![]() Chapter 2A Chapter by Raelyn
My name is Raelyn DaMartine. I work nights at the Oceanview Medical Center in Seatide, Washington, in the emergency room. It’s enough to keep any one busy. I am pretty much a night person, since there is not much sun here in Seatide. I have a steady routine. I work four nights a week and on my off days I spend my time at the park running or reading depending on my mood.
Francine and I share a three bedroom condo. She has been my roommate and best friend now for about six years. Francine or Fran as I call her, has shoulder length black curly hair, brown eyes, she wears glasses on occasion, and is of average build. We work opposite nights at the hospital. However we try to take a few days off together once a month, so we can catch each other up on what has been going on in each others lives. Otherwise we just read it through the notes we leave throughout the condo. Francine is five years old than I am, and we get along like sisters. I am 27 years old with blonde hair, blue eyes and a slender figure, and most people I meet say I should have been a model. But anyway back to my story…. Alexander Scott, the new nurse practioner at Oceanview emergency room, was the one thing that brought me back from the dead in more ways than one. It was a Friday night and you could tell it by how crazy the ER was. We all had been running non stop since we started our shift at 630 pm. Out of nowhere Dr. Davidson, who is in his mid 60’s, he stands about six feet tall, he’s slightly bald with brownish-grey hair and blue-grey eyes hidden behind his glasses, which can seem the meanest when he’s mad, walks into the nurse’s station with him. In this particular ER the nurse’s station is set up rather nicely. It has a kind of half circle that is our desk area. The walls are pastel blue, there’s computer monitors all over the desk, along with the non-stop ringing telephones. There are also two monitors that show us the heart rhythms of our patients. And of course our charts are scattered all over the station. Most people dread going to work, whereas I love where I work and what I do. Now the girls and I normally pay no attention to the new nurse practitioners due to the fact most off them never last more than a few weeks, mostly due to the high paced, ordered chaos here in the ER that sometimes can eat up a 12 hour shift at blinding speed. Although I do have to admit the girls and I may have something to do with them not staying. We tend to be a little hard on them, got to make sure they can hang with us! There has only been one newbie to make it with us, and that was Dimitri Tasia. However he died almost a year ago. Now I’ve seen my share of handsome guys. But nothing could have prepared any of us for him. Alexander was 6 foot 4 inches of luscious sculpted male body that didn’t seem to walk as much as glide across the ER with unintentional male grace. Upon entering the ER he’d already caused Mazel our middle aged housekeeping lady to trip over her mop spilling dirty water all over an operatory she had just finished cleaning; 22 year old Dani missed the desktop dropping hot coffee all over the floor splashing it onto two other nurses because she was watching him and not watching where she put her cup; and last but not least, after getting a glimpse of Alex an elderly female patient’s blood pressure shot back up again after we had just spent 45 minutes getting it under control. And that’s just the three incidents while Dr. Davidson was simply bringing Alex across the ER to meet me. Yep. He really is that good looking and age didn’t seem to matter one bit. He had a strong nose and jaw line. His lips looked as though a master artist sculpted them. Fran would later tell me that he had a Cupid’s bow mouth when she saw it. Dani could not talk to the poor man without forgetting herself and getting lost in the movement of his lips. It was embarrassing. His thick jet black hair came to the middle of his ears. A wry smile curved Jessie’s lips. Her mind you could tell was already running her hands through it. I walked passed her and told her to keep her hands to herself. Alexander’s eyes were amazing. A person could find themselves lost in them if they weren’t too careful. They were a sparkling emerald green that was surrounded by a ring of deep blue. When anyone saw Alex’s eyes they did a double take, male and female alike, as if they had to look again to believe what they just saw. His skin had a porcelain look to it. His cheeks dimpled when he smiled giving him a boyish look about him that made most women immediately drop all their defenses. It was as if the entire female staff of the hospital had collectively lost their minds. People literally came from other departments to see the man ER nurses were all excited about. When they saw him they all had the same reaction: stumbling and fluttering around him like butterflies around a rare and prized Orchid. It drove them all crazy that I couldn’t have cared less. Dr. Davidson went around the station introducing Alex as he called him to us. On shift that night was Lynn, Jessie, Dani, Krystal, and I. Alex first spoke to Lynn, who twisted her curly red hair while batting her green