![]() Chapter 12A Chapter by Raelyn
The drive back to the house was a quiet and tense one. It seemed to me that the trip back took less time than it did to get to the Davidson household. Alex kept his eyes on the road for the most part, and I could tell from the look on his face that he was deep in thought. Part of me wanted to take advantage of my newly learned ability and listen in to his thoughts, yet the other part of me thought that it was best to keep to myself. After all I had enough going on in my mind.
I could just now begin to see the lights of the house and found myself getting extremely anxious to see Fran. I knew that if anyone could make sense of all this mess it would be her. I was also eager to learn what all Hailey and Fran figured out while we were gone. "We are just about there, mon chéri, I know we both are going to get pulled in different directions once we get inside. Will you make me a promise?" "Of course Alex, what is it?" "Later on this evening after everyone has settled down, can we possible speak in private? If it is too soon I will understand." "I will find the time to come and speak with you after I've talked to Fran and settled myself. I may have to impose on your hospitality though and borrow your bath tub. My muscles are still sore from the wreck and now even worse after that intriguing fight." "Anything you wish mon cher." I looked away from him to see that we were pulling into the drive. Fran was pacing on the porch as we pulled in. I no sooner got my door open and the interrogation was on. "What in the world took you so long? Are you okay? Did you find the journal? What did I miss?" Fran quizzed. "First off let me get inside Frannie. Secondly, I need for you to get your bag, I know that you have a stitching kit in there and I am in desperate need of it before we start anything." "What the hell did you allow to happen to her Alex!?" "Fran..." I began. "Its okay Raelyn I've got it. We ran into some unexpected company Fran. Raelyn was injured before I could get to her. It's not too bad, but does require some stitches." Alex replied calmly. Hailey had now joined us outside. She looked at Alex as he said all of this, and knew immediately that Alex had tended to the wound prior to our arrival so that it was not bad enough to cause Fran too much worry. I knew from the look on her face that they too would be having a rather in depth conversation as Fran and I spoke later. "Let's get inside so you can patch me up and then you and I can go sit and discuss all that has happened this evening." "Let's go. Alex I'll need for you to get me some cleaning supplies and gauze if you have any here, and Raelyn and I will meet you in the kitchen. Yes Rae the kitchen, it has the best light for me to stitch under." Man did she know me too well. She knew that I was not going to be happy having to go into the kitchen and sit in an uncomfortable chair while she stitched me back up. Thankfully it would take only about ten to fifteen stitches now, thanks to Alex's help that is. Fran, Hailey, and I headed into the kitchen. Fran placed me into a chair, which of course was totally uncomfortable, and placed her bag on the counter. How she grabbed it without me seeing her do so was beyond me. Alex was right behind us. Vampire abilities again, gotta love them. "Alright Rae, I'm going to start removing this bandage, this may sting a bit." "Fran as much as I love you please spare me the hospital talk, just pull the thing off and get it over with. It's been a long night already, and there is still so much left that I need to discuss with you and with Alex, and at some point I want to take a hot bath. By any chance did you get to run by the condo and grab us a bag of clothes or are we stuck in these till tomorrow some time?" "Yes Hailey and I did find time to run by the condo. I packed a bag for you and for me. I grabbed a few of your favorite shirts and jeans, a few pairs of scrubs just in case, and your favorite jammies. Your toothbrush and hair brush are in there also along with what make-up you own." "Man do I love you Frannie! Always looking out for me." That's when I felt the rip of the bandage. It had dried against the cut causing it to stick, and of course once it was ripped away from the cut it began bleeding again, only now it bleed more angrily than previously. As the blood ran down my arm and began to pool on the counter, I glanced over at Alex. Looking into his eyes a could see and feel the raw passion that seeing the blood and injury created in him again. Not wanting to scare Fran anymore than I am sure she already was being in a household of vampires with my arm gushing out blood, I glanced at Hailey, thankful for the ability to talk to her mind I decided that was our best option. "Hailey, I think it would be best if you got Alex out of the room. I know by the look on your face when we pulled up that you have an idea of what happened at the house, I am sure Alex will explain more, I just feel that for Fran's best interest that she not be enlightened to it just yet and looking at Alex if you do not get him out of here soon, I fear she may get the scare of her life." Hailey looked at me grinned and then looked between Fran and Alex. Almost as though she was debating on whether to enlighten Fran and watch her kick the s**t out of Alex. She turned to Alex then. "Hey Alex, let's leave the girls in peace and not only let Fran get Raelyn stitched up and back to new, but also so they can get to their well needed and earned conversation. Besides I have a few matters that need your attention also." "Um yeah you're right Hailey." Alex walked over and lightly kissed my forehead, then turned to head out the door. However before getting too far away he whispered into my head one last