03x44: CV's Final Moments

03x44: CV's Final Moments

A Chapter by RA Fernandez

CV spends their last moments together in the final week of rgular classes.



March 7 �" 18, 2011


    Austin spent the next day in the ward with Erika and Derek.

     “I mean, if it wasn’t for me, she wouldn’t be like this.”

     “Austin, although I do not disagree with your conclusion, moping around here isn’t gonna solve anything.”

     “I mean, we can’t do anything about it for eighteen days. It’s these constant warnings that are pissing me off.”

     “Just live the next few days to their fullest. They’re your last days with CV. Make ‘em count…”


The next week was kind of odd since all the medalists did was try to finish their requirements.

     Sr. Geck asked Austin to help teach Variations to the class. The experience was kind of fun.

     Afterwards, Austin just waited near Maan and Ymara’s stand for TLE (Wicked Oreos which were Oreos dipped in batter). Austin bought about two batches and was the duly appointed “damages manager” which meant he ate the damaged Oreos.

     After this, Austin, Maan, Ymara, Anne, and Justine just sat around talking about heartbreaks and s**t while the sixth graders were having their graduation practices in the gym.

     “Well, that’s kind of annoying,” Justine said.

     “What?” Austin asked.

     “We’re pouring out our hearts here and they’re singing ‘United we stand, Divided we fall…’”

     “Well… yeah.”

     “Hey guys, I have a good one!” Anne said.

     “Go,” Maan said.

     “I walked in the DDN classroom once and there were Emm and Bernarte. Joel and Janella were also there…”

     Austin felt bitter after hearing their names.

     “And I said, ‘Fine, ako na bitter!’ Then all a sudden, Jem walked in and they were like, ‘There you go, Anne. You can stop being bitter now.”

     Jem and Anne used to be together… or something…

     After a while, they were talking about the statement, “We can still be friends.”

     “I mean, ‘friends’, after all you’ve been through. That’s the worst thing you can say!” Anne said.

     “I saw this on Facebook once. Saying that is like your dog dying and your mom says, ‘It’s okay, you can still keep it.’ But frankly, I’d rather have the dog…” Austin said.

     They were silent for a while ‘til Justine broke the silence.

     “What an example, Austin!” he said sarcastically.

     “I know right?” Anne said.

     “Hey, Facebook thinks of these things, not me.”

     They just had a good laugh about this.


After a while, Austin had to take a test in English. Unfortunately, he had to sit in with SK which was Joel’s section.

     “And then, just imagine any circumstance in which you’d say ‘Excuse me!’ he’d say ‘P****g ina!’” Maan said. Everyone was laughing.

     “Misunderstandings… hate ‘em, love ‘em, I gotta go to Ms. Sharon,” Austin said.

     “You’re taking the test now?”

     “I’m ready already so I’m not wasting my time.”

     “Okay then, good luck,” Ymara said.

    Austin went over to the SK Room and MS. Sharon told him to take a seat. He opted to sit beside Dave. It was a fairly easy test. When he gave it back, Hans Ribano stopped him.

     “Austin, Pat’s you’re seatmate, right?”

     “Yeah… why?”

     “Can you tell her Hans said ‘I love you?’?”

     “Sure thing…”

     Austin went to the CV Room and it was their AP Time. Austin decided to go down under the bridge where the others were.

     “Hey Anne, Justine, where are the two?”

     “They went to get a schedule for their other tests.”

     “Oh, Ok then…”

     Later that afternoon, Austin had a conversation with Ms. Sharon. She told him that he had potential for next year. All he had to do was believe in himself. This sparked something in Austin. He was gonna do better, like Ms. Sharon said, all he needed was confidence.

     Also, before he went home, he told Pat about Hans’s message.


The next day was pretty uneventful. Austin, Maan, Ymara, and Justine spent a lot of time in the Faculty Center B fixing the decorations in the classroom. Sr. Geck also approached him for peer tutorials when it was time for the quarterly tests.

     Wednesday was a bit more interesting. Sr. Geck got mad during his Math class (which was one of the few Austin would attend) because the medalists weren’t attending classes. He wasn’t exactly sure of the protocol in Seton regarding this. Austin wasn’t sure if he was mad or not but Sr. Geck just asked for the summary of scores for the quarter.

