![]() Chapter 5A Chapter by RaelynSo much had happened in the span of twenty four hours. As I lay there on the hospital gurney all I could do is think of the man who had not left my side. Looking up into his eyes, I saw the pain in those emerald eyes. Why so much pain was what went through my mind. It’s not like I’m in critical condition. Heck they are sending me home I said to myself.
It was then that I realized Alex was unconsciously rubbing his ring. I in turn reached for the ring on my hand that matched his. As I rubbed my ring there was this static electricity that seemed to hit us both at the same time. Suddenly I saw myself and could feel all the feelings I had felt as the accident was happening, however I had this feeling that I was seeing and feeling it from his perspective. The look on my face must have given it away, because Alex looked at me and said, “You're seeing and feeling what I am aren’t you?” “How?” was all I could manage to get out. “Raelyn there's a lot about me you have yet to learn. This is one of my many hidden talents. I have been struggling to find a way to tell you all night. I don't tell people my secret; however I feel compelled to explain everything to you.” “I don't understand, Alexander. It cannot be possible. And why is it that we have the same rings and when we both touched them at the same time, I got the feeling of being shocked by static electricity?” “Call me Alex please. I do not know about the ring, because you're not like us, at least as far as I know. Where did you get it? As for the shock, I can't explain that either.” "I got the ring from your uncle. It was with the remainder of Dimitri’s belongings. It has been in his family for centuries. The only reason I know is because I asked him about it after we had been dating a few months. It’s a beautiful ring. I have always loved it."
“Raelyn, do you mind me asking what Dimitri’s last name was?”
“Not at all, it was Tasia. Why does that matter?”
The look on Alex’s face was a combination between shock and horror, but he tried to cover it the best he could. “No apparent reason, was just curious to see if maybe I knew him from when I was smaller, but I guess not.” I knew that there was more to it than that, but I could feel the pain medication taking effect and figured I would address that again later. Besides right at that time Dr. Davidson came in to discharge me. I later learned that Fran and Alex were taking me home. I was much undecided on how I felt about Alex being at my home, yet I was too tired and in too much pain to address it. Right now all I really wanted was to go home and take a hot bath then curl up in my big soft bed and sleep until this pain went away. However I highly doubted that I would be able to get into my huge garden tub without any help. Frannie would try to help me, but I didn’t think she would be able to hold me, I may have to break down and allow Alex to help me, but he would have to promise not to look. Guess I would just have to deal with it if I wanted a hot bath. I dozed back off for what seemed like forever to me, come to find out it was only about fifteen minutes. The next thing I knew I was being awakened to sit up and slowly move myself, with help of course, into the wheel chair to be taken out to the waiting car. I felt like a child, no one would let me do anything for myself, “no wonder children complained about doing it them selves” I said to myself laughing. The next thing I knew Alex was carrying me into the house behind Fran. Which in itself was not bad, but the feeling I got being in his arms was a scary one. I was irritated with myself more than any thing; however I wanted to take it out on the man carrying me. Yet Alex was not to blame. What is wrong with me? I miss Dimitri I know, but why do I always want to crucify Alex? This is something that continued to plague my mind for the next few minutes until Fran interrupted my thoughts. “Rae is there anything I can get you before Alex and I go down stairs to let you rest?” she asked softly. “Maybe a glass of sprite. Other than that I think I am okay for now. It’s not time for my pain medications, so I’m good.” was my reply. “You are sure we cannot get you anything else Raelyn?” Alex questioned one last time. “Yes I am sure Alex. Thank you for the concern though. Right now I just want to try and rest. I’ll yell if I need anything.” I said quietly as I started to drift off.
