![]() 03x31: A Return to RealityA Chapter by RA Fernandez![]() After the saddest Christmas Break of his life so far, Austin once again returns to school, trying to get back to the idealistic version of his life.![]() A RETURN TO REALITY The days went by as the fourth quarter came closer and closer. Over a night, the happiness ring broke down and Austin kept it in a secret box. Finally, it was January 5, 2011. The first day of the fourth quarter. Austin got particularly obsessed with Avenged Sevenfold as well over the last few days of vacation and spent the morning listening to Chapter Four. Ernst also began quoting Art of Subconscious Illusion: “This can’t be happening. Why is this happening? Who the **** are you? Who the ****!” Aside from that the morning was boring. The first subject was Math. “So, it’s a new year. Is there anything new?” Sr. Geck asked. “New movies…” Austin murmured. “New eyebags,” Jasvir said. “I’ve noticed.” “Sean, sir… New girlfriend,” Jib said. “No, I don’t” “Sean, you have a new girlfriend? Who is it?” Sr. Geck asked. “I don’t, sir.” “Newly circumcised, Sean…” Froilan said. “Hey, Sean. Froilan said newly circumcised,” Sr. Geck said. Cue Laughter. “Hindi ah! Ano ba yan?!” “Sean, joke lang.” They began their lesson for the quarter. Austin lent Ms. Sharon a copy of The Godfather and Dr. Strangelove that day as well. There was a mass that day and it was the usual mass. The period after the mass was Science time. Jib still hadn’t come to school that day. “Where’s Jib? Extended vacation?” Sr. Jojo said. “Sir, maybe he went to America,” someone suggested. “Yeah. I’ll miss you Jib, ‘til we meet again. Haha. Joke.” During ZL, Ms. Rose told them that the CCP Participants (which were pulled out every ZL time onwards) were not going to be part of them anymore for the fourth quarter. They were going to make groups of five and have their own output. Austin went with Rica, Mo-on, Rachel, and Ibarra and decided to do an A7X Unofficial Music Video. “Seize the Day or Dear God?” Rica asked. “Ibarra doesn’t know either and otherwise, we’re tied,” Mo-on said. “I know what to do. It is an ingenious solution. I take a coin and"“ he said before flipping the coin. “alright. Call it.” “Heads, Seize the Day,” Rica said. “It’s heads! Tada! Alright, we’ll be doing Seize the Day. Goodbye everybody, see you next time.” “We still have fifty-two minutes,” Mo-on said. “And we’re back! Seriously, I’m not funny, am I?” They shook their heads in unison. During Lunch, Austin proposed a solution to any problem to TEAGS. “Let’s say you’re at a metaphorical crossroads and you just do not know how to make a good decision. The only price you need is one peso.” He took out a coin and flipped it. “Just call it and there you go. It’s an elegant solution to any problem. I call it… the coin flip.” “Do you deliberately steal readily established ideas or do you have to research on it?” Bianca asked. “Do you deliberately set Ernst up as you boyfriend to hide your true feelings for someone else, let’s say… Owen?” “Would you like to suggest a new method of debate? How about side-to-side or simultaneous combustion?” Bianca said. “Dude, did you just make a pun out of spontaneous combustion whilst ridiculing Ernst?” “I think so. Why?” “Kudos.” They also began claiming that Ibarra hates Avenged Sevenfold’s Bassist, Johnny Christ. He denied it but Austin and Ernst claimed that “denial” was but a river in Egypt. When they got back in CV, Marise talked to Austin after a long time. “Hey Austin, how’s your dilemma?” “You know. I was conveniently looking back on everything and I remembered over the summer I quoted this song… You’re Beautiful by James Blunt. I only quoted part of the song. It went like ‘There must be an angel with a smile on her face when she thought up that I should be with you’ and that was it. I never finished the song. Well, what’s ironic is now, the way things went, the song finished.” “And how does it go from there?” “’But it’s time to face the truth. I will never be with you.’ Pitch perfect right? Not my singing but the lyrics.” “Aww… that’s okay. Are you fine now?” “I guess… I don’t know. My happiness ring kind of nearly, sorta, to a certain extent, broke over the break.” “That’s sad. You’ll get through it.” “It’s ZL time anyway. Getting through it is the least of my worries.” The rest of the school hours were nothing special. When he got back to the hotel, he went to the 18th floor to check on Erika and the others. He went in Erika’s room first. “Hey. How’s the room?” “It’s great. Cozy and stuff, yeah…” “If you need anything, just ring room service.” “I’ve been here for a few weeks, Austin. I think I’d know that.” “Right. Anyway, enjoy the rest of your stay.” He went to the next room which was Scarlett and Derek’s. “How’s the room?” “It’s great,” Derek said. “If you need anything"“ “Room service, right,” Scarlett said. “You heard me and Erika, didn’t you?” “Maybe… Hey look, do you like her?” “Of course I do. She helps a lot.” “You know what I mean.” “I’m sorry but my heart belongs to another.” “Oh, that’s okay.” “I’m kinda busy. How’s Nelson in the other room?” “He’s fine.” “Good.” “No problem. Enjoy your stay.” The next day, Austin’s accusations of Ibarra hating Johnny continued and his denial continued likewise. They dissed Ernst regarding his low-tech cellphone featuring green and black pixilated graphics. Other than that, it was a boring morning. Math class went back to its first quarter roots that day which was a pleasant surprise. During Recess, Ernst gave Austin a gift from Singapore which he visited during the break. Austin thanked him and went on his way. Fast forward to 12 Noon onwards. Pat and Migz switched seats for CCF and Migz kept on annoying Sean by taking all of his stuff. Sean played along with this, getting pissed off just for Migz’s amusement. It was a very dull day afterwards. When dismissal hit, Austin went to DDN to pick up Ernst. “Come on, let’s go!” Austin said. “Wait,” Ernst said, as if planning something. “What’s the matter? Did I forget you second birthday of the year or something?” “Shh...” Ernst said as he led them to the CV room. “What the hell is going on?” Ernst stood in front and Austin stood there as well, puzzled. “What are you"“ “Maan, this is for you,” Ernst said nervously, giving her the same gift only in green (Maan’s favorite color). “Thank you Ernst!” she said. The spectators didn’t even bother to screech tease. Maan walked away and Ernst maintained the stoic expression on his face. “My gosh. You hit 0.01st base!” Ernst remained silent, as if in disbelief. “Dude, let’s go. Unless you wanna give Owen one of those as well.” Ernst looked at his watch. “Eight, seven.” “Come on you bad mofo. There’s nothing left for us here.” “Three, two, one” Ernst jumped up and down in glee. “Alright! Let’s go!” he said with a smile on his face. The next day, Austin began Ibarra’s conversion into an A7X fan and Austin finally stopped his accusations. During Biology, everyone seemed somewhat sleepy. “Um… what’s the matter? Hello? Guys? Wake up!” Sr. Jojo said. They tried. They somewhat failed. “Come on! This is a very good lesson! What is this? AP?” Everyone laughed. “You don’t think I hear from other teachers? Ms. Mac told me about your AP classes.” This worked in the waking up department. Ms. Laurice borrowed the P.E. time from Sr. Anton for DDN so Sr. Anton, in turn, handled DOR and CV instead of DDN and CV. They went to the AVR 4 and they were tasked to present a skit with an anti-smoking message. Austin’s group’s presentation went like this: Ivan Chan was the main character. He walked up to some guys who gave him a cigarette. On his way home, he is stopped by his lifetime friend, Micherenz. Renz grabbed the cigarette from his hand and went crazy. “WHAT IS DIS? DO YOU KNOW DIS CAN KILL YOU?!” “I di"“ Ivan began. “THEN WHY ARE YOU USING ONE?!” “I-I"“ “DIS CAN KILL YOU SO STOP USING ONE!” “Yes, use two instead,” Owen said. Everyone broke into laughter at Owen’s comment but they were already laughing at Renz’s performance. His Doubting Thomas was infinitely better. During Lunch, Austin pulled a prank on Ernst by setting up a chair in the middle of the canteen and having Ernst chase him (since he has Ernst’s lunchbox) around the chair. Obviously, he failed until Austin decided to give it back. After Lunch, the CCP Participants were already gone. Sr. Geck assigned an assignment the other day and told Migz to ask them if they have homework. Migz went down. After a few minutes, Migz returned with the CCP Participants. “Migz, what did you say?” Sr. Geck asked. “Sir, I"“ “Guys, I told Migz to ask you if you have your homework. I didn’t tell him to bring you back here. Migz, talaga!” “Ahhh…” the CCP Participants said. “Just leave your homework to your seatmate. Sorry for the misunderstanding,” Sr. Geck said, glaring at Migz. The next period was AP and Sr. Leo left them with