![]() Chapter 14A Chapter by Raelyn
During the previous evening Fran had come to learn that Paul was the eldest and that before Dimitri died he was second in charge in the group. Hailey had let it slip that their greatest weakness was silver, imagine that, and that the Master vampire of this area's name is Monclaire. I have heard this name before. He was someone that I had been told then that Dimitri did work with, now I know what he meant. There was still more to come information wise today I thought as I vaguely thought as I started to awake.
I felt as though I was in a different place, even with that fact that I slept better than I had in years, I knew there was something amiss. Opening my eyes I realized that I had been moved sometime in the night. I looked around at the beautiful room I was now in. I have never seen a room done so elegantly yet serene. I slowly climbed out of the new bed I was in and wandered through the room. The first thing I noticed was the water fountain in the corner. It was made out of glass, wood, and rocks. The glass was etched with the picture of bamboo in it and I could see where the water running over it would catch on pieces of the etched bamboo and spill onto the soft rocks at the bottom. I moved next to look at and touch the scrolls on the wall. Both of them had a picture of the sun and bamboo on them. They were made of raw silk and soft to the touch. The first scroll I stood in front of was called Sun of Saa. It had a blue background with bamboo stalks coming up and across with a yellow and orange sun behind the bamboo stalks. The second scroll was called Asian Sun. It had a purple background with bamboo stalks on it as well going up and across with a yellow and orange sun behind them. I was captivated by these scrolls, I had never seen anything like them before. I walked across the room to inspect the fans that hung there. The first one I saw was named Red Night. I could see my self on the banks of the water watching the many shades of red in the sky. Or sitting in the hut looking out at the pinks and purples that spilled over the landscape. All three of the fans were made with the same raw silk as the scrolls and lined with bamboo. To my right was the next fan which was called Forgotten Land. It was nicely done painted in black and white allowing the waterfalls to stand out in my opinion. In this one there were several huts and I could see Fran and I vacationing here. I pondered on it a while longer before I moved to the far right to stare at the last fan. It was uniquely titled, Night in Asia. Much like the others it had its water scene and huts, however it also had the moon high in the sky. It was brilliant with it pale blue, pink, and purple colors. Just these six pieces alone were expensive, and it took someone with an natural gift for design to create a room like this. Maybe this was Hailey's project I thought to myself. As I started to turn and inspect the lanterns and tea-lite holders I noticed for the first time that Alex stood at the door. “Ma petit what do you think of the room?” “It is beautiful and serene and breathtaking! Is this Hailey's other room?” “No ma petit, this is the room I had created just for you. Of course Uncle Paul and Hailey assisted and a few of our friends also.” “You did this for me? But why? And you really shouldn't have Alex. This had to be expensive. I appreciate the gesture though.” “I know I didn't have to, I did this for you because I wanted to. I did it because I wanted you to have a place here that you can feel comfortable in and relax in. Money means nothing to me if I can see that look on your face. Would you like to continue looking first or may I kiss you good morning?” I stood there and pondered the question for a second then slowly walked over to him. I tried to remember the last time someone had done something this nice for me before. I looked up to find myself just about in his arms and smiled. Alex closed the remained of the distance, wrapping his arms around my waist. I went up on tip-toe and kissed him slightly on the lips. I was not kissing him anymore than that before brushing my teeth. I have my priorities. Alex tried deepening the kiss and I pulled back covering my mouth slightly with my hand. “I will kiss you again once I finish looking around the room and brush my teeth. Until then that little peck will have to do.” I grinned and slowly moved away. I continued looking around this new room. It was just so amazing to me that anyone especially Alex would go to the trouble of creating such a beautiful room for me. “He did it in hopes to win you over Raelyn.” Dimitri snidely remarked. “Does this mean you are speaking to me now? I understand your disdain but come off it Dimi, you died and I'm left here. What do you want me to do really?” “I know you need to move on, I just did not think it would be with my cousin. And yes I am a little upset about it, but not enough to not speak to you. I'm madder than hell at him and will discuss my disdain with him later.” “Why does it matter to you who I am with? Your ability to choose things for my life stopped when you didn't trust me enough to