![]() PrologueA Chapter by Rachel Elizabeth![]() The prologue where I'm introducing you to your lovely main character and her friends!![]() :~ Prologue ~: Long legs, tan skin, dark lashes and long blonde hair; all of which are the exact opposite of me, Alex Long. I’m your usual unusual teenage girl; pale skin, golden eyes, short dark russet hair, and short legs. I have noticed an heir of beauty—not to be conceited in any sense—about myself, but nobody else would’ve noticed because I am the one nobody even cares to glance at without shuddering and saying, “What a freak?” Of course this doesn’t bother me in the least bit. I like being the outcast. I can do whatever I want and barely ever get caught. But lately I… I’ve been noticing something more and more… What if I were the one in charge of all the “high and mighty people”? What if I were “the alpha-female”? But then I have to ask myself why am I thinking these things? I don’t want to be in charge of those b******s. I want to stay the way I am. But still… The only reason I’m thinking like this is because of “him”. Oh yes, the oh-so-cliché high school girl’s dream crush. Except mine was different. He was tall, and sort of gangly, uneducated about how to use his limbs in a way. He had pale skin, but unlike mine he seemed to be flushed half the time. He had ice blue eyes, the most beautiful shade I’ve ever seen, and I would’ve traded my golden eyes for his any day. His blond hair was long—in its own sense—and shaggy. It covered part of his eyes, but not to the extent as to where you couldn’t see their beauty. Now I know what you’re thinking, what does this have anything to do with being leader of the snobs? Well, it just so happens that Kiaran—that’s his name—is also alpha male of them. So if I were to become alpha female, then maybe I could win his heart! The freak of all freaks with the alpha male of Landon High School! I can only imagine it because I, and all of the sane people in the world, know it won’t come true. But a girl can dream, right? And if it’s a crime, lock me up. Right now. I’ve dreamed about that moment way too much. .:~:. “Alex?” I yawned and rubbed my eyes when my name was called. “Yeah?” I was half awake, half about ready to kill whoever woke me up. “Get up.” Vin, my best friend in the entire world—asides from my other good friend, Riley—stood there giving me a crooked grin. “Oh come on Vin? You can’t be serious! It’s got to be like three in the morning!” I was so close to hitting him for waking me up so early. “Um, Al, it’s noon.” Oh. I guess it was since the sun was shining right through the black blinds. “Besides, we have to go meet Riley for our weekly break down of what happened with whom and where.” “Where is she anyway? Doesn’t she normally come with you to the weekly ‘Wake Up Alex!’ session?” I hopped out of bed and stumbled a little. Vin caught me right when I was about to fall. “Thanks,” I managed to say before yawning again. “Riley’s outside in the car; you know how cold it gets in Washington this time of year? Do you really want to freeze your a*s off when you get inside of it?” Vin made sense; he always did. It was his thing. The mediator of our little group. I was the comedian, and Riley was the median. She wasn’t really a freak, but she wasn’t really that popular. And I loved both of them to death though. Vin was tall, just like Kiaran, but he had dark brown—almost black—eyes and chestnut colored hair. He wasn’t pale, and he wasn’t tan; in the middle I’d have to say. Riley was short, about three inches shorter than me. She had blonde curly hair that bounced when she walked and gorgeous violet eyes. She tanned at a professional salon, so of course she was almost your average perfect girl. Vin, Riley, and I always got ourselves into trouble at school, so we set aside every Saturday to break down who got in trouble by what teacher—or hall Nazi, which were everywhere at LHS—and where for what action. Normally I had the most tales to tell. “Vin, help me find an outfit. This will go much quicker if you help me,” I smiled and faked those sad puppy dog eyes, and of course he couldn’t deny me. “Fine. But don’t make me remind you of the last time I picked out your outfit.” I laughed at his attempt to get out of helping me. “Aw! I liked being a tutu wearing fairy princess for a day,” he flushed and walked into my closet and I jumped back onto my bed, searching through my nightstand drawer. What for? The necklace Vin got me for my birthday last year. I only wear it on Breakdown Day. It was a black heart, with the words, “Vin + Alex” in lime green print on it. Of course it wasn’t because he was in love with me, just that he was my best friend and nothing in the world could ever change that. “How about this?” I turned my head to see him holding up something I wouldn’t wear in a million years. I didn’t even know how it got in my closet! He held up a pink tennis skirt and a light pastel purple sweater vest. My eyes grew wide. “You’ve got to be kidding me?!” He broke down laughing hysterically. “Yes, I was kidding, the only thing I want you to wear is nothing.” He winked and laughed again. I flushed bright red, extremely noticeable with pale skin. “I’ll do it myself you pervert.” I pushed him out of my cluttered closet and walked inside, locking it from the inside out so he wouldn’t walk in on me changing. ‘And what do you want to wear today Alex?’ “Well, I was thinking, dark skinny jeans and a black long sleeved tee shirt with a purple tank top over it.” ‘Great choice, Alex.’ “Oh why thank you Alex.” “Stop talking to yourself, loony!” Riley banged on the door and I started laughing. “Ok, ok! Don’t break my door down Mr. Impatient!” Even though my closet was cramped and cluttered, I found exactly what I was looking for easily and quickly. I was out of my closet, dressed and ready to go. I didn’t have to bother brushed my hair because the cropped cut made it impossible to get tangled and messy. “Are you sure you’re ready? Riley’s probably getting worried ya know?” “Yes! I’m ready! Gah, you sound like a mom.” “Alex, I am your father!” “And if you were my father, I’d have committed incest already.” “Oh you know you want it!” He smirked. “Of course I do. And you’d gladly give it to me if you had the chance.” I winked. “Enough with talking about it, let’s get to it!” I laughed. “Only in your dreams Vin, only in your dreams,” I grabbed his wrist and started pulling him down the stairs, “I have to write a note for my mom before we go okay?” He let out a frustrated groan, “This whole divorce thing has been really hard on her. She thinks that if I’m not here when she wakes up, I’ve left her too. It won’t take that long, trust me. Go wait in the car with Riley.” He nodded and left. I haven’t told my friends that my mom has been drinking since my dad left. She’s become a total alcoholic, and the other day it got really scary. To the point where suicide for both of us became a huge option. But I scribbled down something legible enough for her to read about going to the mall with Riley and Vin and that I’d be home late. I had some business I had to take care of on my own anyway. © 2009 Rachel ElizabethFeatured Review
1 Review Added on August 10, 2009 AuthorRachel ElizabethNowhere and Now , INAbout* o b s e s s e d with k i t t e h s * s i x t e e n years o l d * o d d * e n j o y s indie m u s i c * plays g u i t a r more..Writing