![]() Chapter 16A Chapter by Raelyn
Micah's shop, Mystic Stones, was only ten minutes from the restaurant, so we were there in no time. As we entered it felt as though we were expected, because there were no other customers in the shop.
“At last, Raelyn DaMartine, and Francine Sinclaire. I have been waiting for your arrival and the opportunity to finally meet your acquaintance.” Micah spoke eloquently as he drew the shades to the shop an d firmly locked the door. He hung a sign on the shop window that said “Gone for the rest of the day. Open 8:00 Am tomorrow.” I looked over at Fran and saw that she was as speechless as I found myself to be. “Well it is nice to meet you as well, you are Micah I presume?.” I stated softly all the while looking around at the shop and then back at its ancient owner. “Oh dear, I do apologize for not introducing myself, its just that I have been so anxiously awaiting the time to come to finally meet you, that I forgot my manners altogether. I am Micah Ontario, owner of Mystic Stones. Micah shook my hand. Then he giggled. “Oh no,no! Zayne is not for you! A friend to be sure, but a mate? No, no that will never work!” “Excuse me?” I questioned. “You were wondering about Zayne as a boyfriend? Weren't you?” Micah looked puzzled. The thought was so distant in my mind that I barely knew I was thinking it. “How did you?... “Oh! I'm so sorry my dear. Bad manners. Very bad manners! Sometimes I get confused. You didn't say that out loud did you?” “No” I said not just a little angry. I just got Alex and Dimitri out of my head and in popped Paul and now Micah. I was beginning to think I had a “Welcome” neon sign screwed into my forehead. “Oh...my goodness.” Micah looked at me closely and then narrowed his eyes. I was beginning to feel terribly uncomfortable around him. “Remind me to tell you how to control who speaks into your head. It may save your life one day.” He looked at me so seriously that I wanted to step back from him. I didn't. He changed emotions again. “Well!” He said as he clapped and rubbed his hands together brightly. “Let's get started!” “Would you like to speak to both of us at the same time, or each privately?” I inquired. “I will speak with Fran first, since my conversation with you will be rather in-depth and lengthy. That is as long as that is okay with you both of you.” Micah gently took Fran's hand. In that initial contact they both jumped as though a spark of electricity passed between them. Micah looked greatly confused, and Fran was rubbing her hand down her jeans and then stared at her hand. She looked back up at Micah. She extended her hand to him. He took it and began to lead her to a room on the left hand side of the shop. Before entering he turned to me. “Make yourself at home Raelyn, as far as anyone else knows I am closed for personal reasons today. Take a look round, experiment with whatever you are drawn to, there is nothing here that you can hurt.” He grinned at me then and proceeded with Fran into the other room that had been previously hidden behind a bookcase. The unveiled room looked like a library but the artifacts and books that I saw were very, very old. It had books and artifacts scattered on shelves, on tables, and some on the floor. “Please have a seat Francine.” Micah gestured to a comfortable looking leather chair in front of his desk. “It's Fran Mr. Ontario.” She said shaking his hand. “Please call me Micah, I've never been fond of titles either.” “Thank you. Micah it is.” She said smiling at him and letting his hand go slowly. Micah eyed the leather chair, studied it for a moment, and then decided to move it from in front of the desk. He brought a chair from against the far left wall and positioned it on one side of an elaborately carved oak desk that dominated the room. He sat down in an oak high backed chair covered in tooled leather that gave one the impression that Micah sat on a throne. He gallantly gestured to the overstuffed, high backed chair he brought for her and placed on the opposite side of the desk from where he sat. The chair had a feminine touch, and was the same carved oak as the desk but covered in expensive ocean blue silk material heavily embroidered with cranes. Fran got the impression not many people were privileged to sit in this chair. “I'm sorry but I do not have the time to sugar coat anything. I apologize for that, but there is a major war brewing and my only job is to make sure I give you two ladies the correct information you'll need to use your skills.” “I am grateful for that, I do not like having things sugar-coated for me.” She said giving him her most winning smile. “And your position in this war you speak of? Fran said enjoying the intelligence that read out of his eyes. Micah smiled. “My position my lady....is neutral. I don't....get...directly involved...if you will.” Fran grinned arching her eyebrow. This repartee back and forth was fun. “But you don't mind helping one side now and again.” “If I feel that one side has an unfair advantage over the other....I may give a …..gentle nudge...you might say....in the right direction of course.” “Hhmm” Fran intoned as she considered his words carefully. “Skillful attention is always appreciated.” Micah was really attractive. His long silver white hair fell softly past his shoulders. The tips of his hair was