02x20: Approaching the Deadline

02x20: Approaching the Deadline

A Chapter by RA Fernandez

Kyle heads back to the Island after complications arise from the previous encounter.




     “Turn it off…”

     Berna stood up and took out the CD. She switched off the TV as she sat beside Kyle.


     “Berna, when Ernst gets here, give him the tape, the other groups need to know what Austin is capable of.”

     “They know what he’s capable of, Kyle. They were just in a mall…, which was blown up by him!”

     “That’s out in the open. They don’t know what he’ll do when he’s got them trapped in a room.”

     “Ok, fine, but here’s the deal, don’t let Janella see this.”

     “Yes, of course.”

     “Want something to eat?”

     Kyle looked at Berna.


     “It’s not any worse than those Saw movies you watch.”

     “Those movies are fiction. THIS IS OUR FRIEND, KILLING AN OLD DEFENSELESS MAN!”

     Berna looked at her clasped hands, resting on her lap.

     “Look, I’m sorry. I need to rest some more.”

    “It’s ok, I understand. I know how you feel.”

     Berna stood up and went towards the door as Kyle laid down.

     “Wait, Berna!”

     She stopped at the doorframe and looked back.

     “Stay with me for a while.”

     She sat on the bed and took off her shoes. She laid down.

     “Wow… I just realized how tired I was.”

     “Let’s just rest for a while.”


Berna and Kyle fell asleep after a few minutes. Group A, Janella included, made it back to the hotel a few more minutes later. They went in their suite except for Ernst, who rang the bell in Group C’s suite.


    Berna woke up and saw Kyle was still asleep. She lifted herself up psychically to avoid waking Kyle up. She went to the door and opened it.

     “Ernst! Where are the others?’

    “My group’s in our suite. There’s nothing left of the mall.”

     “What about Group B?”

     “Michael’s in the hospital. He’s suffering some burns. Lanz and Roey are with him. Cedric and Ivan are on their way here I think.”

     “I have something to give you. Kyle wants everyone to watch it. He says it’s a lot worse than a Saw movie.”

     “A movie? At a time like this?”

     “It’s not a movie. I warn you, it’s extremely disturbing.”

     “Give it then.”

     Berna took the CD out of her pocket and gave it to Ernst.

     “Make sure Janella doesn’t see that.”


     “Just don’t let her see that.”


     “I need your word, Ernst.”

     “I promise! Sheesh.”


     Berna closed the door after Ernst left. She went back in the room. Kyle was still asleep. She laid back down beside him.


     Without a choice, Berna stood back up and opened the door. It was Janella.

     “Janella! Are you okay?”

     “Yeah. Still feel a little bit hot from all that heat. I can’t get rid of some of it. I’ve been trying since Ernst woke me up. By the way, there are no girls in Group A, their suite sucks.”

     “Get in. It’s cold in here.”

     “It’s colder in the hospital. Haha, just kidding.”

     “Uh-huh… Try to keep it down. Kyle’s asleep.”

     “Well, ok. I think I’m just gonna bunk on the couch. As usual, I never got to sleep on a bed since TWO WEEKS AGO!”

     “SHHH! Janella, are you okay?”

     “My head hurts. All this heat seems to center around my head. Can you help me get to the couch?”

     “Sure, come on.”

     Berna supported Janella on the way to the couch. Janella sat down and laid her head down on a pillow.

     “I haven’t felt normal since I absorbed all that heat and can’t get rid of it.”

     Berna sat on the other couch.

     “Well, you seem to be having some ‘Austin-style’ breakdowns.”

     “Why?” Janella said weakly.

     “Maybe he put a little bit of his personality in those fire bombs or something.”

     “Maybe, I’m just gonna crash.”

     “Well, one good thing sprouted from that.”


     “You’re a bit looser, not uptight like the past few weeks.”

     “Haha…, yeah. I do feel kind of better.”

     “Why did you go to Ernst’s suite anyway?”

     “I don’t know. I didn’t want to disturb you and Kyle,” she said in a suggestive tone.

     “D****t, that’s definitely Austin.”

     “I’m sorry. I don’t know what got into me. I’ll just go to sleep.”

     “It’s okay. I understand.”

     Berna stood up and went towards their room.


     “Gosh, it’s been a bad day,” she whispered to herself as she opened the door.

     “Patrick, Sam, you two okay?”

     Patrick looked fine but Sam looked extremely tired.

     “Yeah, just tired,” Patrick said.

     “Hey Patrick, wanna watch Astro Boy just to make fun of it?” Janella shouted across the room.

     “Huh?” Patrick said.

     “Long story, I’ll explain later.”

     “Okay, I’ll just take Sam to the room.”

     “If the doorbell rings, do you mind answering it?”

     “No, not at all.”


    Patrick and Sam went in their room as Berna went in hers.


It was pretty quiet that afternoon. Kyle slept for about two hours. He and Berna went out at around 4:00.

     “So she’s acting a little bit like Austin?”

     “Well, she’s teasing us and she seems a bit looser.”

     “This could be interesting.”

     “I think the word you’re looking for is annoying.”

     “Maybe…, where’s the CD?”

     “With Ernst.”

     “Did Group B arrive yet?”

     “Michael’s injured, Cedric and Ivan are in the other room.”

     “Cedric, ugh…”

     “Now do you want something to eat?”


     “Good morning, world. I’m alive!” Janella said. “Hey Kyle! How was your nap? Dream good?”

     “Keep on shaking that heat off, Janella,” Kyle said.

     “Berna, you told him? Awww… that sucks. Anyway, will do sir, Kyle, sir.”

     Kyle leaned over to Berna.

     “I see what you mean by annoying.”

     “So, what’s next? We stay here? Wait for Austin to attack someplace else?”

     “This is Austin’s first major attack. Since Blaine Estaquilla at least. I want to go back to the island and report to Dr. Suarez. Maybe she can give us insight on our next move.”

     “Okay. Should I tell Ernst’s group?”

