Chapter 4

Chapter 4

A Chapter by Yahzeya Yoel

(Exit Dream)

Noble wakes up from his dream and gets out of bed due to him getting a message that he must assemble his squad for a mission in South America.

He brushes his teeth and exits out of his room.

He finds his parents making breakfast and says hello to them.

His father speaks to him.

Rep. Yoel: Did you get my message?

Noble: Yes I did. When do we leave?

Rep. Yoel: In two hours grab your gear and head to the Debrief Room.

Noble: Will do.

Noble leaves and says his goodbyes.

Rep. Yoel: It’s almost time.

Ms. Yoel: Yep it won’t be long now before it’s fully in place.

(Noble walks down the hall towards the Debriefing Room and he sees the rest of the squad walking there as well)

Noble: So South America huh?

Minerva: I know right. Who would have f*****g thought.

Artemis: Who knows? It probably won’t be that bad. It might just be another bullshit p***y regional government we get to knock off.

Noble: Well we won’t know until we get debriefed now will we?

(The squad walks into the Debriefing Room and sees Athena there)

Athena: Hey guys.

Sigma Squad: Hey Brit.

(Juno’s father walks in to debrief them)

Rep. Jaramillo: Ok guys you should know the deal by now. You go in, destroy what you have to and get out.

Sigma Squad: Yes Sir!

Rep. Jaramillo: This time is a little different though, Athena will accompany you this mission.

Athena: Wait, what the f**k?

Rep. Jaramillo: Yes we’re making new upgrades to the UAV you pilot. You still know how to use a gun and remember your fighting skills right?

Athena: Somewhat. I’m a bit rusty ill need a little practice.

Rep. Jaramillo: Fine. Wheels up in 2 hours. Get it done Sigma.

Sigma Squad: Yes Sir!

(Rep. Jaramillo walks out and the squad starts talking among themselves)

Athena: Well now, isn’t this f*****g wonderful.

Minerva: Ah it won’t be that bad. Just provide cover fire when we need it.

Athena: Fine.

Noble: Brit meet me in the Sparring Room in 5 minutes.

Athena: Okay.

(The squad walks out the room)

Athena heads to the Sparring Room to meet Noble.

Athena arrives at the Sparring Room and sees Noble.

Noble: Ok Brit what do you remember from your fight training?

Athena: Well I remember the Leg Sweep, Arm Holds, Choke Holds and Disarms.

(Noble reaches for a toy gun.)

Noble: Ok perform the disarm move on me.

Athena: Alright.

Noble turns around with the toy gun in his hand and waits for Athena’s disarm. Athena grabs
Noble’s hand, raises it up in the air, around his neck and swats the gun out of his hand.

Noble: Ok Brit not bad. Now show me your Leg Sweeps.

Athena approaches Noble and kicks a pressure point in the back of his right leg. Noble falls
down. Athena chases after him, grabs Noble’s right leg, puts it between her legs and twists his ankle. He grunts in pain a little bit then instructs her to let go.

Noble: So far so good. Now show me the Arm Holds.

Noble throws a right hand punch and Athena ducks and punches his ribs. Noble drops to hold his ribs. While Noble begins to drop she grabs Noble’s free hand and pushes him down to the ground by his neck and puts his arm in an Armbar. Noble again instructs her to let go
and she does.

Noble: (Cough Cough) F****n s**t that hurt. Good job though.

(Noble shakes off the pain)

Noble: Ok now spar with me.

