

A Chapter by Raef C. Boylan

If you want to save your post office,

Go and use your post office.


If you want shops to still exist

In ten years time,

Switch off the internet and grab your purse.


If you don’t want Tesco to rule the world,

Go pay a visit to your local grocer.





The basis:


Quit moaning and do something



A drop in the ocean

Beats spit in your French fries

Any day, right?


Super-Size your compassion

And take some action;


Most economical and political s**t

Happens because we let it.


I am a hypocrite

In many respects,

Before you say it.




But I’m also anti-capital punishment

And write to a guy on Death Row

In Zambia,

A prisoner called Job

Who had no soap and no food

Except once-a-day gruel

And no one to talk to.

He wants Jesus to save me

And I let him keep wanting

Because it seems to help him.


He’s only one of many.

Do your bit:





I am a hypocrite

In many respects,

Before you say it.




But I’ve set up my direct debit

To a charity

Who provide water and sanitation

To countries,

Villages, villagers

Overcome by AIDS, drought and starvation.

It’s just two pounds a month

But if I ever get rich,

I’ll increase it.


Feel your conscience twitch?

Do your bit:




I am a hypocrite

In many respects,

Before you say it.




But I’ve been buying the Big Issue

Since I was about twelve,

Every week that I had the money to

Because the streets are rarely far away

From any of us;

The border between home owner

And homeless

…well, it’s something to consider.

I give money and cigarettes

To buskers, askers, beggars:

The cold, tired and friendless.


Feeling sick of me yet?

Do your bit:




I am a hypocrite

In many respects,

Before you say it.




But I am horrified

By this international increase

In surveillance and the like

So I volunteer with NO2ID,

Trying to spread awareness

Of the national database’s dangers

To the public.

I couldn’t live with my conscience

Knowing I had a chance

And did nothing.


Scared to be British?

Do your bit:




I practise what I preach,

And I sincerely hope to teach

As many people as I can beseech

To listen


That being a good person

Is an aspiration within reach.


Is this

The most self-righteous poem ever written?


© 2008 Raef C. Boylan

Author's Note

Raef C. Boylan
CCADP = Canadian Coalition Against the Death Penalty.
You can also help prisoner pen friends through Amnesty International - although I think you have to pay, because they're generally innocent.

American Alternatives:

[I'm not sure about homeless charities in the US - take a look. Also, be nice to the homeless in your area; they could be war veterans, and even if they're not, they're people]

Let me know what you think of this poem. Does it make you want to hunt the narrator down and kill them, or does it stir a need to take some action?


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At least that's what your poem speaks to me, rather than the actual Beastie Boys song. Dark, cynical, caustic, and satirical. You're a World War 2 German soldier piloting a Tiger tank, and in this poem, you're firing all cylinders.

Posted 16 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.


I like this `cos it comes of the page/screen as rap lyrics to me
- with a good angry edge, y'all
and the chorus is good too - yeah
... thing is, my local grocery shop don't have Leffe 3 for 3 quid
seriously though, good message - there's a lot we could do if we just got off out fat arses right ...
think I'll start a compost heap ...

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Im in agreement, at least partially.
Ive been wishing people would quit their whining and stand up for something. I dont agree with you on all points, but you know what?
At least you had the balls to stand up and say it.
Great work

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Good points and well put across. I do support and find out about a lot of charity activities. I'm also incensed about some of the crap that happens in the world because of so-called major leaders not showing care and attention. I'm against spending money on weapons when they could be spent to help crisis problems and matters can be solved peacefully. But what do I know?

I work for the Post Office. I have also signed the Official Secrets Act because of this although most people outside of the organisation know more about it's future than those in it.

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

We should use our voices to change the world. Somebody has to, right? And why not support as many causes as we can? Who are we to decide that one issue is more worthy than another?

Saying this, I rarely criticize, and then here's the big but, I don't like this part:

If you want to save your post office,

Go and use your post office.

If you want shops to still exist

In ten years time,

Switch off the internet and grab your purse.

If you don't want Tesco to rule the world,

Go pay a visit to your local grocer.


The basis:

I think you'd do better without it. Otherwise, I think it does exactly what it should. Your voice is uniquely yours. (I don't like LE's comments. I think he's probably wrong. shhhhhh) Your words make me care. Your words make me want to get out there and do something. Your words are not self-righteous or I'm better than you. This isn't the kind of word for sarcasm. It's not the kind of poem where words should meet metal--you won't get anywhere that way.

Posted 16 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

I don't like this poem boylan...

it's just not you. it lacks your sarcasm and wit
and is very annoying to read..

although it delivers a message i couldn't care less
because the delivery just makes me want to say "F**K YOU"


you make it seem as if you are by some grace of a fresh breath better than the reader
even though you admit to being a hypocrit, you are a better hypocrit

or something like


bring the godlike c boy o lan writing back..


ok thank you for informing me though..

Posted 16 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

Honestly, it does make me think that the narrator is being a bit self-rigtheous, lol. But that's okay, because the narrator admits to this in the last line. It gives some very good information about how to help people, but everyone's got their own ways of helping people. I believe that the general message of finding someone to help up, if you're in a position to, should be spread. However, if it's truly out of goodwill, it should be spread in a loving, not a condescending, way. I say this because if the goal of the piece is to get others involved, then it will bring those who are already self-righteously donating to registered charities and getting it back on their income tax returns, to turn their nose up a little higher and say, "Hmmph... I can relate to this. I don't know why more people don't take some action." But for those who you want to reach... those who are not giving anything at all... they'll just say, "Well... whoop de do... what do you want, a pat on the back?" Now, there is a middle ground. There are those who give, without making it seem as if they're better than anyone else. Those people will just read this nonchalantly, maybe leave a short comment, and go on with their day. lol. All in all, I can see what you were trying to accomplish with this, but it goes back to the old saying about flies and vinegar. Thanks for sharing. :)

Posted 16 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

The first thing I did after reading this was check the stats. Why hell isn't this getting looked at more f*****g hell. Oh well.

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Goddamn it man, i have read a bunch of stuff in this cafe and good stuff too, but you sir............have got to many f****n irons in the fire. calm down lad, there is enough for all of us activists who are TOTALLY pissed off at the arrogance, apathy, and stupidity that literally defines the world we live in.
Now, your writing. I love it. you have the voice and the balls. You cannot solve all the worlds problems but you can pick a topic/problem/whateverthefuck and go with it. Your energy is pure, your agenda vague. I salute you because you are a soldier for the HUMAN RACE. THANX.
P.S. I could never hate someone who I would be careful of asking their advice.

Posted 16 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.


At least that's what your poem speaks to me, rather than the actual Beastie Boys song. Dark, cynical, caustic, and satirical. You're a World War 2 German soldier piloting a Tiger tank, and in this poem, you're firing all cylinders.

Posted 16 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

Actually, this poem doesn't annoy me at all. It's well-written, and it comes with a lot of useful links! How can you beat interactive, activist poetry? :)

Posted 16 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

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11 Reviews
Shelved in 2 Libraries
Added on April 4, 2008
Last Updated on April 14, 2008


Raef C. Boylan
Raef C. Boylan

Coventry, UK, United Kingdom

Hey there. RAEF C. BOYLAN Where Nothing is Sacred: Volume One I can also .. more..

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