an unusual blue black which gave him the look of a fox. Pointed ears split through the locks of his hair on either side of his head. His eyes were a piercing cornflower blue nestled in a ring of deep violet, mirroring the colors of the silk she was sitting on. “Flowers.” Fran thought “His eyes look like the most beautiful flowers I have ever seen.” His eyelashes were the same startling blue-black as the tips of his hair. They made his eyes look as though they were artfully surrounded in ebony lace. But for the life of her Fran could not keep her eyes from the lush dimples in his cheeks and sculpted curves of his rose colored lips. “I am ever subtle my lady.” He said smiling broadly and for a time completely forgetting himself. “Absolutely sinful for a man to have lips like that.” Fran thought to herself. This was not the type of magic she had come to learn,but the unexpected pleasure of the encounter made her smile studying how he formed his words as he spoke. Micah was a little uncomfortable with Fran looking at him that way. He was used to people coming into his shop and doing everything from threatening to kill him; to trying to bribe him, but it had been a long time indeed since an attractive woman had looked at him as a man. He adjusted his chair importantly and tried to act as though nothing was happening between them. He paused to look at her. Fran was pleased by Micah's perusal of her. But she did actually come for a purpose. “Fire away.” She encouraged for the first time noticing the items he had on his desk. He cleared his throat nervously. “Here goes.” He muttered under his breath arching a finely sculpted masculine brow. He was feeling nervous for the first time in 900 years. “You are aware that you are Raelyn's half sister in this new world. You are part elf, part pagan. It was the your magic that kept Raelyn's injuries from being far worse than they were in the accident. What you do not know is that your abilities consist of being mentally strong, the ability to avoid injury, heightened senses; sight, taste touch, smell, hearing are as great as any vampire's maybe more. You can move as quick as they can too. Of course you have the ability to use certain magics that are peculiar to you. You can use elven magic and human because you are both.” “You wear that cross around your neck but you are unaware of its powers. It is an item of defense, known as Uriel's Protection. It summons an archangel when vampires are attacking you. An archangel who will use fire to cleanse. It is an extremely powerful amulet. if you or anyone you are protecting are in danger Uriel's fire will ignite into a blinding brilliant blue fire from the tip of Uriel's sword.” “Until you feel comfortable around the vampires surrounding you, none of them can touch you while you wear it. Once you feel safe enough to take it off for good, I ask that you give it to Raelyn. She will have a purpose for it later on. This is its replacement.” He handed her a necklace identical to the one Raelyn found in Dimitri's chest. “How do you know all of this?” Fran questioned while she eyed the necklace. She glanced up from the necklace to look at the expression on his face. “No one has ever asked me that before.” He said with interest. “Well I'm certainly not going to let you tell me what to do with magic unless I know that who I am listening to knows what he is talking about.” Micah's eyebrows knitted together in thought. “Point taken my lady. You should not learn magic from just anyone. If they teach you wrong it could mean your life. I can assure you I have studied extensively.” He said gesturing to the bookshelves filled with books that surrounded them in the room. “Ever the teacher, never the practitioner.” Fran said with a wry smile.“ You could know how to do this in theory, but not be good at magic at all.” Micah was astonished at her bold challenge of his magic abilities. No one had ever had the nerve before. He had punished many severely for much less. But in this respect Fran was an innocent. She really had no idea who she was talking to. Nevertheless Micah loved a challenge from a beautiful lady. “All right.” He searched around the room with his eyes for a second and then graced her with a beautiful smile when he found what he was looking for. A porcelain vase across the room was filled with dried and withered roses. One dead, faded bloom levitated out of the vase and then floated across the room. It slowly started spiraling in front of Fran. She watched with fascination as with each turn of the rose the petals seemed to become more supple. The stem became more green and the leaves seemed to turn green and come back to life, water filling their delicate veins. Before long there was a live, white rose spinning in front of her. Fran lifted her hand and delicately touched the now living bloom on the top of the blossom, and the purest of whites turned into a deep violet color. She finished the look blowing softly on the blossom leaving a fine spray of water across its delicate petals as though the morning dew had just left its mark. “The color of kings.” Micah said openly admiring the rose's new color. With a flick of his wrist the beautiful bloom rested carefully in Fran's lap. “Bringing the dead back to life is very difficult magic indeed even if it is only a flower.” She said