![]() Chapter Thirteen: DemonsA Chapter by Rachel_BiggsChapter Thirteen: Demons I grieved for Emma. She had helped us when no one else dared. She had cared for us and held me when I was sick. As twisted as it was, I could see her haunting reasoning behind killing Minerva. I loved her for letting us go. She was beautiful, inside and out. I pressed my face into John’s shoulder to stifle a sob. We stopped at a seedy looking motel on the edge of town. The owner may have looked at us a little strange, until I pulled out enough cash to cover three nights and tip him handsomely. We got to the room and I helped John take his shirt off and lay down on the bed. I took a moment to assess the damage....and admire him a bit. I then went to the fridge, hoping for a mini bar. I found a small selection and chose two bottles. In a drawer, next to a copy of the Bible, I found a small sewing kit no doubt leftover from another guest. I couldn’t believe my luck. I gave John one bottle and let him drink it all. Next I handed him a towel to bite and straddled his lap to reach the wounds. He reached up and brushed my hair out of my face. “How about a kiss for strength?” “How about you bite that towel and hold still?” I said, playfully shushing him. He obeyed and I poured a bit of alcohol over the needle and thread, then poured a smidgen on his arm. I could feel him writhe in pain beneath me but a quick peck on the lips pacified him. “You know we can’t afford a hospital yet.” I whispered, talking to distract him from the fact that I was literally sewing up his bloody flesh. It seemed to be working. He looked up at me, staring into my eyes. I finished and started to get off the bed. His hands clamped me down and he sat up, lips meeting mine, tender at first then growing in need. I ended the kiss and pushed off of his lap. His eyes widened in hurt confusion. “You’re drunk.” I told him, grabbing his hand in mine. “I don’t kiss drunks.” I dislodged our intertwined hands and went back to the mini bar. I grabbed another bottle and took it back to the bed, handing it to him. He took hold of the bottle and my hand and pulled me down next to him. I cradled him in my arms and there we slept for the rest of the night. The next morning I got up early and left a note saying that I’d gone to go get breakfast. I walked to a convenience store about two blocks away and bought us doughnuts and coffee. I went as fast as I could, hoping John wouldn’t be awake before I got back. I didn’t want him to think I’d left for good. I got back around ten minutes after I left. The scene that greeted me in the hotel room was shocking. John was hiding under the mass produced table in the corner, tears streaming down his face. His eyes widened as I walked in the door. I rushed toward him and dropped to my knees. “What happened John? Talk to me, please.” “I....I had a nightmare....that Jack killed you.......and when I woke up, you....you weren’t...weren’t there.” His words were broken with sobs. I held him as close and as tight as I could without hurting his arm. I looked up into his tear stained face, and spoke my next words with utter conviction. “John, I love you. We don’t have to worry about Jack anymore. We won. I love you and I would never leave you.” He wrapped his arms around me, surrounding me in warmth and encasing me in an embrace. I felt our connection strengthen as our lips met and the kiss deepened. I loved this man, and he loved me. There was just one thing to clear up. “By the way, you need to know my real name. I was not Jack and Emma’s real daughter. My name is Jane.” “I wondered why you called them Jack and Emma, not Mom and Dad. But why were you with them?” “They kidnapped me because I looked like their dead daughter and forced me to act like her, while they killed travelers for money.” “So that’s why I had to pay rent?” “Yes, I made sure you had the money so they didn’t kill you.” He captured my lips again. I leaned into him and he whispered to me. “Jane, you are a wonder. I love you more than words can say, mind can fathom and heart can measure. I have a question for you. Even though I don’t have a ring yet, will you marry me?” © 2013 Rachel_Biggs |
Added on July 29, 2013 Last Updated on July 29, 2013 Author