tell me your secret. Why can't it be Alex? Or is that another one of your secrets?” I knew I wasn't being kind, but then again I was in no mood to play nice either. I heard a strangled grunt of frustration coming from Dimitri. It was about time for him to be disheartened a bit where our relationship was concerned. Good. He changed the subject. “You need to be more concerned about your other priorities rather than when you will be able to kiss him again.” He ground out not trying to be diplomatic anymore. “Damn it Dimitri, STAY OUT OF MY PRIVATE THOUGHTS! I will not explain myself any longer to any of you. I plan on going to see Kevyn after breakfast, then once done there, I'm going to meet this Micah guy. My priorities are just fine. Besides its not like I asked to be in this situation. If you cannot at least attempt to be civil with me, then do not speak to me until you can be, but right at this moment I'm gravely upset with your demeanor!” “Well I'm hurt and upset Raelyn what do you expect? I would have never attempted to taste your blood or lick your wounds, yet you let him and you barely know him. I feel you are being irresponsible and careless. And as your former lover and now guardian I do have the right to voice my opinion.” “You never gave me the opportunity to make a decision, I'd have gladly allowed you more than just a taste of my blood Dimi. You were my world, I'd have died for you given the chance! But it was you who felt it best to lie to me about your supernatural nature and keep me in the dark. Do not fault Alex for being open and honest and me being able to accept it. I do not want to fight with you however if this is how you are going to behave then be prepared to fight each time.” I then turned and headed for the bathroom to brush my teeth, of course I was angry and wanted to hit someone. Yet there was no one I could really take it out on at the moment. Maybe later while training with Micah I could. I was going to see Kevyn; Zayne as I've called him for years; I've known him since we were little. Although we haven't spoken in a while due to the fact that he was not happy about me being in love with Dimitri. You know that awkward situation when one friend falls in love with the other and its not reciprocated, yeah that's Zayne and I. Time heals all woulds though at least I hope it does. I still found it odd that Zayne was the one to take care of his will. Then again, Dimitri knew more than he told me, so maybe he thought bringing Zayne and I back together would cause me to fall in love with a human this time. Boy could he have been any more off on that. I finished brushing my teeth and hair then headed back to my new room per say to change clothes and maybe even kiss Alex the correct way. By the time I got to the room I found myself smiling and humming to myself. However Alex was no where in sight although I could sense then tension coming from him where ever he was. Dimitri must be fighting with him. I wonder if I should listen in.. Sounded like a plan to me I thought. “I cannot believe you, you scoundrel! If I were still alive I'd bleed you out to within an inch of your life then bring you back to do it again! When I asked you to protect her I did not mean fall for her and taste her damn blood. She was and always will be mine, do not think for a minute that you will replace me with her.” Dimitri growled. “Where do you get off old man? I'm here in the present, you dear cousin are dead! What do you think you can do to me now? I didn't mean to fall for her but I did, and I will keep my promise to you to keep her safe. You are the one who kept everything from her thinking that she would be better off. Look how things are now Dimi? If you are looking for a fight then maybe that's what'll have to happen. You and I can meet face to face anytime we want, she cannot. Do you know how much she hurts when a memory pops up or she hears your voice? You think I'm trying to take her from you, that'll never happen Dimi, you are a part of her always. She is one that loves forever. That does not mean that she cannot find happiness again with me or someone else, it just means that you will never be replaced. Why can you not see that?” I could not believe what I was hearing. I thought about intervening but then again I cannot scold them for listening in on my private thoughts then turn around and listen in on their conversation. This was not going to turn out well at all. “Not only are you stepping on toes because you are family, but you are also interceding where vampiric rules stand strong. Whether I am alive or dead, she is mine and once she is mine, she's mine forever or until I release her. Monclaire will strap your a*s up with silver and torture you for months on end before eventually killing you. You are not that much younger than me that you do not understand our rules. It would serve you right. I'll warn you once more to back off then that's it. I will fight you if I have to and if worst comes to worst I'll take this to Monclaire. Do you understand me Alex?!” “You're a sadistic b*****d Dimi. You must enjoy her pain. Well you will have it, more than you can stomach