![]() 02x40: The Future UnknownA Chapter by RA Fernandez![]() Bukidnon bids farewell to one another as the first year of Austin's high school year life comes to a close.![]() FUTURE UNKNOWN The next day, Austin only had one more test to take and it was the Filipino test. It was the second test so he spent the first free hour thinking about what to do that recess. The bell rang and he waited under the Mango Tree, desperately trying to comprehend Canal de la Reina. Eventually, Joel, along with Joseph and Lance, went to the mango tree. After a few minutes, Austin finally decided to do it. “Joel…” Joel looked at him. “Want to talk?” “Okay fine, I’m sorry okay?” Joel said. Austin couldn’t sense any sincerity and if there was any, it was very minimal. “I forgive you.” Austin stood up and went to the canteen to eat. After recess, it was the final hour of school. Sr. Philip was their proctor and what other way to spend the last one hour of their freshman lives than listen to Sr. Philip rock the electric guitar (silently) for ten minutes. When the bell finally rang, almost all of the students yelled in victory. These victory yells echoed across the hallway. This was Austin’s first experience with such and he hoped it would happen more in the following three years. He went to pick Janella up in the Bukidnon room. The other boys also went the Bukidnon room. Austin saw Ricardo take out his ballpen and hold it with both hands, one hand on each end, and raise it above his head. The other boys followed, so Austin did the same. When the girls went out, Rico shouted. “SIGAW NG PUGADLAWIN!” They all broke their ballpens in half and yelled once more. The girls laughed at this complete randomness and went on their own business. Austin went to Janella. “Hey there.” “Hi, Austin. Did you do it yet?” “Yup. It is done.” “Good.” Austin sensed something wrong. “What’s wrong?” “Nothing. It’s just the last day of school.” “Well, there’s the farewell party on Tuesday, are you going?” “I don’t know.” “What do you mean? Don’t you wanna say goodbye to Bukidnon?” “Yeah but I haven’t asked permission yet.” “Well, the venue is out of the way.” The party was going to be in Nabuaville, a few meters away from Seton in the city. “Well, I’m gonna go now…,” Janella said. “Okay then. Want me to take you there?” “Nah, I think I’ll try out the transports.” “Speaking of transports, it totally slipped my mind about your ID.” “Out of all the people, you forgot my ID?!” “I’m sorry, come on, I’ll take you to the terminal.” “I can’t believe you forgot that!” Janella said in disbelief as Austin teleported them to the waiting area. “I tend to forget things but I haven’t forgotten your favorite color.” Austin took her to the front transport car and changed the color to pink and black. “Maybe I have something in between short-term and long-term memory loss.” Janella was just chuckling at Austin’s “idiocy”. “May I have your ID, madam?” “Definitely monsieur.” “It slipped my mind, what’s French for ‘thank you?’ ” “Never studied French.” Austin updated her ID and gave it back. “Hmm… I’m going to have to look into that. Shall I guide you to your chariot?” “Are you coming with?” “I doubt people will take it well when I make my grand entrance in a pink car,” Austin said jokingly. “Come on. Don’t be so choosy.” “If you say so.” Austin stepped in and sat in shotgun. Janella put her ID in the slot and selected tenth floor. She set the speed to slow. Austin was staring out the window on his side. He looked over to Janella’s side and he could have sworn she was looking at him. “Hey, how is it?” “Lots of space, that’s good.” “Haha, want some music?” “No thanks. Is there a drive function here?” “Sadly, no. They just go directly to the terminals.” “Oh…” They just kept talking about random stuff while waiting for the car to reach the tenth floor. When they got there, Austin stepped out. “Need some help, ma Cherie?” he said, extending his hand. “Is that French?” she said, grabbing onto his arm. “Not really sure. I just wanted to call you ma Cherie.” “So I’m edible now?” she said jokingly. “What?” “Just kidding, sheesh, there you go with the seriousness again.” “I can be goofy,” he said as they continued walking towards her suite. “No you can’t.” “You should see me with Ernst and Kyle and Patrick and the other guys.” “I stand corrected. Just being with Ernst turns you into a goofball.” “I told you so.” They laughed as they reached her suite, “I guess I’ll be seeing you around?” “Yeah, sure. Bye.” “Bye…” Austin went to his suite and immediately slammed himself onto his bed. He checked his desk phone and he already had a message from Janella. “I’m gonna miss you. You can do it. It’s only three months after all. But a lot of things could still happen.” Austin remembered that Janella was