Dear Lord, please help me to quit smoking cigarettes. They are killing my insides and hurting those that love me. I continue to desire to smoke but put myself down everytime I do. Everytime I smoke a cigarette, I feel horrible about myself. I'm tired of feeling weak and letting people down that want me to quit. Smoking has become just another regret in my life that further promotes self hate. I tell myself I want to quit and will quit, yet I continue to buy and smoke cigarettes. The thought of quitting scares me to no longer have that crutch. I'm tired of feeling like a failure. It seems so simple yet it's complicated. I destroy myself everyday. With every decision to smoke, I feel like a weak failure. God please help me to quit smoking and to desire Not to smoke. You spoke this world into existence, surely you can instill this inside of me. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.