![]() Chapter 13A Chapter by RaelynPaul walked into the kitchen and over heard what Hailey was screaming at Alex.
“What are you thinking? You do not want to make her apart of our world do you, to have her give up everything?” “Hailey Anne!” Paul gruffly barked. “This is not your concern. Who are you to judge Alex or Raelyn? Or make choices for either of them!” “But Uncle, I'm just...” “No Hailey, you are allowed to have an opinion, but this decision is between the two of them. Fran and you may be upset which is understandable but neither of you are Alex or Raelyn therefore you cannot make decisions for them.” “Paul I hate to correct you, but I do have a say so in what's going on with Raelyn. I am the only family she has right now other than the Davidson's and they're a little preoccupied. I know that if Glen were here right now my anger would not even remotely compare to how angry he would be. And I will speak up if I feel she is doing or about to do something that could cause her more pain.” Fran stated matter of factly. “Alex, Raelyn is waiting for you in the hall. Would you mind leaving the girls and I to finish our conversation here? I'm sure there are some items left for you and Raelyn to discuss anyway.” 'Of course Uncle Paul. If I am needed just call.” Alex turned and walked out as the debated heated up, thankful to be out of it for now. I could hear Fran and Paul going at it, all I could think is what a mess I've created. I looked up to see Alex smiling at me. “Let's get you upstairs and into a hot bath. Then when you are finished we'll see about fixing your hair mon petit.” All I could do is smile and nod. Too exhausted from arguing my defense and physically fighting this evening. I was to the point that I just couldn't take anymore or I would lose my temper completely and then who knows what will happen. Especially with my recently learned skill with storms. I began to climb the stairs and missed one, falling forward, expecting to hit tie step with a thud, yet no pain came. I opened my eyes to find that I was in Alex's arms yet again, this was becoming a habit. “Mon cher petit l'un you need to be more careful.” “I know Alex, I'm just completely worn out, I'm tired of arguing tonight, and quite frankly the next person who tries to tell me what is right for me I am liable to literally beat the s**t out of them.” “Let's get you up stairs and into that bath.” Alex said as he picked me up. Before I could blink we were already in the bathroom. Alex placed me on the side of the tub and began running my bath for me complete with bubbles. “Can you manage getting undressed and into the tub or do you require my assistance again?” Alex questioned with a laugh and a grin. “I'll grab your jammies for you and place them on the counter top.” “I think I can manage, besides after the tongue lashing we have both received this evening, I think it best if we do not tempt fate anymore tonight. This time it was just my hair, who knows what could be next.” I said smiling as I began to take off my socks and shoes. “As you wish chéri.” I watched him leave amazed by how far we have come in such a short time. I found that I was intrigued by everything Alex has done over the last few days and continues to do. As I sat myself into the hot water and bubbles I started thinking of my arguments with Fran and Dimitri. While thinking of this I began questioning myself. What in the hell am I doing? Have I lost my mind? Was what I allowed to happen really a safe and wise choice? Could Fran and Dimi have a point? But what about myself? Do I not have the right to make decisions for myself?” I wanted to just relax yet there was so much static in my head. I tried shutting it off yet that seemed like an impossible feet at the moment. Then I heard his voice. I turned to look for him but he was no where in view, therefore I knew he was in my head. “Mon cher petit l'un please allow yourself to relax. I fear that you will drown this town if you do not. Douceur you cannot keep second guessing yourself or trying to please everyone. Are you ready to get out yet so we can fix your hair and talk face to face. I think you need to hear what I have to say where you and I may look at each other.” “What do you mean drown the town, it's not raining. Yes I am getting out now dork.” I stated trying to make light of things. I got out of the tub and put my jammies on. Looking into the mirror I began to laugh hysterically as I saw the red, green, and purple streaks that use to be my blonde hair. I was still laughing as I walked out of the bathroom to find Alex waiting against the railing listening to the stillness of the house. At least the heated discussion downstairs seemed to have ended, I thought to myself