one of the people who would go back to the city for the summer. “I’m gonna be fine. And really, what could happen?” “I don’t know… I’m not sure if now’s the best time but… ily. We’re just friends for the meantime, okay?” This caught Austin off guard. She just said it. He finally got what he had wanted since day one. He was so happy; he didn’t even bother with the last sentence. “Sure, that’s fine by me. Hey what are your plans for the summer?” “Not much yet but I’m planning to sleep, eat, and play.” “Oh… well I’m planning to go to a water park. The pools here get pretty boring since a lot of people go back to the city.” Later that night, while Austin was surfing the net, he received another message. “Sometimes I ask you: Do you really love me? You said, 'Yes', but why is it that you always make me cry? Is it really like that? You always hurt the ones you love?” More than once? Austin didn’t know about always but it hurt him once to hear her crying. He had actually made her cry before? “I’m sorry for those times, Janella. Those times are over, you can’t count on me.” “Oh well, Good night. I’m really sleepy. Haha. Justin the stuff toy says good night.” This made Austin smile… a lot. “Good night too. Sweet dreams.” Saturday was pretty uninteresting. Sunday however, Janella and Austin were talking over the desk phone again. “Good morning! How was your night?” “Oh, hey. Pretty suckish. I’d wake up every few hours. I woke up around 7 and went back sleep. Woke up around 8 and here we are now.” “I was up since 7. Haha.” Janella didn’t reply for a while but a few minutes later… “You know, it’s kinda hard to imagine.” “What?” Austin wasn’t offended at all. Janella made a good point in the last sentence, could he say it face to face? “Maybe, if I’m in the moment.” “What do you mean ‘in the moment’? Do you think you can say it on Tuesday? Never mind…” “Okay then. So does that mean you can come on Tuesday?” “Yeah, I can go but…” “But?” “Secret. Maybe you’re the one who ends up doing it when I say it.” Austin poofed up a bag of Doritos and started eating away. “I’m eating some delicious stuff, wanna come over?” “Nah, joke. Why don’t you bring me that stuff? You miss me? I think not…” “Of course I miss you but on another note, are you done with your clearance?” “Not yet, maybe on Tuesday, shoot, all of us have to be there next Friday right?” “Why, will you be in the city by then? I could poof you up.” ‘No thanks…” Austin spent the rest of the day optimizing the transport car terminals. When he was done with that, he went back to crash in his suite. Around 9 o’ clock, Janella sent him another message. “Goodnight. I’m sleepy already. Alaviah.” “Good night. I love you,” he replied. “Really? I hope it’s not 100%” “Why?” “They say to leave some for yourself right? Not 100%” “I don’t count it…” After a few minutes, she replied. “Fine, be that way…” “Hey, I’m sorry…” After a few more minutes, she replied again. “Sorry if I get mad easily. Goodnight. 143” The next morning, Austin saw a vase on his table with ice carved flowers in them. Janella had really mastered her powers if she could do that. There was a note stuck. “Good morning! Fresh flowers with Love and Care for the CUTE receiver from the LOVING sender.” Austin switched to cryokinesis and created a cryo field, decreasing the temperature in the area where the flowers were. Austin wore some normal civilian clothes and teleported to the Bukidnon Room. He was not the first one there. In fact, when he was in sight from the inside, Ernst began to laugh maniacally. Well, Ernst was there, and Joel was there, and a lot of other people were there but there was no sign of Janella. Joel was playing around with his recording of Tobuscus’ video about Farmville since they all detested Farmville. It was pretty funny but after a while, it just got old. And since Joel played more or less twenty-five times (no exaggeration), Austin just wanted to jam those speakers. “Oh yeah, Austin, Janella told me he couldn’t make it,” Joel said. How the hell did he get that information? Austin thought. Likewise, he said. “How the hell did you get that information?!” “She texted me.” “When?” “Last night” “She texted me this morning!” “Yeah, about that, I think she’s mad at you.” “No she isn’t.” “Well last night she was.” Austin decided to ignore Joel and go be a goofball with Ernst. Before he could “initiate”, Ernst already started screaming at the top of his voice for no apparent reason. “WILL YOU SHUT UP?” Bruce said. Ernst did not listen. Then, Justin arrived. Goofball mode engaged… “HEY! IT’S KEANU REEVES!” “Janella’s not coming!” Austin shut up. “Yeah, she said they were going somewhere…” Joel pointed out. “Who asked you?” Austin said. “Umm… Ernst did.” “What?” “Maan is going somewhere…” “WHERE?!” Austin