03x40: Farce on a Saturday

03x40: Farce on a Saturday

A Chapter by RA Fernandez

CV continues to prepare for the play.



February 19 �" 20, 2011


     “So, Austin, do you know where Mars is located in the Solar System?” Mo-on asked.

     “Of course, fifth… err… fourth planet from the sun.”

     “Also, Mars is the red planet, is it not?”

     “True that…”

     “Mars is awesome. What about Mar is… e”

     “You play your games; I’ll stay in my fantasy, Ok?”

     “But how are you two?”

     “Friends. No more, no less. Ok?”

     “Oh, so now you’re the one saying, ‘Lalala, just friends’.”

     “I’m not saying ‘just friends’; I’m saying the truth.”

     “Hey, Austin,” Marise said, on her way from the elevator.

     “Speak of the angel,” Mo-on said.

     “Shut it.”

     “Is Scream 3 really in French?”

     She rented that DVD last night.

     “Umm, it wasn’t when I watched it.”

     “I can’t get rid of the French subtitles and the audio is all French.”

     “Well, I’ll just have to take a look. Hey, want to watch in the cinema?”


     “I’ll get you set up. You got the DVD?”

     “Right here,” she said as she held it up.

     “I’ll take that. Meet me in the third floor cinemas in five minutes.”

     “Am I invited?” Mo-on asked.

     “Depends, you wanna watch? I got a crapload of work to do for the play.”

     “Oh, right. Clutch’s building, later right?”

     “Actually, we meet at the bridge in Seton. I dunno, conservation of energy I guess.”

     “Ok then. See you in the cinema.”

     Austin stood up from the table in the dining area went to the third floor, Anti-Power Clause in check.


He fixed up the theatre and put in the CD.

     As he went down, Marise was there in a seat along with Mo-on and her little sister.

     “Hey, it’s all set up.”

     Austin switched off the lights and the movie started.

     “I’ll be in the Base if you need me.”


The unfortunate thing was he was arriving late for the practice since he had a Math (MTG) competition that day. He went to school in uniform and met up with Sr. Geck. His teammates were Korinna Castro from the freshmen, Fatima Vista from the Juniors, and Paulo Azucena from the Seniors.

     They went off to the contest while Austin was reading The Hobbit.

     They did fairly terribly in the contest. Out of six questions, they were confident of about two of them.

     They got home fairly early and Austin went straight to the school, after a quick wardrobe change.

     The cast was already there, along with the props committee and Sr. Geck. He was met with applause, sort of.

     Mo-on was painting as the cast members were goofing off.

     “Hey, how was the movie?”

     “Meh… The first two were better.”

     “Agreed. Alright guys, let’s get this show on the road!”

     “Austin,” Justine said, “There are two main cast members here.”

     “Umm… I knew that. Still, two’s company, three’s a crowd, four is a fricking stampede and five, oh, you don’t want to know what five is.”

     “Austin…,” Ymara said. “We haven’t eaten Lunch.”

     “Lunch? Oh dear, that’s no big problem. Lunch is just a few minutes away. McDonald’s anyone?”


They were taking the portals downstairs to the city Seton. Then they would take the tricycles. The Anonymous was still under repair.

     They took three tricycles, one with Austin, the other with Marise and Kristina, the last with Dory and Karla.

     They arrived a few minutes later. Austin noted everyone’s order on his laptop and Marise took a picture but it was terribly blurry. They had to chalk it up to memory.

     Austin’s order was easy, Chicken Nuggets with a Monster Coke Float. Every had a regular Coke float except for Clutch, who had a Monster Coke Float as well, and Marise, who had none.

     After exhausting most of his money in his wallet right now, they walked out, ready to take the tricycle back.

     “Am I the only one without a Coke float?” Marise asked.

     “Umm… I think so. Why? You want one?”


     “I can get you one.”

     Austin took out his wallet and lo and behold, it was empty.

     Damn Anti-Power clause.

     “Aw shoot. I’m out of money.”

     “It’s okay. Hey, why don’t you ride with us, we’ll save on money.”


     Austin rode at the back of the tricycle as they rode back to Seton. They went to the motorpool at the back and teleported back to the Island Seton.