if you continue in this selfish vein. You can read her thoughts as well as I, you know how much she loves me. Are you so tormented where you are that you truly do not see? If anything happens to me be it torture or death you know how she will react! Bring this to Monclaire and she will destroy herself trying to save me. As you so cleverly point out Dimitri, I know the rules. She however does not.” “What do you think will happen to her when she defies an enthroned Monclaire with his council of elders and is caught trying to save me? What will your sick heart feel when she is forced to become Monclaire's blood magic w***e, which he is sure to do rather than kill her. And don't deceive yourself into thinking for a second that he will stop at just drinking her blood! He will make her immortal. How will you keep from going mad when her screams fill your heart night and day for centuries as they will mine. Is this what you want? Would you rather her live thus, than with me? Would you? Have you become so insanely jealous that you would actually use her to destroy me?” “And finally, I am not as sure as you that Monclaire will kill me over a mortal that he can use. He has been scheming for months on how to take control of Rae since your death. And now you seek to deliver her into his hands. Do you think that I will sit back when I am released from my punishment and let her torment continue? I tell you now I will not! I cannot! And the whole house of Valhala will get involved. I will start a blood war Dimitri, and I won't care, because I will not stop until she is free.” Dimitri let out a blood curdling roar, and I stopped listening. This was way worse than I thought. I decide to wait for Alex, then go have breakfast. However before I took off to go meet with Zayne I would speak with Paul in private. This was way bad, I could tell. I did not know who Monclaire was but he did not sound like a nice person in my opinion. I knew I had to act normal as Alex came out of the room. “I've brush my teeth now, you think you might still want that kiss?” I asked flirtatiously. “Mon cher I would most definitely like nothing more than to kiss you, however I cannot at the moment.” I thought on that for a minute and decide to say to hell with it. Who was Dimitri to say and think that he owned me and could control what was left of my life. I was not taking no for an answer. So I walked up to Alex with my mind made up. “Well guess what I want to kiss you, and that is just what I plan on doing! I've been waiting all night to kiss you again. So unless you plan on stopping me then that is what I plan to do.” I was chest to chest with him now. I leaned up on tipped toes to kiss him when he placed his hands on my upper arms and gently moved me far enough away from him to allow me to see how much this hurt him too. “So now you do not want me. Was I just some blood magic tramp to you? Did you just want to see how much havoc you could create in my life?” I said hurt, even though I already knew why he was doing this it still hurt. Dimitri was so in for a surprise the next time I talked to him, if I did anytime soon. Alex's eyes showed the pain my words caused, but he held to his decision. “No douceur that is not the case at all please believe me. You are in no way even close to a blood magic tramp. Where in the hell did you learn of that? Now is just not the time. Please forgive me for the insult I have caused you just now.” "You are not the only one who can do research Alexander. I know that with me having magical powers that by you tasting or drinking my blood that it enhances your abilities. And I refuse to be that for you. You either want me completely or not at all. I will not be used as your personal blood magic w***e." I shook my head and turned away from him before my tears could fall. Even though I knew the reason for the rejection, it still did not stop the pain it caused. I was willing to take a chance and prove to Dimi that he could not control us. It seems Alex was not willing to take the same chance. I also knew I was hitting below the belt accusing Alex of using me as a blood magic tramp, but I was hurt and could not help my reaction. “Please come down to breakfast, it's ready and waiting.” “I'm no longer hungry. I will be in my room for the time being.” I said as even voiced as possible, trying not to let Alex know just how hurt I was. "Please pass on to Fran that when she is ready to leave to please come find me." I walked into the room and closed the door behind me, not wanting anyone to see how truly upset I was. Once I was sure the coast was clear I allowed myself a few tears, dried my eyes, then headed downstairs to find Paul. I was pretty sure he would be in the study, and of course I was correct. I lightly tapped on the door so as not to arouse any attention from those in the kitchen. "Please come in." Paul announced softly. "Paul I apologize for having to bother you so early, but I need some information without the others knowing that I am asking for it." "Close the door Raelyn, I had a feeling after last night's events that you would need to talk this morning. Sit down and tell me what