![]() Chapter 11A Chapter by Raelyn
As Raelyn, Alex, Fran, and Hailey were taking care of things on their end, there was another group of people making some plans of their own.
Jeannette was with a group of what you could call her friends. Grendel, who in my opinion looked like the devil himself with his beady black eyes and evil personality, is the man in charge of this clan. Grendel was with Jeannette as the others arrived. Now with most people you do not worry about what they are up to, however when this particular nest gets together it usually means trouble. The rest of the group included Sylyvan, Nolyan, Krystyne, and Sylvya. Nolyan and Sylvya showed up together. This was not usual for the two, you would think they were joined at the hip. Nolyan has dirt blonde hair that is rather unkempt and knotted, with reddish-brown eyes. Sylvya has jet black hair and eyes. Her hair reaches the middle of her back and is mostly worn in a pony tail or braid. They both greeted Grendel and Jeannette by first kissing their hands then each cheek. Par for the course with this crew, sometimes they did the strangest things. The last two to show up were Sylyvan and Krystyne. Sylyvan was a little better off than Nolyan but not by much. Sylyvan dressed in mainly black and burgundy, his hair was jet black with burgundy streaks, he's got a moderate build to him but nothing to fawn over. Now Krystyne is another story in herself. How she fits in with these guys is a mystery. Krystyne stands about five foot eleven inches, with silky smooth blonde hair past her a*s and crystal blue eyes, she has a very soft voice and is rather pleasant for the most part. Sylyvan and Krystyne greeted Grendel and Jeannette in the same fashion as the other two had previously. "Well now that everyone is here, we can begin our planning and start to execute certain things." Jeannette said harshly. "Yes I am rather anxious to begin the demise of those do gooders we consider our enemies." this from Grendel. "Nolyan, what is it you found out while ease dropping on the conversation at the hospital?" Grendel spoke after all he was running the show. "Well they are working together. The two girls know of their powers and are in cahoots with the others to find that journal. Glen told them where it was to be found. Now all we have to do is surprise them after they have found it." "Excellent work Nolyan." "Did anyone else find out any more helpful information?" "The break-in at the Davidson house was some punk kids that they mistook for people searching for the journal. Mrs. Davidson is still in the hospital and Dr. Davidson is staying with her. Also Raelyn and Fran have yet to return to work or their condo. Between my shifts at the hospital I've managed to catch them with the Montgomery/Scott family. However nothing rather useful there." this from Jeannette. "I have been able to sense the use of magic today by a beginner. The way that it feels it has to be Fran. Her powers are moderate in strength, but as she studies more they will grow quite strong. I've yet to sense anything from Raelyn. Hailey is helping Fran of course. Alex has only used his once and that was right after the car accident." Krystyne informed the group. "Sylyvan, nothing to report?" Grendel questioned. "Officer Montgomery has no idea about anything we have done. Neither do the rest of their clan. However I fear that Micah may and he may be a problem, we'll just have to wait and see." "Very nicely done all of you." "Jeannette, do you have the plans laid out? Are we ready to proceed with our next phase in destroying them all?" "I do my lord. Sylyvan and Nolyan, you are to head to the Davidson house and intercept the journal. We need to get our hands on it as soon as possible. Krystyne, Sylvya and I are going to pay the Davidson's' a visit then see about dropping in on Hailey and Fran. Grendel, I figured you would like to be the one to visit Micah." "Let's do this!" was the instantaneous response from all. The plans were laid, and everyone went their own directions. Hopes high that they would succeed in their endeavor. The girls' mission failed before it started. The Davidson's were tied up with several physicians and nurses, and Hailey and Fran were with Officer Montgomery and some of his police officer buddies. Grendel on the other hand managed to caught up with Micah. It was not a pleasant visit. "Micah ,I need to speak with you in private now please." "Grendel I'm a little busy with customers, you'll have to give me a few minutes." Grendel waited patiently for the customers to leave, and as they left Grendel locked the door behind them. "What is it this time Grendel? One of your girls mess up their pretty little faces?" "Actually I am here in regards to two new students you will be acquiring. Raelyn DaMartine and Francine Duplantier. They are just now learning of their skills." "Pupils' of yours I take it?" "No enemies to be honest." “What do you want from me, Grendel? You I am an honest business man and will help any that are willing to learn." "I'm here to warn you against helping them. There is a blood war about to break out between them and us and I'd hate to see you caught in the middle." "Grendel, I cannot just turn them away. I will help them the best I can just like I did with your nest. If it puts me in the middle then so be it, but I cannot and will not turn those that need my help away. Where did my once compassionate teacher go? I hardly recognize this man in front of me." "Micah, do not push me on this. Or you might find yourself up against the others and myself." "I hear your warning. Now please leave my store. May peace be with you Grendel." 