run for your weapons or get the hell out of the condo okay?” “You can bet we are staying. Can't let you have all the fun! Ready when you are darling.” “One, two, three.....” I threw myself at Fran then. Alex, Paul, and Enrique charged the three men. Fran and I scrambled towards Gaylena. Once there Fran and I grabbed our weapons and took off with Gaylena by our sides. All three of us were chanting separate spells. The three of us took on Antone. Fran sent a spell that softened the metal of his sword. It instantly broke when swinging in a downward arch that would have split my head in two had I not blocked it with my sword. I delivered a blow right to the blade. To his astonishment, it held for a second and then snapped in two. Fran laughed and I realized that she had not expected the spell to work that good. Silly girl. Gaylena sent a spell that weakened his body. So that one moment he was facing us and the next he was down on the floor unable to hold his body up. I sent a spell that took his sight. Nothing we did really hurt Antone, but he fell to the floor screaming anyway. “Wuss” I said as we stepped over him and walked away from him still rolling around on the floor and screaming. Alex was in the process of beating Nolyan into the ground yet again for putting his hands on me. Nolyan grabbed a pepper shaker, popped the top and threw it in Alex's face. As Alex fought to clear his eyes Nolyan tried to sweep in with a cutting blow with his sword. It was Fran that blocked it. Nolyan was enraged that a woman would lift a sword against him...a man and it made him sloppy and stupid. He slashed at her in wide arches which she easily dodged. She began to make it a game. Each time he brought his hand too far back she slashed him with her own blade. Each time she connected with him he screamed in rage. By the time Alex regained his sight, Nolyan's shirt was torn to ribbons. “Hey, thanks.” Alex said sincerely. “I think I can take over now.” “No problem.” Fran said smiling and turned from Nolyan to rejoin the fight with Antone. Nolyan feinted to the right and Alex dipped his body gracefully to catch the upward swing that he thought was coming. Instead Nolyan spun his body around Alex and swung wide to slash Fran's back wide open. Alex was quicker and caught Nolyan's blade just as he brought the strike to home. Fran could feel Nolyan behind her and turned in time to see Nolyan's blade get knocked out of his hand by Alex. If he would have connected he would have cut her in half. She looked up at Alex with wide eyes. “Thank you back at ya.” she whispered. Paul and Enrique were taking turns with Sylvyan. Sylvan and Nolan tried to run off, but Paul stopped them. “Haven't you forgotten someone?” Paul hissed angry that they would leave one of their own behind. They went to Antone's side. He was still screaming. “What have you done to him?” demanded Sylvyan. Alex smiled but it did not reach his eyes. He made Antone lay on his back. The look on his face sent chills up my spine. He wanted to kill all of them...badly and it was taking everything he had to hold himself back. “Hold him!” He ordered Sylvyan and Nolyan. They did as they were told. Fran, Gaylena and I came closer. We still couldn't understand why Antone was screaming. “Who did the weakness spell?” Alex asked. Gaylena stepped forward. “What weakens a vampire?” He asked her. “Silver.” I whispered. Alex smiled evilly at me. “Right.” He pushed Antone's head up and we could now see his necklace was burning into his neck. “You turned his gold necklace to silver Gaylena. Did you mean to do that?” “No she whispered.” “Ooopppss” Said Fran smiling as the vampire continued to burn. Fran sighed heavily and then bent to take the necklace off. “I'll kill you b***h!” Antone screamed. Fran's eyes went black with anger the rims of her pupils turned red. “Take it off yourself then you jerk.” She looked to Sylvyan and Nolyan. “Get this trash out of my house before I pour holy water all over it!” Sylvyan looked at me. “Is the holy water still in the frig Fran?” I said smiling at Sylvyan. Nolyan looked at Alex. “Are you not master enough to control your human b*****s before they make more trouble than you can handle?” Before I could understand that he moved, Alex had crossed the room and slashed Nolyan's chest open exposing sternum and rib. Nolyan screamed in pain and grabbed his chest. He continued to point his blade at Nolyan all the while raising the point to the level of Nolyan's neck. “Do not presume mon ami, that I will take orders from you concerning my authority over humans. And if you ever refer to these women like you have just done again, I will take your head the next time, this is your first and last warning. There will be no other. And as for your master, he knows I am within my rights to defend what is mine! Now take your friend here and leave. The chain around his neck is of no concern of ours although I think maybe you should take it off soon before it saves us the trouble of decapitating him.” Antone somehow managed to pick himself up off of the floor even though his neck was still burning. As he dragged himself to the door, he used his last bit of energy to lunge at Fran and grab at her. Fran jumped back to get away from him. Unfortunately for him the only thing he was able to grab was the cross around her neck.. It was the last thing he ever did. Uriel's Protection flared into life and blue flame spread across Fran's chest and ignited Antone on fire. Alex and the other vampires hid their eyes from the holy flame. Fran and I saw an angel hovering in the midst of the blue flame brandishing his sword at Antone. When the flame died there was nothing left of Antone but a pile of ash. Fran's cross floated to the floor. Alex lifted the cross and chain off the floor with his sword and handed it to Fran. She took it from him and stared at it long and hard. She took a deep breath. “Thank you Alex, however I don't think I need it any longer with you and your pride.” Fran turned to me, “Rae will you keep this in a safe place my friend?” “I will in deed. Are you sure you will be okay without it?” I asked “I will be just fine.” Fran said as she pulled the necklace Micah had given her out of her pocket and clasped the clasp around her neck. “Where did you get that?” I asked grabbing the identical one around my neck. “Micah gave it to me. It's the twin to yours. Dimitri gave it to Micah before his death.” Fran solemnly stated with a small grin. “I would feel much safer if you two came back to the house and stayed.” Paul remarked. “Us too. Just give us enough time to pack some items please.” this coming from Fran. Enrique stood guard downstairs, Paul went with Fran, and Alex came with me. Fran and I grabbed what we would need over the next few days, then we all jumped in the vehicles and headed back out to the Montgomery place. © 2010 RaelynAuthor's Note
Added on February 6, 2010 Last Updated on February 6, 2010 Hospital Blood
Chapter 10
By Raelyn
Chapter 11
By Raelyn
Chapter 12
By Raelyn
Chapter 13
By Raelyn
Chapter 14
By Raelyn
Chapter 15
By Raelyn
Chapter 16
By Raelyn
Chapter 17
By Raelyn
Chapter 18
By Raelyn
Chapter 19
By Raelyn
Chapter 20
By Raelyn
Chapter 21
By Raelyn
Chapter 22
By Raelyn
Chapter 23
By Raelyn
Chapter 24
By Raelyn
Chapter 25
By RaelynAuthor![]() RaelynAZAboutIm a 28 yr old single mom. I work at the local hospital in ICU. In my free time I am attempting to write my first ever novel. Tweet more..Writing