as I walked up to him. “Yes chéri it's raining outside, and you mon cher are the cause I'll feel better once you learn to control that power and separate it from your emotions. And just what is it that has brought not only a smile but also that amazingly addicting laugh out of you?” I picked up a few strands of hair and said “this lovely mess that use to be my beautiful hair.” “We can fix that right now. As much as I love your hair, I'd love to see how you'd look with it as a deep cherry brown.” “As long as you can fix it, let's try it!” I smiled, really smiled for the first time in over twenty four hours. Alex grabbed my hand and lead me down the hall to what I assumed was his room. I followed him in as he gestured for me to have a seat on the bed. He had already placed a stool in the room and was carrying it over to place it in front of me. He sat down and for a few minutes just watched me. He then carefully raised his hands to touch my face. “This is painless mon couer. I'll gently run my hands through your hair whispering to myself as I change the color.” I had heard enough french phrases in the last few days that I was beginning to pick up simple terms of greeting, so I knew that mon couer meant my heart. I enjoyed hearing this. It gave me something happy to think about other than the terrible things that have been happening and are sure to come. “Okay, let's do it! Who knows I may really like the deep cherry brown and decide to keep it that color.” Alex did just as he said and in doing so allowed me to finally relax. He continued doing this for about ten minutes. “Wow! I did not believe you could get anymore beautiful, but man does that look gorgeous on you, here take a look for yourself!” he exclaimed rather excited as he handed me a mirror to look into. “Alex, it's gorgeous! You have to teach me that! Awesome now I never have to buy hair dye again.” “I will mon couer, I will.” Our conversation began then. We talked about everything that happened at the house and about the fights. We told each other what the others had said to us upon returning here. Then the real conversation began. “Raelyn, I only can hope that you know and believe that I am not trying to replace Dimi and that I would never purposely cause you harm. I know Fran said some hurtful things and I imagine she's wishing she could take them back as for the same with Dimi. But I need for you to also know that I meant every word I said after that kiss and that I am beginning to care very deeply for you. The blood bond we've created only makes those feelings stronger. I am not sure how or what you feel though.” 'I don't know either!” I cried. “All I can honestly say is that I enjoyed that kiss and creating the blood bond more than I thought I would. I don't wanna have to justify yours or my every move to everyone around us either.” “Me too.” was all he said. Before I knew what was happening I was in his arms. He was holding me as though I would break if held too tightly. He placed his right hand to my cheek and slowly pulled me into a kiss. His lips slowly and softly touched mine and lingered before his tongue delicately moved into my mouth probing with sweet release. I easily moved my tongue around to explore his tongue and the inside of his mouth. He had already placed his right hand into my hair and was weaving his fingers through it as his left hand gingerly rubbed up and down my back. He was still very aware and careful of my injured arm. My left hand was placed against his chest due to my injury, however I greatly enjoyed the feel of his chest under my hand. I placed my right hand onto his face as the kiss deepened. Just as I was thinking it was time to stop Alex began pulling away slowly. He placed several gentle pecks onto my lips and cheeks before pulling back to begin speaking again. “I do not want to rush things between us. I just needed to kiss you again the correct way, instead of the kiss we shared in the tunnel. As much as I would love to kiss you like that all the time, I feel it best for both of us to only do so behind closed doors and in privacy for now. I do not wish to be the cause of any more fights between you, Fran, and Dimitri.” Before I could respond there was a knock at the door. “Come in Fran.” Alex called out frustrated that we were being interrupted. Opening the door Fran entered. “How did you know?” Fran and I asked at the same time. “I heard your steps in the hall. Excellent hearing remember.” “Are you finished talking I do not want to interrupt. I'd first like to speak to you both then I'd like to speak to Rae in private if that's okay?” “What's up Frannie?” Alex asked. “Well I wish to apologize to both of you for my earlier behavior. I was extremely rude and