![]() Chapter 8A Chapter by Raelyn
The drive to Glen and Aurora’s house was not long yet was not short either. There was so much to discuss and so many things left to figure out. Our drive started out quiet. Alex and I had a lot to sort through. There was so much happening at one time. The best thing to do would be to get everything out, to talk and try to find a half way point as to how we got to where we are now.
“Alex, why is this happening? I mean I know that it’s because of this journal, but isn’t it going to cause more trouble once we have it in our possession?” “Rae I wish I had the answers right now. All I know is we need to have that forsaken book. You need it to help you figure out about your parents and your gifts. We need it to keep Glen and Aurora safe and to hopefully protect those we care about. All I know for sure right now is that I want Hailey, Uncle Paul, Fran, Glen, Aurora, You, and myself to be safe again. To be able to live our normal lives as we have up until now without being followed or hunted or hurt. I am angrier than I have been in a long time and I cannot put my finger in the exact reason.” “To be perfectly honest, this is the most excitement I have had since before Dimitri’s death. Sad isn’t it?” “First of all he was murdered trying to protect all of us.” Alex said seriously. “Secondly that is sad that you haven’t experienced life since Dimi’s death, and I promise that once this is taken care of I will personally show you what excitement is without the risk of injury or possible death.” Alex smiled that perfect smile for me and we relaxed into a comfortable silence for the time being. I was sure he was thinking of strategies and plans while I was daydreaming of what exciting things he had in mind. I know it wasn’t exactly the right time for daydreaming, but at least it was keeping me from hysterics. There was still so much for me to learn mentally and physically about my gifts that I was scared shitless of the thought that we may actually have to use all of our powers before all was said and done. I had to first find this journal. Of which I was fairly sure I could find without a problem. I knew the cubby where it’s hidden, it use to be my favorite place to hide when I was smaller. However I never knew that there was a hidden compartment inside of it. There was also getting to see Micah at the Mystic Stones and doing a crash course learning session. Then there was the finding out who the bad guys are and how to get rid of them. “You are going to give yourself an aneurysm if you continue to stress on all of these issues at once.” Dimitri and Alex spoke at the same time inside of my head. “Ugghhh! I will never get use to you being able to hear and respond to my thoughts! I’m just trying to remind myself of all that is facing me and those that I care about.” I silently spoke to them at once. I wasn’t use to having counselors’ in my head. It was getting old not having my thoughts to myself. Of all the things in the world to have invaded, I would have preferred it not to be my personal thoughts. “I think you both need to learn when you should and should not pay attention to my thoughts. I have so items I wish to be kept private and to myself. Besides I do not feel right with my dead fiancé and you Alex listening to items’ that pop into my head regarding the both of you. I cannot always predict what thought is going to pop into my head!” I stated exacerbated. Some things were just plain wrong, this being one of them in my eyes. “Rae, your thoughts will not bother either of us. I know you better than you know yourself. That is one of the reasons I had Alex promise to come here if something happened to me. I knew you would come to care for someone again as you did me. Now before you get mad, it’s just a simple observation. And I love that about you!” you could hear the smile in Dimitri’s voice. “Am I that easily read? It’s not that I care that either of you know what I think, it’s just some things need to remain private. You know how I am when it comes to my private thoughts and feelings Dimitri. I just feel its best that you both allow me my private thoughts please. I am not going to give myself an aneurysm thinking of these things. These things are a matter of importance not only to myself but also those that I love and care for. There is a lot to comprehend at one time and I feel better trying to process it all while I have a chance.” “We understand Raelyn. We just do not want you over doing it. If what we know proves to be true with this journal, then you are our main hope of getting through this in one piece. Dimitri and I have been reading about you for centuries, we just never thought someone as powerful as you existed. And now that we are pretty sure you do, we need to protect you to the best of our abilities.” Alex stated softly. It became quiet again. During this discussion I had come to the conclusion that they would always be listening to my thoughts, so I’d just have to remember to tell them when to butt out and give me my private moments. However it was nice to be able to speak without speaking, and to be able to speak with Dimitri whenever I wished to. It has been too long since I could tell him everything and