thing. "There is so much more I'd like to do for you, but now is not the time, nor do I feel sweet Fran could deal with any of it at the moment. I think she'd like to beat the hell out of me right now. For now the kiss on the forehead will have to due, please remember we have a discussion of our own to attend to later mi douceur." I simply smiled in response. He saw this smile and knew that we would have our time later. Fran caught the looks and the smile but said nothing until it was just the two of us alone in the gigantic kitchen. Five seconds later we were alone. I knew it was coming so I decided not to prolong the inevitable. "Get it out Frannie, you look like the cat that swallowed the canary." "Where in the hell would you like me to begin Raelyn Avangeline? You left here hours ago, looking as terrified as I felt, and not you come back in here with an injury to your arm that should definitely be worse than what it is, a few minor bruises and then smile as though you just had the most amazing rush of your life. So where would you like to start my friend? Also while we are at it, since when did Alex and you get to a level of friendship to where he kisses your forehead upon leaving a damn room? And why do you look like that silly a*s school girl who fell head over heals for the devilishly handsome Dimitri Tasia a few years back?" "Before you hit me with more questions let me start with this Fran. I am choosing to leave my arm issue for last since that is the one that requires the most explanation. True to the point I was scared to death leaving here for more reasons than the obvious. I was afraid of what I would find when I found the journal. Yet that was a part of the good and the smile upon my face. Upon finding the journal, Dimitri spoke to me again, only this time he had someone there for me to speak with besides him. It was my father. I was happy and sad all at the same time. He told me a little bit and promised we would speak again. To open the journal I place my thumb on the front in the place that fits my thumb, and do the same with my first finger. Once i do this i will feel a pin prick on each finger. The journal will take a drop of blood from each of my fingers. As long as it is me placing my fingers there it will open. If it is anyone else it will turn that person’s hand neon green.” "As I came back out of the tunnel with the journal I came across Alex was thanks to his size was stuck by his shoulders in the tunnel. It was rather hard for me not to bust out in hysterics with that one. Upon trying to push his large person out we met resistance and ended up kissing due to our heads colliding together. Once we were out Alex knew we were no longer alone. Our attackers were Sylyvan and Nolyan, the same two guys who attacked Aurora. Alex fought and subdued Sylyvan. Nolyan came after me. I held my own pretty damn well I'll have you know, however he got the better of me when slashed my arm here. He then pinned me to the ground and was just about to have his way with me, and I do mean have his way with me Fran, when Alex tackled him. He made a comment to Alex about not being able to tolerate the smell of my blood and called me Alex's lover. I ran back upstairs to the bathroom and began trying to tend to my arm." "What?!? Oh my Raelyn. I am so sorry for jumping to conclusions." "I am not finished Fran, do not apologize yet, you may not be too thrilled with what comes next." "Alright then please finish. I'm under the impression that you are correct on that theory." "I'm gonna give you the edited version of our conversation leading up to what you are going to consider the worst part. Needless to say I could not tend to my arm without help. Alex came up to assist me. While we did this together he explained to me what Nolyan had meant.” I gave her a quick run down. I took a rather deep breath, not only because I needed it but also because I knew this next part would upset my dearest friend very much. I could just sense that this was going to be bad for a bit. " Alex helped me get my top off so that we could get a better look at the gash in my arm. Me being the curious person that I am, decided I would see what would happen if Alex a taste of my blood. I placed a small drop on my finger and went to place it against his lips, however he stopped me. He informed me that doing so would create what is known as a blood bond allowing him to see inside of my soul. I felt that it was something I needed to try. As you see I am okay after doing so. I then learned that by allowing him to lick the wound it would stop the bleeding and seal it a little so that it was not as bad by the time I got to you." "YOU DID WHAT? ARE YOU CRAZY!?!" Fran screamed as she touched my head, not realizing that with her anger that it caused her powers to react turning my hair multiple shades of red, green and purple. We both noticed at the same time what had happened. "Would you please calm down before you end up striking me with lightening or something.." "Calm down, you really expect me to calm down after you inform me that my best friend who is like family to me just allowed a vampire not only to taste her blood but to lick an injury which also allowed him more access to her blood? What flipping world are you living in right now Raelyn Avangeline?" "In all honest the world I am living in lately is full of the most crazy and bizarre things that I have ever seen and heard of. Thankfully I have you here in it with me to keep me balanced. Yes I admit that what just transpired between Alex and I is not only weird but also scary for you, but Fran do you honestly think and feel that I have such bad judgment that I'd put you in jeopardy? No one in this family would hurt you or I. I know this. Otherwise why would Dimitri