very real supportive. I was and still am in shock. So much is happening at once, and I wasn't expecting to find out what had happened between the two of you, plus I do not understand it and that scares me too. After talking to Paul I realize just how badly it came out.” “Do not fret chéri, everything is forgiven. I understand your reasonings even though Raelyn may not. You love and care for her very much and are just trying to look out for her.” “It's okay Frannie. I was more upset with your reaction that I was by what you said. Alex and I are just finishing up. How about we sit and talk outside on the porch for a bit? I'll meet you down there if that's alright?” “Thanks for understanding guys. Sure Rae meet you out there.” Fran said as she closed the door behind her. Alex leaned back over and just wrapped his arms around me. It felt good to have someone hold me, its a feeling like no other. Especially when you've had no one to do so in a long time. I waited a little while longer then slowly pulled away. I needed to get down to Fran. “I need to get down to Fran, then I'm going to crash on your couch if that's alright?” “No need mon couer there are plenty of rooms up here to spare, pick one and sleep well. I'll see you in the morning.” “Alright thanks. What will you do while I'm sleeping?” “I don't know. I have some shopping to get done so maybe that. I've also been working on a melody and writing a little, so I have enough to do. Besides there's been enough excitement for one day already.” I hugged him and kissed him again though not as long or passionately as before, but it was still pleasant. I then got up and headed downstairs. Half expecting there to be another disagreement but I was ready for it now. I felt more secure in my decision and not so confused now. I opened the front door to see Fran sitting in one of the old rocking chairs humming a familiar tune, a lullaby from our favorite movie. I joined in, as was our routine, and sat down next to her. We sat there rocking in the chairs and humming our little tune for about ten minutes, before Fran reached over and grabbed my hand. “Rae, I am so so sorry for the hurtful things I said earlier. I was not thinking straight, was scared, and angry that you would put yourself in such a dangerous situation. I know I have been pushing for you to meet new people and try and reform the life you had before Dimitri died, I guess I just wasn't quite ready yet to picture you with someone else. I'm sorry for that. Now I know somewhat as to why you were so skeptical about meeting new people already. Glen was right, he knew Alex would pull the old you out and until tonight I hadn't realized just how much he had already. It wasn't until you snapped back at me that a part of me realized what was happening. The rest of me realized while talking with Paul and Hailey.” I squeezed her hand trying not to cry. “Everyone seems to think this is so easy for me. It's not. It's scary and even worse it hurts like hell because I feel like I'm cheating on Dimitri. I did not want any of this, however now that I'm in it, its not that bad. Am I in love with Alex, No. Does he make me feel like I'm still alive, you bet your a*s he does. And that's a nice feeling, considering I've felt dead for almost a year now. Fighting with you is the last thing I wanna do, yet even worse than that is to fight with Dimitri and hear the hear and pain I am causing him. You think you were bad just wait till I tell you what he said. He actually yelled at me, which you know he has never done.” I began telling her of my fight with Dimitri then. “Well you are right Rae. He did choose Alex himself. However I doubt that he expected things to be a hit between you two such as they are now. I'm also pretty sure that he is hurting, but not because of you Rae. But because of the fact that he had no option on whether or not to leave you, he blames himself for everything that has happened and is happening. He's more angry at himself than he is at you. Now his anger towards Alex may be true anger. He has a right to be angry on that aspect. After all they are family and no one could deny how Dimitri felt and still feels about you, and I'm sure to Dimitri it comes across as Alex doesn't care how anyone feels as long as he has you.” “Fran it's not like that. Alex doesn't want to anger anyone any more than I do. We didn't expect for this to happen it just did. Neither of us will apologize for it, but we both hate that we are hurting him and have upset the rest of you.” “I know Rae. Can you explain to me what this blood bond thing entailed?” “Are you sure you want to know the details Fran?” “Yes I really do, maybe then I may not be as afraid as I am right now.” “Alex was telling