![]() 03x42: Gong Dong CheA Chapter by RA Fernandez![]() The play date is finally here as CV and the rest of the second year sections present their play.![]() GONG DONG CHE February 25 " March 2, 2011 February 25 was yet another practice day for the play. It would also be the last practice day on a weekend because the play would be on Wednesday. Sadly and yet unsurprisingly, nobody came except for Ymara, Basti, Clutch (of course since the rehearsals would be at his building), Sang Woo and Austin himself. For some reason, he brought his “Imortal Costume Top”. He wore it without closing, making it look like a jacket. Renz soon came and in their boredom, they decided to make a music video for Poker Face starring Ymara as Lady Gaga and Renz as that random backup dancer. Horrifying… Austin also taught Sang Woo how to sing one of the original songs. By this point, Renz went down to buy some food. On his way back up, Clutch hurriedly ran to the other room. When Renz arrived and passed by said room, Clutch scared him to death. “Renz, you should have seen your face!” Clutch exclaimed. “Fine fine, whatever.” They got back in the room just as Renz for got something. “Wait, I forgot to buy something.” “What? More food?” “Yes…” Renz said as he ran back down. “What a d****e…” After a while, they saw a shadow in the window for a split second and a few footsteps. “Renz, is that you?” Ymara asked, frightened. There was no answer. “ANO RENZ? HA? MANANAKOT KA PA?! SIGE LANG! PATAY KA SA AKIN!” Clutch yelled (What Renz, Huh? You gonna scare us. Huh? Go ahead! I’m gonna kill you!) It was Renz after all. He aborted his plan after hearing Clutch’s death threat. After a while, everyone but Clutch left. Austin called up Kyle to drop by. When he arrived, he bid Clutch farewell and they went around the old neighborhood. “And they barely come to rehearsals. This is our last weekend rehearsal. The play’s on Wednesday!” “Well, you’ll make it through. I just know it.” “Whatever. Come what may, et cetera. Let’s go to Finds, just chill there.” “Sure.” They went to Finds beside Seton and they bought some drinks. “So… you’re over Summer?” Kyle asked. “Yeah. Actually, I have an Autumn already.” “No really? Who?” “I won’t tell you. We can play 20 questions.” “Fine, is she in your batch?” “Yes, of course. I’m not a pedophile nor do I fancy pedophiles, Dominic.” “Okay, sheesh, no need to go defensive on me girl.” “Just get on with it, d****t.” “Is she in your section?” “Yeah…” “Is she in Team Alpha?” “Yes.” “Man, I’m lucky. Is she in my team?” “Lucky streak over, boyo. Nope.” “Damn. Your team?” “Yes.” “Yes. For Pete’s sakes, Kyle, do you stalk me on Facebook?” “No, jeez! Oh yeah, who’s Pete?” “Your worst nightmare.” “I think I can make a guess.” “Alright. Who?” “Marise?” Kyle could’ve sworn Austin blushed. He remained silent. “Holy crap! Haha! That’s brilliant!” “Shh. Calm down, little boy!” “Hey, Rica lives down here, right?” “Yeah but don’t you think she’d be at the hotel?” “No… we met twice at her house, remember? I barely see her in the hotel for Pete’s sakes.” “Who’s Pete?” “Worst Nightmare.” “Anyway, why’d you ask?” “I wanna drop by to annoy her.” “Later, let’s talk about random s**t that neither of us cares about.” “Do you really mean the last part?” “Okay, maybe we can talk about stuff we care about.” “Like Marise?” “Kyle! Codenames, please!” “Who goes to this school on a weekend?” “Apparently, my advisers.” Sr. Jojo and Ms. Mac came out of the school and went towards the tricycle terminal. “Hi, Sir Jojo, Ms. Mac!” Austin said. “Hi Austin,” Ms. Mac said. “Why are you wearing that?” she said referring to the Imortal top. “I don’t really know… exactly.” “See you on Monday, Austin,” Sir Jojo said. “Bye!” They went to the tricycles as Austin sat back down. “Those are my totally awesome advisers.” “Woah, wait, advisers? As in both of them?” “Yeah. That’s what makes it so fun… well except last year where our co-ad tortured us beyond all recognition.” “Who?” “Okay.” They goofed about for the rest of the day, picking up Rica then going to Mo-on’s suite and picking him up. They went about the neighborhood talking about random stuff like Sr. Jomar from Sixth grade or whatnot. After a while, they went back to the Island and called it a day. That Monday, the quote of the day was from True Grit. “You must pay for everything in this world, one way and another. There is nothing free except the grace of God.” Joven just happened to have his laptop with him so Austin told him to search for the Poker Face vid and they had a good laugh that morning watching Renz dance like a retard. They had their SBA test that day. It was simply a test to assess students in three fields, English, Science, and Math. Science was the last test to be taken. Unfortunately, Jeffrey only arrived about halfway through the Science test and hilarity ensued. While they were in the library, something fairly hilarious happened. “So we were taking the test, “Austin said. “And out of nowhere, Jeffrey fricking marches into the classroom!” “Is he gonna have to retake the test?” Ernst asked. “Maybe.” “Hi, Ernst!” Maan said. “Oh my, this is a pleasant surprise,” Austin whispered to Bianca. Bianca punched Ernst in the side. “Hi!” “Remember that gift you gave me way back from Singapore?” “Yeah…” “You left the price on.” Austin and Bianca laughed really hard at this. “I’m not making fun of you or anything. I’m just telling you so it doesn’t happen in the future.” Ernst’s face was red with shame. “Anyway, bye.” She smiled and walked away. “Dude, that was the single most awesome thing I’ve ever seen… except for Autumn’s acting, that’s pretty awesome…” “Austin, shut up…” Ernst said. On the way back, Sr. Jojo updated Austin on the ongoing Academy Awards. Turns out that The Social Network lost Best Picture. Austin was saddened. The rest of the day was pretty boring, being spent on practices and the like. The next