     “Later, I’m starved. I’m planning to let them stay here just in case.”

     “You want a sandwich?”


     Patrick and Sam went out of their suites and sat on the empty chairs. They saw Janella watching Saving Private Ryan.

     “I thought you didn’t like violent movies?” Patrick asked.

     “I never said that,” Janella replied.

     “Ehh… it’s edited for TV anyway, it’s gonna suck.”

     “Aww…, Kyle, you and Berna look so sweet making sandwiches,” Janella said.

     “Hey Kyle! I like this new Janella; she’s a lot funnier than the other one.”

     “PATRICK! Can you try absorbing the heat from her?” Kyle said.

     “Okay.” Patrick held Janella’s head. “Stay still.”

     Fiery, sort of slimy liquid surged out of Janella’s head. It was like the stuff that came out of Ivan’s head last year, a sort of half-liquid, half-gas, substance that was in the middle of changing phases. It evaporated and disappeared.

     “I think it worked,” Patrick said.

     “Janella, how do you feel?” Sam asked.

     “What? What happened? My head hurts a lot.”

     “What’s the last thing you remember?”

     “Falling asleep in Kyle’s room in the hospital. Then I woke up and was half asleep, walking over to this place. Then I fell asleep again on this couch.”

     “Hey Janella, sandwich?” Berna said.

     “Sure, I’m starved.”

     “Good to see you’re still feeling loose.”

     “Yeah, good thing.”

     “We’re going to the island tomorrow morning,” Kyle started. “We’re just gonna report to Dr. Suarez.”

     “Great, I kinda miss the school,” Sam said.

     “I miss the Patola family,” Janella said

     “You’re a member right?” Berna asked.


     “I miss them too. Kyle, why don’t we visit?”

     “You could visit anyday? Why don’t you?”

     “Too busy with schoolwork. It’s been months since Half-Blood Prince, I want to see them again.”

     “Okay, let’s tell them later.”


After a few minutes, Ernst came in and gave back the CD. Berna told him to give it to Group B, which was completed since Lanz, Roey, and Michael got back.

     “What was that about?” Kyle asked.

     “Just the CD, I also told him to tell the other groups about tomorrow morning.”

     “Oh, let’s finish these sandwiches.”

     “What CD?” Janella asked.

     “Oh, nothing, just, forget about it.”

     “Ok, seemed like something I should know about.”

     “It’s nothing.”

     After a while, Kyle told Group B about the plan tomorrow. He told Group A something quite different.

     “Okay, Group A, tomorrow, we’ll be going to the island to report to Dr. Suarez.”

     “Yeah! Finally!” Joseph said.

     “And by ‘we’ I mean us, you’ll have to stay here.”

     “What?!” Rico said.

     “Guys, don’t overreact,” Ernst said.

     “WHY US?!” Rico asked angrily.

     “I need you guys to stay guard here just in case Austin attacks again.”

     “Austin’s smart, he won't attack the same place again,” Joseph said.

     “He’s also out of control, that might be what he wants us to think,” Berna said.

      Group A remained silent.

     “Why us? Why not some members out of each group?” Johann asked.

     “You guys already got to bond with each other. You’re teamwork is the best,” Kyle explained.

     “With this dipshit of a superhero?” Ricardo said, pointing at Ernst.

     “I’m not a dip-s-h-i-t!” Ernst spelled out.

     “Yeah right, nitro.”

     “Guys, guys, no hard feelings. Just, okay, here, I give you guys, goof-off privileges. Just don’t do anything that would expose us.”

     “Okay, that’s fine with me,” Rico said.

     “We’ll go tomorrow morning. Try to wake up early to go on patrol.”


The next morning, Group B and C left for the island. Berna and Kyle cast and illusionment over them and they flew there. Patrick carried Sam while Cedric used his forcefields to carry Lanz as usual but added Michael as load. Ivan just ran through the water and Roey used one of his cards to float across the water.

     They arrived after around forty minutes. They weren’t greeted so they head straight for the twentieth floor of the hotel. They rang the doorbell on Dr. Suarez’s suite. She answered.

     “Kyle, you’re home early. What’s the matter?”

     “Didn’t you hear about Glorietta?”

     “That was you?”

     “No, that was Austin. We decided to take a break. He blew it up on our vacation.”

     “Why are you here?”

     “I noticed something weird about the identifier.”

     Kyle took out his identifier and typed in “Ryan Austin Fernandez”. Two locations came out instead of the usual three.

     “Ever since we got there and started our search, Austin always appeared thrice in the identifier. The three groups would then split up and pursue one location each. None of these locations were correct, until very lately. The three locations were Florida, Pasig River, and outside Glorietta. Right now it’s only showing two locations, Pasig River and Florida.”

     “Why are the other two locations specific and Florida’s such a general location.”

     “It’s a really big dot on the map okay? Pasig River’s dot is bigger than the Glorietta dot. These locations are getting pretty huge. I think after these three are destroyed, it’s game over. Florida goes down on December third.”

     “The first year’s field trip is December third.”

     “You have to cancel that field trip!”

     “Wait a second, the itinerary for the field trip is basically Mowel Fund, then the ‘Shrine ng Katipunan”, Lunch Break in Blue Wave, then finally we go for the Pasig River cruise in ferries. We can use this trip as bait for Austin.”

     “He’s psychic, Dr. Suarez. He can read our minds right now.”

     “So? He’s out of control too right? He might want us to think that he won’t attack us. But he might and he will. Then we can capture him. Besides, I’m blocking this island from any psychics.”

     “You are? Great. As for the capturing him, it’s a gamble but it might work. What’s the plan?”

     “Well, the whole ASG except for You, Berna, and Cedric are Seton students, Patrick and Sam aren’t first year, you five will just have to patrol outside the bus, the ferry, just stay on guard. If he and when he attacks, you calmly confront him.”