eyes and Jessie with her shinny long brown hair and hazel eyes smiling shyly at him. This was a quiet short conversation. Dani who was in with a patient, came rushing into the nurses station with her golden brown and burgundy hair bouncing behind her as she casually said hello. It was odd to see her standing all of five foot four next to this man who was six foot four. Then Krystal returned to the patient’s room with Dani. Krystal had been starring at Alex with her blue green eyes smiling quietly waiting for her turn to say hello, yet Dani needed her assistance so off she went. Just as I was heading into trauma one to assess the gunshot victim we had just gotten in the door, Dr. Davidson stopped me to introduce Alex to me, who softly yet erotically said hello. I acted like he was just an average person as Davidson informed me that Alex would be my side kick for the rest of my shift. As much as I hated to admit it, and I’d only admit it to myself, the man standing in front of me was definitely the most gorgeous man I had seen in a long time. I thought to myself ‘oh great another person who’s hand I’ll have to hold’ and smiled politely, then turned to head off to my patient. I love the feel of my adrenaline when we get a trauma in the bay. The sound of my shoes on the floor reminds me that it is yet again time to replace my shoes and by midnight I’m going to be hurting. The sterile smell of the ER is a smell only one working in this kind of setting can enjoy. A smell I constantly look forward to when coming into work. The soft buzzing sound of the x-ray machine as it comes to life, the constant beeping and alarming of the heart monitors and vital machines. As I rushed to the room I could feel Alexander behind me, hear his steps in time with my own. We were three quarters of the way to the room when Alex caught my attention again. “Raelyn, I apologize in advance for having to intrude on you and your routine. I will try to stay out of your way as much as possible.” Alex said. “No worries Alex. Just help take care of the patient and we’ll get along fine.” I replied hastily. Walking into trauma room one there are several monitors hanging from the walls. The code chart is already close to the stretcher just in case something goes wrong. There are two different clocks up on the wall, a regular one, and the code clock. Looking to the cabinets I do a quick check that I have all that I may need for this patient. The huge lamp hanging from the ceiling above the stretcher was in place and already turned on. Man is it nice to have a team working with you that knows just how you expect things to run. And with that we began working our butts off to save that patient. So went our night. The ER was full, 25 people waiting in the waiting room, five in the hallway, and all 20 beds full. The complaints ranging from the simple cough all the way to head traumas, stabbing victims, and heart attack patients. It stayed pretty busy so I didn’t have much time to ponder on what Alex had said. Nor did I have the time to communicate with him other than regarding the patients. Dani stopped me coming out of the restroom later that evening. “Rae, what’s he like?” she asked.
“To be honest Dani, I haven’t really paid much attention. He’ll be out of here in a few weeks, just like the rest of them.” I replied without any feelings what so ever. “Rae, are you blind? He’s freaking gorgeous! Or have you not even noticed?” “Dani girl, you know what I have been through over the last few months, why in the world would I even give him the time of day? He’s a nurse practioner who, like the others, will not make it here. Yes I noticed, but why waste my time?” “Francine is going to have a cow when she learns all of this. Do you think Dr. Davidson will have him buddy up with all of us over the next few weeks?” “To be honest with you, I don't think Francine will act any different than I have. If anything she’ll be tougher on him than normal, because she has zero tolerance for the new practitioners. And I’m sure Davidson will put him with everyone at least once or twice to give him a better perspective.” And with that our conversation time ended for the rest of the night. As I was heading to the time clock to clock out and head home Dr. Davidson asked to speak with me. “Yes sir, how can I help you?” “Well you see Raelyn; I know that we have lost a lot of practitioners lately. Some of them have left due to you all scaring them off, others for personal reasons, and then some due to the mysterious deaths that have been going on. Which I know is hard for you to discuss. What I am getting at is, I’ve worked with you for a long time and you know how highly I think of you. You know this entire hospital like the back of your hand. I would like to have Alex shadow you for the next couple of weeks. I do not want to put him with the others. On your days off if he is here then Francine will work with him, but I want weekly reports from you on his progress.” I sat there chewing it over. I cannot believe he is telling me all of this, like I wanted this responsibility. “Is there any way I can sleep on this and get back to you tonight? It’s been a long shift and I am exhausted. Do you