![]() Chapter 6A Chapter by Raelyn
I took my time getting dressed. It was quite a task just to do that and it took every ounce of energy that I had. So as soon as I was decent I opened the door to go find Alex to only find that he was standing guard at the door.
“Would you mind helping me back to bed and brushing my hair out for me? Just getting dressed has worn me out.” I asked shyly. “No problem madam. I would relish the chance to assist you in any way, including having the honor of brushing your hair for you.” Whether Alex realized it or not he was using terms that were centuries old. I kind of liked the fact that he felt comfortable enough with me to do so. I hated feeling so helpless, yet at the same time it was nice to let someone else brush my hair for me, it had already been a trying day and a half. And it wasn’t ending any time soon, this next conversation was definitely going to be the hardest part of today, yet it would also explain so much when all was said and done. “Okay while you’re brushing out my hair why don’t you start explaining everything to me?” “Where would you like me to begin, there is so much to tell, why don’t you decide where you’d like me to start.” “Why don’t you start with yourself, Dimitri, and your family?” He began his story. “We are vampires, but not the kind you read about or see in movies. We are also part pagans. I’ll start with myself and go down the list. All of us can eat regular food for one thing. As for the blood sucker part, yes we have that trait, but do not require it to survive as most people think. There are those of our kind that do drink blood of humans, and use it as a means to kill. Our family found out centuries ago that we could live on regular food just as humans do.” “I have multiple abilities as did Dimi. I have the capability to do magic of all kinds. I also have the ability to look into a person’s eyes and instantly know how they are feeling and I feel it as though it was my own. And I can ease some of the emotion for that person feeling it. Dimitri now had even more abilities. He could do everything I can plus see events before they happen. Uncle Paul to our knowledge has no special abilities. Hailey can see events just as or right after they happen. That is how I was able to get to the hospital so quickly. Aunt Alice was a simple pagan, only practicing magic. Not the evil kind, she mainly dealt with plants, herbs, and nature.” I sat there in silence amazed at what I was hearing. This had to be a dream; things like this just do not exist. Part of me felt as if I had been thrown into some supernatural movie that I was watching from the outside as it happened. “Alex, it’s a little hard to swallow all of this, but you seem to be telling the truth. So what about sunlight? Dimi was able to go out in it.” I stated. “Sunlight does not really bother us; we prefer not to be in it though. It’s a bit too bright for us and tends to make our skin seem even paler than it already is. None of the normal myths that you grew up hearing and reading about apply to us. The only way to kill us is to drain us of all our blood.” Everything was beginning to make sense. As the fog lifted my eyes began to fill with tears. “That’s what happened to Dimitri. That’s why Officer, I mean your Uncle Paul, cannot close the case or give any more answers, because if he says anything it’ll blow your cover. Aren’t you suppose to keep what you are a secret from humans?” “Yes Raelyn we are supposed to keep it from humans, however you are not human. Dimitri had figured this out two weeks before he was killed. How much do you know about your parents, Raelyn?” “My mother died giving birth to me and my father was killed when I was a small child. I was raised by Dr. Davidson and his wife Aurora, who were my parents’ best friends, because I had no other living relatives. That’s it, why?” “What you know is correct; however there is more about them then you were told, and more to their friends. Your father was one of the last remaining pure bred elves alive. He held more power and knowledge than anyone I have ever known. He left you a journal holding all that he knew and the spells that he created. He was killed for it, but no one has ever been able to find it. That is part of our mission; to help you find it. Dimitri was working on it that is why he was killed.” ‘Why did he not tell me? If he knew all of this, why did he not come to me? I do not understand any of this.’ “He didn’t tell you because he wasn’t sure you would understand or believe him. Raelyn there’s more, but if this is too much for you we can stop for now.” “No I need to know everything so that when Fran and I go see the attorney tomorrow there is no surprises. Please continue I’ll try not to interrupt again.” “I cannot promise that there will be no more surprises. I hadn’t seen Dimi in a hundred years. We kept in contact through letters. The last one I received was regarding the information about you, Fran, and your family. He made me promise that if anything happened to him that I would return to Seatide and keep an eye out for those he came to care about here.” “Okay so tell me about my mother, Fran, and myself please.” “Your mother was a beautiful woman. The most caring woman I have met in a while. She too was