     “Yes, I sent John Guino to make more of those machines that put the black band on a person. He made a smaller model so you can bring that, get him back to normal as soon as possible.”

     “Isn’t that too simple?”

     “You have anything better?”

     Kyle thought about this for a while, feeling somewhat humiliated.

     “Okay, we’ll go with that. But what about Group A?”

     “I’ll just send some of the faculty to stay guard in Makati City.”

     “They won’t be able to take him.”

     “Well, we have to try. He is most likely to attack the field trip anyway.”

     “Okay, that’s the plan. I’ll tell them to fly over here right away.”

     “No need for flying. I appointed a tech specialist already to help with transportation.”

     “Who is it?”

     “John Guino.”

     “Well, that’s kind of reasonable.”

     “He’s in the base; just tell him what you need.”

     “Okay. Thanks Dr. Suarez.”

     Kyle flew down to the base and went in. He was met with John, rocking out on his electric guitar. He didn’t notice him.



     “Holy s**t, Kyle. Ever heard of knocking?”

     ‘I’m sorry I disturbed your rock out session. So, promotion?”

     “Tech specialist. And no, I’m not a nerd. It’s really easy. I’m like freaking Magneto.”

     “Well, I need a way to teleport some guys from Makati City, all the way here.”

     “That’s easy. I just have to get some metal scraps and rig the Dome of Power. Dr. Suarez gave me a mountain of metal scraps. I put them in the training room. Follow me.”

     John and Kyle went to the elevator at the back of the room. They went down to the training room but it was empty, just the same black room with gridlines.

     “It just so happens that my power is technically psychic power towards technology. But the problem is Austin’s psychic signature kept me from switching the room. So, I rigged it. It was surprisingly easy to input my signature in. Austin didn’t put that much security.”

     “Or, he just disabled it,” Kyle said to himself softly.


     “When did you gain access to this place?”

     “Well, the base, since the morning the day you guys left. This training room, yesterday. It was metal scraps anyway, just needed to find a way to hide it from the world; you know the teachers, organized, mess-haters, for a lack of a better term.”

     “So where are they?”

     “Smokey Mountain.”

    John focused his mind on the panel as the room around them turned into a junkyard. Surrounding them were piles and piles of junk, almost as big as the island.

     “Holy hell man, where’d you get all this.”

     “Free steel, Dr. Suarez said that this stuff was legit. No illusion steel. Just like in our training session, Johann and I really took down some steel.”

     “I wasn’t there during your training session. It’s the first time I get to see this place in its full capability.”

     “I’ll just get our teleporter gun. You know, why does Batman get to be the only superhero with the cool gadgets?”

     John pointed his hands at the steel and attracted them to his hand. He then made it float in between his hands, molding it into a gun shape.

     “He has no powers.”

     “So? Clark Kent’s a p***y anyway.”

     “But he’s Superman.”

     “Yeah, you’re a smartass, keep it to yourself.”

     John finished the gun. He handed it to Kyle as he pointed his hand at the steel and made a magazine.

     “I don’t even read comic books, John.”


     “I hate Batman!”

     “You’re a p***y. Seriously, who hates Batman?”




     “Is it 'cause you’re gay?”

     “No. Girls like Batman.”

     “But do gays like Batman?”

     “I don’t know, how should I know?”

     “Takes one to know one.”

     “Are you gay?”

     “Mature comeback, Kyle. Seriously, if you’re going to fight Austin, you gotta have the brains to block him verbally. Smartasses hate it when they get blocked verbally. Like you got pissed just right now. You fail, Kyle.”

     “Dude, shut up.”

     “Just saying. I’m not saying that smartasses suck, I’m just saying that they have a weakness.”

     “If you’re so good at it, why don’t you join the ASG?”

     “Why should I?”

     “Why shouldn’t you?”

     “I’m tech specialist!”

     “You could be useful; it’s like a weapon factory to go.”

     “And where do you expect I get my steel?”

     “Use this gun. Are you done yet?”

     “Just have to put some rad in this mag first.”

     “ ‘Rad in the mag’? What the hell do you mean by that?”

     “I just need to channel some of my radiation into this thing. So it will absorb the energy when it goes into the Dome.”

     John finished the magazine up and handed it to Kyle.

     “Don’t load that in yet, it needs to be radiated.”

     John changed the room back and they went up the elevator. John then took the magazine from Kyle and went in front of the Dome of Power.

    “After working on a sleeker, smaller, version of the machine that puts the Black Band on people, I don’t know what name I can give it to make it not lame as hell but whatever, I will now finish, the Teleporter Gun!

     “What about ‘Telegun’ instead?”

     “Smartass,” John mumbled under his breath.

     John put the magazine in the middle of the Dome. He set the opening to maximum and put the setting to ‘Space Manipulation’ “

    “With this technology, Kyle, we can weaponize just about any superpower. Fire Gun, Water Gun.”

     “Water Gun?”

     “Shut the hell up. As I was saying, here goes nothin' ”

     John pushed the button on the control panel. The spokes opened, the familiar green light seeped into the Dome. It fully engulfed the magazine and the room was showered in green. After the light dimmed, the magazine was just floating in midair. It dropped when the green light was completely gone.

     “Cross your fingers, Kyle.”

    John went in and picked up the magazine. It was glowing purple.

     “You must wonder why it glows purple when the light is green. I guess I’ll never know. Put this in.”

     John threw the magazine at Kyle. He caught it and loaded it into the gun.

     “Now what?”

     “Give me that.”

     Kyle gave John the gun as he focused his mind on it some more. The gun’s exterior changed appearance. It still looked like a gun, but it had a little screen in top.

     “Okay, where are they?”

     “Makati City.”

     “I know that dumbass. And I thought you were a smartass.”

     “Ascott Hotel for Pete’s sakes!”

     “Who the hell is Pete?”

     John gave Kyle the gun.

     “Much like all the other crap involving superpowers, just focus on the place you want to go to. It should show up on the screen on top. If it’s correct, just c**k it, and fire.”

