![]() Broken Engagements Chapter SixA Chapter by RAOrourke![]() Griffin makes a decision on how to handle Peyton during her blackout![]() Chapter Six
With Peyton in his arms he had to make a quick decision, he was closer to his house than he was to the college dorms. He knew her roommate was in no condition to take care of her so; he scooped her up in his arms and carried her effortlessly around the outside of the house to his pick-up truck. As he was carrying her he decided he would let her “sleep it off” at his place. He would make her some coffee to help sober her up and then she could let him know where her dorm room was and most importantly what her name was. As he got to his truck, he had to jostle her position in order to get his keys from his pocket, as he did he looked down at her noticing how light she felt in his arms and how beautiful she was. He tried to remember how long it had been since the last time he had held a woman. It had been a long time for him. A long time since his high school sweet heart had shattered his heart by leaving him for his childhood friend, Ben. He opened the back seat door and gently guided her inside and then hopped up front to take her to his home. On the drive to his apartment, she remained still and he tried not to think of how graceful and long her legs were, or how she had felt against his chest as he felt her deep soothing breaths as she wrapped her arms around his neck and snuggled into him, or how perfect her small upturned freckled nose was and those beautiful alluring eyes. He approached his house and the tires crunched on the gravel driveway as he pulled up close to the front porch. He was strong, but knew it wouldn’t be easy to maneuver her inside. The house was dark when he opened the door, and a warm nose nuzzled up against his hip as he carried Peyton inside. “Go Ella.” He whispered to his lab mix as he didn’t want his sleeping beauty, but knowing the dog would be upset if she wasn’t allowed to inspect whatever he was bringing home. This evening was the most intriguing thing he had brought home in a long time. She walked over to her bed and let out a long sigh as she plopped back down into her comfy dog bed. He gently laid Peyton down own on his couch and grabbed a blanket to place over her. He walked into the kitchen and quietly called Ella to follow him. He bent over to pat the old girl on top of her head as he reached over to get her bowl. She loved feeding time and as soon as she saw him pick up her bowl she started banging her tail against the sideboard in frenzied excitement. “Ella hush” he scolded her and she lowered her head feeling shamed at being reprimanded not understanding these new rules, she was always able to do as she pleased; she never had to be quiet before! She sort of huffed as she went and sat down and waited patiently for supper. After she was fed, he went to start a pot of coffee. Once the coffee had finished brewing and Ella had finished her meal, he let her outside into the fenced backyard and quietly opened the swinging kitchen door to check on Peyton, who was still resting peacefully in the living room. He could see her golden blond hair as it framed her face, she was breathtakingly beautiful, a small face accentuated with high cheekbones, upturned nose and long lashes that while closed hid the most beautiful eyes that he had ever seen. Originally she had startled him when they met, her eyes were hauntingly beautiful and their depth was endless. He could see the soft moonlight settling on her face as he watched her chest softly rise and fall. He could tell from the rhythm that she was going to be out for a while. While she slept, he sat down at the kitchen table to have a cup of coffee as well and thought about what had taken him to this moment in his life. He had entered graduate school and had been intent on studying and not partying, however, he had agreed to go with his friend Jack to the local fraternity house party. He knew why he had agreed, it was very unlike him, but he had been studying all day long and had read on line that his old girlfriend was engaged to be married to his ex-best friend. He wasn’t sure how to process the cruel information and decided to go out and try and have some fun. He thought it was finally time he got back out there instead of just studying all the time. He hadn’t planned on rescuing a damsel in distress, but that party had not been his style anyway. Drunken students everywhere playing their trivial games and just looking to hook up had not ever been something he was interested in. He climbed the stairs to head to the shower, but before he went he placed a warm cup of coffee on the table alongside the sofa in case she wakened before he was finished. Once in the bathroom, he glanced at himself in the mirror and saw his reflection. His image showed the pale blue-gray eyes staring back at him, a thick mop of blonde hair and a man who couldn’t remember the last time he had genuinely smiled. His mind wandered to the girl sleeping on his couch downstairs and how attractive she was and gradually he saw the corners of his mouth curve into a smile with devilish intent. He climbed into the shower with nothing but that smile still on his face. © 2014 RAOrourkeFeatured Review