![]() 02x25: Back in ControlA Chapter by RA Fernandez![]() Austin continues to put his life together but this is helped by a rvelatioon he has been waiting for since Day 1.![]() BACK IN CONTROL Sunday was a pretty boring day. Janella was away with her parents that day. Patrick was somewhere else that day. In short, all his friends were trying to catch up on their lives. Austin understood this and spent the whole day in his study, motivated by Janella’s snow globe, trying to fix some problems around the island. Austin had already defeated Spike and he’s back in control. The only problem now would be to find out where the A.R.M.’s all over the school were coming from and to destroy the Mastermind himself. He didn’t make much progress though and spent the rest of the day watching movies in the theater. It was a double feature of Zombieland and The Hangover. Monday finally came and after a month and six days, he was going to his beloved school again. He did the morning routine and teleported off to school. The usual assembly was in place. He sat under the mango tree nearest to the FBA Lobby, the usual hang-out spot for their group. Unlike the other “groups” in the school, theirs didn’t have a name because they weren’t “recognized and official.” The members were basically him, Ivan, Joel, Ernst, Roey, Jericho, JB, Pocholo, Johan, Joseph, Michael, Jianne, and Anton to name a few. They stayed here until the bell rang. They went to their respective lines but Austin’s return to his line was the happiest moment of this year so far. “Austin? OMG! AUSTIN, YOU’RE BACK!” Alyssa said. “Austin?” Queennie said. “Yeah, he’s been back since yesterday.” “How’d you know, Queennie? It was supposed to be a surprise.” “Well, considering all the crap that went down last Friday, we ain’t surprised,” Justin said. “AUSTIN! HAHA!” Rico yelled behind him as he crushed Austin’s shoulders when he placed his arm over him. “I knew all that crazy s**t would finally pay off!” “Nice to see you too, Rico. Thanks again for the help.” “No problem! HEY! BUKIDNON! AUSTIN’S BACK!” Okay, not only Bukidnon heard this quiet announcement but so did everyone else. “Attention. Our morning assembly is about to start.” Everyone’s attention diverted to the stage. The assembly went on as usual, prayer, national anthem, but before they sang the hymn, Dr. Suarez stepped on stage. “Good morning, students. I am here today to tell you that the dark times are over! Our Power Regulations Unit Head has finally returned.” Bukidnon was really the only section who cheered along with some other friends of Austin’s in the other sections. The other batches practically didn’t care. “I am pleased to say that the rest of the school year will pretty much be smooth sailing from here. That is all. Thank you and good day!” They sang the Seton Hymn and headed back to the classrooms. The first period on Mondays was Homeroom. The usual uneventful Homeroom had transformed into a Homecoming for Austin. It lasted for fifteen minutes then Sr. Leo broke it up and told everyone to just go about their own business, quietly, he emphasized along with his eyebrows raising. Austin was just so glad to be back, John up north, Janella on the northeast, Ernst far north, Joel far south, even his seatmate, Mary, who usually annoyed him, seemed like a warm welcome. Bukidnon had never felt more like home. He could finally see his friends again and his advisers. Austin realized just how important everything was. “Austin, come here for a minute,” Sr. Edmond said. Austin followed instructions and came over to the teacher’s table. “How are you now?” Sr. Edmond asked. “I’m pretty fine now. Never better,” Austin said with a smile. He noticed how often he’d been smiling lately. “You want to catch up on schoolwork or do you want me to appeal for an exemption?” “Oh, catching up’s fine, sir. I think it’ll make up for the trouble I caused.” “Oh, good…” They remained quiet for a while. This silence was broken by Sr. Edmond giving his trademark teasing smile at Austin before asking, “So, did you miss Janella?” Austin knew that this was proof that life was back to normal and he was back in control. He wanted to make the most of it now and what better way to start than a straightforward answer? “Of course I did, Sr. Edmond. Every single day…” Sr. Edmond just smiled at this. Austin had that strange feeling again. “Sir, do you mind if I tell you something?” “No, go ahead!” “That feeling, this whole past month, I was conscious but I couldn’t control it. I was watching through my eyes but I couldn’t stop the carnage happening all around me. But the thing I missed the most was… her, and my friends, and pretty much all you guys. I wasn’t thinking about the carnage as much as I was thinking about getting back here. I got my priorities all mixed up, Sir.” “Well…, it’s