     “Ascott Hotel. 11th floor. That’s where.”

     Soon, the screen said, “Ascott Hotel, 11th Floor”

     “Damn, John, this is literal.”

     “C**k and shoot, smartass. Let’s not waste time.”

    Kyle cocked it and shot it. A purple beam went shooting outwards and soon went sidewards into a circular portal. The small beam retracted as the portal stayed.

     “Well, step through.”

     “Do I have anything to worry about?”

     “What? Splinching? You read too much Harry Potter, Kyle. Don’t worry, everything will be fine. I enabled the ‘Infinite Ammo’ cheat code on that thing. Hakuna Matata, Kyle. You know what that means right?”


     “Of course, smartass. Now go for it!”

     Kyle went though the portal and he was in the hallways on the 11th floor. There was no one there. Kyle headed to Group A’s suite and rang the doorbell.

     “Who is it?” Ernst asked.

     “It’s me, Kyle.”

     “Kyle?! What the hell are you doing here?”

     “You’re going to school! Let me in.”

     “I can’t, the guys are watching South Park and if you go in, they have to stop. That won’t be pretty.”


     “Oh, really. Put it in front of the peephole.”

     Kyle focused on “Group A’s room” and it soon appeared in the screen. He cocked and fired once again towards the hallway. He went through.

     “Kyle? You still there?”

     Kyle was now in Ricardo’s bedroom. It was the large room with ceiling to floor windows.

     He went out and saw the other four guys watching South Park just as Ernst said.

     “OH MY ***! THEY KILLED KENNY!” Stan said on the TV.

     “You b******s.” Kyle whispered to their ears.

     “IT’S KYLE! DUCK AND COVER!” Rico yelled.

     “Guys, shut up.”

     “How’d you get in here?’ Ernst said.

     Kyle pulled out his gun.

     “John’s new invention,” Kyle said.

     “Why are you here?” Rico asked.

     “You’re going to the island.”


     “Because Dr. Suarez said so. Some teachers will be sent here. Let’s go.”

     Kyle focused on the island until it appeared on the screen. He cocked and fired at the wall. They then stepped through the portal.

     They arrived in the base. John was just playing his guitar.

     “Hey, John. Wassup?” Rico said.

     “Fine. Did the smartass pick you up?”


     “Enough, just go to your rooms and goof off or something, The Field Trip is in eighteen days. Go have fun while you can.”

     “Dude, just kidding. If you need anything made out of metal, come see me,” John said.

     “Sure, I gotta go. We got a reunion planned.”


Kyle went up to Rica’s suite. Rica was a member of the Patola family and the reunion was in her suite.

     “Hey people, I’m here,” Kyle said.

     “Hey Kyle, come right in,” Berna said.

     He went in the room and everyone was there. Janella, Rica, Clara, Danie, Justin, Queennie, and oddly, Monica.

     Last year, Monica had not attended Austin’s meeting and the rest of their section had to pick her up in the Mall of Asia. It soon led to the mall crumbling to dust and Monica’s parents suffered from head trauma. Monica then sought revenge and almost killed Kyle.

     Berna rescued him though but Monica went for Berna next. She gave Monica a “migraine” using her psychic powers but went too far and the last Berna saw of her was in the clinic that night. She wasn’t there during the graduation and they never saw her during the summer. Ever since that night, Berna and Kyle never saw her until now.

     “Monica?” Kyle said nervously.

     “Tell him,” Berna said.

     “That night, when everything went wrong, Berna almost killed me. That psychic migraine stuff was serious. I woke up one week after the graduation day.”

     “It put you in a coma?” Kyle asked.

     “You can say that. I received my medals, emblems, report card, this rock that they said could teleport me here and all I needed and went home. Of course, my parents were in the hospital. I went to them and the doctor said they were going to be fine. The doctor said they were almost fully recovered. Of course, I couldn’t live alone in the house. I couldn’t go back to the island. So I went back home, I was almost driven crazy. Then he was there, waiting.”


     “The Mastermind. He was the one who gave Dave and the others their plans, me included. He took me to his base near Woodridge Place and I lived there for a few days. But then that b*****d tricked me, he put me in a chamber one night while I was sleeping and sucked out all my powers.”

     “What? You’re powerless?”

     “No, I woke up halfway through. There was something wrong with the machine. It was as if it wasn’t finished. I didn’t let them know I was awake, I heard their plans. They said that it had something to do with Austin and that guy with the spikes on the news. He wasn’t finished with the plan but said the most important part was the inside man, the guy getting all the information from inside the school.”

     “Who was it? A teacher?”

     “I don’t know. He sensed that I was awake. He didn’t hurt me, he just let me out. He told me my parents were fine and asked me if I wanted to go home. I said yes of course. He said I can go home on one condition; I can’t go to this school until his plans are complete. He said he’ll send me a letter when that happens. He sent the letter on November 1. There was no way I could get here so I had to find another way. It was hopeless and I felt cheated but then I remembered the rock. I told my parents I’ll find a way to get them here and I took myself here Friday night. Everyone was gone and soon, everybody went out from the underground paths. Rica said you guys were already gone to look for Austin. She explained everything.”

     “Wait, November 1 was the day after Austin was attacked and he left that message. We left for Makati Friday night. That makes sense,” Kyle said.

     “I thought the same thing,” Berna said.

     “Why are you telling me this? Don’t you hate me, Berna, Austin, and pretty much a lot of other people?”

     “I just decided that since my parents are alright, I could just forgive you guys. I almost killed you. I’m sorry for that and I hope this information will be enough for you to consider my apology.”

     “I already forgave her, she forgave me,” Berna said.

     “Yeah, sure what the heck. We gotta stick together,” Kyle said.

     “Thanks,” Monica said.

     “The question is, why didn’t that machine work? “

     “We have to find out who’s the inside man, for all we know, the inside man could be in this room.”

     “Wait, why would the Mastermind need an inside man if he’s psychic?” Berna asked.