'We'll see after the outcome of your visit with these two ladies." Grendel was gone as if he was never there. Micah knew better than to fall for Grendel's threats, besides he had had enough of Grendel and his goons thinking they controlled everyone that is magical or unique. This could prove to be a rather interesting time. Micah could not wait. Sylyvan and Nolyan were on their way to the Davidson's house both excited for the chance at a possible fight. Not that either of them were worried, after all it was just Alex and a female. “How bad could it be?” They stated together. They were puling into the drive just as Alex and Raelyn were brushing themselves off from their excursion in the tunnel. “Raelyn I do not think we are alone any longer. Do you think you can bring up an extremely fierce storm? I have the feeling we are going to need it.” “I can certainly try Alex. Not sure how long I can hold it, but I guess we'll find out right?” “Nothing like a crash course learning session, mon cher. I'll help as much as I can. Let's see if we can find a weapon for you.” Alex and Raelyn began looking through the house for a weapon for Raelyn. “I think I recall Glen having a pair of samurai swords in his room above the dresser. Let's go check.” “Lead the way chéri.” Raelyn took Alex's hand and began to ascend the enormous staircase that lead to the second level of the house. Raelyn wound her way through the hallway and into Glen and Aurora's bedroom. Just as she remembered there above the dresser sat two gorgeously crafted samurai swords. Alex reached up around Raelyn and pulled them down and handed them to me. I began twisting and turning them as if I have used them for years. I closed my eyes and just allowed my body to take control and find its way with the swords. “Well I guess I do not need to show you how to use them mon cher. Looks to me as if you have used them your entire life.” Downstairs I heard a loud crash. The visitors had arrived. Unfortunately we were going to have to fight, and I was scared out of my mind. “I will not allow anything to happen to you, douceur. I think its time we get this over with so we may get back to my house and get you some rest.” I tightened my grip on the swords and ran behind Alex down the stairs. “Well look what we have here, Nolyan.” Sylyvan remarked. “Just what we came looking for huh Sylyvan.” Nolyan smirked as he replied. “What do you scoundrels want Sylyvan?” Alex questioned rather annoyed. “To take that journal off of your hands and stop the two of you along with the rest of your clan from getting in our way.” Nolyan and Sylyvan stated together. “Sadly enough that is not a possibility you two. We do not want to fight, however we will. So you have two choices: step aside and allow us to leave without a fight, or I beat the s**t out of the both of you and we leave anyway.” Alex retorted. “We choose option two, you will be the one whose going to get the s**t beat out of them I promise.” Just as the battle between the four of us began, the sky became a black abyss complete with wild and crazy lightening all over the place, softball sized hail, tornado strength winds, and thunder claps that sounded like they split the sky in two. “Perfectionner mon amour.” Alex laughed happily, quickly glancing out of the window. “Storm of the century!” I'm not sure if it was perfect, however not bad in my opinion, for my first time purposely creating a storm in my opinion. Alex and Sylyvan went after each other. I could tell that this was not a new distaste for one another, it had been going on for awhile now. I watched out of the corner of my eye to make sure Alex had the upper hand. Nolyan in turn came after me. “Well now you've grown up rather nicely. It's a shame I have to destroy you. I'd prefer to just take you captive my dear and torture you in my own ways.” snickered Nolyan. “In your wildest dreams Nolyan. I may not have as much experience as you, but I can hold my own. And I refuse to allow you to touch any part of me while I draw breath.” I stated between clenched teeth just as one of my swords struck his shoulder. I glanced over to see that Alex had Sylyvan pinned to the ground. Sylyvan was bleeding from his face, right shoulder, left forearm, and his right leg. Alex was in the process of tying him down as Nolyan's sword connected with my left arm knocking one of the samurai swords across the room, as I let out a horrid scream. I tried to reach for the sword that was no longer in my hand, just as Nolyan jumped on me pinning me