I was anxious to finally get some rest and see what my dreams would show me. This was something I have done since I was a child. If I could not figure something out on my own, I would turn to my dreams, which nine times out of ten helped me work through the problem. As I drifted off to sleep my thoughts were on Dimitri and Alex. The next thing I knew I was sitting in a heavenly park surrounded by trees and roses and so many different kinds of flowers even I could not name. How did he get here and why is he here, or am I dead? Was all I could think. “Dimitri how did you get back? Did I die? Are you here to stay?” I asked at a rapid pace trying to get it all out as quick as I could so that I could then just enjoy talking to him and having him close. “Raelyn Avangeline, you of all people know that one cannot come back from the dead. No you yourself are not dead. I wish I could tell you I was here to stay because I know how much hell you have gone through since my death, however I cannot stay.” Dimitri angelically told me in his calmest voice. “But…..But…..” came out as a sob Dimitri held up his hand to stop me. Putting his arms around me he spoke to me again “Rae, first of all I am so proud of you. However you are not the cold, hard person you are trying so hard to be. Yes I died, it is yet to be told to you how but it will, and yes you are hurt and healing. Yet what you are forgetting is all the people around you love and care about you, including Alex. And before you even start yes I know about him and who he is. Now that I have told you this, now it is time for me to get to the point. I cannot give you answers, I can only give you tips on what to look for and direct you in the correct direction to find the answers.” “Dimi, what in the world are you talking about? Why are you speaking in riddles? You have always been straight forward with me, so please do so now. I will not break, even though at times lately I’ve broken more often than not. Right now you are here with me so I want to make the most of it, because I do not know if you’ll ever be back.” I stated. “First off, do not go looking for the person that ran you and Fran off the road. Before you ask why know that I cannot tell you completely, just know that it is far more dangerous than you realize, let Alex handle it please. Trust me he will. Secondly when you finally get the courage, yes I said courage, up to go see my attorney regarding my will, pay close attention to what I left you because there is a lot of information that you are going to need. Also tell Fran I did have to, I owe her that much for looking after you like she promised to do and I love her as if she were my own sister. I know you have noticed Alex’s ring, yes it is identical to mine, and the answers to this will come in time as you retrieve my belongings. Let’s just say there are a few things I hadn’t gotten the chance to fill you in on about myself. Alex and I share the same ring because we are family.” Dimitri paused to take a breath and I took advantage of it “WHAT!!! You mean to tell me that he is family of yours and I never knew it? What the hell Dimitri? Now I know why my instincts have been telling me to be so rough on him and to keep my distance. Jeez. You and I were together for how flipping long and you never said anything. If you were still here you would be sleeping on the damn couch.” I yelled. And for the first time in a long time I felt a little better. “Raelyn first of all you and I both know that if I was still here I would not be sleeping on the couch!” he replied laughing, but just as quickly as the laughter came it left. “I did not tell you for reasons that yet again I cannot explain you have to find out on your own. And you’re instincts are dead wrong, excuse the pun, but you could not be further from the truth there. Fran and Alex are the best people to have close to you. There are things about Fran that you do not know, I do not think she is even aware of yet. But all of this will be explained in due time, I promise you. Alex is the one person that I want you to keep close to you at all times. There are certain reasons why this accident happened. I am so sorry you got hurt though. How bad are your injuries?” “I’m okay, nothing too serious. I blacked out a few times and was in and out of consciousness for a few. Minor concussion, lots of bruises and cuts. Nothing broken, however I feel as if every bone in my body was broken. Had to get a few stitches in my forehead and right arm. Other than that I’m good. Can you tell me why any of this is happening” I pleaded. “For all I know it could be because of me Raelyn. I wish I knew more and could tell you more. I am just overly thrilled that they allowed me to come to you this way. I have missed you so much.” he said. “It cannot be because of you. You died almost a year ago. Besides it is all worth it if this accident is what caused them, whoever they may be, to allow you to come to me this way. I have missed you more than I can put into words Dimi. I thought for the longest time that I would just disappear into oblivion and be lost forever. There were days were I thought I had died with you. And now even if this is the beginning of things worse to come, I will deal with it happily knowing that I got to see, touch and talk to you again, and maybe you’ll even be able to come to me often while I work through this.” I simply stated as I curled up against his chest, knowing that this may be the last time I’d be able to do so. We stayed like that for what seemed hours, talking about our past together, and what our future would have held for us had things been different. It seemed like ten hours had passed when the soreness began to return in full force. Before I could do anything Dimitri was fading away telling me he loved me and I awoke