have chosen Alex to look after us. He loved us both enough to do that." "Rae I do not feel this is what Dimitri had in mind at all. And how are your feelings about all this? Does Dimitri even play a part in that anymore?" Fran stated angry as she jerked the last stitch into my arm, which at this point hurt more than the injury had in the first place. "No I do not think this is what Dimitri had in mind and I'm sure I'll hear about it from him as well. Right now my feelings are a mess that is why I am telling you what happened. You of all the people I know will be able to help me sort through it, maybe not right now but you will later. Dimitri will always play a part in how I live my life. But he is dead, I cannot bring him back no matter how badly I may want to. I can tell we cannot talk anymore tonight on this. Do not worry about the mess I will clean it up later." I managed to get out before the first tear fell. I carefully got up and turned to head out the door. "Raelyn, no matter how upset I am with you right now I love you very much. I am sorry if what I just said hurt you." "Frannie I love you too, and yes it hurt very much. Right now I think it best if we just drop this conversation. Besides that I can hear Dimitri starting to scream into my mind, I might as well get this over with, and I'd prefer not to do it with an audience." I said as I walked out of the kitchen and headed for the front porch. "Mon petit what happened to your hair?" this from Alex as I headed for the porch. "Ask Fran. Better yet, you may want to steer clear of her for the night." "I will take what ever tongue lashing I shall receive from her mon petit. Go take care of things with Dimitri, and when you have finished I will fix your hair and draw you a bath. Then if you are up to it we can talk." "I promised you we would talk Alex whether I am up to it or not. Just do not hold it against me if I'm a little withdrawn." "Dimitri will not be too hard on you douceur. I will see you shortly." Alex said as he headed towards the kitchen. Man was he in for it big time. However if he thinks he's ready for it then so be it. I needed to get this over with Dimi, which I was not ready for. "RAELYN AVANGELINE!!!!" was the yell I heard inside my head from Dimi. Yeah so not good. I walked out the front door and closed it behind me as I answered him. "I am here Dimitri." "What the f**k were you thinking? Were you even thinking at all? I cannot believe you would even consider doing such a thing. Where is the woman I love so dearly cause she sure as hell is not the woman I am speaking to at the moment!" "What was I thinking, well for starters maybe I wasn't f*****g thinking for the first time in practically a year! I did not know I could do such a thing! The woman you quote love so dearly is still here stuck on earth without you! I will not feel guilty because all of you keep telling me to move on, and remember YOU put Alex in my path. No I was not consciously thinking about what I just did with him, however it's not like I committed murder or robbed a jewelry store Dimitri Liam Tasia. I love you now and will forever, but I will not apologize for feeling something more than freaking emptiness for the first time since you were killed. Be angry with me, don't speak to me if that makes you feel better. But right now I am done fighting with everyone. I've been through enough for one night. So back off for now!" "Raelyn I am just concerned about you. I did not mean to arouse your infamous temper. We will discuss this at a later time. I love you now and forever and apologize for upsetting you more. Just know that I too am upset and hurt. I knew you would eventually move on, I just did not foresee this type of thing happening so soon. Good night." Well that went rather well in my opinion, I wonder how Alex is fairing. Probably not well considering I feel that Hailey and Fran both have ganged up on him by now, I thought to myself as I slowly walked back into the house. I was definitely right. I could hear Fran and Hailey both screaming at Alex. Obviously so could Officer Montgomery for he was standing in the hall as I entered it. "You may not want to go in there Raelyn. It sounds quite brutal." he remarked. "I cannot allow him to take all the blame Officer Montgomery. I was to blame also." "Raelyn call me Paul. He can handle it. Besides I know my nephew and the last thing he wants right now is to see you go through anymore pain tonight. It's written all over your face my dear. I'll go rescue him and bring him out to you. I will not permit the ladies to follow. I feel I am in need of a long decent talk with the both of them." "Be careful, looked what happened to me.... Thank you Paul, for understanding." "Young lady, how do you think I became a vamp, I fell in love with Hailey's mother. It happens, and no one can explain or prevent it. I'll see you in the morning I imagine." he said with a smile as he turned to go into the kitchen. I felt it best to go wait by the stairs. Knowing too well that if I sat down I would not get back up at the moment, and all I wanted was a hot bath after all of this. And there was still a bit more to endure. © 2010 RaelynAuthor's Note
Added on February 6, 2010 Last Updated on February 6, 2010 Hospital Blood
Chapter 10
By Raelyn
Chapter 11
By Raelyn
Chapter 12
By Raelyn
Chapter 13
By Raelyn
Chapter 14
By Raelyn
Chapter 15
By Raelyn
Chapter 16
By Raelyn
Chapter 17
By Raelyn
Chapter 18
By Raelyn
Chapter 19
By Raelyn
Chapter 20
By Raelyn
Chapter 21
By Raelyn
Chapter 22
By Raelyn
Chapter 23
By Raelyn
Chapter 24
By Raelyn
Chapter 25
By RaelynAuthor![]() RaelynAZAboutIm a 28 yr old single mom. I work at the local hospital in ICU. In my free time I am attempting to write my first ever novel. Tweet more..Writing