is bothering you and I will do my best to answer the best that I can." "Alright here goes. Dimitri told Alex I am his until he releases me what does that mean? Who is Monclaire and why is Alex afraid of him? What exactly is a blood magic w***e anyway? How is it that I can still love Dimitri so much, yet want to be with Alex?" It seemed as though all of this ran together, at least that is how it sounded in my head as I blurted it all out. "I am going to take one question at a time and answer, because there is much detail involved with each one you have asked. First off I can tell you are hurting and I apologize for that. In our world Raelyn, most of us only fall in love once. With our kind that one person is forever. With Dimitri and you things got left unfinished. In his eyes and our world you are his and his alone until either you pass on or he no longer wishes to keep you as his. Right now its too hard for him to let you go. In his mind if he lets you go then everything you two have shared is gone." Monclaire is the head vampire in this region. We all answer to him. If there has been an injustice to one of us we take it before him. If we need assistance or want to go to another region, we have to go through him. He is reasonable for the most part, but he is very old and powerful. And can be very cruel when he meets out judgment." "Blood magic w***e....I cannot even believe that you know the term. But just the same you need to know the meaning. A blood magic w***e is similar to what they call in books as a fang w***e or blood w***e or Nupitor's Trollop or Vamp Crack...they go by many names. Most of the time vampires do not care what happens to their blood magic tramps as long as they may still drink from them. It is not a term we in this household take lightly. A blood magic tramp is someone of magical descent or current powers. They supply vampires with the opportunity to drink their blood in order for the vampires to strengthen their abilities for a certain amount of time. The time period depends on how strong the blood magic is. For instance with you because both of your parents were of magical genes your blood is the most powerful, and once you learn you craft more efficiently it'll only grow stronger. I know you must be thinking that this is why Alex did what he did last night but you could not be further from the truth. I do not know what has happened this morning but I can sense that it is not good. There was a fight between Dimitri and him, then between the two of you wasn't there?" I could only shake my head in agreement. "You listened in also that is why you have come to me. No need to be ashamed Rae, it was probably best that you did, however it did not make what happened next any easier did it?" I nodded again unable to speak for fear of falling apart. "Sweet Raelyn, you will always love Dimitri. Nothing can or ever will change that. Unfortunately the two of you never got to finish things, and that is a wound that may never heal completely. It is natural for you to want to be with someone else, it has been a year, and you are still very much alive. As angry and hurt as Dimitri is he does not wish for you to spend the rest of your life alone. He just did not expect for Alex and you to have such a strong connection. And the fact that he can see and hear everything between the two of you makes it even worse. I imagine that Dimitri threatened Alex with Monclaire, am I correct?" Again I nodded in response. "I figured as much. Those two boys will work this out you just wait and see. It's gonna take time, but everything will be fine in the end. What happened between Alex and you if you do not mind me asking?" "I woke up in the room he created for me and was exploring it when I found him standing in the doorway, he asked me for a good morning kiss, but stupid human me wanted to wait till I had brushed my teeth. Coming out of the bathroom to find Alex is when I picked up on the argument Dimitri and Alex were having. I thought it best to act as though I knew nothing when Alex came out to meet me. I walked up to him to kiss him and he pushed me away. I said some pretty hateful things to him, even though I knew his reasons. I fear I hurt him quite deeply Paul." By now the tears were falling freely. After hearing everything it made me feel even worse for my behavior towards Alex. Paul walked over to my chair and leaned down to hug me. I must look even worse than I feel for him to be hugging me. He did not even do that when I was going through Dimitri's death. "Raelyn, you must not fret. Alex may be hurt, but he also understands. Trust me on this. Since he has had a taste of your blood he can feel what you are feeling. Not quite as strongly, but he knows. While Fran and you are away today, I will have a talk with Dimitri and Alex. I'm not going to promise that it will be completely resolved by the time you arrive back here, but I can promise that there will be some progress made. That is if you wish to return." "Thank you Paul. I do not know what I wish to do right now, other than to go up to my room and freshen up before Fran realizes something is wrong. She's already leary