![]() Chapter 9A Chapter by Raelyn
“What is all that cackling for?” Uncle Paul questioned as he walked into the living room. This room was beautifully decorated. It was as though you took it straight out of a home décor magazine. Matching couches and tables, antique handmade silk rugs, a marble fireplace, and the largest plasma flat screen television made.
“Fran and I are working on her gifts Uncle.” Hailey said between laughing and gasping for air. “I’m obviously rather amusing trying to learn all of this in such a short time.” was Fran’s response. As Uncle Paul walked into the room he too immediately began laughing. The sight in front of him would have made anyone laugh. Whatever spell it was that Fran was trying to do backfired. Her hair was now a fluorescent pink and clouds of purple smoke puffed out about her head. “As you can see now I am having a go at this magic stuff and it does not seem to like me much.” Fran tried to say sternly however she too began to laugh. “Well I will leave you ladies to it then, since I have no magic abilities myself and would only prove as a distraction. Besides I don’t want to be in the room if another one of her spells backfires. In any case if you do need any thing I will be in the study” he stated and smiled as he turned and left the room. “So would you like to continue your session or take a break? We could grab a bite to eat.” Hailey laughed at her own little joke. “Ha-ha Hailey. Bite to eat my butt. I’m not your food remember. However a little break does sound like a good idea.” Fran giggled. “Frannie girl, we already told you, we eat regular food instead of drink blood. Besides, you don’t smell good enough to eat.” Hailey stated as an even larger grin came across her face. “Yeah well you’re not my type either, lil’ Miss Hailey.” Fran shot back with a smile. They got along better than Fran thought they would. After all they had just met and she was not sure if she trusted any of them yet. Considering they are all vampires with abilities she didn’t quite understand yet. Especially Officer Montgomery. However the fact that she got along alright with Hailey made this grim adventure a little bit more tolerable. “So whatcha want to do first grab something to eat or have the grand tour of the house?” Hailey quizzed. “Let’s do the grand tour first then grab some food. And once we are done with that we can get back to train. Maybe by then we’ll have at least heard from Raelyn and Alex.” replied Fran. Hailey took Fran through each room in the house. First it was the game room. It was filled with two chairs that looked to Fran like the cushions would swallow a person whole when they sat down, a couch that was just as cushiony. Two sets of shelves, a dart board, and a pool table. Fran could imagine innocent looking Raelyn challenging Alex at pool or darts and beating him hands down with out even breaking a sweat. She chuckled to herself. Poor Alex, vampire or not, he was in for a surprise when he played Raelyn in any game. She could be positively vicious when she was competing for anything. Fran decided to keep that tidbit of knowledge to herself. The next room was across the hall, the kitchen. Now Fran and Raelyn had a nice kitchen, but this one just made theirs look horrible(positively primitive). It was covered in beautifully bright counters and cabinets had all of the new high tech appliances too. Not to mention a wine rack twice the size of the one they own. The two households were definitely a good match for each other. They all seemed to enjoy the same things to a point. Fran had already seen the living room which was just as elegant as the other two rooms. There were two small bathrooms on the lower level specifically for visitors. Throughout the halls were more handmade silk rugs and in the main hall an antique Romanian kilim runner. The next stop was the study. Uncle Paul was already in there with the door closed, so Hailey softly tapped on the door. “Hey Uncle Paul, I’m giving Fran a tour of the house may we come in for a moment?” Hailey asked through the closed door. “Of course my dears come right in.” he responded. As they opened the door and stepped in Fran’s mouth dropped opened and she was in awe. There were two rather large book shelves full of books. Two medium sized tables, another antique rug, and a humungous desk with all the supplies one could possibly need. All of which was made out of some kind of wood and it was the most beautiful red color. “Officer Montgomery, do you mind if I ask what it is you are reading?” Fran asked not really concerned about getting into his business. You see she was still quite angry at all that he had put Raelyn through. It just bothered her that this man could even think of blaming Raelyn for anything that happened to Dimitri. And now Raelyn and Fran were just suppose to trust him one hundred percent. She did not think so. “Fran, please call me Paul. Actually I am trying to go through any and all of these magic books to try and find us any helpful information. Unfortunately Raelyn and you are getting the short end of the stick, by being thrown into this mess without any proper training. I wish that I could be of more assistance though.” He responded quickly showing Hailey and me the three books laying on the desk. “You know if you truly want to help you could start by apologizing to Raelyn for everything you have put her through regarding Dimitri. I understand it is part of your job, but you had inside information, you could have been a little kinder to her while questioning her.” Fran angrily stated. “I apologize for offending you Fran. It was never my intention to offend or upset either of you. I give you my word that I will speak to Raelyn when I see her again.” Paul shyly commented. Hailey just looked at Fran. Maybe Hailey was a little shocked by Fran’s bluntness; however that was just part of who Fran is. Take her or leave her, she really could care less. “Uncle, Alex and I already told you not to worry, we got this.” Hailey stated. “Thank you Paul for any and all help you can give us. This whole thing is a little scary. And to be quite honest I’m worried about Raelyn. She has already been through so much in this last year.” Fran conveyed. “Hailey I will do anything in my power to protect Alex and you, and now my concern extends to Fran and Raelyn. Yes Fran, I