Chapter 1

Chapter 1

A Chapter by Yahzeya Yoel

(Five Years After The Economic Downfall)

We find Noble, Juno, Minerva and Artemis driving to a location in Connecticut while Athena stays at Operational Command. The Haven believes there will a delivery of arms from one regional government to the other. The Haven believes that with the disruption of this arms deal it will knock these two regional governments off the map and make the others easier to knock off as well.

Athena: Listen up Sigma, HQ has conformation that there will be an arms deal with two regional governments in this sector.

Noble: Do we have an estimation on how many people will be at this deal?

Athena: No, these two are recently made governments so we won’t have an idea until you guys get in there and observe the deal.

Noble: Roger WILCO

Athena: Ok people keep it tight; keep it quiet, fast in, fast out, Snami Bog.

Sigma Squad: Snami Bog

They reach their infiltration point. They get out the car and take cover behind a destroyed building.

Athena: Hold up! I see 4 armed guards ahead of you, take them out quietly.

Noble: Copy that.

Noble: Juno take’em out quietly. No fancy s**t.

Juno takes out her knife.

Juno: (Blows Raspberry)

Juno takes out the guards in a fast but stylistic manner and looks at Noble.

Juno: What was that now?

Noble: Never mind let’s f*****g move.

They advance more into the area and reach a destroyed apartment complex. They set up some Reconnaissance gear and wait until their targets show up.

Artemis: Guys I’ve got something.

Noble looks through her binoculars.

Noble: Athena are these the people we are looking for?

Athena: Yes you have the go order.

Noble: Alright people we have the go, let’s move out!

They leave the apartment complex and sneak into the deal area and hide behind a destroyed car.

Noble looks up.

Noble: Ok we have contacts on the east and west rooftops. Me and Juno will take the people
out in front of us.

Artemis: Ok me and Minerva will take out the people on the rooftops.

Noble: On two we go. One……..Two.

They take out their intended targets and walk towards a nearby cargo container and find a massive amount of weapons and explosives.

Noble: Athena patch me through to HQ.

Athena: Rog

After a brief conversation with HQ, they are ordered to destroy everything inside the container. Then they walk away. After they destroyed the weapons the walk back to their car and drive off.

Artemis: Do you ever question why we are fighting these people?

Noble turns around to Artemis.

Noble: Well the civilians say they started the uprising because our parents and their friends were using corruption or some bullshit like that to stay on top of everyone and keep all of the money for themselves and not share with the rest of the world but in that process the civilians damn there destroyed the Earth so I presume we are fighting to restore order and bring the world back to the way it used to be.

Artemis: I hope we are, I don’t want to find out later that our parents are just using us as pawns in their own little game in order to hand the world over to them.

Noble: Don’t worry they wouldn’t do that their our parents, they wouldn’t do that in order to bring peace to the world…….. At least I hope not.

Artemis: Well if that happens I want to know we’ll still be a family.

Noble: You have my word.

Juno: Me too.

Minerva: Same here.

The squad arrives to a local safe house provided by their parents.

Noble: Ok guys get some sleep we got to get back on the road tomorrow.

The rest of the squad says good night and heads to sleep

© 2012 Yahzeya Yoel

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Added on September 2, 2012
Last Updated on September 2, 2012


Yahzeya Yoel
Yahzeya Yoel

Staten Island, NY

Prologue Prologue

A Chapter by Yahzeya Yoel


A Chapter by Yahzeya Yoel


A Chapter by Yahzeya Yoel