     “Because, Dr. Suarez is psychic too. Austin also has psychic abilities. They’re probably blocking him. I mean, I can block out my thoughts from anyone else.”

     “Isn’t that like Harry Potter?”

     “John did mention that I read too much.”

     “But Austin can still read your mind.”

     “We have a link, Berna. I can read his and he can read mind. Until very recently where I can’t read his and he can still probably read mine.”

     “Wait, won’t the Mastermind go after you for telling us this info?”

     “I don’t care. He wants something. And we all know that it’s Austin. For all we know, he could have him right now; he won’t need to kill me.”

     “Hey, guys,” Rica started. “Can we save the serious stuff for after the party and just have fun?”

     “Yeah, Rica. Sorry,” Kyle said.

     So they had fun in the reunion for a while. After a few hours, the doorbell rang.

     “I’ll get it,” Janella said.

     “Okay, thanks,” Rica said,

     Janella went to the door, it was Lanz.

    “Lanz? What are you doing here?”

     “Ernesto told us to give this back to Kyle. Can you give it to him for me?”

     Lanz took out the CD and handed it to Janella.


     “Ernst, sheesh, I like to mess with the guy. Anyway, tell Kyle that someone dropped off some crap at his suite, okay?”


     Lanz walked away as Janella closed the door. She remembered what Berna said about the CD. She still felt that bit of Austin mischief in her and hid it in her jacket. She casually walked back to the party.

     “Who was that?” Kyle asked.

     “Just Lanz, he told me to tell you that someone dropped something off at your suite.”

     “Okay, thanks.”

     After a few more hours, the party was over. Everyone went back to their suites but Berna caught up with Monica.

     “Hey, Monica!”


     “Anything else you want to tell us?”

     “Well, that’s all I remember, if I find out anything else, I’ll tell you.”

     “Sure, thanks.”


The next morning was a school day. Kyle and Berna went back to the city for school.

     During lunch, Joel approached Ernst.

     “So Ernst,” Joel started. “How was the city?”

     “Fine, it was sort of fun really.”


     “We saw Final Destination. In the movie, the mall blew up, then ironically, the mall we were watching in blew up.”

    “So, you were in Glorietta?”


     “What happened to Janella?”


     “She’s absent. Is she okay?”

     “She’s the only ASG Seton student not here?”

     “I think so.”

     “I’m gonna go and find out.”

     “Wait, I’m going with you.”

     Joel and Ernst went to the Patola area during lunch. Queennie and Justin were there.

     “Hey girls, where’s Janella?” Ernst asked.

     “We don’t know. We didn’t see her since our party yesterday,” Justin answered.

     “What could’ve happened to her?”

     “Hey, Ernst.”

     Ernst looked behind him, Bambam was calling him.

     “Can you ask Kyle if people can still join the ASG?”


     “I was thinking of joining.”

     “What’s your power again?”

     Bambam picked up his electric guitar.

     “Look, no cords attached. No amplifiers or whatever.”

     He played a power chord and the sound of an electric guitar came out.

     “That’s minimum volume.”

     “How will that help?”

     Bambam turned the volume knob to the highest point.

     “This is maximum volume.”

     Bambam played the same power chord and Ernst dropped to the floor covering his ears.

     “BAMBAM! WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?” Justin asked.

     “An electric guitar on maximum volume. So Ernst, what do you think?”

     Ernst was still rolling in pain on the ground.

     “I think you blew up my eardrums.”

     “I’m sorry. Do you think it will cause damage?”

     “Well, Austin won’t be affected by that.”



     Bam looked behind him. John was there.

     “John! What is it?”

     “I can make you a guitar that can cause damage. You just turn the knob and it can shoot fire, electricity, ice, light, dark power, and ground at a target.”

     “You can do that?” Ernst asked.

     “Of course, long chin. I can do that. It will be the hardest project I’ve ever attempted but it’ll be the best product. What do you say?”

     “Sure. What now, Ernst? Is it good?”

     “Yeah, sure.”

     “Just give me a work fee of 100 pesos and it’s a deal.”

    “I’ll give you half now, and if it works, I’ll give you the other half when it’s done.”


     John walked away.

     “How does he do that?” Joel asked Ernst.

     “Do what?”

     “Be cool and know all the tech stuff.”

     “So, you think Kyle will let me in?” Bambam asked.

     “Yeah, definitely. Hey Joel, you should join now.”

     “No way. I’m not capable of combat.”

     “NEITHER AM I! We need brains and distractions in the group.”

     “You’re hunting one person Ernst.”

     “Man, you suck. I’m going to Michael.”

     Ernst walked over to his group. It consisted of Michael, Ivan, Roey, Pocholo, Johann, Jericho, JB, and Anton. They were playing Ninjas and Magic.


     “Michael! What’s going on?”

     “I’m telling them about the crap we went through.”

    “Hey, Jericho, what’s your power again?”

     Jericho was a short boy, shorter than Ivan.

     “I can, grow in size. Or shrink.”

     “Yeah, what about you JB?”

     “Just flight.”

     “HAHAHA! All you can do is fly!” Pocholo teased him.

     “What about you?” Ernst asked.

     Pocholo waved his hand in front of Ernst.

     “What did you do?”

     “JB, give me your smelly shoe.”


     “GIVE IT!”

     JB took off his shoe and gave it to Pocholo. Everyone else covered their noses.

     “What the hell do you put in there, JB?

      Michael angrily said.

     “I can’t smell anything,” Ernst said.

     “You get my power?” Pocholo asked.


     “A*****E! PUT THAT SHOE BACK!” Michael angrily commanded.


     Pocholo threw the shoe at JB’s face, knocking him off his seat.

     “I can remove one of your five senses. I can’t put them back however. I removed your sense of smell for five minutes, they come back in five minutes. I can only do until an hour.”

     Pocholo waved his hand in front of Ernst.


     “I removed your sense of touch for ten minutes.”