too am concerned for Raelyn, she has been through quite an ordeal in the last twelve months. This is something I have discussed at lengths with Alex and Hailey, and also with Dimitri before his untimely death.” Paul responded. “Well do not let me keep you from your tour Miss Fran. There is still a lot for you to learn and so much more for you to see of our beautiful home.” Paul said dismissing us. “We are all worried about Raelyn, Fran. However I think Alex and Dimitri are the most concerned. Alex has spent the last few nights pacing the house talking to himself, and I’m sure to Dimitri as well, in regards to keeping her safe and at the same time keeping her sanity intact as well.” Hailey simply stated as we headed back towards the main hall. There was not much else Fran could add to that statement. She too had spent several nights over the last year wondering the same exact thing. At the moment it seemed that everyone closest to Raelyn could see just how fragile she truly was. Just as they got to the top of the stairs Fran realized that the second level completely over looked the lower level. This was one of the most gorgeous houses Fran had ever had the privilege of seeing. There were seven bedrooms total on the upper level. Two storage closets, one large book shelf, several tables and plants scattered around the hallways. Once again two more antique rugs, and a large bathroom at one end of the hall. Fran was not going to ask to see the rooms; however Hailey took her straight to her room. It was decorated in the prettiest of pinks and purples. Your typical girls’ room, filled with lots of pink and purples, lace, and ruffles. Hailey had her room full of Japanese style furniture, wall tapestries, rugs, and shelves. Hailey also showed Fran the spare rooms, which were also decorated just as lavishly as Hailey’s was. “I cannot show you Uncle Paul’s or Alex’s rooms without them being there to go in with you. However I have a feeling that Raelyn and you may be staying here awhile so take your time checking out the spare rooms and decide which one you’d like to stay in. While you are doing that I am going to go back down stairs and prepare for your next lesson- magic and weapons.” Hailey said. Fran glanced up at her bangs with only her eyes and then gently pulled a strand of hair in front of her so she could see it clearly. She watched Hailey walk back down the stairs wondering if the vampire bumped her head as she rose up from her coffin last night. Fran didn’t think she was quite ready for weapons yet. They hadn’t figured out why her hair turned bright pink. She didn’t think there poor defenseless vampires were ready for what would happen if she lost concentration again… this time with a weapon in mind. She let her hair go and frowned with her hands balled into fists at her hips still gazing down the stairs. “Oh well,” she sighed. “I’m not going to be responsible if I blow up the cat, or the dog ends up with blue hair and knives for teeth. Then she wondered what kind of pets vampires had. Eeewwww. The kind with no blood… She smiled at her own dumb joke, shrugged her shoulders, and went to look for a room to stay in, already feeling uncomfortable about living with vampires no matter how safe the they said they were. She was planning on sleeping with a wooden stake….just in case they forgot where the kitchen was. Decision made, she smiled; she felt better already. She decided on the room that was two doors from all three of there rooms. She figured this would be the safest bet. Decision made she glanced at her now pink hair in the mirror and figured it was best to head back down stairs. This was either the best idea or possibly the worst anyone had ever had in her lifetime. “My hair is already pink, next thing you know either Hailey or I could have a third arm or worse.” She thought out loud. As she came down the stairs she could the faint sounds of voices coming from the kitchen. She felt it better to let her presence be known than sneak up on them. “Alright Hailey, I picked a room, are you ready to start this craziness again?” Fran said in a voice a little above regular. “Yes I am Fran. Sorry Uncle Paul and I were just discussing some problems that could possibly come up. You want to eat something or would like to just keep going?” “Let’s try a couple of rounds and go from there. You have protective gear right?” “Fran there is nothing you can do that would hurt me. Besides I firmly believe you’ll do just fine.” “Alrighty then, let’s go.” As it turned out weapons was Fran’s specialty. Especially the kitana swords. Have them enchanted with magic and she would be even better. Which was a great thing considering the fact everyone believed we were up for a rather large confrontation in the coming days or weeks. Fran and Hailey continued training for a few more hours. It so happened that there were no causalities while training other than a few pillows, which Fran swore she would replace. As far as Fran and Hailey were concerned Fran had come a long way in such a short time. Most beginners did not pick up on all of the magic and weapons as quickly as Fran did. Either she was just that quick of a learner or knowing that time was limited made her try harder. There was still more that Fran needed to learn, however for her first day, she was progressing rather well. She was proving to be an excellent student. Hailey was sure that Micah would enjoy working with Fran. Hailey’s only other concern was whether or not Raelyn would be as good of a learner as what Fran had proved to be so far. For everyone’s sake Hailey sure hoped so. Fran and Hailey were grabbing a bite to eat as each of them wondered how things were going for Alex and Raelyn and finding this infamous journal. © 2010 RaelynAuthor's Note
Added on February 6, 2010 Last Updated on February 6, 2010 Hospital Blood
Chapter 10
By Raelyn
Chapter 11
By Raelyn
Chapter 12
By Raelyn
Chapter 13
By Raelyn
Chapter 14
By Raelyn
Chapter 15
By Raelyn
Chapter 16
By Raelyn
Chapter 17
By Raelyn
Chapter 18
By Raelyn
Chapter 19
By Raelyn
Chapter 20
By Raelyn
Chapter 21
By Raelyn
Chapter 22
By Raelyn
Chapter 23
By Raelyn
Chapter 24
By Raelyn
Chapter 25
By RaelynAuthor![]() RaelynAZAboutIm a 28 yr old single mom. I work at the local hospital in ICU. In my free time I am attempting to write my first ever novel. Tweet more..Writing