of vampires in general, I do not need to give her another reason." "Yes I am well aware of that factor, that necklace around her neck makes it rather uncomfortable for us to be near her, but we manage. Maybe one day she'll realize we will never hurt her. Go now and clean up. I hope to see you later on this afternoon." I shook my head and quietly made it back to my room. I had just finished up when I heard a knock on the door. I could already sense who it was and my heart hurt with the thought of having to look him in the eyes again so soon. I opened the door and stood aside so that he could come in. "Before you say anything please let me apologize. Alex I know what I said was hurtful and mean and uncalled for. Please forgive me." "No need douceur. I deserved every bit of it and more, I should have never pushed you away as I did. I did not wish to, however there are certain things about our world that you are not aware of just yet. Until now I only knew of one weakness I had and that was silver, but now I realize I have two. The silver and you. You in more ways than one. Your safety, your feelings, how you perceive me, your pain... All of these items are combined into one and that is you. I cannot bare to cause you pain as I have already this morning. Dimitri and I got into a well let's say heated discussion regarding you this morning while you were freshening up." "I know Alex, I heard the whole thing. I did not want you to know that I was listening, so I acted as though I knew nothing. Did I want to kiss you, yes sir more than anything I've wanted to do this last year. Did I know that what I was saying hurt you, yes, but I was hurt that you turned me away. I did not know until five minutes ago as to why you did this. Although Paul has kindly enlightened me to the problem." "I knew you were listening, remember blood bond. That is part of the reason I feel Dimitri is so hurt. He may have had every other part of you, but the bond you and I now share he can never have. That is why he threatened me with Monclaire. Technically you are his, without his permission I cannot be anything more than just your friend without it going before Monclaire or Dimitri releasing you. However I will take what ever consequences lay ahead of me least I cause you this kind of hurt again." In two steps he closed the distance between us and had me in his arms, we kissed with renewed passion, but only for a brief time. This time it was I who stopped it. "Alex, I will not be the cause of any more added trouble. Paul will speak to you and Dimitri while I am gone, and I myself plan to speak to Dimitri. And if need be I will speak to this Monclaire also. But for right now, we must obey the rules. I could not bare for anything bad to happen to you as well. I've already lost Dimi, I am not going to lose anyone else." Before Alex could respond there was a knock on my door, I knew it was Fran before I even opened it. "Alex I will see you later and we will discuss everything from the days events, but right now I need to be on my way with Frannie." "Ma petit, will you be returning this afternoon?" "Yes Alex I believe that I will, if not to stay then at least to discuss things with you in private." I blew him a kiss and opened the door to Fran with my purse already in hand. "I take it you are ready to go then?" Fran questioned eying Alex and me carefully. "Why not? My day has already been hell, let's go see Zayne and see if he can't make it even better." I said to Fran as we headed down the stairs with Alex looking after us. Fran knew something was bothering me however she also knew better than to ask at the moment. I was so angry at Dimitri and so worried about what this Monclaire person could do. I was also dreading seeing Kevyn Zayne. It had been two years since we last spoke, and we had fought badly at that time. Zayne and I have been friends for as long as I can remember. Over the years our friendship grew and we stayed rather close, however our feelings for one another were quite different. I care for him as though he were my brother, and I'd do anything in my power to protect him, yet his feelings for me were more along the lines of how Dimitri and Alex feel for me. Which made things really hard, especially when I fell in love with Dimitri. I had gone to tell Zayne all about the wonderful man I had fallen in love with, and instead of being happy and excited for me he was quite angry. He hated Dimitri for taking me away from him, and for reasons he couldn't tell me, which I now know that Zayne must have known Dimitri's secret, and we both said some hateful things to one another. And I have not seen him since, now all of a sudden he's the attorney in charge of Dimitri's possessions, how bizarre is that? The tension in my thoughts must have drifted out towards Fran as she drove, because she cleared her throat then. “Rae are you alright? I know something happened this morning, I'm not sure what and I'm not sure I want to know if it involves the blood sucker, but I get this strong impression that it also involves Kevyn Zayne and this meeting.” “Yes something happened this morning and it involved the blood