Noble puts up his defensive stance and circles around the mat. Athena puts up her defensive stance also and stalks Noble. Athena goes for a high kick and misses Noble takes advantage of the miss and kicks the back of her other leg. Athena falls down and gets back up. She puts up her stance again. She rushes Noble and he attempts a kick to her ribs, she catches it, chops the side of his neck and sweeps his other leg. Noble falls down but gets back up again. He charges Athena and she goes for a head punch but he ducks and grabs her legs and brings her down to the mat. He goes for an armbar but Athena rolls away just in time to avoid it. Noble then grabs her left leg and attempts to go for an ankle hold. He succeeds and twists her ankle as hard as he can. She kicks his stomach with her free leg and makes him let go. She then proceeds to charge him on the ground and attempts to put him in a choke hold. He punches her left breast and she lets go. He proceeds to mount Athena but she catches him and keeps him immobilized. He then goes for a head punch with his left hand and she catches it, he tries again with his right hand and she catches it again. She pulls him closer and closer and begins to kiss him on the lips. Noble embraces her kiss and returns the favor. They keep kissing until Noble pushes himself away.

Noble stands back up.

Noble: (Clears Throat) So pretty good Brit looks like you still remember how to fight.

Athena: (Clears Throat) Yeah looks like I still got it.

Noble: So we got 30 minutes till take off ok?

Athena: Got it.

Noble: Grab your gear and meet us at the Runway.

Athena: Sure.

Noble walks out of the Sparring Room and leans back on the wall next to the door. He smiles then walks away. He makes his way back to his room to grab his combat gear.

Athena lays back down, smiles, giggles and hugs herself.

Athena eventually gets up and walks out of the room.

She walks to the Weapons Room to grab what guns and gadgets she will need for the mission.

She grabs a Backpack from a rack and puts her gadgets inside of it.

She then outfits herself in combat gear. She put a knee pad on her left leg and an elbow pad on right elbow. Then she puts a pistol holster on her left thigh. She puts on her boots and stuffs the bottom of her pants legs inside of them then puts on a light combat vest. She grabs her MP5 outfitted with a Suppressor, Laser Sight, ACOG Scope and Foregrip then grabs her Five-Seven pistol puts it in her leg holster and walks out the room with her Backpack.

Noble walks in his room and grabs his favorite battle scared M4A1 and outfits it with an ACOG Scope, Foregrip, Laser Sight and Flashlight. He then grabs his leg holster and puts it on his right leg. He puts a knee pad on his right leg and puts an elbow pad on his right elbow. Then he grabs his P99 pistol and puts it in his holster. Then he grabs his medium weight combat vest and puts it on then his puts on his favorite beanie hat. The last thing he grabs is his Night Vision Goggles and then he walks out of his room and makes his way to the runway.
He sees all the other squad members wearing identical gear walking to the runway including Athena.

They make it to the runway and get onto an AC130 Spectre and sit down inside to wait for the AC130 to takeoff.

Noble: Ok guys stay safe and Snami Bog.

Squad: Snami Bog.

The plane starts moving down the runway and eventually takes off.

Pilot Over PA System: Ok people we will be arriving in South America in 15 hours so sit back relax and enjoy the flight.

Artemis: Well that’s f*****g outstanding! 15 f*****g hours! What the f**k are we supposed to do for 15 f*****g hours?

Noble: Uh go the f**k to sleep?

Artemis: F**k off Yaz.

Noble: Well what am I supposed to say Charlene? Let’s all f**k for 15 hours straight?

Artemis: I don’t know give some kind of inspiring speech or something dickweed.

Noble: On a 15 hour flight? Yeah that makes a f**k ton of sense doesn’t it?

Artemis: Fine I see your point.

Minerva: Everyone! Shut the f**k up and get some f*****g sleep! We have 15 f*****g hours
get the f**k over it.

Noble: Don’t blame me. Blame Charlene!

Artemis: Allison you better keep your goddamn mouth shut.

Minerva: B***h what are you going to do?

Artemis: Knock your a*s out on this F****n’ plane!

Juno: Whoa, whoa, whoa everybody calm your s**t and go to sleep!

Artemis: Fine.

Noble: Fine

Minerva: Fine

Athena: Goddamn.

Noble: Yeah battle stress is a b***h.

Athena: Jesus this is what battle stress does?

Noble: Yep.

Athena: Wow.

Noble kisses Athena on the lips and lays down to go to sleep.

