Chapter 9

Chapter 9

A Chapter by Yahzeya Yoel

(The Next Day)
Artemis and Minerva are tying the woman they captured to a chair
The woman is still unconscious
(20 Minutes Later)
The woman wakes up
Woman: Where am I?
Artemis: I think the more important question is who are you?
Woman: You’ll know soon enough.
Noble steps over
Noble: Tell us who you work for or I swear to God…
Woman: What?
Noble: I never hit a woman in my life but the circumstances call for it today.
Noble: Now tell us, who do you work for?
Woman: (Silent)
Noble: (Sighs) Last chance.
Woman: (Looks at Athena) You’re his girlfriend right?
Athena: How do you know that?
Woman: The people who hired me know.
Woman: I’ll leave you with this hint: Who watches over you, feeds you, somewhat shapes your life and makes you?
The squad thinks it over for a minute
Noble: NO.
Noble takes out his pistol and kills the woman out of anger
Noble then leaves the room
Athens goes after him
Athena: Why did you do that!?
Noble: Think about it real quick.
Athena spends some time thinking
Athena: Oh my God!
Athena: Did she mean…?
Noble: Yes our mothers and fathers.
Athena starts to cry
Noble brings her head onto his shoulder
Artemis, Juno and Minerva walk into the room
Minerva: What? What’s the answer to the hint?
Noble: Our parents.
Artemis: No! I don’t believe that!
Noble: Charlene! Listen to me! Our parents want us dead!
Minerva grabs Artemis by her shirt
Minerva: Charlene he’s right! Why would they have us eliminate all of the small time government? To bring the world back into their hands.
Minerva: Now we know the reason why the people rebelled, cause they were right. Our parents did keep everything to themselves and their friends.
Noble: Listen guys, I know this is hard to deal with but we have to go back and pretend we didn’t hear that.
Athena: (Sobbing) Why?! We should kill them as soon as we see them!
Noble: (Softly) No Britt that’s not the way. They would see that coming a mile away.
Athena: (Sobbing) Then how?
Noble: We buy our time. Act like this didn’t happen.
Juno: If it’s going down like that then we need an exit strategy.
Noble: Anybody have contacts around the globe?
Artemis: I got people in Russia and Asia.
Noble: What about you Allie?
Minerva: France, Cuba, Ukraine and the Middle East.
Noble: Juno?
Juno: Australia and Panama.
Noble: Alright I got people in Mexico, the Philippines, Ireland, India and Spain.
Noble: What about you Britt?
Athena pulls herself together
Her voice is still shaky
Athena: Canada, New Zealand, Parts stateside, Alaska and London.
Noble: Hmmm. We can’t use parts of the states… Mexico would be bad choice because it shares a border with America.
Noble: Canada’s also a bad Idea too. Shares a border.
Noble: Cuba’s too close to the west coast of the U.S.
Noble: Russia, New Zealand, Alaska, London and the others seem like a pretty good fallback point.
Artemis: Well choose fast, we gotta report back “home” eventually.
Noble: I know, give a few hours.
Noble: Off topic, I gotta tell you guys something.
Minerva: What is it?
Noble: Brittany’s pregnant.
Juno: Oh well we kinda knew that.
Noble: Allie?
Minerva: They were going to find out eventually.
Noble: I guess but still c’mon.
Noble: Back to what I was saying, we also have to pick a spot that’s a good environment for the baby to grow up in.
Artemis: So I guess cross Russia, Ukraine and Alaska off the list.
Noble: Yeah it’s too cold there.
Juno: Wait what about the sweet camouflage we could get from Russia?
Noble: I see where you’re coming from but think about it, what if we have to run and we have to lie down in huge snow banks or something Athena could catch a really bad cold.
Juno: True that would affect the baby.
Noble: Either way we’re fucked in one way or another.
Athena: But we need to delay the inevitable.
Noble: True.
Minerva: What about the Middle East.
Noble: Nah after we won the war in Afghanistan it’s probably the first place they would look.
Athena: Damn this is going to be hard.
Noble: I know.
Noble: F**k it, I’m calling home now and I’m telling them we need a pickup.
Artemis: You sure you know what you’re doing?
Noble: Yeah. If you feel a strange presence when you’re alone or other times don’t be afraid to let any of us know.
Juno: Roger that.
Noble: Unofficially today we are no longer Sigma Squad.
Athena: Then who are we?
Noble: I don’t know yet. I’ll think of something.
Noble: But first things first, I gotta call Julian and see if he wants to join us.
Artemis: Can you trust him?
Noble: I’ve known the guy a long time, I’m pretty sure I can trust him.
Artemis: Alright I just don’t want to get shot in the back.
Noble: I know.
Noble: I know and I’ve picked our fall back country.
Minerva: What?
Noble: Tokyo.
Artemis: Alright I’ll let my contact know so we can enter the country.
(15 Minutes Later)

Noble: Yo Julian.
Julian: What’s up?
Noble: Dude want to join us?
Julian: Hmmmm… Sure why not.
Noble: Alright I’ll call you.
Julian: Why?
Noble: Just trust me, head to Japan when I give you the call.
Julian: Alright fine.
After the phone call to Julian, Noble proceeds to call Rep. Jaramillo.
Noble: Mr. Jaramillo our mission is complete.
Rep. Jaramillo: Good job. A pickup plane will be there in about 5 hours.
Noble: Thank god.
They end their conversation
Noble: Ok guys, we’ll be heading home in about 5 hours.
Artemis: Do you think they expect us to resist?
Noble: Maybe, it’s hard to tell I couldn’t sense any anger or disappointment in his voice.
Noble: Brittany stick close by me when we get home.
Athena: Okay.
Noble: Juno, if things get weary protect her.
Juno: You have my word.
Noble: Oh s**t I almost forgot we gotta dispose of that b***h’s body.
Artemis: I’ll get right on that.
Artemis leaves and goes in the room where Noble killed the woman
Artemis comes back out with the woman over her right shoulder
She dumps the body out in the jungle where their safe house is.
She dumps the body in a river in the jungle and heads back
Noble: That was fast.
Artemis stretches
Artemis: Well there is a reason why we came back before you last night.
Noble: Good Point.

© 2012 Yahzeya Yoel

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Added on September 2, 2012
Last Updated on September 2, 2012


Yahzeya Yoel
Yahzeya Yoel

Staten Island, NY

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A Chapter by Yahzeya Yoel


A Chapter by Yahzeya Yoel


A Chapter by Yahzeya Yoel