special. She was part fairy, part pagan. She had two scars on her back where she out grew her wings, so to always remember she had angel wings tattooed to the scars. Do you remember ever having wings?” “I do not remember my childhood, however I have the scars you speak of. I too had angel wings tattooed to the scars. The wings run the length of my back. Have a look.” I lifted up the back of my shirt to reveal pale pink, blue, and white angel wings stretching across and down my back. Dimitri had always loved tracing them. He said it fit me to have angel wings that matched my personality. All of a sudden upon remembering that a sudden feeling of deju vu set in as Alex began to trace them also. “Raelyn, do you want to know about your abilities and powers now?” “Yes please Alex.” “You are fairy, elf, and pagan. You have the ability to use fairy dust to break evil spells; you can control the elements and weather. You can track magic, heal and protect others. You can use magic, you already know about the wings and premonitions through dreams. And men have a strong attraction to you emotionally and physically.” “How do I use these things, Alex?” “You will have to go see Micah at Mystic Stones. He’ll train you. You’re a quick learner so I doubt that it’ll take you more than a week to pick everything up. You’ll have a lot of books and journals that you’ll need to keep on hand though for a while.” “What about Fran? Does Dr. Davidson know about all of this? He practically raised me as his own, so I am curious to know how much of this he knows.” “Yes Glen knows. He and his wife are two of the few humans who know about our world. Glen and Aurora can do minor protection spells, but that’s it. They only know the things your mother taught them. However he took an oath never to talk to you about our world until you found out on your own. Fran is your half sister in our world. She is part elf, part pagan. She knows she is part pagan, but nothing else. Her abilities consist of being mentally strong, the ability to avoid injury, sharp senses and perception, and the ability to use magic. It was her use of magic that kept your injuries from being far worse than they are. She and I discussed her pagan side as you were resting earlier. As far as the rest, I’m leaving that up to you to tell her.” There was an awkward silence in the room. My thoughts were going in a million directions. There was so much information, what could I possibly say. “Alex, this sounds like a story or a movie. But my instincts are telling me it is all the truth. If Dimitri knew all of this why didn’t he tell me? That’s what is bothering me.” “Dimi wanted to tell you. And he was planning to the day he died. When he came to you in your dream he wanted to be the one to tell you, but they wouldn’t allow it. So he asked me to. You see we all share one common ability, the ability to communicate mind to mind. Even the dead can still communicate this way. Before you ask Micah and I will teach you this. Do you have any other questions?” “I have a lot of questions, but right now I want to think all of this over and sleep on it, okay?” “Yes that’s fine. Let’s get you tucked in.” Alex said with a grin for the first time since we started this conversation. It was with that grin in mind I allowed Alex to tuck me in. As he did he kissed my forehead and told me he’d see me in the morning, like it was that far off. It was already 3 am. As I drifted off to sleep it was Alex that I saw not Dimitri. That was the first time I dreamt of Alex. It wasn’t some kind of wild fantasy dream, but a vision of what could be. No more animosity or anger. No more feeling guilty about how I was beginning to feel around him or in his arms. And I knew that part of this dream was Dimitri’s way of telling me three things. One: Alex was okay to trust. Two: he’d always be a part of me. And three: that it was okay for me to be happy and move on with my life and feel for other people. The dream slowly began to fade and as I began to wake up I opened my eyes to see that Alex was standing at the window rubbing his ring and deep in thought. As I watched him I touched my ring. Alex jumped as we both felt the shock yet again. I could get use to getting his attention this way. I wondered why our rings did this. This too was another question for Micah. Just as Alex started to sit down next to me, Fran came running into the room with Hailey right behind her, which in itself seemed odd since Fran was coming home from work. By the look on their faces Alex and I both knew it wasn’t good news. Neither of us was ready for any more bad news. I reached for Alex’s hand just as the telephone began to ring. © 2010 RaelynAuthor's Note
Added on February 2, 2010 Last Updated on February 9, 2010 Hospital Blood
Chapter 10
By Raelyn
Chapter 11
By Raelyn
Chapter 12
By Raelyn
Chapter 13
By Raelyn
Chapter 14
By Raelyn
Chapter 15
By Raelyn
Chapter 16
By Raelyn
Chapter 17
By Raelyn
Chapter 18
By Raelyn
Chapter 19
By Raelyn
Chapter 20
By Raelyn
Chapter 21
By Raelyn
Chapter 22
By Raelyn
Chapter 23
By Raelyn
Chapter 24
By Raelyn
Chapter 25
By RaelynAuthor![]() RaelynAZAboutIm a 28 yr old single mom. I work at the local hospital in ICU. In my free time I am attempting to write my first ever novel. Tweet more..Writing