Alone, I'd glide with shadows of abjuration
and despondency broods over my refutation
Reaping nix of still gray along the water's edge
Emanating sighs, and the woes of my heart
Leached past the lush of misery’s shoreline
I'd watch them as the dark impish feathery
of anseriformes of self-effacement follow
a wafted, feathery appendage of maternal
leaving me anomalously, drifting on reflections
softly rippling my oddity, solitude gesticulates
Inaudibly upon the mediating waters, the skies
lightly embraced me, dipping their brushes
of fathom slate, touching me amiably of azure
promises so smoothly that soothe like a balm
awakening gently glides over the still waters
Softly trickling me with peace and tranquil
Inlets of gentle pondering lightly gather me
Instilling me with soundness and gratitude
while wafts gently carried me on my way and
silence embraced me like a long lost child
© Rena Scribe 2009