sucker as you call him, but it also involved Dimitri and Paul. It also has something to do with Zayne. Zayne and I have a long history. We've known each other for as long as I can remember.” I started out, and then told her everything about Zayne. I wanted to get that out first, then we would go back to the problems from this morning. If I could find the words to explain it to her that is. I had a feeling it would not come out right, and the last thing I wanted was to have Fran upset again. “Well that does make this trip a little uncomfortable. Would you like to talk about this morning? Or would you rather wait until we finish with Kevyn. Why do you call him Zayne any way?” “I have called him Zayne since we were kids, and he calls me DaMartine. It's just habit. I think we'd run out of time, so it'd be better discussed after we complete what we need to with Zayne, besides I do not want to upset you again.” “I may not share your enthusiasm when it comes to Alex and his family, but I do understand a little better. It does not mean that I'm going to get upset again. I am just worried about you. And I know Dimitri is also.” “Fran it has to do with Dimi, and it is not exactly pleasant. I am rather upset with him for several reasons. There are plenty of things to fill you in on, and some of it you yourself are not going to be happy about, therefore I would prefer to wait until we are finished with Zayne, that is if I do not lose it with him. I think after today I'm gonna pick up a shift or two at work, I know I have the time off but I need the distraction right now. I wonder how Aurora is and if Davidson is working any shifts. When you going back? Alex will probably do as I do also.” “I go back in a day or two. I definitely want to know what is going on. Aurora was doing okay when I checked in with Davidson. I knew he would be a nervous wreck with worry for you so I promised to call and check in. He's working a few eight hour shifts but other than that not really too much. He's kind of taking it easy like you have been doing. I think it'll do you good to get back to the ER and focus on other issues other than those in front of us” Fran no sooner got that out and we were pulling into the parking lot for Zayne and Associates. Zayne had obviously done well for himself in the last two years. Hopefully this meeting will go smoothly, without too many angry words, and I was not sure that was a possibility. “You ready for this Raelyn?” “Not really, but I know it has to be done. Not only am I dreading seeing and speaking to Zayne after how things were left two years ago, I'm also anxious about Dimitri's will. He knew so much when he was killed, and things between us were different then too.” “Raelyn Avangeline, just because you and Dimi are not seeing eye to eye does not mean that his feelings have change and that these things are not still meant for you. Dimi wanted you to have these items, therefore you will have them. As far as this Zayne character, I will not allow him to scream at you or disrespect you. Besides I'm sure everything will be fine.” Fran finished just as we walked into the office to be greeted by the receptionist. “May I assist you ladies?” the receptionist asked politely. It was Fran who spoke since it seemed I had lost my voice at that moment. “Yes this is Ms. DaMartine and I am Ms. Sinclair, we have an appointment with Mr. Kevyn Zayne this morning.” “Yes ladies, he is expecting you. He made certain that you were the only appointment this morning. Go right in, he's waiting for you.” This was it, time to face the truth. As scared and anxious as I was I was also excited. I took a deep breath and began to walk through the door. Kevyn Zayne was the epitome of drop dead gorgeous. He always had been. I was the envy of all the girls throughout school, even though Zayne and I had never dated. Looking at him now, he took my breath away. With his ice blue eyes that melted the coldest of hearts, silky smooth white blonde hair that just begged the have your fingers in it, and the body of a surfer, it was amazing I had not fallen for him over then years. Fran had noticed all I had just remembered, I could read it in her face. “Brilliant” Fran whispered to me. It was then that Kevyn Zayne looked up. I drew in a deep breath and steadied myself. “DaMartine.” Zayne said standing and coming around the desk. “Zayne.” I replied. “This is my best friend Francine Sinclair.” Zayne walked over and shook Fran's hand “Very nice to meet you Fran. I have heard nothing but good things about you.” He then turned to me and I expected him to greet me in the same manor, however I was wrong. He wrapped me in his arms as though nothing had ever happened. “How are you holding up DaMartine? I apologize that the death of Dimitri is the cause of us seeing one another again.” he whispered softly. I almost fell apart then. It had been a long time since we last spoke and with everything that has been happening, it sure was nice to have Zayne hugging me at the moment, and for a few minutes forget all that had transpired between us. “I'm doing better now Zayne honest. Fran and some of Dimitri's family have been