raising a finely arched brow. She did not try to hid her open admiration of his art. “Successfully tampering with someone's magic while the spell is still being cast is not safe. Especially with someone you do not know well.” He said looking pointedly at her. “Only the most skilled can accomplish such a thing madam. I can see why you are so careful about who teaches you.” Micah could see that she was really pleased by his gift of the rose. He looked with new eyes upon the young woman in front of him before he continued. “You were saying.” Fran smiled politely urging him to finish what he was saying. She was in the presence of a master spell caster and she was pleased. “The amethyst stone is your personal stone This is the stone that the gods have chosen for you. Also, you should know that you are Raelyn's guardian. This does not mean making decisions for her. It simply means that you will be able to sense when she is in trouble easier than the others, and that you try your best to guide her into making the right decisions.” “With your magic, there's not a lot I can tell you. The same goes for your other abilities. Magic is a skill best learned by oneself and by experimenting. “I prefer to learn with the help of one more skilled than myself.” Fran said looking intently at Micah. “It makes the learning experience..so much more...fulfilling....than alone.” “Do you have any questions?” Asked Micah awkwardly, wondering to himself just exactly what they were talking about. He didn't think they were talking magic anymore. The thought made him smile. For the first time in a very long time he was thoroughly enjoying himself. “Yes. What are you?” She said cocking her head prettily to one side. “You're not as old as you make yourself look are you?” “What?” Micah was stunned. That's not the question he was expecting. This young woman was far too perceptive. “I mean.” Fran stated struggling to find the correct words for what she saw. “You are ancient. Probably hundreds or maybe a thousand years old, and you dress like an old man. But you're body is not aged. I can tell by the strength in your voice. You are not old....here.” She said touching her heart. Micah smiled a handsome smile showing a row of even white teeth. He folded his hands across the desk unconsciously flexing his arm muscles. His image shimmered and just for a second Fran saw a much younger man sitting in front of her. Micah couldn't understand his own driving need to let this young woman know who he really was. “No” Fran said observing the flex and relaxation of his chest underneath his shirt and knowing that the body that was hidden by the desk was equally fit. “Not as old as you are pretending to be at all.” “You are the first to notice in a very long time my lady. For all the good it will do you. Remember, I must stay neutral.” Micah smiled sadly. Sometimes the hardest thing about his work was its secrecy. “And the answer to your first question, my true name is Tivr.” Fran paused to take in this new information. Then her eyes widened when she understood what he just told her. “Are you Tivr?” She whispered awed not only by what he just told her, but also by the most prized of all gifts he just placed at her feet....trust. To know someone's true name was to control them. There was no greater honor in the world of magic. Micah nodded ever so slightly smiling at her. “I knew you were knowledgeable....but to be so versed...I am pleasantly surprised madam.” Micah had, in a round about way just told Fran that he was Etruscan. More than that, he was the moon god they worshiped...Tivr. “Your manner of speech....” She said her voice barely audible. “Picked up through the centuries. Living so long affords me the luxury of expressing myself any way I please. I have spoken many languages in my time....” He left off not wanting to go any further into his past. To his relief she caught the uneasiness in his tone. “I'd have to be deaf, dumb, blind, and stupid not to notice the handsome, intriguing man sitting across from me right now.” Fran said seriously. “Shy are we?” Micah smiled broadly. “Never had a shy bone in my body.” laughed Fran honestly. Micah laughed and started again wondering if he was going to have to repeat all the information about magic he had just told her. She didn't seem as though she was paying attention to what he had tried to convey to her at all. This conversation was no where near what he intended it to be. Not exactly an unpleasant idea though...keeping her in his office a little longer. “Miss Sinclair do you have any questions about the information I just told you?” “Not at the moment.” She said rising gracefully from her chair and offering him her hand. “ If I think of any may I come back to see you?” It was a subtle invitation. “Of course you may Fran.” He said as he rose from his chair and quickly closed the distance between them coming around to her side of the desk and pointedly using her given name. They both stood then and shook hands. This time they held hands a little longer and gazed into each others eyes. It was he that broke contact first. It had been centuries since he'd had an encounter like this with a woman. He had just violated the most sacred rule of magic. He had allowed himself a little too much freedom in this encounter for others he must answer to to approve. “Thank