an activity since he had to attend to the CCP practices. They had to read the book and write down terms they’ve learned. When Sr. Leo left, the seating arrangement was thoroughly screwed. Marise sat beside Austin and he was happy to be sitting beside a friend instead of… whatever Pat was to him at that point. “Man, this is so friggin' boring!” Austin said. “I know right?” “This is boring, right?” Austin said to Aldrich, behind him. He just nodded. “So boring!” Marise said. “I can’t understand a single thing. Am I illiterate, unwilling, or just friggin' bored?!” Ms. Mac was in the other room. Sr. Leo asked her to watch over CV while he was gone. Froilan went to her and asked her in a lazy tone. “MISS MAC! CAN I GO TO THE BATHROOM?!” “No. Take your seat.” “MISS, WHY?!” “Why not?” This shut up Froilan as the rest broke into laughter. They retained the seating arrangement for English as Ms. Sharon also left them with a few slides to copy since the English department had a meeting. This was not boring since the slides were simple but in-depth and definitely comprehensible. During this session, the others were looking through Jeffrey’s stuff. “Hey, guys. Look at Jeffrey’s Guidance Journal,” Alecz said. “Hoy! Ibalik mo nga yan!” (Hey! Give that back!) “Jeffrey, cover lang. Look how he spelled Ms. Kit?” It was written in Jeffrey’s handwriting in all its glory: “Ms. Keith” “What? I can’t see!” Marise said. “He put ‘Ms. Keith’ as in K-E-I-T-H.” The entire class broke into laughter as they continued copying the slides. After classes, Austin chilled in the waiting area with Ernst, Nica, Bianca, and Janella. “How are you and Ernst?” Janella said in a teasing tone. In fact, she had been teasing Austin and Ernst a lot lately. “You know the teasing philosophy, Janella?” Austin asked. “No, why?” “It says that if you tease a person with another person romantically, that means subconsciously or consciously, you think that you deserve that person more than the one you are teasing him or her to.” “What?” “Hey!” “Wait, I think I get it. So you’re saying that when Janella teases you about Ernst, it means she thinks she deserves you more than Ernst does. Is that right?” Nica asked. “Exactly. So technically, I have the right to ask, what is going on here?” This shut everyone up. “I see that nothing is. Oh well. See you next week.” Monday came and the CCP Participants were gone early in the morning for rehearsals. Ms. Becky left them during the second period since she had to teach a few of the dancers how to dance (much to CV”s amazement). She told them to read their novel, “Mag-Anak na Cruz” Austin decided to sit beside Marise for good company. Mo-on, knowing his secret, saw this differently. “HI AUSTIN!” he said teasingly. Austin waved back and gave him a look. “This is so weird. Every chapter is self contained,” Marise said. “I know right? Absolutely no consistency.” “Man, what to do…” “Hey, that page you and few people liked last night on Face book. ‘Scientists say that a crush only last for four months"“ “’If it exceeds four months, it’s love’ Yeah.” “Today marks the 18th month. Absolutely sucks how that went.” “I know right?” “What are you guys talking about?” Bettina asked. Anyway, she joined the conversation and what was supposed to be about Mag-Anak na Cruz became talk about the uglier side of a romantic life. They eventually went to the brighter side right after Bettina asked Marise to buy her some stuff she failed to purchase herself. During Science time, Sr. Jojo reserved an AVR. The AVR had no sound and they were going to watch another episode of “Real World Science” They called the maintenance but Sr. Jojo was so excited. “Hurry, sir! We want to sing our favorite song!” Sr. Jojo said while essentially bouncing. “Real World Science! Real World Science!” Sr. Jojo said while dancing. The Maintenance guy, Sr. Gino, tried to suppress his laughter but CV did not. Finally, the audio was fixed and they all sang along to the theme song. It was glorious. Austin’s depression began to resurface at this point. His confusion and anger were evident during Lunch when he got the book with the storyboards of Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace and pointed out how Jar Jar was the worst bastardization of basic character structure since Mr. Freeze in Batman and Robin. Tuesday wasn’t any better since it was Janella’s 14th birthday. Austin stayed up all night to greet her on precisely 12 midnight. She did