![]() Chapter 7A Chapter by Raelyn
“Go ahead Raelyn answer the phone. We’re all here for you” Hailey whispered musically.
For the first time since Dimitri’s death I felt secure as I answered the phone. “Hello” “Raelyn, its Glen. I am so sorry to call you at home, but you’re like my daughter so you need to know. There was a break in at the house last night. I’m at Oceanview right now. Aurora was attacked.” “What? Why? Is she okay? How bad?” “I don’t know much. She’s in Intensive Care in critical condition. I took the night off last night. We had gone to bed early because of how upset we were about what happened to you. Who ever broke in knew our schedules. Aurora had gotten up to get a drink. I was out of it, just plain exhausted. They beat her up pretty bad Rae.” Glen Davidson got it out in a sob. “Glen, I’m on my way. Alex, Fran, and Hailey will be with me. Hold on I’ll be there soon.” I said ending the call. Alex took the phone and wrapped me in his arms as Fran and Hailey sat down on the bed and wrapped their arms around us. As I sat there crying in the arms of these three people I realized just how lucky I was to have them in my life. Aurora was the closest thing I have to a mother. Why would someone want to hurt her was all I could think and I asked that exact question out loud. “Why would anyone want to hurt her?” “I saw everything that’s why I met Fran in the parking garage. But I can’t say who or why. Because neither was clear in the vision.” Hailey stated. Fran was in completely flabbergasted by this newest revelation. “What do you mean you saw everything?” Fran stammered. “Oh Frannie, there is so much to tell you! There are things you will not understand that are going to be said and done over the next few hours, and I promise after we talk to Davidson, find out how Aurora is doing, and I go see her I will fill you in on everything with Alex’s and Hailey’s help.” I cried as I left Alex’s arms to embrace Fran. Fran and I wiped away our tears then. Fran and Hailey went down stairs to get the vehicle ready to go. After they left Alex turned to me. “Not now!” was all I said. ‘Do you want to go in what you are in or change?’ was all Alex asked. The look in his eyes amazed me. I couldn’t explain it if my life depended on it. “No I’ll stay in this for now. It’s comfortable enough. After we see Aurora and find out what the hell is going on, then I’ll come back and change. There is a lot to get accomplished today.” With that Alex grabbed my shoes and slipped them on my feet for me so that I didn’t have to bend over to do so. “Ready madam?” “As ready as I’ll ever be at this point.” He handed me my purse and lifted me into his arms. I watched him with ease and wonderment. It must have been apparent because as we hit the last stair Fran and Hailey were starring at us with huge smiles on their faces. All I could think is how could they be smiling at a time like this. Then I looked back at the man who was carrying me and saw the look on his face and I knew what they were smiling about. Oddly enough I too began to smile as I thought of what must be going through Fran’s mind. This definitely was going to be interesting to see how it plays out. Hailey just smiled and nodded. “I’ll be fine. Just so much has happened. Upon walking into the garage it all hit me at once. I need to be with Davidson and Aurora. Please guys, I can do this and I give you my word that if it gets to be too much I’ll ask to come home.” Alex gently placed me into the SUV sitting in my garage. Fran crawled into the back seat with me as Hailey and Alex jumped up front. Ales turned the radio up a bit so that Fran and I could talk privately. “Rae, what is happening? How did Hailey know what happened before the call? Who are these people?” Fran quickly quizzed me. “Frannie there is so much to tell you and as soon as I see Aurora and Davidson and make sure the both of them are okay I promise to fill you in. just know that we couldn’t be safer with anyone else.” I tried to grin even though I didn’t feel like grinning. With that I was left to my thoughts. Fran was okay with waiting to find out everything till after we were done at the hospital. Alex had told me I could heal others, now all I had to do is figure out how. Occasionally Alex’s eyes would catch mine in the rearview mirror and in my head I’d hear a faint whisper which I assumed was him saying “everything’s going to be alright.” That in itself was going to take some getting use to though. Maybe if I just concentrate on Aurora getting better she will. It was so frustrating to know that I have the ability to heal someone I care about, yet no flipping clue as to how to do so. We arrived at the hospital within five minutes. The entire staff knew the Davidson’s were my family so to speak, so we were pointed towards Intensive Care, as if we had no clue as to where it was. Fran and I had only been working here for nearly six or seven years now. I found their help humorous though. Even though I had grown up with Dr. Glen Davidson I still could not get use to seeing him in street clothes, it just seemed wrong. As we walked into room 360, Aurora’s room, I took one look at Glen and almost collapsed for the second time in ten minutes right there in front of him. Luckily I had Alex and Fran on each side of me. It was not often that I’d seen Glen this upset. I knew he was blaming himself, which was the farthest from the truth, if any one was to blame it would be me which made me feel even worse. “Stop it right now. You could not have stopped this!” it was Dimitri’s voice I was now hearing in my head. The shock must have registered on my face because the next voice I heard was Alex’s. “Raelyn you have to control your face a little better. Dimi she’s still learning be easy on her. However Raelyn he is right, this is not your fault! None of us knew this was going to happen.” I felt as though I was losing my mind. I