you.” He whispered. Using his voice to brush over her skin soft and luxurious like velvet. His voice sent shivers down her spine “My pleasure....Micah.” Fran said like a kitten that had just lapped up all the cream from her dish. Micah opened his office door and waved for me to take Fran's place. I could feel a weird vibration coming from the both of them and it led me to wonder if just talking went on in that room, but I couldn't put a finger as to what was going on. I looked at Fran who was blushing prettily and then at Micah who was looking at her as though he hadn't said everything he had meant to say. She must have known I was nervous because she squeezed my hand and whispered “Everything will be fine, you'll like him.” as she floated passed me. “As with Rae, please Fran take anything you wish.” He said as he gestured to the room. Fran nodded her head politely and walked around to inspect the shop. I walked into the room and Micah closed the door behind me. Whatever had happened was gone and Micah was instantly all business. He motioned for me to sit in a comfortable leather upholstered chair. “Please sit Raelyn. There is so much information I need to give you. Some of it is dangerous information in the wrong hands, but for you what I have to relate to you could one day save your life. The reason I am safe is because I am neutral to all that happens between races. I will start with what you know already then move on to the items you are not aware of yet.” “You already know that you are part fairy, elf, and pagan. That you have the ability to use fairy dust to break evil spells; you can control the elements and weather. You can track magic, heal and protect others. And that you can use magic, you know of the wings, but not what they can do and of the premonitions through dreams. Another is that men have a strong attraction to you emotionally and physically. Any questions regarding any of these?” “Well I do have a few minor questions regarding these things.” Raelyn said as she rubbed her temples. If Micah didn't slow down she was going to get a migraine headache. “Take you're time, we're in no rush.” He slowed down a little. He had to relate a lot of information and he realized he was pushing his magic a little too hard into her mind to make her remember. He was going to give her a massive headache if he didn't draw back a bit. He sighed and settled into his chair a bit. The tension in Rae's temples relaxed and eased up. Micah noted that when he talked to Fran he immediately felt her draw information from him. Not reading his mind exactly, but he was using magic to help her remember, and she was drawing it from him instead of fighting it. Between he and Fran there had been instant trust even though she challenged him to make him use his abilities in front of her. Rae on the other hand wanted to analyze information and then allow herself to use magic to remember it. It was much slower process, but a wise one in one so young. “How does the fairy dust work and where do I get it?” “Fairy dust is extremely powerful, due to the nature of how it is obtained. Fairy dust consists of fairies who have passed on, their bones disintegrate into the dust. It is very rare and only strong fairies and ancients can obtain it. You will get it from me until you get strong enough.” “How does the weather thing work?” “The weather works off of your emotions, fairies and pagans have a strong connection with the elements, and you being a combination of both gives you the ability to control it.” “Why am I able to hear Alex's thoughts and Dimitri's thoughts even though he is dead?” “You hear Dimitri's thoughts because of the love you shared and the blood bond between a Master Vampire and that which belongs to him. Dimitri stays because he feels you are in danger and will not leave until that which stays unsettled between the two of you rights itself. I warn you Raelyn, one day you must let Dimitri go. He must move beyond. He is keeping himself in a limbo of sorts between this world and the next. He is nowhere. Not of this world and not receiving the joy of the next. I warn you do not keep him here a second longer than he needs to be or he will be stranded where he is unable to break free of its confines. Do you understand.” I groaned. I thought it was something like that. I didn't want Dimitri to leave me, but I didn't want him trapped in oblivion either. I pushed the thought away from me hard. I couldn't think about that now. I had to learn what Micah was trying to tell me. Later. I would think about it when...when...ok. I didn't know when I could think about it. Would there be a time when my heart didn't feel like it would stop beating if I truly knew that I would never hear Dimitri's voice again? I didn't think so. So I looked at Micah in the face and lied. “I know. I will let him go.” “You are attuned to Alex and even more so to Dimitri, though I don't understand why since you don't have any kind of tie with him and you can't have two masters. This happened before he tasted your blood didn't it?” I nodded astonished. I started singing ABC's in my head so he wouldn't read everything that I was thinking before I even thought it. Micah was a strong psychic and he was scaring me. If he noticed my discomfort at his ability to know absolutely what I was thinking he didn't