get his opinion. As the turmoil of all this set in the sky started to darken, then out of nowhere massive lightening strikes, booming thunder, hail, and rain began coming down. The laugh coming from Alex was to die for. Never had I heard him laugh like this. It was a nice distraction. However I could not see what he found so funny so I decided to ask. “What in the world is so funny?” “You do not even realize what you just did do you?” “What in the hell do you mean?” I was starting to get frustrated and it was evident. “Raelyn, do you remember what I told you of your powers?” “Well duh! It’s not like I’m an airhead that cannot remember, Alex. Why do you ask?” “Look outside madam. This is not brought on by good ole mother nature. This is all you. This storm represents all that you are thinking and feeling right now. I rather like the storm so I will not ask that you try and change it. However I would love to see how quickly you pick up on your powers. As of right now I feel you’re doing amazingly well.” “Oh my stars! I caused this? Are you freaking serious?” “This is all you baby. I once told you that the weather changed with your moods. Now you know how honest I was being.” This came from Dimitri. “Isn’t it wonderful?! I knew you’d pick up on everything rather quickly. Would you like to try and change it again?” Alex was laughing now. “I can definitely try, Alex, how do I do it?” “Try changing your mood. Think of something that makes you happy and light hearted.” I became quiet and started trying to think of my favorite moment with Dimitri. As I closed my eyes I could see us in Morro Bay, California laying on a blanket watching the waves roll in. it had been a beautiful day, with no too many people around, and lots of sea life. It was warm enough to get into the water, yet not so hot that you could not stand to be outside. I recalled laying in his arms and thinking to myself that life could not get any better than this. The next thing I knew Alex was gently tapping my arm. I opened my eyes and it was the most beautiful sight. The sun had once again showed itself, only now it was the perfect warmth. There were no more clouds, no breeze, and the birds had come to join in the wonderful weather. “I do not know what you thought of, because I did give you your privacy with your thoughts there, but I can only hope to see a beautiful day such as this with you once this has all been accomplished.” “I could not be as generous my love. That day is also one of my happiest times. I would give anything to be there with you again. However that is impossible so I have no choice but to relive it through your visions.” Dimitri sighed. I could tell in that sigh that it made him immensely saddened. I in turn began to feel the same sadness. It was almost too much to bare. I looked out my window to see that the clouds were moving back in. Alex too must have felt the sadness in the air because he reached over and grabbed my hand. “I cannot ever take away the hurt you or Dimitri feels for having him taken away before his time. However I can promise to be here and offer what ever support I can to help ease the pain.” Alex whispered as if the windows were our enemies trying to listen in. With that statement I felt the barriers break and the flood gates open. My tears fell silently as we finished the drive. I could still feel Dimitri at the edges of my thoughts. Yet with all that had happened it felt good to just cry, to get everything out while I have the chance, and the semi private time. The next thing I knew the Davidson house was in front of the vehicle. On one hand it felt nice to be back at the house that I’ve always called home, and at the same time I had a sense of dread because I knew that what lay ahead was not going to be good. All I could hope for at this moment was that Hailey and Fran were having some luck with Fran learning her gifts, and were having more good times than any kind of sadness. “Rest assured Rae, things back at the Montgomery/Scott household are fine and dandy. Fran is progressing quickly as you will also. And Hailey and Fran are in high spirits and the house is full of laughter. As a matter of fact Uncle Paul is walking into the house now wondering what he missed out on.” Dimitri stated with a hearty laugh. Alex and I grinned at one another, definitely needing a smile. After all that we had been through in the last few days a good laughter session was nice. And knowing that it could and probably would get worse in the days to come, it was a relief to find something to smile at. Alex and I began to get out of the vehicle and headed into the house. © 2010 RaelynAuthor's Note
Added on February 6, 2010 Last Updated on February 6, 2010 Hospital Blood
Chapter 10
By Raelyn
Chapter 11
By Raelyn
Chapter 12
By Raelyn
Chapter 13
By Raelyn
Chapter 14
By Raelyn
Chapter 15
By Raelyn
Chapter 16
By Raelyn
Chapter 17
By Raelyn
Chapter 18
By Raelyn
Chapter 19
By Raelyn
Chapter 20
By Raelyn
Chapter 21
By Raelyn
Chapter 22
By Raelyn
Chapter 23
By Raelyn
Chapter 24
By Raelyn
Chapter 25
By RaelynAuthor![]() RaelynAZAboutIm a 28 yr old single mom. I work at the local hospital in ICU. In my free time I am attempting to write my first ever novel. Tweet more..Writing