have any background information I can go over?” “Raelyn, do you not trust my judgment? Of course you can sleep on it, however it’s not really a choice, and he’ll shadow you no matter what your decision. I just thought I’d give you the heads up. Here is his background information and his qualifications. I’ll see you in twelve hours Rae.” As he handed me the papers all I could do is scream and yell to myself. Yet again he has stuck me with a newbie. Just what I needed. Is this my punishment for staying away from the practitioners since the accident? Why me? God was I tired and now I have to stay up and go over Alexander’s information and come up with a structured system to run him through over the next few weeks. Man I wish I was on vacation this week. I hope that Francine is awake when I get home. Maybe she’ll help. All of this was running through my head as I headed out to the parking garage. I was so preoccupied that I almost didn’t see the girls’ waiting for me. “Hey Rae, breakfast this morning?” they all said. “Sorry guys, but it looks like I’m stuck with the damn nurse practioner again this time. Why does Davidson insist on punishing me?” I whined. “I’d love to be stuck with him. What’s the problem Raelyn?” Lynn and Jessie said together. Dani of course already knew why I felt this way. “It’s nothing. I’ll deal with it. Besides it’s not like he’ll stay. He’s just another pain in the a*s that seems to think he’s better than everyone else……” I was rambling on as I noticed that all three girls were quiet and staring just past me. “Alexander, you’re right behind me aren’t you?” I asked annoyed. This is something that only Dimitri would find funny if he was still here. His sense of humor became warped and deranged like mine. Constant exposure leads to a certain amount of contamination I suppose. “Yes Raelyn, and again I apologize for all of this. I’m not sure what I can do to make this easier on you. It’s obvious you cannot stand having me around already. But I promise you I am not like the rest of the practitioners you have had to deal with and I can hold my own. You will see. Ladies have a wonderful night, see you in twelve hours.” Alex said quietly. “God Rae, you look like you swallowed your tongue!” Dani said laughing. Hear it comes I thought to myself. “Yeah Rae, he told you didn’t he?” Jessie added. But it was Lynn who struck the last nerve “Damn Rae, you’d think that you fell in love with one of the nurse practitioners and he left you, by how coldly you treat Alex. What’s your deal?” Lynn said disgusted. Do not cry here, do not cry in front of them, was all I could tell myself. ‘I’ll see you all tonight okay?’ I said barely above a whisper and started walking away. “Raelyn, wait a second.” cried Dani. I waited for her to catch up. “Raelyn, Lynn and Jessie do not know about Dimitri. Lynn was just giving you a hard time. But she kind of has a point. What happened to Dimitri was horrible and hurt us all. We all feel his loss every day.” “I do not want to get into it, Dani. Yes his loss hurt you all, but it almost killed me. I still wake up at night crying and calling his name.” I choked out. It just wasn’t right. “Dani, no offense, but I just can’t talk about him yet. It’s still too fresh. I think maybe that is why I’m so hard on all of the new nurse practitioners. I just need to go home okay. See you tonight?” I whispered trying to hold it together till I got into my jeep. “Okay Rae, see you tonight. Try to get some sleep. And don’t be so hard on Alex or yourself. It will get easier someday.” As I finally made it to my jeep I was ready to just fall apart. I began to unlock the jeep and throw my bag in. Just as I started to get in I felt a tap on my shoulder. Frustrated I sighed and turned around. To my surprise there stood Alex. And once again I found myself lost in a pool of emerald which was his eyes. I couldn’t understand why I was feeling like I was. My heart rate accelerated and I was beginning to feel nervous, which was nothing like me. I wanted nothing to do with this man, and he was pushing my patience today. “Look Raelyn, I think we have gotten off on the wrong foot. I overheard the girls talking to you, and I won’t ask what they meant. I just want you to know that I am serious about learning to do my job well. I’m not easily scared off, and I’m a hard worker if you just give me the chance. And in response to your comment about seeming to know everything, I know that I do not, and I’m not going to be gone in a few weeks like you think. I’m here to stay.” “It’s not you Alex. I am sorry to judge you so unfairly. I just have been here a long time and only a select few have the courage to stay. I’m not insinuating that you do not. I just know the routine. Let’s just get some rest and try starting tonight off better. Make sure that you come in tonight ready to work and learn.” I just want to be alone, to go home and talk everything through with Fran, was that too much to ask? With that I said goodbye to Alex and climbed into the jeep and drove away. No sooner had I gotten out of the parking garage did the tears come. It never seems to go away, just when I think the tidal wave was ending, blam I get hit again.