show it. He continued as though I wasn't waging world war three in my head. “That's why you can do this. Also it is an ability that was passed from your father to you, so do not be surprised if you find that you can do this with others, however if you can do this with a non-magical being no one else will be able to hear you or locate you. If this happens use it carefully.” “What is this thing about men having a strong attraction to me, and how am I to know if they truly care for me rather than it being this attraction thing?” “Fairies have the tendency to draw attention from both sexes, yours pulls men more strongly than females. You will know whether or not it is the pull or true attraction. You're gut will tell you and you'll be able to tell in the man's behavior. Is there anything else before I move on?” “Not that I can think of at the moment.” “Alright then, moving on.” “What I am about to tell you. you do not want to repeat to anyone until the timing is right. First off the more you learn the stronger you become, which will give you the ability to move items without even trying, to cause pain and or pleasure with just a look, and the power to make others do as you wish by simply asking. This is a blessing and a curse, trust me I know. I too have this power or ability which ever you chose to call it. I would expect that over the next few days you will notice this power growing stronger and beginning to function properly.” Micah paused to take a breath then continued on not giving me the chance to ask any questions. “Do you know what the Sire is?” “No.” “The sire is a human man with the ability to impregnate female vampires. He is literally the answer to prophecy. He is not vampire, he is vampir so that he is capable of bowing allegiance in the beginning to ANYONE.....” Micah paused yet again this time to gauge my response. “We know that someone close to you is the one.” “Who is we?” Questioned Raelyn. “We” Said Micah looking seriously at her. “are the governing body of all the Prides. The council of Vampires “Hhhhhmmm” Rae said looking at him closely. Her instincts are good. thought Micah. she caught me off guard. He paused for just a second. The council was not who he was speaking of but he could not tell Raelyn who he was truly representing, the ancients. “We just don't know who it is. We thought Dimi knew. We know that he was killed for it. We know that you will be able to eventually identify the sire. It is part of what you can do.” “The name we give to the one who can name the sire is Ilnayus. You are Ilnayus Raelyn, so that means that you will know who the sire is. By any chance do you know who this person may be?” Micah raised an eyebrow at me now. I knew exactly who the person was that he spoke of, however I the sinking suspicion it was better not to release this information just yet. However I needed to know some more information before I took this information back to Alex and the Valhalla pride. “No Micah, I do not believe I know who this person is as of yet.” “Wait, wait, wait! How did I get so lucky? Who said I am Ilnayus? How do you know that I am this person you speak of?” Micah let out a long, slow, patient breath. He knew he should answer her questions but there was so little time. He didn't want either of these women to stay too long in the shop. To the casual observer, it looked like a little private shopping trip between best friends a thing he did often enough just to cover little meetings like these. But if the wrong people suspected him of giving them aid, he would put more than just their lives in danger. Micah did not fear for himself, but there were countless others who relied on him and those he worked for and protected. At all costs the shop needed to keep the appearance of remaining neutral. “We know you are Ilnayus because you can hear Dimitri and Alex and Paul. A human should not be able to call or answer Vampires in their head as you do. Vampires are the undead. They are not alive and therefore their bodies and their magic is different than yours. The fact that you can communicate to vampires tells us that you have at least two different types of magics within you. More than likely it is more since we know for sure you have Fae in your lineage. All of this tells us that it is a surety that you are Ilnayus. “Quickly now I will tell you this last bit of information. An Ilnayus invokes what is called blood lust. It is the highest and most deadly form of justice among vampires. Blood lust is necessary because vampires are a vicious race at their core. The Ilnayus originally began with the Fae as protectors to all and help keep the balance and harmony. Ilnayus finds injustice and sends Nosanguinous to answer the cry of the victim. They are the enforcers of vampire law.” “For now that is all the information I can give you. We will meet again soon, when the time calls for such a meeting. You have full range of my shop today, and when you come back again you will receive fifty percent off any and all that you buy.” “Take what you wish today, it is yours free of cost. I'll even show you some items of interest for you and Fran, then I must bid you goodbye until the next time.” I was too shocked to say anything. Another title. But what did it mean? I didn't feel any different. I had just gotten more information than I wanted to