     “Try walking.”

     “I CAN’T”

     “Your skin can’t feel anything but you can move your muscles, dumbass. You’re not paralyzed, your just numb. Look…”

     Pocholo kicked Ernst in the crotch. He moved a few inches but didn’t scream in pain.

     “Did you feel that?”


     “It either means you have no balls, or it worked.”


     “Good luck getting up the stairs, Ernst.”

     Everyone left Ernst there alone. He tried walking but felt extremely weird. He tried walking up the stairs but was extremely slow. Soon, Joel caught up with him.

     “Hey, Ernst. Need help?”

     “Yeah, please. Support me.”

     “I asked you. I didn’t say I was gonna help you. See you in the classroom!”

     Joel left him down there.


     Everyone just walked past him. He got in the classroom five minutes late.

     “Ernst, bakit ka late? (Why are you late?)” Ms. Arlene asked.

     “Can’t feel anything, numb.”

     “Pumasok ka na nga, sayang oras natin! (Just get in, you’re wasting our time!)”

     Ernst went in and sat in his seat. His seatmate, Aika, leaned over to him.

     “What happened to you?”

     “I was asking people for their powers, you know, looking for ASG members and one of them took away my sense of touch for ten minutes. I still feel numb.”

     “Oh, good luck then!”

     The rest of the day was pretty normal. Ernst got his sense of touch back after five minutes in Filipino class. After everything, he went back to the hotel and took the elevator to the tenth floor. When he got there, he walked the usual path to his room but as he passed by Janella’s room, he noticed the door was open and Lanz, Cedric, Roey, Ivan, and Michael were there.

     “Hey, guys, what’s going on?”

     “Janella had a breakdown last night. She skipped school today. Kyle and Berna are in there comforting her,” Michael explained.

     “Why are you guys here?”

     “This dumbass,” Cedric said, pointing at Lanz. “Gave her the CD with Blaine Estaquila’s execution on it.”

     “Lanz, I specifically said not to let Janella watch the CD!”

     “I didn’t let her watch it,” Lanz began. “I told her to give it to Kyle.”

     “Goodness, you are a dumbass!”

     “Hey, long chin, you’re not helping.”

     Kyle went out of the room.

     “Hey, Ernst.”

     “I know the situation.”

     “Get in here!”

     “On my way!”

     Kyle and Ernst entered the room. Janella and Berna were seated on her bed. It didn’t look too bad.

     “Hey, Ernst,” Berna said. “That idiot, Lanz, gave her the CD.”

     “I know what happened.”

     “You sure it was him?” Janella asked, half-sobbing.

     “Janella, calm down. Look at the bright side; you know what we’re against. We can get him back to normal easier.”

     “I can’t take this anymore. Find him, just turn him back already.”

     “We can’t do that, the field trip is still on December 3,” Kyle said.

     “So what? That doesn’t mean he just disappeared off the face of the Earth. He’s still here.”

     “Wait, Kyle,” Berna said. “The warning said ‘in one month, it’s game over’. One month means November 31. Since November has only thirty days, it’s December 1 then. But the field trip is two days after. How does that work?”

     “Good point. But we still don’t know what ‘Game Over’ means.”

     “Are we gonna take a chance?” Janella asked.

     “Am I needed here?”

     “Shut up, Ernst,” Kyle said. “Look, just calm down. Janella, I know you’re shaken by the footage on that disk but that’s not a valid reason to skip school. That CD is the least of our problems. Look, Berna, my wounds healed in an instant in the hospital because of Austin. I didn’t explain to you yet but he says The Mastermind is helping me. He’s saving me from Austin. He wants to gain control of me like he did Ivan. He wants me to fix Austin and give him to him. Austin on the other hand is also helping me. He’s just showing it in a weird way. I’m pretty safe. I just have to find a way to talk to Austin again somehow and I’ll ask him what ‘Game Over’ is. One of our problems will be solved after that.”

     “That’s a bit of a lax idea don’t you think?” Berna said.

     “I’ll try to contact him until Saturday, one week. If I can’t talk to him till then, then we go to plan B, we continue our search, we go to Pasig. Ms. Kristine already checked us out of the hotel so Makati is useless. We can assume that the next target is Pasig River. We’ll send the first, second, and fourth group of the ASG to Florida.”

     “Fourth group?”

     “Yeah, Ernst sent some plans to me last night along with some of John’s gadgets he developed over our absence and the listings of superpowers of everyone in Bukidnon. There were some missing but he got about half of them. He proposed a fourth group would be beneficial. Since Florida is too big for one group, the fourth group would definitely help. Pasig is fairly small so we can handle that situation.”

     “Who are the new members, Ernst?” Berna asked.

     “Well, so far, I got two. John and Bambam. I haven’t asked JB and that a*****e, Pocholo, but I’m thinking of asking Jericho in as well.”

     “We got five potential members. Ask them tomorrow and if they refuse, then at least try to get three members. I’m counting on you Ernst.”

     “On it, can I leave now?”

     “Go ahead.”

     Ernst left the room as Kyle went towards the terrace. He looked out into the distance, the Pacific Ocean surrounding them.

     “Janella, you okay now?” Berna asked.

     “Yeah, I’m fine. I think eighteen hours is enough.”

     “That’s a rough estimate,” Berna said with a smile.

     “What is that supposed to mean?”

     “Nothing, forget�"”

     “SON OF A GUN!” Kyle yelled out loud.

     “Kyle? What is it?”

     Kyle went rushing back into the room.

     “Those dumbasses are at it again. Get downstairs, now.”

     The three of them rushed downstairs. The boys outside the room were gone. Kyle went to the grassy patch in front of the base.

    “AND NOW,” Rico said through a wireless microphone, special thanks to Bambam. “MY FRIENDS AND I WILL CREATE, THE WORLD’S LARGEST WAFFLE. WE WILL BREAK THE WORLD RECORD AND�"“

     “No one will ever find out about this,” Kyle said. “Outside this island at least.”