decided to walk the few steps to Glen and just wrapped my arms around him. “How is she? What are the doctors saying?” I quizzed as he would do me. “She’s still unconscious but that’s to be expected with the blow she took to the head. She has a few broken ribs, her right hand is broken and she is majorly bruised. They are allowing her to wake up in her own time for now. But I’m worried. I just want her to wake up Rae.” as he finished his statement to me he started to cry. “Glen I know now may not be the right time, but I cannot take any one else I love and care about getting hurt because of it. Where is my dad’s journal? Please let me take it, then I’ll deal with what ever trouble it brings my way and at least I’ll know Aurora and you are safe finally.” “So you finally know? What a relief. I mean its not that I minded keeping the secret, it was just so hard watching you go through growing up and having your dreams and not being able to tell you anything. Then having to watch what you went through with Dimitri.” He shook his head “I knew Alex would help you.” “I am so grateful to you and Aurora for taking the risks that came along with following my parents wishes. Once Aurora is well we will sit down and talk. Yes Alex is a tremendous help, more than you realize. But right now I need to know where to find the journal and I need to go home and rest. I am starting to feel pretty bad, and I promised Fran and Alex that if I started to feel bad that I’d let them take me home.” “I understand my dear, however do not tell anyone other than those with you where the journal is. This is extremely important! Once you have it, Raelyn, keep it some place safe. Do you understand me?” “Of course, I’m no longer a child Glen.” I smiled. “Sadly enough the people who broke in were awfully close to getting their hands on it. Remember the bookshelf in my study? In the cubby that you use to try to hide in is a hidden compartment; inside of there is your father’s journal. Raelyn, take Alex with you to retrieve it please. I do not think the trouble is gone. As a matter of fact I think it is just beginning.” “I promise Alex will be with me. Thank you for everything Glen. I love you and Aurora so much. Do me a favor please, when Aurora gets out of here go on vacation, just get out of here. I do not care where you go. Do not tell anyone other than Alex, Hailey, Fran, and I where it is you are going, okay? I could not bare it if either of you get hurt any further because of me.” “Rae, none of this is your fault. Aurora and I knew the risks involved. Your parents made sure we understood every detail. We wanted to help in any way we could. Granted we may not be completely like you, but we do use magic as you will learn to do. I know that this is going to get rough, and I wish there was more that I could do to help you in this grave endeavor. Just keep in mind that Aurora and I are here and will help any way that we can, and remember to be safe Raelyn. You are the closest thing I will ever have to a daughter, and I refuse to lose you anytime soon!” “I promise to be as safe as I can be. I love you Glen. If I am not here when Aurora wakes up, please give her my love. I may need to take some time off of work Glen, just until I get this taken care of. But we’ll deal with that tomorrow. I need to go.” I hugged and kissed his cheek quickly, as to keep from falling apart and turned to be greeted by Alex. “Alex, please look after her and keep her safe.” Glen asked with a shaky voice. “I have told you from day one Glen that she is my first priority here. Give Aurora my best when she wakes up. As soon as Raelyn sees Micah and gets some of these things settled, we’ll come by the house so we can all talk.” Alex vowed as he shook Glen’s hand. Alex then turned to me, placed his hand in mine and led me out the door to meet back up with Fran and Hailey. There was so much to discuss and decide. Fran I was sure was more confused than ever. Bless her heart she was so patient. I’m not sure how that woman does it. Hailey on the other hand just kind of danced around and hummed to herself, waiting for everything to be laid out in the open. As we made our way back to the vehicle, I got the oddest feeling like we were being watched. Just as I thought that to myself, Alex’s voice was in my head again, only this time I was able to respond to him. “You are right madam. We are without doubt being watched. Just act casual and do not let on that you are aware.” “Alex, I cannot allow anyone else to get hurt because of me. We need to get Hailey and Fran out of here now.” “My precious Rae, relax. Do you honestly believe I would allow anything to happen to you while I was capable of protecting you?” “Dimitri was more powerful than you. I’m sure he thought at one time he could keep me safe and stay alive. He was wrong on both accounts. So you can see why I am just concerned and a little scared. I think the sooner we get my father’s journal and I see Micah the better I will feel.” Alex nodded. His green eyes were now edged with gold. It must be his concern, or magic, or maybe it was just Alex being angry. I stopped our private conversation; too much was happening too fast to keep up. He squeezed my hand and I shyly grinned. I knew that Fran had picked up on something going on. We all got into the vehicle, this time with Alex and I in the front and Fran and Hailey in the back. It was time to fill Fran in as thoroughly and quickly as possible, before anything else could go wrong. As we pulled out of the parking space I turned side ways in my seat so that I could look at Fran as I talked. I knew Alex would chime in as needed, as would Hailey. “Okay Frannie I’m going to give you a brief run down of everything. If there is something you need or want to ask feel free to interrupt me.” I began. ‘‘Dimitri, Officer Montgomery, Hailey, and Alex are vampires, but not the kind you read about