The Will of the Puppeteer - PUPPET side story

The Will of the Puppeteer - PUPPET side story

A Story by Raekiel

A side story I wrote to accompany another story that was never finished.


    ~A young girl walks unsteadily forward, stopping every few seconds to crane her head, as though listening to something only she can hear. Continueing down the street, she lurches forward, her arms hanging lifelessly at her sides. A gently whispering breeze flutters her skirt, swirling around her form to push her hair softly out of her face, revealing dead grey eyes behing small glasses.

    Her entire garb would seem unusual to almost all, but on this night, the few people who are out seem not to notice her, returning to their own business as though she were a ghost. Her dark boots barely made a sound upon the wet sidewalk. The rain that had so recently stopped began to fall again, peppering her dark outfit with even darker droplets.

    Arriving at her destination, she walks slowly up to a large, ornate door. Reaching her hand out, as if in a dream, she slowly grasps the silver knocker and knocks once. The blow of the heavy cross knocker seemed too much for her frail body; great shivers racked her body, then ceased almost immediatly as the door opens slowly, swinging back seemingly without any help from anyone. She moved inside, bowing slighly to the invisible doorman, then walked down the short hall to another heavy ornate door. The flickering of flames was visible in the space beneath it.

    She placed one palm upon the door, feeling it's cold, reptilian feel, then it swung back, freeing her to walk inside the sitting room of this, the  deathly silent house. A man stood there, his back to her, watching the dancing flames before him.

    He turned, the flickering lights hiding his face, and surveyed her for a long moment; her dark gray eyes looked back into his, the black pool behind them reflecting the flames behind him. He turned back to the flames, and a dark smile lighted his lips; behind him, the girl turned, following her new orders, and walked back out of the room. The dark door swung shut behind her.~

© 2008 Raekiel

Author's Note

As always, please tell me if there are any grammatical errors. As previously stated, this is a side story that was to accompany a much larger story. Although the main story has since been discarded, I kept this one because it seemed able to hold its own weight. I may be wrong, however.

Created by Raekiel Strom

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Added on November 10, 2008
Last Updated on November 10, 2008



Phoenix, AZ

Uhm I only tend to write when I am in a bad mood. Most of my stories go unfinished. more..

♥♦♣♠DECK♠♣♦♥ Chapter Two ♥♦♣b..

A Story by Raekiel

♥♦♣♠DECK♠♣♦♥ Chapter One ♥♦♣b..

A Story by Raekiel