     “KYLE, YOU KILLJOY!” someone yelled from the crowd.

     “Come on Kyle, this is just for fun.”

     “Go ahead, cook your waffle. Just don’t blame me if the people out there find out and put you all in straitjackets.”

     “They won’t put us in straitjackets, Kyle, you adorable dumbass,” Cedric said.

     “I give up; this is the least of my problems.”

     Kyle walked back to the hotel but sent a psychic message to Berna.

     “I’m gonna try to talk to Austin, go to my suite later.”

     Kyle took the elevator to his room and went to his suite. He laid on his bed and tried to touch that link between him and Austin.

     Kyle was at it, trying to link to Austin psychically. One hour passed to no avail. Soon, Berna knocked on the door.

    “Come in,” Kyle told Berna through his mind.

     Berna came in and sat on Kyle’s bed.

     “Any luck?”


     “Let’s go down, it’s dinner time.”

     “I’m not hungry.”

     “They finished that waffle, you should have seen it. They’re serving it for desert. Patrick is keeping it warm.”

     “I don’t get why they try to make that waffle. It has no point. It’s just making things worse.”

     “It’s okay.”

     Berna leaned over and kissed Kyle on the cheek.

     “I’ll see you at dinner. Don’t leave me hanging.”

     Berna smiled at Kyle before leaving him. Kyle forgot about Austin and everything and got out of bed. He put on his best clothes, nothing too fancy, and went down to the ground floor.

     It was really alive there. It felt like the ground floor and become a living thing. Almost the whole hotel was there. He went around and found Berna sitting on a table, wearing a violet shirt with a black jacket and jeans. Kyle felt underdressed but went over and sat with her anyway.

     “Glad you made it.”

     “Haha, yeah. You look nice tonight.”

     “Thanks, you too. Like what they’ve done with the place?”

     “I don’t know, I think the ground floor just came to life.”

     “Well, it’s the most expensive buffet they’ve ever done around here. It’s free of charge, of course. I just realized that we were living the life. This place is really amazing.”

     “All thanks to Austin. I really miss goofing around with him, Patrick, and Ivan. You know, like last year. No powers. Just, goofing around.”

     “Well, I bet after everything is alright, you could do just that.”

     “I don’t know. Everything’s changed. Austin’s too serious, Ivan’s traumatized, and Patrick is still pretty much the same though.”

     “Yeah, I mean. Austin really brainwashed him didn’t he?”

     “Yeah. Haha… You hungry?”


     “What do you want? I’ll get you some food.”

     Kyle took Berna’s order and went to wait in the line. It was a long line, probably the longest Kyle has ever seen but it was also one of the quickest, all thanks to the fact that they had superpowers. Kyle went back to their table. 

     “Your order, madam.”

     “Haha. Have you carried more than two plates before?”

    “Nope, I don’t plan to try.”

     “You’re psychic, Kyle.”

     “But still…”

     “Never mind. Let’s eat!”

     Kyle set down the plates and ate.

     “I wonder what’s so special about tonight.”

     “While they were making the waffle, they had a party outside, accompanied with the Battle of the Bands.”


     “Yeah. DRIX was in there.”

     “Bambam’s band?”

     “Yep. It was rather entertaining. I wish you were there.”

     “I’m sorry, I just got pissed off.”



     “Oh, man. I imagine his being chaotic,” Kyle said to Berna.

     “Kyle,” Rico said. “I’m sorry for a while ago. I hope you forgive me.”

     All attention turned to Kyle. Kyle thought about it for a while.

     “Sure, why not, right? If anything I should thank you for this.”

     “You can thank me like this, Patrick, get over here and tell Kyle how he can thank us.”

     Patrick took the mike from Rico.

     “Hello everybody!”

     “HEY, PATRICK!” most of them shouted.

     “How’s dinner? Seventy-five percent of the food you’re eating now was cooked by none other than the amazing Samantha Katigbak. Let’s all give Sam a round of applause.”

     Applause rang through the whole dining hall. Patrick cleared his throat to get back their attention.

     “Okay, now you might be thinking what this fifth-grader has to say. First of all, John, they told me to tell you to get out of the building and in front of the giant waffle being levitated outside.”

     “On the go!” John said as he ran outside.

     “Now, Kyle, you and your girlfriend.”

     “PATRICK!” Kyle said loudly but Berna remained silent. It wasn’t her usual silence, this was rather weird.

     “Psst. Berna, you okay?” Kyle said softly.

     “Kyle! Hey! Over here!”

     Berna wasn’t responding.


     Kyle looked at Patrick, still worried about Berna who was staring at Kyle blankly. It wasn’t even romantic.

     “Please put an illusionment on the northern wall so we can all see the waffle being sliced up.”

     “That’s it?”

     “I don’t know, that’s what Rico told me.”

     Kyle focused his mind on the wall and put the illusionment that it was a clear glass window. Everyone turned to see the waffle.

     “John, commence when we say ‘GO’. Let’s count everyone. TEN!”

    Kyle didn’t join the counting and was trying to snap Berna out of her trance.


     Kyle was shaking her but still, she stared into the distance. She didn’t even blink.


     “Berna, snap out of it. They’re gonna cut the waffle, come on. BERNA!”

     “FOUR, THREE!”

     “Berna! BERNA!”

     No one could hear Kyle. They were all focused on the waffle.

     “TWO, ONE!”

     Berna closed her eyes and opened them, her pupils were gone.


     John began to cut the waffle. Everybody was clapping loudly.

     “Berna, what happened to you?”

     “Hello, Kyle, miss me?” Berna said in her voice but it had this sort of echo sound to it that Kyle could clearly hear even with all the noise in the background.

     “Berna, are you okay? You’re pupils are missing.”

     “Don’t call me Berna, Kyle; I just needed to talk to you.”


     “Took you long enough, smartass.”

     “Get out of her body!”

     “Does it piss you off?”