returned his attention to the newly announced absence of the day. He had no choice but to move on and wait for tomorrow. After while, someone wrote “The Pen Is Black” on the board. Apparently, no one cared. Later that day, Ivan called Austin to the first floor bathroom. He flushed the center toilet and the drainage was screwed so it overflowed. Trivial but mildly entertaining. In fact, everything that happened in this day was trivial but that didn’t stop it from being fun. One notable event was when they got back to the classroom, a straw from the straw flower base last Christmas fell on the floor when they were cleaning up. The chairs were now piled in the edges of the classroom. Ernst slowly walked towards the straw and picked it up. Austin poofed up his camera and pointed it at Ernst. “I want you to lick it, dude. Lick it like you’ve never licked before,” Austin said. “It is time… let go.” Ernst brought up his right hand and used it to hold the other end. He then tore the straw in half. “Well, that’s the end of that addiction.” “I’ll get the barbecue sticks.” “NO!” “Oh yeah, does this mean you’re a virgin again?” “What the f… DUDE!” “Just kidding, I know you lost it at the age of 36.” “I do not know anymore…” “Lighten up buddy.” “BWAHAHAHA!!!’ Ernst started laughing. He was pointing behind Austin. When he looked, it was Justin and Joel in pitch combat with Justin wielding a broom and Joel wielding his hands. Nice to see someone had a sense of humor around here. He stayed until the afternoon. He got bored so he called Kyle. Kyle was there in a few minutes since he was still in the Recognition ceremony of his school. He arrived and went straight to Austin’s classroom. “Took you long enough. While they’re working their hearts out putting up the tarp, I’m going to annoy you.” “Is that what you called me here for? There’s barely anyone here.” Well, he was right. Only Ernst, John, Bam, Bruce, Clara, Laurenz and his partner, Patricia Agbayani, were left. Eventually, Ernst had gone to the Recognition ceremony downstairs. So Kyle was helping Bruce and Clara put up the tarp as Austin did the measurement and Math Stuff. Bam was providing entertainment and Laurenz was just sitting around with Pat. Eventually, Bruce would shout out Math problems, Austin would solve them mentally, he would complain loudly, Pat would tell him to tone down the volume, Clara would yell in defeat, Kyle would asked what he could do, and Luis Puzon just entered to judge whether the tarp was balanced on all sides. In short, it was a fun time. When they were done, Austin talked to Kyle. “Kyle, I need to tell you something…” “What?” “I’m gonna have to put you undercover next year.” “WHAT?” “I’ve decided this.” “When? Today?” “Apparently, yes. I need you, Berna, and Janella to go.” “Why? I mean, we did fine this year” “Do you consider what happened to me,” Austin said as he pointed to his band. “Fine?” Look, I need Janella and Berna to be stationed at Woodridge. You’re taking Seton itself, to prevent espionage like last year with Landers. We know how they roll, Kyle. We just need a bit more information.” “But that means…” “Yes but just for next year.” “NO! I need to get back in Seton.” “Kyle, it’s just a year. The teleporters in the main campus are always at your disposal. You can see us anytime.” “I mean the classes, the teachers, the atmosphere. I"“ “Kyle, just think about it, this can end all of our troubles. We can just have fun. No more Mastermind, just everyone, with superpowers, in school. The only worry is homework and heartbreak.” “Ugh… fine. Have you told Janella?” “Umm… no. I only thought of this today, remember? You tell Berna.” “Fine, you got them reservations?” “I arranged it.” “Okay then.” The next day, Austin woke up a bit late. He saw he had a message from Janella. “Austin, we need you here in school ASAP.” Without thinking, he zipped on his civilian clothes, stuffed his bag with swimming stuff and a Poker set, and teleported to the school. He teleported just before the staircase leading to the south wing. He ran in and Bruce and Clara were also there. He was met with Janella’s pissed expression. “Janella! Why’d you become grumpy when he arrived?” Clara asked. “No reason…” she said before putting a smile on her face. “Come on, let’s finish this up.” Clara told them to staple some decorative borders on the bigger tarpaulin. Bruce and Clara did the smaller tarp. Austin did the right side while Janella did the left. Soon they were done and they rested their backs on the backside of the glass showcase. Their hands were dirty, which reminded Austin of Han and Leia in the Millennium Falcon from Star Wars. This also reminded him that he was a nerd but he didn’t care. Soon Most of the Bukidnon people arrived. Austin brought out his camera. He