helping me through it all, and you know Glen and Aurora have been there through the thick of it all. It's been hard to say the least. How have you been?” “Well I can't complain. Got my business here making more money than I can spend, and I was engaged, however that did not work out. Dimitri made sure that he brought you back into my life, that was a promise he made me when he came to me to do his will. Looks to me like he kept it, although I hate that it had to be under such grave circumstances though.” “Me too Zayne, me too. Listen before we get into everything, I need to apologize. I hate how we left things two years ago, and I miss my friend. Can you forgive me?” “DaMartine, it is not you who bears needing forgiveness, it is I. Dimitri and I had several talks and I came to see why you loved him so. And why you were so angry at me. I cannot take back the things I said, just apologize for it and hope that we can find our way back to the close friendship we once had.” “I agree. I love you Zayne, just not as anything more than my friend or rather my brother and best friend.” I looked between the two of them and said “do you two think that it would be okay for you both to be my best friends? I could not possibly chose between either of you.” Fran and Zayne smiled and nodded in unison. Well that went better than expected I thought to myself as Fran and I sat down in the chairs in front of Zayne's desk. Zayne went about gathering all the necessary papers we would need and then sat down behind the desk, looking all kinds of professional and handsome at the same time. “Okay Raelyn, this is going to take a little bit, and there are something I am not sure as to what they are. Dimitri said that you would know if and when the time came for you to collect his belongings.” I knew right then that this was going to be bad, Zayne never called me Raelyn unless it was serious. “Alright, let's get on with it then.” “Well first off the condo you and Fran rent is officially yours along with the complex. It was one of Dimitri's endeavors. There is also his business and personal bank accounts. The total sum of the business account as of right now is $200,000,000. Which will continue to grow with the income from the condos. All of the rent payments go directly into that account. The personal account is at $125,000,000 not including the sale of his home and the items inside of it that you do not want. Everything he owned is now solely yours. I have a list of all the items in his household. I was directed to take you to the house before we sign the papers. So if you think you are ready for this then we may go.” “Are you freaking serious? Rae do you realize that you are a flipping millionaire now thanks to Dimitri?!” Fran practically screamed as she jumped out of her chair. “You do not even have to go back to work if you choose not too!” “Oh my...oh my...oh my...” I managed to get out. I was going to faint, I could just feel it. “Est-il insensé ? Pourquoi il me partirait ceci tous ? Comment suis-je cense entrer dans sa maison avec ses choses et choisis probablement par eux aime que je fais les courses ? A que les gens me penseront-ils ?” I could not believe that just came out of my mouth, I've never taken a french class in my life, and yet I could even tell you that what I just said meant: “Is he insane? Why would he leave me all of this? How am I suppose to go into his home with his things and possibly pick through them like i am shopping? What are people going to think of me?” Although I had no idea what Alex was saying when he spoke to me. I would definitely have to find out how this was possible. “What in the hell did you just say” Zayne questioned as he looked at me as though I was an alien. “Yeah Rae where did you learn that?” Fran joined in. “I do not know.” I informed them what I had just said. “Let's go to Dimitri's home and get this over with. Before anything else bizarre happens.” I said heading to the door, praying the two of them followed me now. “Rae are you okay? Are you sure that you are up to this right now?” Fran questioned as we heading out to the parking lot. “Yes Frannie, I want to get through this now. We'll discuss more later, but I promise you I am alright.” We all were outside, Fran and I were starting to head to our vehicle, when Zayne stopped us. “This avalanche is our ride to the house and there is a truck waiting at the house for us.” “Oh, well that saves on gas then.” Fran remarked smiling. Dimitri's house was not far from Zayne's office. I was running everything through my head when his voice popped in. “Raelyn, I know we have major things to discuss and now is not the time, I just want you to know that this stuff now belongs to you. Do not start feeling guilty for receiving it. I always planned for my items to go to you. There are several notebooks that look like reading books that I need for you to grab. They are green and blue with yellow on the spines. There are also some dresses that I had bought for you as gifts and was not able to give you that are in my closet. The items you do not wish to keep or Fran does not want, please donate to good will. I apologize