or see in movies. They’re also part pagan. They can eat regular food for one thing. As for the blood sucker part, yes they have that trait, but do not require it to survive as most people think. There are those of their kind that do drink blood of humans, and use it as a means to kill. Their family found out centuries ago that they could live on regular food just as humans do.” “Alex has multiple abilities as did Dimitri. Alex has the capability to do magic of all kinds. He has the ability to look into a person’s eyes and instantly know how they are feeling and feels it as though it was his own. And he can ease some of the emotion for that person feeling it. Dimitri now had even more abilities. He could do everything Alex can plus see events before they happen. Officer Montgomery to our knowledge has no special abilities. Hailey can see events just as or right after they happen. Even if she is no where near when it happens. That is how Alex was able to get to the hospital so quickly. Their Aunt was a simple pagan, only practicing magic. Not the evil kind, she mainly dealt with plants, herbs, and nature.” I carefully watched Fran before I continued, she seem to be holding up better than I did upon hearing all of this. “Sunlight does not really bother them; they prefer not to be in it though. It’s a bit too bright for them and tends to make their skin seem even paler than it already is. None of the normal myths that you grew up hearing and reading about apply to them. The only way to kill them is to drain them of all their blood.” As soon as I said that everything began to make sense. Fran’s face finally showed a reaction. Her eyes filled with tears, and then the anger came. “That’s what happened to Dimitri. Why the hell did anybody tell Raelyn or myself upon Dimitri’s death? Are you all that damn sadistic! You all just watched as she fell apart. And I had to watch her and pray that she’d pull through okay.” “Fran, it’s okay. Let me finish explaining before you judge them too harshly please.” “Alright. Sorry Rae continue.” “They are supposed to keep all of this from humans; however you and I are not human. Dimitri had figured this out two weeks before he was killed.” “My mother died giving birth to me and my father was killed when I was a small child. I was raised by Dr. Davidson and his wife Aurora, who were my parents’ best friends, because I had no other living relatives.” “My father was one of the last remaining pure bred elves alive. He held more power and knowledge than anyone I have ever known. He left you a journal holding all that he knew and the spells that he created. He was killed for it, but no one has ever been able to find it. That was part of Dimitri’s mission; to help me find it. Dimitri was working on it that is why he was killed.” Before Fran could even begin to ask I answered for her. “He didn’t tell us because he wasn’t sure either of us would understand or believe him.” “My mother was part fairy, part pagan. She had a scar on her back where she out grew her wings, so to always remember she had angel wings tattooed to the scars.” “Rae you have the same thing on your back!” “Yes Fran, just wait it gets better.” I said laughing for the first time in two days. “I am fairy, elf, and pagan. I have the ability to use fairy dust to break evil spells; I can control the elements and weather. I can track magic, heal and protect others. I can use magic, you already know about the wings and premonitions through dreams. And men have a strong attraction to me emotionally and physically.” “Fran you’re my half sister in this new world. You’re part elf, part pagan. You know you’re part pagan, but nothing else. You’re abilities consist of being mentally strong, the ability to avoid injury, sharp senses and perception, and the ability to use magic. It was your use of magic that kept my injuries from being far worse than they were. Which you and Alex discussed your pagan side already.” “I’m sorry to just blurt it all out to you but right now I do not have the luxury of time to explain it slowly. We are being followed as we speak and I need you to know what the rest of us know. Do you have any questions?” “How do we use our powers? And why didn’t Dimitri not tell either of us? What about your dreams? Is there anything else I need to know?” “You and I have to go see the attorney tomorrow and then go to Mystic Stones and see Micah. He will teach us how to use them. Dimitri was not permitted to tell either of us at the time. He came to me in a dream and told me there were things you and I did not know and were about to learn. One last thing, we, as in everyone involved plus Dimitri, can carry on conversations through our minds in real time. Even with Dimitri being dead he can still talk to us. Nice huh?’” Before Fran could respond we were at Alex and Hailey’s house. “Hailey, take Fran in and start helping her work on her powers, we’re going to need them.” Alex ordered. And from the tone of his voice none of us were questioning him. Fran hugged me tightly and whispered “please be safe” “ will, I couldn’t be any safer with anyone else. See you shortly. Love you.”I said as we let go of each other. “Where are we going" I asked softly. “To get that damn journal, so that maybe we can keep Glen and Aurora safe.” “Alright let’s go.” © 2010 RaelynAuthor's Note
Added on February 2, 2010 Last Updated on February 2, 2010 Hospital Blood
Chapter 10
By Raelyn
Chapter 11
By Raelyn
Chapter 12
By Raelyn
Chapter 13
By Raelyn
Chapter 14
By Raelyn
Chapter 15
By Raelyn
Chapter 16
By Raelyn
Chapter 17
By Raelyn
Chapter 18
By Raelyn
Chapter 19
By Raelyn
Chapter 20
By Raelyn
Chapter 21
By Raelyn
Chapter 22
By Raelyn
Chapter 23
By Raelyn
Chapter 24
By Raelyn
Chapter 25
By RaelynAuthor![]() RaelynAZAboutIm a 28 yr old single mom. I work at the local hospital in ICU. In my free time I am attempting to write my first ever novel. Tweet more..Writing