turned it on and started vlogging. Whenever he turned the camera at Janella, she would block her face. “Why won’t you look?” “I don’t want to. Why would I look?” “Because you’re so beautiful today,” Austin said while looking at her straight in the eye and smiling. She stopped for a while before responding. “No I’m not…” Austin felt sad after this and turned off the camera. “Hey, let’s go!” Clara said. “Just us?” Austin asked since it was only him, Janella, Bruce, Clara, Aris, Mary, and Bambam. “Yeah, do you have any faster routes?” “We can take the transport cars but we’re going to need two.” “Sure but why don’t we just teleport?” “One, I’ve had enough of teleporting for the year. Two, it’s boring. And three, I wanna enjoy as much time as possible with Bukidnon and teleporting would do for me otherwise.” “Okay, if you say so.” They walked to the waiting area. “Umm, we need two executive ID’s.” Janella raised her ID. He didn’t think this over too well since they had to take separate cars now. “Okay, you take that car. I’ll take this one.” “We’ll just sit in the back of yours, Austin,” Bruce said. “I guess I have to go with Janella,” Bam said. “Me too.” Mary said. Aris went with Austin’s car and he set it to the basement. He used their link to relay the instructions to Janella. Eventually, they go to the basement where they used the touch screen to control the new and improved roundhouse. It was directed towards the school. They arrived at the school and Austin put an illusionism over the cars, making them look like tricycles. They arrived at Nabuaville and they departed the cars. Austin teleported the cars back to the island. They entered the place to find Job, Nash, Hiro, Arjona, and John already there. After a few minutes, Luis and Sean arrived, even though they weren’t Bukidnon. They were just as welcome as anybody because Bukidnon is awesome like that. They probably went Bukidnon’s Farewell Party because MOC’s adviser was Ms. Ruby or something else. After a while, the class was there and the party was started. Austin dished out the Poker set and played with Hiro, Luis, John, Michael, Nash, and PJ. John was winning most of the rounds since he was awesome like that. After a few rounds, Guen went to Austin. “Austin, you gotta get in the pool.” “Why?” “Janella’s just sitting there, quietly.” “Guys, distribute my money between y’all. I’m retiring from the table.” “I’m dealer!” John said. Austin rushed to the vacant room at the back and changed to his swimming attire. He lowered himself into the pool and pulled himself up beside Janella. “Hi there.” “You were long gone…” “I’m sorry.” “It’s okay… You’re here now.” Bam plugged in his guitar and started playing some music. Not that they needed music since there was a stereo system. The party went on, with Hiro and Arjona pushing people into the pool mercilessly. When you think it’s over and you’ve pulled yourself out of water, they come in to push you back in. This happened to Austin but in a predictable twist, Janella was the one to push him. Best. Experience. Ever. A few hours later, Austin decided to tell Janella about the undercover thing. She took it well enough since they could go to Seton but Berna chose to stay out of Seton to better keep her cover. At around five, Sr. Leo arrived but not Sr. Edmond, probably due to mountains of paperwork. Austin went out of the pool and went to the poker table with Janella, The poker boys were pretty much all in the pool, pushing and getting pushed. Sr. Leo was playing solitaire while talking to Austin and Janella. After a while, Janella left to talk to Justin. Then Sr. Leo quickly changed his tone. “Austin, nice one,” he said teasingly “Well, thanks.” “Are you courting her yet?” “Not yet.” “Well,” John said, walking in. “If you ask me, now’s the time.” “Well…” “Hey, whatcha talking about?” Janella said, coming out from nowhere. “Nothing really,” John said. Janella sat beside Austin, watching Sr. Leo completely fail at Solitaire. “What’s wrong, sir? Can’t win?” “I can do this.” “Austin, you still going in the pool?” “Maybe later.” “I dunno about you but I’m making the most of it.” Janella went away. “Austin…” Sr. Leo said. “Yes, sir?” “I think you know what I’m going to say.” “Not really.” “About the ARM’s” “Oh, I knew it was you since February.” “Sorry about that, it was Dr. Suarez’s precautionary orders. You know, against possible intruders. Apparently, it worked both for and against us.” “That was the reason? All the trouble for that?!” Austin thought. “Well, I have to admit, some of those were placed for my convenience but still.” “Behind the blackboard!”Austin thought immediately. “Sir, it’s okay. Will there be ARM’s next year?” “No, Dr. Suarez is planning another precaution next year.” “Oh…” Suddenly, Janella dropped