     After recess, there was a mass. During the communion, the DJ button on Sr. Chris’ organ striked again.

     During Lunch, Ernst and Bianca were having a discussion on the NOT-TEAGS table since she quit. It was just them three.

     “So, Ernst, How’s Trevor?”

     “Who’s Trevor?” Austin asked.

     “Trevor is the little kid he bumped with.”

     “The one with the French fries. He’s fine, I already bought him another batch of fries.”
     “Just asking…”

     “Aww, Ernst… You could be a father,” Austin said.

     “Shut up… Let us not speak of this ever again.”

     They had a Mock NAT that day as well (The sophomores would be the ones taking the National Achievement Test).

     While they were taking the test (which had a lot of errors by the way), the teachers turned the second floor hallway into a bowling alley. The students were laughing their asses off as Sir Edmond attempted a strike.

     After the test, Austin went on his way home. As he passed by Faculty Center A, Maan and Ymara called him and he was in front of Sir Geck in five seconds.

     He told them similar things he told CV earlier in the day only they had their papers. Sir Geck accepted them and at one point in the sermon, he stared right into Austin’s eyes. He was paralyzed with fear.

     He tried to shake this off by playing his Pokémon games on his DS (Pokémon Black was coming out in a few days so he decided to hype himself up).

     Later that night, Sir Geck told him that it wasn’t personal and he stared at him because he knew he would understand. Lo and behold, all was mended.


The next day was the NAT itself. It was extremely boring except for the part during their break where Pocholo hugged Mo-on and Mo-on ran around yelling, “POCHOLO, GET THE HELL AWAY FROM ME!”

     Also, Austin brought his DS that day and played Pokémon HeartGold in the waiting area. Janella asked him what he was doing and only now did Austin find out that Janella was a complete Pokémon junkie (although she was stuck in the 3rd Gen Games).


The last day of the week provided nothing too interesting. During Lunch, Austin ate with Ibarra and Sang Woo. Sang Woo was telling Ibarra about how “in Korea, they eat Dogs.”

     It was also their last day in Math. Austin was struck with a mental block while reciting since Sir Alan was in the room with him.

     Erika got better that day. She swore revenge on Landers for what he did to her.


Fast forward to Monday, Austin tried spending most of the day in class. Clutch (another Pokémon fan) was making fun of Karla.

     “Hey, Austin!”

     “Golduck is evolving,” he said while pointing at Karla.

     “Haha, very funny.”

     “Austin, did you know Snorlax evolves into our Filipino teacher?” Owen said.

     “This is getting way out of hand, man.”

     “Congratulations! Your Golduck evolved into Karlducky!” Clutch yelled.

     “Aw jeez.”

    “MADERAX!” Owen yelled.

     Marise was one of the people laughing.

     “So, Marise, do you play Pokémon?” Austin asked.

     “Not really. I played Silver once but not the others.”

     “Oh… Haha…”

     During Lunch, Michael and Marella were seeing who can get more people to buy iced tea. Ivan helped Marella by telling Austin where to buy from.

     Mary Duritan also got Austin to try out their milkshake.

     “Austin, hurry up and buy over here!” Mary said.

     “It’s really good!” Janina, Cruz said.


     “Alrighty then…” Austin said.

     Mary gave him a milkshake and it tasted… good enough.

     “I’ll say this about your shake, lacks taste but better than Finds.”


     During their free time, Austin, Justine, Ymara, and Maan went to Sanglayon. While sitting down, Justine accidentally broke the Dr. Suarez’s plaque. It was a tragedy at first but Ymara, Austin, and Justine just laughed at it since Maan had already gone back inside the school.

     On their way up to F101, Austin was talking about Jigglypuff and Ymara declared it to be another nickname for Jib.

     They went back down and just talked about random stuff.

     “You see, when I like someone, everyone else just seems ‘meh’,” Austin said.

     “So you had no crushes back in sixth grade?” Ymara asked.

     Austin thought really hard and came to a stunning revelation.

     “Yeah, I did… Two actually. I’m not sure but Alyssa V. was one of them. The other, hmm, I think I had a crush on you back then.”

     “Aww, you had a crush on me?” Ymara said.

     “I don’t know. My mind is ****ed up but I guess so…”

     Later that day, after dismissal, Austin stayed in F101 with Johan, Nica, Janella, and Joel.