me about what the smell of my blood was like. I wondered what it would do to him so I placed a drop of blood on my finger and allowed him a taste. After that he informed me that he could lick the gash in my arm to heal it up a bit and stop the bleeding. I saw no harm in this. He also explained that once he did this it would create what you know is a blood bond. That bond allows him to see inside my soul. Which isn't exactly a bad thing now is it?” “Well that's better than what I was thinking. I was so afraid that you somehow were gonna become his slave or something, but that's not bad. And actually a good thing because if it was worse than what it was when I put the stitches in you would have lost too much blood and had to go to the ER.” “My dearest Frannie.... You have watched too many movies and read too many books. I'm okay. I do feel that it has made things between us stronger somehow though. Are you better now that you know?” “Yes much.” “Good now tell me about training with Hailey, and how in the hell you turned my hair three separate colors when you go so angry.” I said laughing. “Yeah by the way I absolutely love this color on you, how'd you do it?” “I didn't, Alex did. Anyway stop stalling I wanna know everything before I get too tired to concentrate.” Fran began telling me everything. We continued talking for another hour. I found it rather humorous that she was worried about hurt Hailey. All in all she had learned a lot in a short period of time. Hopefully my training would go as smoothly. We were heading into the house when we started talking about seeing the attorney. “Rae we need to see Kevyn Zayne first thing in the morning and then got meet this Micah character. Do you have any objections?” “To meeting with Micah no, seeing Kevyn kind of. Its been a long time since we last talked. I did not even know that Dimitri had hired him. How did you find out? Last time him and I spoke it didn't end so well. I love him but not like he does me. That's not a very easy thing. Although we've been friends and really close since I was a small child, its not going to be easy.” “No its not, but you'll have me there to help you through it.” Fran said as she hugged me good night before walking into her room. I decided to choose the room next to hers for tonight. I was just so wiped out that all I cared about was sleeping. And that's exactly what I did. Alex all the while was shopping alright. He had called upon all his friends with connections and they were working together to design the room next to his just for Raelyn. The room was being done in bright pinks and greens. He had gone midnight shopping to decorate what was going to be her personal room in an oriental décor. He made sure he bought the best items imaginable. He was able to locate an ancient mirrored Asian tile to place on the wall near the door. He was able to find and purchase three sixty inch wall fans: a purple moon one, a red night one, and a forgotten land one, all of which he knew Raelyn would love. His buddy found two wall scrolls: one of the Asian sun and another called Asian sun of Saa; he also found two small live bamboo trees to place on the tables. Hailey found the most gorgeous bamboo fountain with stones along the bottom that stood ninety inches by thirty-two inches by eighteen inches, thinking that it would help Raelyn to find a calm and serene place to meditate. Paul was able to find the last three remaining pieces just before the sun began to rise: an Adesso- Suki table lantern lamp, and two Whitehall-Daffodil twilight lanterns that were lite by tealite candles. Alex, Hailey, and Paul stood in the doorway looking into the serene room they created for Raelyn. “Alex she'll love it.” Hailey and Paul said in a whisper. “I certainly hope so, I think I am going to go get her and carry her in here so that when she wakes up this is what she sees first before the reality of everything sets in again.” Alex said. Hailey and Paul grinned and watched as Alex walked away, knowing that this woman was it for the man before their eyes. Never before had either of them seen Alex so taken aback by anyone. © 2010 RaelynAuthor's Note
Added on February 6, 2010 Last Updated on February 6, 2010 Hospital Blood
Chapter 10
By Raelyn
Chapter 11
By Raelyn
Chapter 12
By Raelyn
Chapter 13
By Raelyn
Chapter 14
By Raelyn
Chapter 15
By Raelyn
Chapter 16
By Raelyn
Chapter 17
By Raelyn
Chapter 18
By Raelyn
Chapter 19
By Raelyn
Chapter 20
By Raelyn
Chapter 21
By Raelyn
Chapter 22
By Raelyn
Chapter 23
By Raelyn
Chapter 24
By Raelyn
Chapter 25
By RaelynAuthor![]() RaelynAZAboutIm a 28 yr old single mom. I work at the local hospital in ICU. In my free time I am attempting to write my first ever novel. Tweet more..Writing