Austin’s jacket on him. “You’re going to get a cold!” Janella said. “Not if I go back into the pool!” Janella fled the pool where Austin followed. Sr. Leo just resumed his game. At the pool, they continued talking. “So do your parents know?” Austin asked. “Well, they saw your gifts. Giant teddy bears tend to be noticed you know.” “And what did they say?” “They said not now. My parents are teasing me about it a little. My brother’s just gonna be there to guard me.” “Oh…” “That completely sucks!” Justin said angrily from behind them. “Why?” Janella asked. “I was swimming around in that part underwater. I ran out of breath and when I want above sea level, Guen was taking a picture of Kat and Alecz and I was in the middle.” “Aww... tough luck.” “Worst case scenario? It’s going to be on Facebook,” Austin said. When it was time to order dinner, they settled for Chicken Fillet at McDonalds. Bambam provided the entertainment via guitar. When everyone was done, they were sitting around. Austin was back beside Janella. He was trying to impress her with magic tricks. He was moderately amazed and tried the tricks on John. John, being the master he is, deliberately pointed out Austin’s obvious sleights of hand. Soon it was just Janella and Austin. He rested her head on his shoulder. Really, this was all Austin wanted for tonight. There were no words. It was just the girl of his dream rested on his shoulder. But he brought his mind back what she said. “Do you think you can say it on Tuesday?” He tried to say it. It was the perfect moment. But no, he was such a coward. He hated himself for ruining the perfect moment. All was lost when Janella stood up. “I’m gonna take a bath already. You should to, it’s getting late.” She went off to the back. Sean then approached Austin. “Austin, nice one! I caught you two on camera…” he said. “WHAT?!” Sean gave Austin a pat on the back and went back the DRIX corner where Bam, Luis, and Bruce were sitting. Janella came out a few minutes later and went back to Austin. Justin came to them and sat beside Janella. “Aww… Justin. This is the last day…” Janella said. “I know. I’m really gonna miss you.” Justin didn’t know about the undercover thing yet. It was almost 9 o’ clock. Justin’s car arrived and she hugged Janella goodbye. Sr. Leo was talking to the other students. When Kat and Alecz were picked up, PJ also went with them and PJ had no choice to sit at the back beside Kat. “Guen! PJ’s sitting beside Kat! What are you gonna do about it?!” Sr. Leo said. Everyone was laughing except Austin and Janella in the corner. “I’m really gonna miss you, Austin.” “Me too. I mean, three months. Jeez.” “We still have our cellphones.” “That’s true…” Janella noticed Austin was sadder than her. “Why are you so sad? Aside from the obvious of course…” Austin didn’t respond soon enough. “I know. It’s because you won’t see me. Here…” Janella went to her wallet and took out a picture of her. She gave it to Austin. “Just don’t show it to anyone.” “Of course.” Austin looked at it for a while. She was so beautiful in the picture. He put it in his wallet. Janella was standing up even if there was a vacant seat. Austin stood up beside her. “What’s wrong?” “I’m just really gonna miss you.” Austin couldn’t reply to this since if he did, it would be really cheesy. She suddenly outstretched her arms as if she was reaching for a hug. “Can I get a hug?” This wasn’t even a decision for Austin. He got ready for one when Janella suddenly retreated. “Never mind, there’s too many people.” “They won’t mind.” “No really, never mind.” BEEP! Sr. Leo stood up and checked whose car it was. “Janella!” Janella stood up and went out. Austin wanted to follow her. He went out as well and went with the other boys outside who were shouting at an empty building across the road, causing echoes. Sr. Leo had a brilliant idea. “Nash, how will you get home?” “They’ll be picking me up.” “Stefan, how about you?” Janella was still outside her car. Her mom was outside and she was convincing her to get back in. Sr. Leo asked all the boys outside in a pretty loud voice. Janella finally got her mom to go back in and her car drove away. “Obviously, she was looking for Austin,” Sr. Leo said. “That’s why I was calling you one by one.” “Eh, let’s go in. It’s boring out here,” Nash said. They went in and Austin followed. Before he went in, he went back to look at the road one more time, Janella’s car was gone. He had said all that he could. Everything was fine at last. But then again, he didn’t say those three words. © 2011 RA Fernandez |
Added on May 20, 2011 Last Updated on May 20, 2011 Author![]() RA FernandezPhilippinesAboutI'm a simple man making my way through the universe. I do love writing as well and I'm still trying to improve my skill. more..Writing