     “What’s the evolution of Caterpie?” Austin asked.

     “Metapod and Butterfree,” Janella answered

    “Fine, what about Carvanha?”



     “I don’t know that guy.”

     “Luxio and Luxray!”

     “4th Gen,” Johan whispered to Janella.


     “Flareon, Jolteon, Vaporeon, Umbreon, and Espeon.”

     “You’re missing two.”

     “No I’m not…”

     “4th Gen,” Johan said.

     “D****t! I don’t know the 4th Gen.”

     “Name the evolutions of Oshawott.”

     “5th Gen,” Johan said.


     “AHIHIHI! Look at this,” Nica said, looking at Janella’s cellphone. “’Good morning, my love. Have you eaten?’ Aww… so sweet.”

     Austin wanted to facepalm at how dumb that sounded but if they’re happy…

     “Hey, I gotta go. It’s hot in here…”

     “Sorry,” Nica said.

     “Hahaha, very funny… See ya guys…’


The next day, Marise got the copy of “The Architecture of Happiness” she ordered. It was kinda cool to see it.

     When Austin thought about it, things were fine.

     Also, that day, March 15th, was Sir Geck’s Birthday. They greeted him happily.

     Another thing he would do was scare people with his copy of Fellowship of the Ring. It was bookmarked at the beginning of Book II, Chapter Two which was in page 268.

     “Hey AD, guess what chapter I’m in,” Austin said, showing her the book.

     “Umm, fifteen?”

     “Nope,” Austin said as he opened the book, revealing chapter two.

     “Okay, now I know what book not to read.”

     “Just kidding, it’s book two.”

     Austin explained.

     “Oh. Nice one…”


The next two days were pretty uneventful since it was their quarterly tests. Austin spent them playing his brand new Pokémon Black. Friday, however was more interesting since that night was the Grade School Bequeathal party.

     Austin and Marise had this little “date” set up where he’d get his Math book from her which he let her borrow and she’d show him the book (Architecture of Happiness).

     Unfortunately, he woke up late and he only got to catch up with Ernst. He taught him a little scam from Scam School regarding coins a game called Nim. They played it for a few hours before parting ways.

     Austin didn’t want to go home yet so he stayed with Maan, Alyssa, Arianne, and Alecz for a while. He scammed them for a few minutes, much to their frustration. Eventually, he was left with Maan. Ms. Kristine asked if it was okay for Austin to watch over her and, since he had nothing better to do, he said yes.

     Maan bought him Oreos and a drink in Finds and they just stayed near the Luzon grounds, watching it get set-up. They also talked about Grade 5 and Grade 6.

     “They have this dance,” Maan said.

     “Well, duh.”

     “I mean a choreographed dance.”

     “Aww, that sucks.”

     “Yeah. Guess who choreographed it.”

     “Sir Alfred of course. Ugh…”


     “I’ll have to talk to Patrick about this. Man, their bequeathal party is so formal, it looks boring as hell.”

     “Maybe it will be.”

     “Hey, wanna see my Pokémon Black?”

     “Not really.”

     “Great, let me show you!”

     Austin took out his DS and began playing to pass the time.

     “It’s time anyway. I had a great time. Bye!”


     Austin then saw Sean walking by with Pia.

     “Hey, Sean, Pia.”


     “How was your day?”

     “Meh. I have a date tonight!”

     “Are you allowed to join in?”

     “I don’t care.”

     They then noticed an extremely tall female student.

     “Are you sure she’s a sixth grader?” Sean exclaimed.

     “I think so….”

     “I’d love to ask if she was a repeater.”

     They laughed at this.

     “HOLY S**T, SHE’S TALL. She’s taller than me! That freaking freaks me out…”

     “Calm down, Sean.”

     “OH MY F�" Seriously…”

     “Sean, I have to go, sort of…”

     “Oh, oh that’s fine. Here, let me teach you something.”

     Sean taught him a cool handshake before going.

     “See you some other time.”


     “Good luck with your date!”


     Austin went back to the Base and saw that there were only four days left ‘til the attack…

© 2012 RA Fernandez

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Added on January 4, 2012
Last Updated on January 4, 2012

The Next Level: The Mutant Bond


RA Fernandez
RA Fernandez


I'm a simple man making my way through the universe. I do love writing as well and I'm still trying to improve my skill. more..

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