not reply but it was justifiable. Austin had watched Amistad last night and he gave MS. Sharon the HD copy to be used for her sections (CV, DOR, SK). During Science Time, they had a quiz. During the quiz, Sr. Jojo commented on how most of Katy Perry’s songs were borderline senseless but began to sing them anyway, particularly Firework and Peacock, much to CV”s amusement. Lunch was the single most painful moment of the day. Janella had a pizza from Yellow Cab and the Patola Family was gathered around it. She invited everyone, including Austin, to take a slice. While they were enjoying the pizza, the heavens striked down happiness and sent forth darkness from the other side of the canteen. “Wait… I’ll be back. I’ll just call someone…” Janella said. “Oh… Joel…” Nica murmured. Austin felt like dropping dead at that moment. Soon enough, Joel came in and took a slice. Everybody was as silent as a monk. Austin decided to break the silence. “So… how’s life?” Austin said. “Fine…” Joel said. “You?” “Great, I guess.” Silence continued. “Look at Alyssa,” Nica said. She was focused on her packed lunch but stopped eating due to the tension that she failed to notice she has been holding the same eating stance for a few minutes now. This broke the awkwardness for a few seconds before it inadvertently returned. During Filipino, they had to make a skit about marriage. Basti got married to Tasha but the feature presentation was Migz ending up pregnant. Other than that, it was another boring hour. They had to make a report about Neocolonialism. Austin’s group was seated outside and the wind decided to be rude by blowing their papers all over the place. “Damn you, wind!” Austin said. The wind just blew stronger. “Austin, cursing the wind won’t make it better,” Giannina said. “Wind, if you don’t stop. I swear, I’ll send you in the general direction of the current monsoon.” “That was not clever at all.” “I know right?!” Austin said as if insulting himself. “I’m just depressed I guess. I’m lonely, I’m tired, and I’m missing her again, oh no.” “Aren’t those Avenged Sevenfold lyrics?” Rachel asked. “Of course they are. You expect me to recite Justin Bieber lyrics. Over my dead body twice raped by a soul rapist.” “Every time you say ‘never say never’ your soul has been raped twice?” “’Never say never’ is a general phrase coined before Justin Bieber prostituted himself to the record companies who actually endorse the prick’s music. I can say 'never say never' and the b*****d can’t sue me even if I sing it in the blues scale.” “What?” “For American Neocolonialism, write down that they are underneath the country that gave us that damned abomination, disgrace of a woman, Justin Bieber.” “Obligatory Bieber Bashing. I like it.” “I disagree. I’d like to waste as little time on talking about that retard,” Austin said. Later in the waiting area, Austin, Joel, and Ernst chilled for a while just like old times. The only difference was that Joel has moved on to greener pastures in the meantime and his Ernst jokes were too mean spirited or just corny. He then moved on to a much more depressing area, Nica’s bus where she was talking to Janella. “Seriously, I prefer Austin,” Nica said. “Really now?” Austin said. “Yeah. I mean right now, you know?” “I prefer Austin too,’ Austin said. “You should really see her cellphone. Lots of quotes, jeez.” “I find life extremely unfair for the sole reason that she can be in my heart but I can’t be in hers.” “Yes, I know she is right there. I am enlightened,” Austin said to himself. “Aww… that’s sad…” “Hey, what was the name of your ex again?” Janella asked. “We were never together for Pete’s sakes. It was 2nd Grade!” “Still, what was it?” “Wasn’t that the Portula Girl?” Nica asked. Austin nodded. “Hey listen: Portula, Turla, Portula, Turla.” “Can you please… just stop…?” Austin said. “Sorry,” Nica said. Austin headed to the Anonymous and went back to the hotel. HE spent most of the night compiling A7X lyrics. He printed them out afterwards for tomorrow. The next day was pretty bland. Austin greeted Janella a belated Happy Birthday and that was his morning. During Math class, Austin was visibly depressed and this was Sr. Geck’s comment. “Are you okay, Austin?” “I guess…” “You know, you’re very transparent. It’s quite obvious if you’re sad, happy, but that’s not a bad thing.” Sr. Geck also opted for a much lighter “Judgment Day” by simply announcing the top 20. “Number 20, Karla Calingo. 