for not telling you about the condos and the accounts. I knew neither would matter to you monetary wise, just did not feel like elaborating on how well off I was. At least now I know you'll be alright.” It's a good thing he explained about the womens' dresses in his closet, or I would have had some serious questions about my old beau. I thought jokingly. I heard Alex laugh in my head. “Thank you Dimi. I love you, despite what is going on and the issues we must discuss. I hope you know that. I will talk to you this evening. We're at the house now.” We all got out of the car, Fran knew I had been having a private conversation. She just was not sure with who. I had only been here two other times. Dimitri hated for me to feel as if I was not enough for him therefore we were always at my place. It was a simple three bedroom house, yet the items inside were worth enough to feed a small army for months. I already knew I would not keep a lot of the items. Although there were a few things I knew I would. Zayne and Fran stayed by the door as I walked through the house. Both wanting to give me enough space since this was the first time I had been here without Dimitri. I walked into the living room and up to the portrait he had had done of the glorious day we spent at the beach. You couldn't see our faces, but I knew it was us. I placed both hands on it and closed my eyes. I could feel the breeze on my face and smell the ocean. I quickly opened my eyes and found that I was once again crying. This was getting rather old, since I haven't cried this much in years. I took the portrait down and placed it by the door. It was one of the items I would keep forever. I found the notebooks he told me about also. It was then that I came upon the chest. I looked over my shoulder to make sure Fran was keeping Zayne occupied. I slowly opened it, inside were the most uniquely made swords and weapons I had ever seen. There was also a little box type shelf that held three necklaces craftily made. Two of which looked like vampire fangs and I knew immediately one would be placed around my neck tonight. The other was a pair of hands that looked as though they were praying, I knew I would save this and give it to Fran on her up coming birthday. And with that I closed the chest and told Zayne that it would be going with me. We spent another hour there going through things and Fran picked an entire bedroom set including the matching vanity and the bedspread to boot. Her opinion was why should somebody else get something that I could be given and never in my lifetime will be able to afford! The scrolls off the wall and an antique vase that I almost threw at Dimi once and then laughed about it for two weeks afterward. She knew one day that I would want it, even if I didn't want it right now. These items would remind them most of Dimitri. After we were done I made sure to let Zayne know that the rest was to be sold at auction and the money donated to charity. We made it back to the office to sign the papers. “Now DaMartine, if you change your mind and want other items, just call me and we can go back.” “Great. Thanks Zayne.” Fran and I started to leave after signing the last page when Zayne stopped me. “Can speak to you in private please?” “Fran I'll meet you in the car, alright?” “Sure Rae.” Fran said as she walked out. “DaMartine, are you sure you are okay? This could not have been easy on you. I have missed you and the fun we use to have. Can we maybe go for dinner this evening?” “I'm doing as well as can be expected. Next week will be a rough one. We were suppose to be getting married. I sent you an invitation, but you never replied. I have missed you as well. Tonight is not a good time. I still have a lot to do. Can I call you tomorrow and maybe make plans?” “Of course. I never replied because I was not sure I could sit there and not object. I know what he was and I did not want you becoming one. I am sorry for that part, but I love you too and couldn't stand to see you hurt. I still can't.” “All is well Zayne, Dimitri would have never allowed me to become what he was, trust me on that. I'll talk to you tomorrow.” I said as I hugged him and turned to the door. It felt good to speak to him again. And I was in good spirits walking out to the awaiting vehicle. I jumped in and off we went. We had barely made it onto the main road when Fran returned to our previous conversation. “Alright spill it. What happened this morning? Then I want to know why in God's creation you have not mentioned Kevyn Zayne to me until now?” © 2010 RaelynAuthor's Note
Added on February 6, 2010 Last Updated on February 6, 2010 Hospital Blood
Chapter 10
By Raelyn
Chapter 11
By Raelyn
Chapter 12
By Raelyn
Chapter 13
By Raelyn
Chapter 14
By Raelyn
Chapter 15
By Raelyn
Chapter 16
By Raelyn
Chapter 17
By Raelyn
Chapter 18
By Raelyn
Chapter 19
By Raelyn
Chapter 20
By Raelyn
Chapter 21
By Raelyn
Chapter 22
By Raelyn
Chapter 23
By Raelyn
Chapter 24
By Raelyn
Chapter 25
By RaelynAuthor![]() RaelynAZAboutIm a 28 yr old single mom. I work at the local hospital in ICU. In my free time I am attempting to write my first ever novel. Tweet more..Writing