Well, in my honest opinion, I feel that you could've gone deeper. Or in a little more detail with the "bang" part. It felt to me like a little anti-climactic when you spent a good few lines laying down the basis of the poem, the girl, then you build it up in suspense with her finger on the trigger. The actual act of the shot is very short, in comparison.
However, I did enjoy this! I like the idea, and especially the end~ =] Great imagery with the sweat!
I like after the bang, that she wasn't happier, like it didn't solve anything.
It had really good imagery with the sweat and right before she pullled the trigger!
Great Write! :D
It's sad, but I feel like it has a message in the end. That thinking by taking your life will end all the pain and make you happier it won't. I really like that. Overall its well written and flows easily. Nicely done.
Well, in my honest opinion, I feel that you could've gone deeper. Or in a little more detail with the "bang" part. It felt to me like a little anti-climactic when you spent a good few lines laying down the basis of the poem, the girl, then you build it up in suspense with her finger on the trigger. The actual act of the shot is very short, in comparison.
However, I did enjoy this! I like the idea, and especially the end~ =] Great imagery with the sweat!