19, Arianne Vicencio. 18, Marise Madlangbayan. 17. Sean Asprec. 16, Aldrich Albarillo. 15, Jade Delay. 14, Jib Lidasan. 13, Sang Woo Gwun. 12, Owen Cantillas. 11, Bettina Mendoza. 10, Justine Olaivar. 9, Alecz Barba. 8, Clutch Martin. 7, Rica Kamal Singh. 6, Dorothy Field. 5, Migz Canaveral. 4…” The suspense racked up around here. “Maan Jimenez…” Silence echoed through the classroom. “3, Austin Fernandez.” He was happy to make the top 5. “2…,” “Si Yara na yan. Number one si Basti. PA-BURGER NAMAN!” Joven said (That’s Yara. Basti’s Number One. BUY US BURGERS!) “Basti Gumapas. And number 1, Ymara Yap.” Applause rang through the room. It was a pleasant surprise. During Art class, Sr. Mike told them about their project for the 4th quarter: Musical Theater. They were going to make a play showcasing the different Asian Cultures. Austin was elected director and writer. The pitched idea was a Philippine version of Glee with an Asia-related soundtrack. Austin didn’t watch Glee so he tried to make it a bit more generic. Shame though, it would have been great. During Lunch, in the Library, Austin brought along the lyrics. “Ernst, I dare you to sing Nightmare all throughout. No stops,” Ernst said. “Anyone else may join.” Austin put the lyrics in front of them. “No need for that, I memorized the lyrics,” Rica and Ernst said at the exact same time. Rica began to tear up at this tragic coincidence. “It’s okay. ERNST KASI EH!” Mo-on said, blaming Ernst. Bianca and Ernst also mentioned that they used the solo of Nightmare to summon Nica. During the Creative ZL period, they began shooting the Music Video. They took advantage of the free space since the CCP Participants still weren’t there. Rachel and Ibarra were forced to be the couple since they opted for Dear God instead since it had simpler to shoot subject matter and, despite their deepest desires, practicality was much more important right now. They shot a lot of footage and it was a success more or less. Rica and Mo-on were the stock extras and Austin was the director. As director, he frequently stages shots in front of DDN as an excuse to see Janella. It failed. They continued shooting into the next period and they finished all the footage except for the band footage. When Exceptionality hit, Basti was late (Sr. Alan accepted him after Sr. Geck’s recommendation.) Austin, Lance, and Johan were given some stuff to answer. Basti entered late with his friends and they went the LoA table to talk with Ms. Mac. Sr. Alan entered a few minutes later and caught Basti red handed, much to Austin, Lance, and Johan’s amusement. In the waiting area, Rudi-Anne and Jenice asked Austin about Janella. Mo-on got him out of there before it got too ugly and they went with Johan. Austin had to go eventually but Mo-on convinced him to stay for a while, particularly in Sanglayon. “Anyway, Marise and I talked about this research by scientists. If a crush lasts more than four months, it’s love. It’s been 18 friggin’ months, man. I need therapy!” “Look Austin. It’s been a month and 11 days. It seems that nothing is working and time is taking too long. How about you let another unit of measurement do the trick: distance.” “You mean"“ “Keep your distance for a while. Don’t talk to her. Just take it easy. You should be back in no time.” “Hi Mo-on,” Kristina said, entering the Sanglayon Building from behind them. “Hi, Mo-on!” Marise said. She was with Kristina. “Hi guys!” “Hi Austin!” they said. “Hey!” They sat down across them. Marise was beside a familiar face. “So, how’s you and G12.” “I don’t know. We’re real good friends. That’s it.” “Filipino time last Monday, hello?!” “I didn’t want to seat alone!” “Any other observations?” “Well I do sit beside her a lot in the AVR’s. But that’s beside the point.” “Just think about what I said earlier okay?” Austin quickly glanced at the other table. “I’m pretty sure they’re not… you know.” “That does not concern me. I am enlightened.” “Alright. I guess it’s getting late. Let’s go.” Austin and Mo-on went back the hotel like usual. He spent the remaining hours on his laptop finishing the ENIGMA servers. He closed up his laptop and stayed up thinking about Mo-on said. He decided to try it and went to sleep. © 2011 RA Fernandez |
Added on June 25, 2011 Last Updated on June 25, 2011 Author![]() RA FernandezPhilippinesAboutI'm a simple man making my way through the universe. I do love writing as well and I'm still trying to improve my skill. more..Writing