

A Chapter by Mercury Rising

What does the Bible say about reincarnation?


Nowhere in the Bible is the word, reincarnation. This is a man-made word for the concept of being reborn on earth in human form after living previously on earth in human form. In the New Age philosophy, this also means being reborn on earth in human form after living previously on earth in human form and having died during that lifetime.


The Bible says that it is appointed unto man once to die, and after that, the judgment. (Hebrews 9:27) Nowhere does it say that man can die once on earth and be reborn into a new body and existence on earth after that. Jesus resurrected Lazarus from the dead, and also a little girl, as well as many others, who later met Man’s requirement to die. But they were living the same existence, not reborn into a completely new, physical life, as the concept of reincarnation suggests.


However, the concept of reincarnation is actually revealed as truth in the Bible! If this surprises you, I encourage you to read on.


Jesus Christ Himself declares that a person who had lived on earth in a previous existence was reborn on the earth (Matthew 11:11-14). In these verses He clearly states that John the Baptist was Elijah who had returned according to the scriptures. But He also says this to whoever is able to accept it.


This puzzled me when I read it for the first time. It was after I had been earnestly praying and seeking from God regarding the subject of reincarnation. I had once so gladly accepted reincarnation as fact, never giving heed to the Word of God on the matter. But then, the Holy Spirit revealed the truth to me: that there is one important criterion that must be met in order for a person to be reborn in bodily form on the earth, and that is to have never seen earthly death!


Elijah was carried to heaven by God in a whirlwind. He never saw death! So, Christ in Matthew 11 was telling his listeners that John the Baptist was literally the reincarnation of Elijah the Prophet!


Further proof of this was during the Transfiguration of Christ. Jesus took three of his disciples, Peter, James and John up to the mountain where Jesus spoke with Moses and Elijah. (Mark 9:2-12). This occurred after the beheading of John the Baptist in Mark 6. Therefore, Elijah was John the Baptist’s true form because of his first life on earth; a life that did not end in physical death.

© 2014 Mercury Rising

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One of my favorite subject, infact writing a tale on same...Mr. ian steveson did research and find 2500 true cases on same subject. Enjoyed the read and like your concept...

Posted 10 Years Ago

I had never considered reincarnation for an explanation. I know that the Bible says in John that John the Baptist would have the spirit of Elijah and of course Elijah dwelt in the wilderness just as John the Baptist. I'm not sure if your proposal really settles the mystery for me, but I enjoyed reading this. Have you ever considered the prophecy of the 2 witnesses in Revelation. The Bible says that these two witnesses will give their testimony for a length of days and the Beast that ascends out of the Bottomless Pit will kill them and their bodies will lay in the street, but then be taken into Heaven which will be followed y an earthquake. I had suspected that these two witnesses could be either Elijah because he was snatched before death (unless your theory is true) Moses because his manner of death and location is a mystery or Enoch who was also taken without dying.

Posted 10 Years Ago

Mercury Rising

10 Years Ago

Enoch and Elijah ... there is a third coming of him prophesied; some Christian organisations believe.. read more

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2 Reviews
Added on March 25, 2014
Last Updated on March 25, 2014


Mercury Rising
Mercury Rising

Wild-n-Windy, IL

Hi! Welcome to my corner of the WritersCafe world! The name I write under is Sara (pronounced 'Zarra') Mercury, but my friends call me 'Susie'. I am 44 years of age and have been writing since I w.. more..
