Chapter Three-Rhiannon (Part Two)

Chapter Three-Rhiannon (Part Two)

A Chapter by Rachel Hanne

The second of Rhiannon's narrations. First time detention, and a kid in the corner staring for a long period of time. Yeah I need to stop watching paranormal tv shows...






            "I can't believe he did this! Oh my God that jerk!" Claire violently pulled out her chair to sit, and bit her nails. "He's so freaking disrespectful to me. Then he goes and parties...on a school night! How could he be so stupid? It's like he was born in a barn."

            "Wait, who? Johnny?" I asked, confused by her outburst.

            "Yeah! He was dancing with some other girl last night at Wilhelm's. He didn't even ask me to go with him. He brought that Darin guy too."

            "Darin Fischer?" She nodded in response, face turning bright red.

            "Okay, yeah I get it, I can be annoying; but I'm his girlfriend. That label has meaning, and he's supposed to put up with me and still like me. Right? He only sees me like once a week outside of school. I mean c'mon how lame is that? Then not inviting me with him to a bar, that he knows is my favorite place? Then he goes dancing with some random girl? I bet she was some kind of stripper or a hooker or something." The heads of a few classmates turned away from their type writers and listened intently to Claire's anger, snickering at her story. Claire was never usually one to rage so much about someone. Usually it was the opposite.

            "You might want to tone it down a bit..." I suggested in a hushed voice.

            "They can listen all they want, I don't care. I hate all these people anyway-well besides you."

            "That's good to know. You said something about Darin being there?"

            "Yeah. I was surprised too, usually he's quiet and not into that kind of thing. It's just all so odd, and I am just livid with Jonathan. Ugh he drives me crazy! This is the second time he's cheated on me... the second time!" Fuming, Claire turned from me and typed violently on her typewriter. It was an unusual sight to see her attempt at being productive. People continued to stare at her, and she felt the weight of their gaze. "What're ya lookin' at? Was I talking to any of you? No." They quickly went back to their business, and began whispering.

            "Well if he's cheated on you twice....maybe it's time to leave." I said.  She looked at me with wide eyes as if her heart hit the floor.

            "I wouldn't do that. I couldn't. And even if I had the choice of him breaking up with me, or me breaking up with him, I would let him do it. I'd hurt the same either way. I still love him." Oh jeez.

            "How could you, really, like someone like him?" I asked. "I mean, he's a jerk. If he's going to be unfaithful twice, he's probably going to do it again."

            "I-I..." She stuttered, and bit her lip. "I don't know. We do fight a lot, and I think that's what keeps us together. I know that sounds dumb, but I think it is. And it's always about the dumbest things, you know. Nothing huge." She looked like she was about to cry. "Oh, and another thing lately that's pissing me off is that no one is nice to like, any of the school band. People always talk crap about us, even when we're around. We deserve so much more respect than that. We work just as hard as everybody else, and we still get mocked. I mean, we mind our own business, don't bother anyone, and stay in our own group. It's just that so much is on me at once today. People need to like, stop being stupid."

            "I'm sorry. I don't think you can prevent that. The world is always going to be filled with stupid people." This was always a problem to her. She always complained about how the band didn't get any good attention. I was never in band, so I didn't really know how life was for them. Their attitude seemed rather petty about the kind of attention they got.  I remembered Bobby telling me that when he played on the varsity football team in high school, he had many people tell him to his face how the football team was going to suck, and how horrible they were.  "I think every group gets stereotyped and made fun of in some way."

Claire scoffed, "Not as bad as us. It's getting ridiculous." She was about to ramble on more until a person loomed behind us, and a shadow cascaded passed our type writers. Claire and I slowly turned our heads, and before us stood our new teacher, Mr. Campbell. He was skinny, and wore a green polyester suit with boots. His cheekbones made his cheeks look like someone punched them in. His hair was stringy and far back on his balding head. He crossed his arms, and looked at us with irritation written on his face, tightening his jaw.

            "I heard every word each of you said at my desk. I don't want to have to be the new, big, mean teacher around here, but with how you're both acting, you really don't leave me any other choice." He mumbled for only us to hear.  I feared that Claire was going to smart off, but she pressed her lips together in a line of indifference. "Both of you are failing today's class. I can't take this kind of behavior in my classroom. You've been going to school for twelve years and you both still can't manage the simple task of being quiet in this kind of environment? This wasn't what I expected when I was assigned to a senior class. Get to work." Walking away, Claire mumbled,

            "How are we supposed to work if you're failing us today? Butt face." I heard Mr. Campbell turn on his boot heel. My heart stopped for a moment. He stared at us with his eyebrows curved inwards, and his cheek bones were protracted out more.

            "I'm writing both of you up for one hour detention after school." The classroom went totally silent, and pairs of eyes made us the center of attention.  I felt my cheeks become red, and I stared at my feet. It was going to be the first detention I ever had.