to the ground. “I'll make sure you remember this night. There is nothing you can do now.” Apparently Nolyan was not aware of the fact that Alex had Sylyvan tied up, gagged, and that he was now heading toward Nolyan. In the entire time that I have known Alex and been around him, I have never seen such anger and hatred displayed on his face. I was trying my hardest to get out of the hold Nolyan had me in when Alex tackled him full force. Literally knocking the wind out of me as he did so. The two men rolled around punching one another with such force that I was not sure if the thunder shook the house or whether it was the force of their punches. Alex was stronger than Nolyan, that much was evident. Although Nolyan did get in a few licks in himself. By the time Alex managed to get Nolyan pinned they both were covered in each others' blood. I learned something new tonight, vampires are not affected by another vampires blood. Here I thought this would be a problem. However, my blood was also spilling out. I could tell that it was becoming a problem for Nolyan, yet I was not sure if it bothered Alex. “Raelyn, grab me the extra rope over then get yourself upstairs and take care of that arm. If you need my help yell.” Alex struggled to get out as he wrestled with Nolyan. “Okay Alex. Are you alright?” I responded without thinking. “I'll be okay, just please go get yourself taken care of.” “Aw can the stronger non-blood drinking vamp not handle the smell of his little lover's blood?” Nolyan smirked. In response Alex punched him hard in the mouth. “Mind your own business vermin. You just wish you had the likes of her paying attention to you.” Alex retorted. I handed Alex the rope and ran for the upstairs bathroom. Once there I closed and locked the door just for an added safety measure. I tried pulling down the shoulder of my shirt however that was not working. Thankfully this was not one of my favorite shirts. I had just thrown on the first shirt I could find this morning; that being a simple blue t-shirt. The amount of blood coming from my arm was enough for me to know that I was going to at least need several stitches. I tried ripping the shirt myself to no avail. I then tried to pull it off over my head, which with only one arm available was not working too well. Finally giving in I knew I needed to call Alex. I opened the door and called to Alex. “Alex, if you are free I could really use your assistance if possible.” “I'm on my way up now Raelyn.” In just a few seconds Alex was at the bathroom door. “What can I do for you chéri?” I opened the door and let him in. “I know I at least need stitches which we do not have here, but I cannot even address the injury due to this shirt. I tried ripping it, and cannot with my right hand, and I cannot pull the damn thing off.” Lucky me that I am left handed and that is the arm that got injured. “Mon cher this is not exactly how imagined getting you out of your clothes, but hey it works. “ Alex laughed as he began slowly pulling the shirt away from the injury. I in turn playfully punched his shoulder with my free arm. “Not funny Alex.” “Alex what did Nolyan mean about you not being able to handle the smell of my blood and why did he refer to me as your lover?” “Well you know that my family and I do not drink blood as a matter of choice. That does not mean that it does not affect us at times. I did not know until your accident that your blood appealed to me as it does. It is almost as if you took my favorite food and placed it just out of reach and I have not eaten in a week. It is barely tolerable. “ “And as for the other, he called you my lover because he can sense what I think and feel. While in close proximity vampires can sense and feel each others' thoughts and feelings. He can feel that I care deeply for you, therefore he calls you my lover. I apologize if this bothers you, but it won't be the last time you hear it I fear.” “Oh.... Then maybe I should not tempt you so by having you help me dress my wound.” “I will manage douceur. I've been around for awhile and have learned rather well to bridle my thirst even if it is........ravenous.” He said all the while watching the vein in my neck still wildly pulsing from the exertion of the fight. I wondered to myself just what it would do to him if I allowed him a taste. Would it be a bad thing? I came to the conclusion that there was only one way to find out. I placed a small drop of blood on my finger, and looked deep into his eyes as I raised my shaking hand. Alex's eyes widened with understanding and just as I started to place my finger to his ever so soft lips he grabbed my wrist. “Raelyn, are you sure you want to do this? Not only are you tempting me, but by doing this you will be allowing me to see into your soul. There will be what we call a blood bond between us from this moment forward.” I took a ragged breath. “Yes I am sure Alex.” He released my wrist and I felt the cool wet of his tongue as he slowly extended it to taste the drop of blood sitting on the tip of my finger. His lips closed over my finger as he gently sucked