Just as I pulled into the driveway Fran was coming out onto our porch. I still hadn’t stopped crying by this time and she knew it was going to be a long morning. She hugged me and walked with me into the house. “Okay sweetie, start at the beginning. What started it this time? I know there is some stuff regarding work. Dani called me after she left you.” Fran said in a motherly voice. “God Fran, I think I’m okay then blam it hits me like it happened yesterday. It’s not right. Then Alex has his eyes…..” was all I could get out before breaking into sobs. “First off let’s deal with the Dimitri issue. Then you can tell me who Alex is and what he has to do with any of this, okay? Rae, you know you couldn’t have saved Dimitri. He was almost dead upon arriving in the ER. Yes it was horrible, and unfair. But there was nothing you could do. They still do not know what the cause was and I’m not sure we ever will know. He had no blood left in his body, cuts all over his neck and arms. What could you have done?” “He asked me not to go in when they called, we were supposed to spend the day together doing what regular couples do. But I chose work. As I always did. He was my life Fran. I loved him so much and he was taken from me. Without any answers left behind. And then to see him on MY trauma table with Davidson, and you starring at me while I tried everything I knew to save him, knowing he was gone already. Why is all I want to know? Why my Dimitri?” Fran sighed and hugged me. “Rae, it is going to hurt. You loved Dimitri so much and he in turn loved you just as much. And the tidal wave is hitting harder right now because it’s almost been a year, and a week from today was supposed to be the wedding. It’ll heal in time honey.” “I know. I just can’t get any of it out of my head. I woke up yesterday crying out for him like he was standing down the hall and when I tried to close my eyes again all I saw was his dead body on the table.” I said softly. “And to add to it, Lynn made the comment 'Damn Rae, you’d think that you fell in love with one of the nurse practitioners and he left you, by how coldly you treat Alex. What’s your deal?' and she doesn’t even know about Dimitri. Is it that obvious?” “Granted she may not have been around then but it’s evident on your face and in your actions. You don’t date, you don’t check out the guys with any of us. It’ll get easier Raelyn, I promise.” “Now fill me in on this Alex…..” she said with a smile. “Dr. Davidson has a new nurse practioner. His name is Alexander Scott. He’s gorgeous Fran. He is 6 foot 4 inches. With sexy jet black hair that comes to the middle of his ears, the most amazing emerald green eyes, and his skin has a porcelain look to it, and has the muscle tone of a guy that works out on a regular basis. His eyes look just as Dimitri’s did. He seems eager to learn. He seems to be sincere and to be honest he reminds me of Dimitri. Davidson wants him to shadow me and when I am not there he’ll be with you if he’s scheduled. I have all his information here. I’m supposed to go over it some time today before going back into work.” “Well let’s see his info first and we’ll go from there, okay?” “It says here that he went to Harvard for 6 years majoring in psychology, and then attended medical school for 3 years. His grades are perfect. All his references give high remarks and comments. He’s got the education to go any where why here?’ I asked out loud. ‘It says nothing about family or history though.” Then looking through the papers I found the article. ‘PARENTS KILLED IN CRASH’ “Well that answers that doesn’t it?” Fran stated. I sighed again, which I’ve seemed to do a lot since meeting this man of mystery. “Well what now? You up to helping me put together a structured routine for him?” “Sure, but you do not need it Rae. You’re the best in that ER. And you and I both know it! What has you so spooked woman? You could train anyone with your eyes closed on the busiest of nights.” “I don’t know Fran. There’s just something about him that makes me lose sight of all that I know." I confessed. "I hated being so rude to him, but it’s hard for me to let any outsiders in now. I think Davidson is trying to pull me back from the black hole I’ve been in since Dimitri. And this is his way of showing me life goes on I guess. I’m not the only one capable of teaching in that damn ER. Why do this to me?” “That is because Davidson was there, Raelyn. He saw what happened to you just as I did. Part of you died that day. And he is not going to watch the rest of you die and neither am I. This is a good thing. I cannot wait to meet Alexander Scott. You however are going to find that person inside you that use to be my friend and sister and starting living a little. I’m not telling you to forget by no means. But you have to go on with life Rae! This is going to be highly entertaining to watch unfold.” “Now get some rest. I’m off to go bake by the pool, then to dinner with Jeremy. I’ll call and check on you at five, and again around eleven tonight. And try to get to know Alex before you make any more judgments okay?” “Yeah, okay. I’m going to grab a shower and read some of my book, then crash. Talk to you at five. Have a wonderful time with Jeremy, Fran! Love you, and thanks again for being my rock when everything else fails!” “Any time my friend. You’re always there for me. Talk to you later then.” Fran said as she left. Finally alone I thought to myself. I went into the bathroom and turned the shower on letting the water warm up. Just then the telephone rang. Just my luck I thought. As I went to pick it up I got an odd feeling. “Hello?” I said. “Ms. DaMartine?” the stranger’s voice said. “Yes, this is she. Can I help you?” I replied. “This is Officer Montgomery; can you come down to the station? We need to talk to you again. Plus we have some of Mr. Tasia’s belongings still.” © 2010 RaelynAuthor's Note
Added on January 31, 2010 Last Updated on February 9, 2010 Hospital Blood
Chapter 10
By Raelyn
Chapter 11
By Raelyn
Chapter 12
By Raelyn
Chapter 13
By Raelyn
Chapter 14
By Raelyn
Chapter 15
By Raelyn
Chapter 16
By Raelyn
Chapter 17
By Raelyn
Chapter 18
By Raelyn
Chapter 19
By Raelyn
Chapter 20
By Raelyn
Chapter 21
By Raelyn
Chapter 22
By Raelyn
Chapter 23
By Raelyn
Chapter 24
By Raelyn
Chapter 25
By RaelynAuthor![]() RaelynAZAboutIm a 28 yr old single mom. I work at the local hospital in ICU. In my free time I am attempting to write my first ever novel. Tweet more..Writing