     “Yeah, GET OUT!”

     “We have an alliance, Kyle, but you know me; I love pissing people off.”

     “GET OUT!”

     “As you wish.”

     Berna closed her eyes again. Kyle shook her lifeless body.

     “Berna? Are you okay?”

     Kyle then suddenly jerked backward and everything went black. He opened his eyes and he was in the white void again. Austin was sitting behind a desk. There was one chair in front of the desk.

     “Mr. Gomez, please take a seat.”

     Kyle sat down in front of Austin.

     “What do you want to talk about, Austin?”

    “I just wanted to ask you to bring me a slice of that waffle. It looks pretty damn good, don’t ya think?”

     “Seriously, what is your problem?”

     “I just want to talk to my best friend in the whole wide world, well, wait. Why do they call it ‘best’ friend if you can have more than one?”

     “I don’t know.”

    “Because Kyle, you humans are idiots.”

     “You were human once, Austin.”

     “I was an idiot once, Kyle. Idiots try to take control of everything. Look at the smartest men alive today; they’re not the president of any country. They’re not interested in being in control. Well, at least most of them. They’re interested in knowing the secrets of the universe. I myself don’t know these secrets and I never will.”

     “You’re point is?”

     “I don’t have a point. This is a pointless moment in this whole series of events. You wanted to ask me something?”

     “Yes, what do you mean by ‘Game Over’? “

     “Oh, well, it’s when Mario is at his shortest height and you don’t get a mushroom and then you touch a goomba without any lives left.”

     “NOT THAT! I mean the message you left us, what’s happening on December 1?”

     “It’s just the day where you grow a pair and decide to do something with your life. Look, you don’t need to turn me back. I’m completely happy now.”

     “Janella’s miserable Austin, because of you. Forget your out-of-control self for a while and talk to me as if you still have the band on. Do you care for her?”

     Austin remained silent for a while.

     “Austin, answer the question.”

     “Yes… Of course.”

     “If that’s true, then you don’t want to see her miserable. You’d want to be with her. Austin, come on. Why are you doing this?”

     “Because… I-I….”

     “Just show up at the base later or tomorrow and let me turn you back.”

     “No, Kyle. I don’t want to.”


     “I miss you guys too…” Austin said in a different tone. This tone seemed desperate.


     His pupils went back.

     “Austin, Your pupils…”

     “Kyle, help me, I want to go back. But the band is still trying to release all that power; I’ll explode if I stay calm enough for you to put the machine on me.”

     “What should I do?”

     “Look, I’m going to be at Pasig River on December 3. I’m going to be out of control and I’m also going to be dangerous. You have to try your best. Please, I don’t care what you do to me. You have to fix me, Kyle.”

     “You almost killed me in Makati.”

     “Don’t fall for my tricks. I can maintain control in here since this isn’t the real world. That also means you can’t cure me in here. You have to do it on December 3.”

     “But game over is on December 1.”

    “Forget that ‘Game Over’ crap. If you get a game over in a game, you just start from the beginning. The Game Over probably involves me. I’ll be fine as long as you fix me on the third. You’ll be able to talk to me normally if he decides to take you here and I try to fight him off.”

     “Do you think you can help us on the third?”

     “I don’t know. Look, just tell Janella, I’m sorry. Tell her I’ll be back soon. If you fail on the Third, I’ll be more powerful in Florida. That’s the final location. I’ll be damn near impossible to stop there. You have to try your hardest on the third. Promise me, you’ll try the hardest on December 3.”

     “I promise. I’ll get you back, buddy.”

     “Don’t forget to tell her that I’ll be back soon.”

     “What is this place anyway?”

     “It’s not in the real world. It’s nowhere. I think it’s where you go when you’re sucked in a black hole.”

     “I’ll get you back, Austin.”

     Austin closed his eyes forcibly and he opened them. His pupils were dilated.

     “Kyle, get out of here! I can’t hold him in.”

     “How do I get out?”

     Austin forced his eyes closed.

     “Kyle, tell everyone else in the ASG that I’m sorry. I’ll be with you guys soon enough.”

    Austin’s body blew up and Kyle was covered in blood. Everything then started to fade to black and Kyle opened his eyes. He was in the male ward in the base and Patrick was there.

     “Pat, what happened?”

     “Everyone went for waffles and you and Berna were knocked out cold on the ground. She’s in the other ward with Janella. She’s fine.”

     “I saw him Patrick. Austin, I talked to him, as in the real Austin. The nice one. He said he’ll be back. He said ‘Game Over’ is nothing to worry about.”


     “We have to train, tell all the ASG members to meet me here tomorrow after school. We’ll be going through intense training. Make sure John goes too.”

     “Will do, Kyle.”

     “I feel great, I’m getting out. What time is it?”

     “10:30, why?”

     “Call Janella. I need to tell her something.”

     Kyle went out of his bed and sat down outside. Patrick went in the female ward to call Janella. She went out.

     “Janella, half of our worries are gone.”


     “I just talked to Austin, everything will be fine. I talked to the Austin we know, the in-control one. He said he’s sorry and he’ll be back soon. I made a promise and we’re gonna keep that promise.”

     “What promise?”

     “That we’ll try our hardest on December 3. He said he will attack on December 3.”

     “Maybe he’s just trying to trick you.”

     “No, I know the good Austin when I see him. The only worry I have is that he blew up after our conversation. He said ‘Game Over’ involved him.”

     “So we’re safe from game over?”

     “Technically. Look, we will train from 5:00 to 9:00 starting tomorrow until December 2. Then we get him on the third. Tell everyone in the ASG. This is our last stand. We can’t lose this chance.”

© 2011 RA Fernandez

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Added on May 20, 2011
Last Updated on May 20, 2011

The Next Level: The Black Band


RA Fernandez
RA Fernandez


I'm a simple man making my way through the universe. I do love writing as well and I'm still trying to improve my skill. more..

The Job The Job

A Story by RA Fernandez