the last of it and I saw the look of ecstasy cross his face before my eyes drifted shut. I felt a rush of emotions, ranging from ravaging passion to unrelenting lust that had built up over the last year, to bitter sadness for the love that I lost unexpectedly, to an unexplained happiness that I was actually grateful to feel again. And lastly a bit of shyness and awkwardness to feel such emotions with the man standing in front of me who I hadn't known very long, yet felt unbelievably close to. Alex stopped and I felt his arms wrap around me. “I can lick the wound enough to stop the bleeding and helping it to close up some, after that you must stop me, so that we may bandage it and have Fran put the remaining needed stitches in it, will you permit my assistance?” I slowly raised my eyes to meet Alex's. Suddenly I was not so sure if this was the right thing to do, and I found myself thinking of Dimitri. Even though I thought of him at this moment, I was glad I no longer felt as though I was betraying him. Which definitely helped in my decision. “Yes Alex, I am sure.” I drew in a breath as his left arm tightened around my waist and his head lowered towards the wound. As his tongue first touched the cut I gasped, not at all in pain. A melting feeling of desire like I have never felt before swept through my soul leaving me breathless and feeling exposed. I had the urge to run and hide my face as though I'd been caught by Glen as a teenager kissing my first boyfriend. Or as if I was experiencing sex again for the first time. The passion I felt was like molten lava coursing in my veins. Neither of us was prepared for it. Alex gasped against my skin and his grip tightened. He closed his eyes, ecstasy playing across his face as his ministrations to me deepened. Time seemed to stop as Alex carefully and slowly licked my wound up one side then down the other bringing tingling waves of pleasure with each swipe of his tongue. I vaguely felt his body quiver and somewhere in my mind I understood that it was time to stop him as the wound had definitely stopped bleeding. For a while, I didn't care. I let him attend me longer than I should have, it took all of my strength to tear myself away. But I had to be strong. I looked at Alex's face and knew he was lost in the joining. I could feel his soul melting into mine. It was more intimate then anything that I had ever experienced. Although I wanted him to continue with every fiber of my being, I knew I needed to stop this. We needed to get away from the house. “Alright Alex that's enough.” I whispered raggedly pulling his head away from my arm. “Let's wrap it with the clean part of my shirt, and I'll grab another shirt out of Aurora's closet.” It took a minute for him to return from the euphoria of our blood bond. Alex released my arm his mind still obviously enthralled with the aftermath of our joining. He wiped off his face and softly cupped his right hand to my face. He gently kissed each cheek and then placed a whisper of a kiss onto my lips. “Mon chéri I cannot begin to tell you the deep respect and admiration I have for you at the moment. Words cannot describe the extreme pleasure you have just allowed me.” I blushed immensely remembering what had just passed between us. “Trust me it was my pleasure Alex but, we really need to get going before they start worrying about us or we get more visitors....” I said pointedly. “I agree. We still have a conversation to continue Raelyn. However after what we have just shared, I will wait until later or tomorrow to address it again.” “Lets finish up and head back to your house.” I watched as Alex carefully created a make shift bandage and placed it on the wound. Once he finished I stood on tipped toe and tenderly kissed his cheek. Then I turned to rummage through Aurora's closet to replace my torn shirt. Alex followed closely behind me, just in case there was any danger from the two downstairs. I pulled a pale pink three quarter sleeved button up shirt from her closet, and turned to Alex. “Yes that will be wonderful.” he whispered as he helped me pull it onto my injured arm. I finished dressing quickly then. “Let's go. I need to grab my bag with the journal in it out of the cubby again and I'd like to take the samurai swords with me also. That a way I can get some practice in with them. I'd much enjoy using them some more.” I said with a girlish grin. We retrieved the bag and swords and headed to the vehicle, then drove back to Alex's home. © 2010 RaelynAuthor's Note
Added on February 6, 2010 Last Updated on February 6, 2010 Hospital Blood
Chapter 10
By Raelyn
Chapter 11
By Raelyn
Chapter 12
By Raelyn
Chapter 13
By Raelyn
Chapter 14
By Raelyn
Chapter 15
By Raelyn
Chapter 16
By Raelyn
Chapter 17
By Raelyn
Chapter 18
By Raelyn
Chapter 19
By Raelyn
Chapter 20
By Raelyn
Chapter 21
By Raelyn
Chapter 22
By Raelyn
Chapter 23
By Raelyn
Chapter 24
By Raelyn
Chapter 25
By RaelynAuthor![]() RaelynAZAboutIm a 28 yr old single mom. I work at the local hospital in ICU. In my free time I am attempting to write my first ever novel. Tweet more..Writing