day reused a Forrest Gump quote. Morning was fairly boring. During Bio, they had this test. People kept on forgetting to cover their paper so Sr. Jojo retaliated by writing a giant “COVER YOUR PAPER” on both sides of the blackboard. Also, since time was running out for the year, Sr. Geck borrowed a period from Ms. Laurice. An advantage of this was that they had Math Class in the Computer Lab. Sr. Geck was not thrilled when he got out of the room and could barely move. During Lunch, they were rushing to the bridge. In this rush, Ernst had a full on collision with a grade schooler with French fries, knocking him to the ground. He tried to comfort the kid and promised to repay him. During the second Math Class of the day, Sr. Geck told them exactly why he cannot be their team manager again next year. “I mean, you want me to follow you guys? Next year I’ll be your teacher then the year after that and when you graduate, I’ll get out of here? I had a lot of fun with your batch and all I want is for you to let other teachers feel the happiness we felt…” Everyone was silent for a while until Jib broke the silence. “Missss Ditaaaassss….” CV broke into laughter at this. “What did Jib say?” Sr. Geck asked. “He said Ms. Ditas, sir.” You see, some high school teachers liked scaring the lower levels. Ms. Ditas was the pioneer of this. Most Freshmen and Sophomores were intimidated by her. Juniors knew what was up already. They practiced some more that night but were forced to go by a guard. This day was pretty sad because it was the medalist’s last day with CV… The next day was the first day of their quarterly tests. When they were done with the tests, Austin helped set up the music with Maan because it was, incidentally, their Play Date. While waiting for the time, Austin was teaching Justine Olaivar variations. In the background, Anne Nicole just lost her wallet and everything was going crazy. In fact, for the next few days, Austin, Maan, Ymara, Justine, and Anne would chill out since they weren’t required to be in their classes anymore. Jib was with them because he was leaving for the United States and he was never coming back. During Art time, they had one last practice and it was glorious. Austin was reading Fellowship of the Ring during Lunch break while Maan and Ymara were painting the backdrop. “Owen really is a good actor, huh?” Maan said. “He’s a, wait for it, STAR!” Austin said without lifting his eyes. “What really surprised me was Marise’s acting. She’s a natural.” “Of course,” Austin said in the same way. “Aww…” “Wait, you don’t know? I remember telling Ymara, I expected you to know by now.” “Can I tell her?” Ymara asked. “No point in hiding now, eh/?” So after a ton of set up, everyone went to the FBA Auditorium for the play. A lot of people were in costumes. First up was DOR, then CV, then DDN, then the other sections. DOR’s story was simple enough, someone died or something and he’s given a second chance. A few minutes into the play, a few girls were talking about Pokémon. Austin leaned in to whisper something into Ibarra’s ear. “Next thing you know, they’re singing the Pokémon theme song.” Out of nowhere, the Pokémon theme song began playing. “Son of a b***h, that was creepy…” Austin said as they laughed at the correct prediction. After a while, they were up. Austin went to the back of the stage exterior. Basti looked hilarious as Sir Leo and Jeffrey looked uncannily similar to Sir Mike. They led a prayer and went inside. Austin was nervous beyond the normal human capacity of nervousness. It started out okay but soon, it degenerated into disaster. Firstly, Mo-on thought Austin said “Lunch Time” so he told the actors to go to the lunch scene. Austin called them back and Ymara saved it with, “Oops! It’s not lunch after all!” Also, while scuffling in the corner, Austin tripped. He saved himself from the humiliation by teleporting back stage, causing Mo-on to screech in surprise. “Sorry.” “This is a disaster. Oh my God, help us.” “Austin, we lost part of the script,” Arianne said. “What do you mean?” Austin walked to the side and saw the script was all jumbled up on the floor. “Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. All the Angels and Saints, Hallelujah, save us!” “What do we do?” Marise asked. “Austin, check out my heartbeat!” Pat said, shoved herself next to him. It felt like there was a bomb going off in her chest every other second. “Skip to the last scene.” “May we call up Migz Canaveral to announce the judges?” Basti as Sir Leo said. “Our first judge is none other than, Miss. Sharon!” Chili stood up from the judge’s table. “Our second judge is Sir Geck!” Joven stood up and did his trademark “discipline them with closed fists” thing. “Our third judge is Sir Chris Aguda!” Ibarra stood up. The whole auditorium was laughing. Sir Edmond was telling him to take off his glasses to look more like Sir Chris. “And our final judge, the chairman of the board! Sir Leo.” Then the music started and the cheerleaders of the play did their performance (that was supposed to suck according to the script). Finally, it was the big moment. The soundtrack began and the main cast began the big performance. The highlight of which was Renz and Owen marching in “Sumo-San” mode to “Kung Fu Fighting” and then dancing away to The Vapor’s “Turning Japanese”. After their relatively crappy but nonetheless awesome performance, they went back outside. After changing, they watched DDN’s which was more random and incoherent but still managed to be more awesome. Austin sat there in defeat but he didn’t care. He rocked the stage with his beloved CV family for 40 minutes. He had no regrets… © 2011 RA Fernandez |
Added on December 20, 2011 Last Updated on December 20, 2011 Author![]() RA FernandezPhilippinesAboutI'm a simple man making my way through the universe. I do love writing as well and I'm still trying to improve my skill. more..Writing