            I was supposed to be going to the post office to get some stamps to send a package to my aunt in Vegas for my mom. Nope! Instead, I was stuck in a stuffy classroom that didn't have any windows. The only sound was the third hand on the clock that was two hours off, and Darin tapping his pencil repeatedly on his desk behind me. I couldn't tell him to stop, he gave me a ride the day before, and I would end up getting a three hour. I assumed he was in detention for being hung over at school. It was beginning to be pretty common occurrence-or I was just plain oblivious to it before.

            "What are you doing here Rhia?" Mrs. Aldridge , the librarian and detention monitor asked as she walked in.

            "Talking in class." She raised an eyebrow with curiosity.

            "You, talking? Really now? You're usually pretty quiet." My junior year I was in library help, and I had gotten to know Mrs. Aldridge. I was embarrassed more than ever now that I discovered she was the detention monitor.

            "I guess I felt extra chatty today." I explained.

            "We all have days like that." She laughed, sitting down at the desk in front of us. "Oh... and to both of you," she pointed to Darin and me. "I'm so sorry about your brothers. They were both such good boys." I nodded, accepting her pity.

            "What? You're brothers died?" Claire did a 180 turn in her desk with alarm. Before she could say anything else, Mrs. Aldridge intercepted her.

            "You're not a new face here Claire. I don't want to hear anything out of you." Claire pouted childishly in her seat, and whispered something in anger I couldn't hear. I felt nervous in the presence of Darin, and my stomach felt like it was flipping in different directions. I wanted to talk to him the day before when he drove me to school, but I couldn't find many words. Something kept getting in the way.

            My eyes met a dark figure sitting in the corner, and I nearly jumped out of my seat. It was a kid! Well, not really a kid, a sophomore or a freshman maybe. A large black jacket covered him, and he hid his face behind his knees. His eyes were the only visible part of his face, and their deep black tunnels bore into me. I looked away and back again. His gaze never left, and I felt a weight of horror crushing me, and making me tense.  I didn't question why he was there. I said nothing at all, and pretended like I was busy as I wrote away on my notebook paper. Out of the corner of my eye, he still stared. My palms got sweaty, and I began shaking. Mrs. Aldridge didn't even notice he was sitting there in the corner. He reminded me of a spider, lurking in the dark corner on its web and hunting for it's meal.  He was the spider, and I was the prey.  I started to tell myself it was a mannequin for the first aide class, and that the people taking the class didn't have any extra space for it, so they put it there in an odd position. The boy began to seem less and less real.

            Mrs. Aldridge released us, and I was out of that room.


© 2012 Rachel Hanne

Author's Note

Rachel Hanne
Yeah I know I'm updating these super fast. It's not because I don't have a life, okay, I'm on winter break!
You know the usual; the good and the bad!! Thank you I love y'all so much :)

My Review

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Aaah!! So good!!! ^_^ I can't wait to read more. ;) Excellent chapter your characters are very nicely developed. (:

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Rachel Hanne

12 Years Ago

Thank you! :D
I like Rhiannon's perspective more than Darin's but I don't know why ha-ha.
This was another good chapter. Rhiannon is holding a lot of emotion inside her, I feel bad for her.

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

s y e

12 Years Ago

Yeah, do that and no, not dumb! Don't sa that. We all learn as we go along and come up with ideas af.. read more
Rachel Hanne

12 Years Ago

Thanks :D! Rhiannon is very complex. At first I was going to make her like Claire but she totally tu.. read more
s y e

12 Years Ago

Haha, that's happened to me too! Its great the way it is though! Keep it up (;
I like Rhiannon's perspective more than Darin's but maybe that's because i didn't get to know Darin yet.
I like how the obnoxious girlfriend turned out to be Claire.
You put her down on paper in a laughable fashion.
As for Rhi- she's holding a lot inside of her. But she doesn't act very tense. Perhaps throw in a nervous habit, or show her acutely irritated over something trivial, or even an incident to show that she's not stable, because so far i have the feeling that everything is going right for her....

Posted 12 Years Ago


12 Years Ago

I'm looking forward to reading it.
And Daren is coming along fine. Just try to .. read more
Rachel Hanne

12 Years Ago

^very true and typical :) he's a little more sensitive with girls though. He's trying to be stable, .. read more

12 Years Ago

Hell yea

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3 Reviews
Added on December 21, 2012
Last Updated on December 23, 2012
Tags: rhia, rhiannon, 1970s, crush, confound, detention, teacher, talking, blah, i, dont, know, what, to, tag


Rachel Hanne
Rachel Hanne

Somewhere in, MO

I obviously enjoy writing, and I am a band geek. That should tell you enough :) more..

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A Chapter by Rachel Hanne

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