(7 Hours Into Flight)

Noble wakes up and starts to disassemble and put back together his M4A1. He accidently wakes up Athena in the process.

Athena: Yaz what are you doing?

Noble: Passing time. Why? Did I wake you?

Athena: A little bit but I was going in and out of sleep anyway.

Noble: Sorry.

Athena: It’s ok anyway what’s up? What are you doing?

Noble: Ah nothing just messing around with my M4A1.

Athena: Why?

Noble: I have a tendency to do this when my life is on the line.

Athena: Ah I see.

Noble puts his weapon down.

Noble: What’s up?

Athena: Hmm nothing I just wanna talk.

Noble: Ok. What’s up?

Athena: I’m sorry about when I kissed you during sparring.

Noble: It’s fine.

Athena: No seriously im sorry.

Noble: Like I said it’s ok no need to apologize.

Athena: Ok.

Athena looks at Noble’s disassembled M4A1.

Athena: Can you show me how to put that back together?

Noble: Why not we have plenty of time.

(Noble shows her where certain parts go and how to keep them from jamming up)

He looks at the clock on the plane and notices an hour has passed.

Noble: And that’s how you do it.

Athena: Wow that’s pretty complicated.

Noble: Yeah but you get used to it.

Noble: Here let me show you a move really quick.

Noble picks up his rifle and goes into his shooting stance.

Noble: Watch closely.

Noble first ejects his magazine from his rifle. Then he pulls the trigger and quickly shifts his hips to perform a high kick approximately the same height as an average person.

Athena looks in amazement.

Athena: Show me how to do that.

Noble: Ok.

Noble shows Athena the proper stance for the move then lets her try it herself.

She gets it wrong and Noble walks over to her.

Noble: May I?

He makes a notion to grab her hips.

Athena: Sure.

He softly puts his hands on her hips and directs her.

Noble: You gotta feel it, let your body kick graciously.

Athena try’s it again and gets it right.

Athena: Awesome.

Noble: Pretty good. See you’re getting it.

(Another 7 Hours Later)

Noble and Athena are sleeping. Noble has Athena wrapped in his arms.

Pilot Over PA System: Ok people we are 1 hour away from the DZ.

The squad wakes up.

Noble stretches then wakes up Athena.

Noble: Ok people get your Para jumper gear on!

The squad preps their gear and secures it on themselves tightly.

(10 Minutes Till Dropzone)

The squad put their weapons inside of a round container that they will jump with.

Noble: Ok everybody have their weapons inside?

Sigma Squad: Yes.

(1 Minutes Till Dropzone)

Noble: Ok everybody wait for the green light!

Athena: Im scared.

Noble: Don’t be. Just hang onto me when we jump.

Noble: Ok people we are executing a HALO jump today don’t f**k it up!

Noble turns his head to view the light on the wall. After 20 seconds it turns green.

Noble: Ok green is on, green is on!

Noble pushes a button to lower the back door of the plane

Noble then grabs Athena’s Para gear to make sure it’s secure.

Noble: On my count we push this f****r and jump!

Noble: 5, 4,3,2,1 Go!!

They push the round container holding their weapons out of the plane.

Athena grabs onto Noble simultaneously. He kisses her.

Noble Lets go!!

They jump out of the plane and form a formation in the air.

Athena: Yahzeya!

Noble: When I tell you to, pull the cord on your right shoulder!

Athena: OK!

Noble: Squad! Wait for the continuous tone!

They keep freefalling for 20 more seconds. The continuous tone starts beeping.

Noble: Open your chute now!

Noble: Athena! Pull the cord!

They all successfully deploy their parachutes.

They float safely down to their expected landing zone.

Noble: Whoooooooo. Makes you feel alive doesn’t it!?

Athena: Never again.

Juno, Minerva and Artemis: Whoooooooooooooooooooooooo.

Noble throws up from too much adrenaline.

Rep. Jaramillo starts talking to them threw their earpieces.

Rep. Jaramillo: Did you guys make the jump safely.