have. Like I didn't have enough to worry about already, I thought to myself as I followed Micah out to the front of the shop where Fran was waiting. We shopped around for about thirty minutes, then said our goodbyes. There was so much to discuss, but it would wait until we got the the Montgomery Manor where it was safe to speak. I wasn't sure as to how much of what I just found out was known by the Valhalla pride, but I knew I would soon find out. We arrived at the Montgomery Manor twenty minutes later. Fran and I hadn't said a word the entire drive, there was too much to process. “Raelyn, are we even going to discuss any of this?” Fran asked as she put the car in park. “Yes we are! We are going to get inside and call a meeting with all that are in the Valhalla pride, and once we are finished with that, I am going to discuss a few issues with Alex in private.” I stated climbing out of the vehicle. We proceeded to the garage, knowing to enter through the door in there. I was angry, and tired of people telling me who I was. Why couldn't I be like everyone else and find out by myself like other people did? I was feeling overwhelmed and these people were about to see it all. I'm not a pawn for them to use. I'll do what needs to be done but I would be damned if Fran was going to be dragged into this situation without any knowledge or protection. Hailey was in the kitchen as we entered, taking off our shoes. “Welcome back.” she started, taking one look at me brought her up short though. “Hailey, I need for you to contact the entire Valhalla pride now.” I said sternly. I must have said it strongly enough because she immediately stopped what she was doing and left the kitchen. “I'll meet everyone in the living room.” I said as Fran and I made our way there. I decided that I might feel better if I took a shower prior to this next conversation. I needed to calm myself as much as possible, Lord forbid I get any more upset, I might cause a storm not even I could control. Fran said as much and informed me that she would be in her room meditating until I came to get her. The hot water and steam did my nerves good. I climbed out of the shower a good twenty minutes later and dressed in my favorite floor length skirt and pale pink tank top. And slipped on my ballet slippers. The way I see it is that if I have to go through this crazy conversation, I at least can do so comfortable. I checked my appearance in the mirror then proceeded to go get Fran. Just as Fran and I got into the living room, four people we had not met yet came walking in through the garage door. These must be the others from the pride. The four of them came in and stood off to the side. I started to introduce ourselves, but Hailey and the others were coming into the room. “Raelyn, Hailey tells us you want to speak to us.” Paul stated. “Yes sir I do. Before I start I want to apologize in advance if I offend anyone. Also before I say anything I would like to know who these strangers are? Because I refuse to say anything in front of people I do not know and am not sure I can trust.” “How rude of us, I am sorry Rae. This is Gaylena, Enrique, Maylene, and Manuel. And this is Raelyn DaMartine and Francine Sinclaire.” Paul remarked. Alex was still absent. “Where is Alex?” I said scanning the room looking for him. Alex appeared out of thin air just then. “I am here ma petite. What would you have of me?” I heard an audible gasp from Hailey and Paul. “Why did they gasp?” I wondered. “I can be overwhelming for some ma petite. See how they react to my mere presence.” Alex smiled as he let his gaze traveled over those in the room. Paul merely shook his head and looked sternly at Alex. Alex gave him the barest of nods. What the hell was happening here? And why couldn't I feel Alex's presence earlier? Looking around at all the uncomfortable faces I realized the answer was probably something that didn't need to be broadcast to the entire pride. I let it drop for now. “Are you are willing to trust Fran's and my life, with these people?” I hissed at Alex. “Raelyn ma petite, I would trust them with not only your lives but also that of my own and my family. What is going on?” I began relaying what I had found out. Rather upset I spit all of it out, all the while watching Alex and Paul's reactions. “Well.....” was all that came out of any of their mouths. “Well is right, all of this is dumped on me, so now I am dumping it on you as well.” “I am the Ilnayus, whatever that may mean, but I also know who the Sire is. Micah told me that knowing this information if life threatening, so not only are Fran's and my life at stake, so is everyone here and the Sire's.” “Raelyn, if you know who the sire is please tell us.” Said Gaylena. It was the first time she or any one with her had spoken, and for some reason I felt that she was an ally and someone of power. “Go ahead Raelyn you can tell us.” This from Paul. I thought about it and just couldn't bring myself to tell a whole room full of people. “I don't mean any disrespect to anyone in this room but I would prefer it if I could discuss this with Paul alone first.” Paul nodded immediately and guided me into his office where I proceeded to tell him everything that had transpired from when I first entered Zayne's office until now. Paul merely nodded and took everything in. “Those