understandable considering what happened to you technically didn’t happen to anyone back then but over time, you’ll see the right path.” “Thanks sir. It’s really is nice to see you guys again.” Austin sat back down and John turned in his chair to face Austin. “Dude, it’s been a hell of a long time!” “No kidding. I missed you guys.” “Even this t**d behind me?” John said pointing to Ernst, torturing his seatmate with laughing gas. “Wait a second,” Austin said as he psychic slapped Ernst. “Hey a*****e, stop torturing your seatmate.” Ernst just smiled seeing that things were definitely back to normal. “You know John, I did miss that t**d. Life just isn’t complete without a t**d.” “Is that some kind of proverb from hell?” “I don’t know. Haha.” They just laughed at this. Austin passed a side glance at Janella. She smiled back at him but this smile felt different, it felt deeper. Maybe the Cheshire Cat was back and screwing with his head all over again. The next period was Science. Ms. Delia acknowledged Austin’s return and carried on with her lesson. It was getting the volume of solid objects. After a while of discussion, she gave out ten problems which they had to solve. “These ten problems are individually graded. You can, however, go around the classroom, sit wherever you like, and ask help from your friends.” Austin was stuck helping out Mary. He laid it all out. “Just look at the formulas and substitute the values. You’ll never get a wrong answer if you do that.” “Okay, THANKS AUSTIN!” “No problem, can I go now?” “Sure, go, I’ll handle this.” “If you need me just give me a shout.” Austin, of course, went to the back part of the room where Janella was with Queennie. They seemed to be talking about something not related to finding volumes. He sat in one of the two chairs in front of them, beside Bam. “Hey, Janella. Need help?” “Queennie’s teaching me actually,” Janella said. “Oh, haha. Let me thank her on your behalf. Thanks, Queennie.” “No problem,” Queennie said. They remained quiet while Austin was staring off into space. “Should I tell him?” Queennie whispered to Janella. “No, don’t!” “Tell me what?” Austin said, hearing Queennie’s question. “Nothing, it’s nothing,” Janella said. “I need to tell him,” Queennie told Janella. “Queennie, don’t,” Janella said in a firm tone. “Come on, I can keep a secret. Will it destroy my life forever, well, ole’ Mastermind did that already. Come on, tell me!” “Do you know who Janella’s crush is?” Queennie asked. “If I remember correctly from before I was ruined, Jeremiah Jan Vivar, ai-je raison?” “Ai-je, what?” “It’s French for ‘am I right?’ “ “In that case, you’re wrong.” Janella didn’t even look mad; there was a slight look of relief in her face. Austin knew immediately what was about to happen but he decided to play ball for a while. “Then who is it?” “You seriously don’t know?” “Nope,” “He’s sitting right in front of me.” Janella whispered something in Queennie’s ear. “And he’s obsessed with Zombieland.” That pretty much narrowed it down. “Well? Make your move!” Queennie said. Austin couldn’t help but smile. “I really don’t know. Not now,” Austin said as the smile faded. “AUSTIN, YOU GOOD FOR NOTHING COWARD!” he thought to himself. “Well, ok then…” “How about you and Bambam, Queennie.” “Aww… that’s nothing!” Austin smiled at Janella as she gave her the same smile as earlier. Austin couldn’t help but think that he finally got his reward. Austin finally hit MU status with Janella. Best. Day. Ever. Recess was after this and it was pretty standard. He got to spend time with Joel and Ernst again. English came after recess. Sr. Rommel started off Austin’s return to the subject with a unique project. “This quarter, you will have to present a formal speech in front. This speech will deal with socio-political issues. The speech can be made by you or with the help of your parents. You have to cite two sources following the regular format. The speech is to be submitted on December 9, 2009.” “Sir!” Mary started, “Since it’s a formal speech, do we have to wear formal attire as well?” “Well of course! Thank you for reminding me. You will wear formal attire as well.” This was a somewhat unique twist to the usual project but it was going to be a challenge. The rest of the day went on like usual but Austin was just taking in every moment like it was the very first time he experienced it. It was like being reborn, really. The rest of the week was pretty uninteresting from a normal point of view but Austin was enjoying every second. Wednesday came and it was a pretty standard day again. When English time came, Austin submitted the speech along with everyone else’s. Sr. Rommel returned them all. “I said ‘follow the format’ most of these papers do not. Arial 10, justified, double space! This means that all of you already have a 10 point