screaming in agony from both my injuries and from watching him go yet again. By the time Alex got up the stairs and to me I was in tears from all the suffering. He ran into the room as if it were on fire. “Raelyn, are you alright? What can I do to help you? I’ve got your medications right here, let me grab them.” He franticly rambled. “YOU LIAR!!! YOU TOLD ME YOU DIDN'T KNOW HIM! YOU COULD'VE SAID SOMETHING. WHAT PURPOSE DID IT SERVE TO LIE TO ME ABOUT IT. I CANNOT BELIEVE I TRUSTED YOU, OR THAT I AM GOING TO HAVE TO CONTINUE TO TRUST YOU!!!!” I shouted angrily. “Raelyn what are you speaking of?” Alex gasped. “You and Dimitri. I have the ability to see things in my dreams. I saw and spoke to Dimitri, he told me. You knew ALL that I had gone through yet said nothing, why?” by now I was sobbing again so I was a little hard to understand. “Raelyn, first of all I did not know what had happened to Dimi” Alex began. “What did you just call him?” I screamed “Dimi, it is what we all have called him for decades….I mean years now.” Alex stammered. “No you meant decades didn’t you. You and Dimi and the rest of your family are not like us are you? How could you not know what happened to Dimi? Officer Montgomery is your Uncle, he is the lead investigator on the case that is STILL open. What is he to Dimi? And what in the HELL is going on lately?” I was still screaming as Alex sat down on the bed and hugged me to not only stop me from yelling but to also try and stop my shaking. It was a welcomed feeling since I felt like I was on the verge of yet another nervous breakdown. So much had happened in the past thirty six hours that it seemed as though my head was spinning. “Yes Raelyn I did mean decades. Yes you are correct in the statement we are not like the rest of you; however Fran and you are more like us than you are the rest of the human race. Just because Uncle Paul, or Officer Montgomery as you refer to him, is the lead investigator does not mean I know what happened here. At that time I was in France on business and unaware that Dimi had died. Uncle Paul was our version of Dimi’s father. As far as what is going on, I’m still working on that madam, and I am trying my hardest to get to the bottom of it as fast as I can. I too was visited by Dimi, but in a different way, I do not sleep so he comes to me in my thoughts. And he is rather disappointed that I allowed you to be injured, and that I have not found out what is going on yet. For aught I know this could have nothing to do with you and everything to do with our family” Alex informed me. All I could do is sit and stare at the man in front of me with my mouth wide open in shock. I had learned more information than I think I was ready to learn, yet I had a million and one questions running through my mind that needed to be asked and answered so that maybe everything would make sense to me again. “Did you just say ‘for aught I know’? So if none of us are of the human race then what are we all? And please do not tell me you cannot tell me that I have to find out for myself, because I have already heard all that from Dimi and I do not think I can stand to hear it one more time, especially from you. There have been enough secrets between us. If we are going to be spending a great deal of time together, which from the sounds of what Dimi told me and I am gathering from you seems to be the truth, then everything needs to be out in the open, okay Alex? I cannot take any more lies.” I expressed. “There is so much to tell, and I am not as sure as to where to start. Are you sure you feel up to going through all of this right now, or would you rather eat something first?” Alex questioned. “As much as I relish having the chance to hold you and comfort you, I know there are things you need to deal with right now.” He sighed. “You know come to think of it I am rather hungry, could use a nice hot bath, a change of clothes and the restroom first, before we get into all of this cause I am sure we will be talking for the remainder of the night. What time is it anyway? I feel as though I’ve lost a week.” “It is close to eleven in the evening. Which would you like first restroom, bath, change of clothes, or food?” “Restroom, food, bath, then change of clothes. In that order. Do you mind helping me down stairs; I know I cannot do it on my own.” “Sure, up you go.” Before I could even blink I was in his arms. He deposited me in the restroom then waited for me to finish and then I was back in his arms and heading for the kitchen. Alex made me a simple meal, two grilled cheese sandwiches with tomato soup. After we finished our leisurely meal he made for us, he then carried me back upstairs, as though I weighed nothing at all, ran a hot bubble bath and helped me grab clothes that would be comfortable before depositing me back in the bathroom. I soaked in there for what seemed like forever. As I crawled out of the tub finally, I realized that I felt better than I did earlier. Even though I knew that this next conversation was going to be rough I found myself a little excited too. Finally an answer as to why I can see and do some of the things I have always been able to do. Some answers to the things Dimi could not tell me. © 2010 RaelynAuthor's Note
Added on February 2, 2010 Last Updated on March 2, 2010 Hospital Blood
Chapter 10
By Raelyn
Chapter 11
By Raelyn
Chapter 12
By Raelyn
Chapter 13
By Raelyn
Chapter 14
By Raelyn
Chapter 15
By Raelyn
Chapter 16
By Raelyn
Chapter 17
By Raelyn
Chapter 18
By Raelyn
Chapter 19
By Raelyn
Chapter 20
By Raelyn
Chapter 21
By Raelyn
Chapter 22
By Raelyn
Chapter 23
By Raelyn
Chapter 24
By Raelyn
Chapter 25
By RaelynAuthor![]() RaelynAZAboutIm a 28 yr old single mom. I work at the local hospital in ICU. In my free time I am attempting to write my first ever novel. Tweet more..Writing