Juno: Yeah. Hold on.

Noble finishes throwing up.

Noble: Ahhhhhhhhh. What’s up?

Juno: Yeah. Sorry dad his adrenaline is through the roof.

Noble: F****n’ a it is!

Rep. Jaramillo: Well ok then. Head northwest to the safe house you’ll start the operation

Juno: Fine. Ok guys lets go.

Noble: Dude to hell with drugs! Jumping out of a plane is the best way to get high!

Artemis: Yaz, shut the f**k up.

Noble: F**k you!!!!

Minerva walks up to Noble.

Minerva: Sorry dude.

Minerva knees Noble in the balls

Noble: Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh m**********r.

Noble falls over

Noble: F****n s**t.

Minerva: Sorry. Had to do it.

Athena: Was that really necessary?

Minerva: Hey he wouldn’t shut the f**k up.

Athena: Well you could have punched him in the liver.

Minerva: True but that wasn’t on my mind at the time.

Athena: I see your point.

Noble stands back up after rolling on the ground for a few minutes.

Noble: Thanks Allie.

Minerva: No prob.

Athena: Why are you thanking her?

Noble: Because she set me straight.

Athena: Ah I see.

Noble: Alright people you heard her father. Let’s move!

Back at the Headquarters

Reps. Jaramillo, Butanavage, Yoel, Shiffman and Dailey are having a meeting

Rep. Jaramillo: So do we have everything in place?

Rep. Yoel: Almost. When they destroy the governments in South America we will be set.

Rep. Jaramillo: Ok and the last order of business, when to kill them?

Rep. Dailey: Wait what do you mean?

Rep. Jaramillo: We are going to kill our kids.

Rep. Dailey: Why?

Rep.Yoel: Because they have fulfilled their purpose.

Rep Shiffman: Which is?

Rep. Jaramillo: To make it easier for us to have the world back in our grasp.

Rep. Shiffman: No. Their purpose was to bring peace to the world!

Rep. Jaramillo: And when they succeed in South America they will have done just that.

Rep. Dailey: Oh my god. Did you have this planned out from the beginning?

Rep. Yoel: Yes.

Rep. Butanavage: No wonder why that uprising happened in 2018. They were right.

Rep. Jaramillo: No they weren’t.

He picks up a gun from under the table and shoots Rep. Butanavage in her head

Rep. Jaramillo: Last chance Stacy join us or die.

Rep. Shiffman: F**k you.

Rep. Jaramillo shoots her in the head too

Rep. Jaramillo: You too Melissa?

Rep. Dailey: Go ahead. Our kids will kill you anyway.

Rep. Jaramillo: Well it’s been nice knowing you.

He kills her as well

Rep. Jaramillo: Well that’s done.

Rep. Yoel: Yep. Let me know when they finish in South America.

Rep. Yoel walks out of the room

(Back to the squad in South America)

They make it to the safe house before nightfall

Noble: Ok guys get some rest and we’ll wait for Cyara’s father to give us the go ahead

Noble and Athena share a room while Juno, Artemis and Minerva share one as well.

(3 Hours Later)

Noble and Athena are preparing to go to sleep

Noble: So. We have to share a bed huh?

Athena: I guess so.

They get into the bed together and face the opposite way when they lay down.

Noble flips back over

Noble: Good night.

Athena: Night.

(30 Minutes Later)

Noble kisses Athena on the neck

Athena turns back and kisses Noble on the lips

They start making out for a while and Noble removes the blanket from Athena

Noble separates himself from her lips

Noble: I love you Brittany.

Athena: I love you too Yahzeya.

They go back to making out

(Insert Own Fantasy)

© 2012 Yahzeya Yoel

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Added on September 2, 2012
Last Updated on September 2, 2012


Yahzeya Yoel
Yahzeya Yoel

Staten Island, NY

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A Chapter by Yahzeya Yoel


A Chapter by Yahzeya Yoel


A Chapter by Yahzeya Yoel