     So they ate their lunch up until a guard came up and told them they had no permit. Sr. Geck had already gone home so they were forced to evacuate to Clutch’s building.


They teleported to the rooftop and fixed up the place for prop making. The others occupied one of the vacant rooms (which was actually two vacant rooms and a living room.

     The cast was far from complete so this was just a big waste of time. Ymara fixed up the stage blockings as to not waste too much precious time.  

     While she was doing this, Austin went out and saw Marise talking to Josh Vivar, a student from Sarangani. Jib and Clutch were watching TV while Ibarra, Justine, and Sang Woo were doing the backdrop. Mo-on had to go already way back before they went here.

     After a bit more wasted time,  Austin finally took out a copy of the script and lined up all the cast members there. Namely, these people were Clutch, Marise, Ymara, Sang Woo, and Basti. He guided them as they rehearsed their lines.

     Marise and Basti were the best actors. The others followed very closely. In fact, Austin was happy that all the actors were at least good. Patricia Agbayani’s role hardly needed any practice, she had the role in the bag. It was the typical b***h cheerleader. She complained that it was too bitchy of a role, Austin said, “Just go with it.”

     Finally, it was just Austin, Marise, Kristina, and Clutch in the room they stayed in earlier. The others had already left and the people here called to be picked up.

     Austin showed them the music video for ZL2. They all agreed that Ibarra and Rachel looked cute together.

     “Hey, did you guys see my bracelet?” Marise asked.

     “Awhile ago, here on the bed, yeah…” Clutch said.

     “It’s missing.”

     They turned over the sheets and the pillows and found nothing.

     “Clutch, you’ll be staying later right? Just give it to me on Monday.”


    Then she received a text message.

     “My mom’s here. I gotta go. We’re gonna go somewhere. Bye guys,” she said.

     “Bye.” Austin said as the others went down. Austin stayed, acting cool and stuff. Suddenly, he stood up and fell on the ground.

     “I gotta find her bracelet. I have to!”

    He looked under the desks and under the bed. Lo and behold, there it was, under the center of the bed. He reached out and it was a few centimeters out of his reach. He crawled under the bed a little and finally, he got it.

     He rushed down the stairs and saw the boys hanging out there.

     “Hey, did you guys see Marise?”

     “Yeah. She’s over there,” Josh pointed around the corner of the building.

     “Go for her,” Jib said.

     Austin ran to the other and saw Marise waiting for the car to make a U-Turn.

     “Aut, err… Marise!”


     “I found your bracelet under the bed..”

     He handed it to her.


     “Bye. Take care.”

     “Sure. You too.”

     Austin smiled as he ran back up. The smile did not disappear from his face.


He didn’t want to go home yet so he spent a few hours talking with Clutch.

     “Sometimes, he just gets so annoying. I mean, Jib, there’s something about him that makes it so that, no matter how offensive his jokes are, they’re still funny. But him, I just want to reach in his throat and squeeze his voice box until he ends up sounding like Miss Becky. Pshh…” Austin said, suddenly bursting into laughter.

     “What? Why?”

     “I just imagined her voice coming out of his mouth.”

     He and Clutch laughed for a straight ten minutes, so loud actually that a guard went up to check on them to see if everything is okay.

     “Whoo…  That was a good one. “

     “From now on, when I say ‘F-B’, you know who it is.”

     “Haha, sure.”

     Austin left for that night, teleporting back to the Island.


The next day, they began training for the “Due Date” which was around March 22, 2011. Erika led these training session, not Austin. They made perfect use of the training rooms, both the smaller one and the one for vehicular testing.

     To describe them in great detail would be boring.

     The Anonymous was also fixed that day and Austin was thrilled. Overall, it was a pretty good week.

     Now, the thing they would be looking forward to would be the Intramurals. The next four days would be devoted to nothing but the Intramurals.

     Two months… two months have been leading to this. Pretty much the entire high school student body was excited for the next four days…

© 2011 RA Fernandez

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Added on December 2, 2011
Last Updated on December 2, 2011

The Next Level: The Mutant Bond


RA Fernandez
RA Fernandez


I'm a simple man making my way through the universe. I do love writing as well and I'm still trying to improve my skill. more..

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