To Be Forever

To Be Forever

A Poem by R L. Amber

With the last stolen kiss, I lay my head down to rest,

His warmth fills the sheets beside me, as his heart beats in time.

The world that froze outside begins to move slowly once more.

As the sun rises, this room fills with grey and gold,

The flickering candles that burnt through black now lay at peace.

A cry form a bird signals our rising, but we lay still, embraced in tenderness,

His arms wrap my body in protection and warmth

As we sleep this day away, my dreams fill with him

A cascade of our love, our lives, entwined together.

I sleep deeply knowing that he is here with me at last.

And that within this moment of eternity, I am, as we are,

To be Forever.

© 2010 R L. Amber

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Added on January 23, 2010
Last Updated on January 23, 2010
Tags: love, romance, kiss, forever


R L. Amber
R L. Amber

Perth, Wa, Australia

Prologue Prologue

A Chapter by R L. Amber