in this house are trustworthy to give this knowledge to Raelyn, however, I will bear the burden of telling them, instead of having you do so.” was all Paul said. “What happened to Alex?” I questioned. “It is not for me to tell Raelyn.” Paul put his hand up at my unspoken protest. “He wants to tell you himself. He said he needed you to be patient because he needs to make sure it is safe to discuss what happened to him. He thinks someone may be listening to his thoughts. Give him time Rae, he's had a difficult afternoon.” I sighed. “I'll wait for Alex then.” I could see visible relief flash across Paul's face. Damn. More secrets. My head began to hurt again. I wished that someone for once would just give me a straight answer. I was sure the headaches were caused in part by constantly trying to figure out someone else's puzzles. After we had finished our discussion, I left Paul in the office lost in thought. He seemed upset. I had Hailey bring out refreshments for everyone. Paul wanted time to think before any more announcements were made. Alex stared at me. I had the odd sensation that Alex was talking to both Paul and Dimitri which was fine by me. Alex got a shocked look across his face and then he just glared at me. Whatever was wrong, it was his problem. I didn't do it. I glared back at him. Paul came out a few minutes later and relayed to those in the room that all would be foretold later, right now everyone needed some rest. We had intense conversation about the Ilnayus and what that could mean to the Valhalla Pride and finally the conversation wound down and everybody left. Those left in the living room waited patiently. I looked at Paul and he gave me the barest of nods. “The Sire is Kevyn Zayne.” I said solemnly. “The lawyer?” Hailey asked. “The human lawyer? How can it be him?” “Because the Sire must be human.” Paul said smiling. All the literature he read on the subject showed the same amount of shocked surprise among the most elite vampires. There was a deafening silence. “I am not so much concerned for myself as I am for Fran and Zayne. They are my family and I want them protected at all costs, even if it means forsaking myself.” “I don't think so Rae, I won't stand for that.” This was the first time Fran had really spoken since we arrived back at the house. “I will not allow you to put my safety ahead of your own. I am not even sure I trust any of you to look after me.” She said eyes glittering as she carefully assessed the people in the room. “No offense.” “None taken.” said Alex “We are vampires after all Fran. I know trust is earned not given. Will you at least give us the opportunity to earn yours?” Fran nodded uneasily. Her hand unconsciously crept up until it grasped the amulet around her neck. Alex's eyes followed her hand and then he looked away. Earning Fran's trust was going to take a lot of work and time. He didn't think Valhalla pride had much of either. “Thank you.” Alex said. It was a start. “Here is how this is going to work...” Paul commanded. “Raelyn, Fran ,and Mr. Zayne will be kept protected at all costs. Hailey and Fran could you please go get Mr. Zayne and bring him here. I think it would be best if I informed him of the unusual talent life has offered him “ “Uncle Paul. I don't think he will be happy about it, but I think it would be best because you will give him the news as gently as you can in the privacy of your office.” Alex stated. This I too agreed with. Uncle, could you have Gaylena and your crew come back and keep an eye out, while Raelyn and myself step up stairs to have a private conversation?” “I am not leaving you alone.” Fran stated flatly. “Fran, please go with Hailey. Zayne will flip out if vampires he does not recognize go to get him. At least he recognizes you. I promise I will be fine with Alex.” I softly replied. “Alright then.” Fran said walking over to me. “Be careful Rae, I have a bad feeling about this.” she whispered hugging me. “Frannie I have a bad feeling myself, only it has nothing to do with those in this house.” I whispered back. Fran kissed me on my cheek and then walked away without looking back. I felt different somehow and couldn't put my finger on what it was from. Just then Gaylena and her crew came back into the room. “Well my lord, that was a quick retreat.” Gaylena said smiling as she kissed Paul's hand. She turned to gently grab my arm then. Gaylena jumped back as she cried out in pain. There was a third degree burn on her hand. I was just about to ask Fran why I felt different as this happened. I simply looked after Fran who had yet to turn around and knew there would be a smile sitting pleasantly on her face. Leave it to her to find a way to protect me without her being right here. © 2010 RaelynAuthor's Note
Added on February 6, 2010 Last Updated on February 6, 2010 Hospital Blood
Chapter 10
By Raelyn
Chapter 11
By Raelyn
Chapter 12
By Raelyn
Chapter 13
By Raelyn
Chapter 14
By Raelyn
Chapter 15
By Raelyn
Chapter 16
By Raelyn
Chapter 17
By Raelyn
Chapter 18
By Raelyn
Chapter 19
By Raelyn
Chapter 20
By Raelyn
Chapter 21
By Raelyn
Chapter 22
By Raelyn
Chapter 23
By Raelyn
Chapter 24
By Raelyn
Chapter 25
By RaelynAuthor![]() RaelynAZAboutIm a 28 yr old single mom. I work at the local hospital in ICU. In my free time I am attempting to write my first ever novel. Tweet more..Writing