deduction.” Sr. Rommel was definitely nicer than this. He was, after all, in Austin’s top 5 teachers. Sr. Rommel accepted some speeches on Thursday though, except Austin’s and a few others. He missed one little thing in the format, it was in Arial 12. Looks like another 10 point deduction. The very last period of Thursday was Mentoring or Guidance. It was more commonly known as “free time” to ESS students, or at least in Bukidnon where this was most evident. This time, they were simply preparing for a new activity. There was going to be a contest where a choral group from each section had to sing a song. For the Freshmen, it was a Tagalog song entitled “Tanging Yaman”. This was a few weeks ago and they kept a few spaces open in case the ASG members of Bukidnon wanted to join. Austin didn’t join, Janella didn’t join, Joel didn’t join, Justin didn’t join, Bam joined only because Bruce joined and they weren’t going to sing but instead would accompany the choir with guitars. Ernst joined because he believes he can sing better than Lady Gaga. Austin had two of his best friends in there so that’s a good thing. He couldn’t sing to save his life. Friday was the day Sr. Rommel finally accepted it. This finally relieved Austin of his stress. “So over the Christmas Break, you guys memorize your speeches and prepare your formal clothes. We will have our speeches when we come back in January.” Fast forward a few days and it was Monday again. The choral group started practicing. The contest was on Thursday, after the Quarterly tests, which would be taking place on the next three days. The Christmas Party and Christmas Dance would take place on Friday. Hell Week # 3 for the students came but for Austin and the ASG, it was HELL WEEK # 7 for all they cared. The final test was finally over and Bukidnon was in for one last rehearsal afterwards. The test ended at 10:30 AM and they we’re staying until the contest on 12:00 NN. They were practicing behind the Bio Dome. Austin stayed because Janella stayed because some of the male members of the speech choir escaped and Janella volunteered to fill in the spots. “Come on guys, modulate your voice!” Clara said. She was leading the group. Austin wasn’t helping one bit he was munching away at his Choc-Nut, a new addiction he developed since he tasted one last week. Austin was just smiling at Janella but she was focused on the choir. “That’s it guys. There’s no way we’re even gonna qualify for last place if we only have these members. We need more singers, at least three? Give or take.” Austin was walking nonchalantly around the area. “Austin?” Janella asked. He knew what was coming alright, he did not want to break her heart. But, how? “Yeah?” “Do you mind if you join the choir?” “Janella, I’m very very sorry.” “You’ll just have to stay at the back. We’ll sing loud up front so they won’t hear your voice.” “I’m really sorry Janella. I really just can’t sing.” “Please Austin, for me.” Austin was breaking his own heart. She was giving him that same smile she gave him over a week ago. “Janella…” The way Austin said her name immediately caused the smile to disappear from her face. “…I’m so sorry.” She just walked away, towards the waiting area. Austin was thinking about what he had just done. This moment of thought had probably lasted enough to let Janella reach the waiting area. Austin switched the band to “Space Manipulation” and tried teleporting to the waiting area. Strangely, nothing happened. There was nothing wrong with the band, he used it to teleport around the school earlier. Then it struck him as he was staring into the distance wondering why he couldn’t teleport, there was a black rock in the Bio Dome. He opened the gate and stepped inside, it was definitely an A.R.M. To make matters worse, Sr. Leo walked over to them. “BUKIDNON! WHAT IS THIS FARCE?!” Austin turned to face Sr. Leo’s anger. “Okay, Bukidnon. Let’s make one simple deal. Make sure that when you go to the FBA Auditorium and present yourselves, it’s at least presentable,” Sr. Leo said, raising his eyebrows at “at least” “If you’re going to go up there and give the judges a useless presentation, don’t expect me to show up at the Christmas Party tomorrow!” “Yes, Sir Leo,” Bukidnon said in a sad tone. Austin’s blood was boiling. It wasn’t over. Why was there some A.R.M. left over? Why was he such an a*****e to Janella earlier on? Why was Sr. Leo being such an a*****e right now? Why was Bukidnon lacking unity at the moment. Two weeks of being back in control and his life had already gone back to the shitstorm it was very well known for. © 2011 RA Fernandez |
Added on May 20, 2011 Last Updated on May 20, 2011 Author![]() RA FernandezPhilippinesAboutI'm a simple man making my way through the universe. I do love writing as well and I'm still trying to improve my skill. more..Writing