![]() Chapter Nineteen: A NecessityA Chapter by Rachel_BiggsChapter Nineteen: A Necessity Funds were short. We couldn’t go back to a normal life. We just had no other option. That was our reasoning for what happened next. Even now when I think about it, I bow my head and hope for forgiveness. I robbed a traveler on the roadside. I saw how Emma and Jack had gotten so sucked in. The rush of power was amazing, but I digress. John never questioned where the money came from. I don’t think I would have been able to tell him the truth anyway. Then, a traveler showed up at our door. I didn’t know what to do. John didn’t know either. Did we rob him, help him, or get rid of him? The traveler decided for us. He stayed overnight and the next morning he was gone, a hundred dollar bill on his pillow. If one man carried at least that, if not more in his wallet....the possibilities were endless as to how much money we could make. I decided to rob the travelers who came to our door, in small unnoticeable ways. A few dollars here, a watch there and we were living comfortably again. John knew nothing about where the money came from. I promise, with all of my heart, he had no part in what took place. He was so good and upstanding, and still a cop at heart, that he wouldn’t have been able to handle knowing what I did. I’ll be completely honest here, with one statement and then no more will be said about my thievery. I liked to rob people. I liked it a lot. Enough to take small things from the store when we went. I couldn’t help myself anymore. I never got caught though. I was proud of that fact. Please, whoever reads this story, close it now. Close it on this page, put it back on the shelf and forget that John, Jack, Emma and I ever existed. Do it now, before you read something that upsets you. I’d like to believe that you will. For those that have an adventurous heart, and continue to read, I will continue the story. As much as you will hate me when it is over, I feel it must be told. The memories of the dead travelers resurfaced with every live one at our door. I slipped a bit of the sleeping pills into the evening meal almost every day. At night, John and I would huddle under the blanket in my old room until sleep finally captured us. Whereas before we had talked half the night through, twined together, now we would lay still and silent until sleep found us. It was as though John somehow knew what I was doing, and was punishing me for it. There was no talk of love anymore. I still saw it in his eyes, but I could tell something was gnawing on his soul. I tried my best to comfort him. I kissed him every chance I got and held his hand whenever I could. I gave him comfort as only a wife can. I tried so hard. Then I found the beer cans. I knew trouble was brewing below his calm exterior. One night, I forced him to talk to me. “Babe, what is wrong, I know something is, please tell me?” He tried to pull me in for a kiss. When I refused, he looked hurt, confused and a thousand other emotions, impossible to name. “You’re drunk. I don’t kiss drunks.” His shoulders sagged and he lowered his eyes. “How did you know?”© 2013 Rachel_Biggs |
1 Review Added on August 16, 2013 Last Updated on August 16, 2013 Author