The First Lie

The First Lie


God's lie to Adam, the truth revealed to Eve by the Serpent


Now let's examine an interesting paradox in biblical scripture. If you are a Christian who is easily offended or someone who does not care for religious debate then I suggest you not read any further. For those who are open minded, let's have a little food for thought.

Let's go way back to Genesis, to the Garden of Eden. God is with Adam in the beginning and Eve has not yet been created. God places Adam in the garden and says (in a deep commanding god voice), “ may eat of all of the trees of the Garden. Nevertheless you may not eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil for on the very day you do, you will surely die.” Gen: 2:17. Remember this little part, Eve wasn’t even around when God told Adam about the tree and fruit business, and never does God say anything directly to her that SHE can’t eat of the tree... It’s just assumed somewhere along the story that what goes for the gander, goes for the goose too!

God sees that Adam is having a hard time finding a ‘helpmate’ amongst the other animals; hmmm, I don’t really want to speculate what that might have actually entailed. Eve is then created and placed with Adam in the Garden and they are not aware of themselves outside of the place nor do they know shame in their nakedness; this too assumes that nakedness is shameful for some reason; I mean, I suppose I need to eat some fruit 'cause I really don't mind my nakedness or other's, for that matter. But this is not a bad place to be really, two ignorant beings frolicking in a wonderful garden eating fruit all day, heck why would anyone want to grow up from that, right? But of course, everything must grow up, and as we know ignorance is no excuse, even if it is a god who is commanding you to stay ignorant.

So one day while Eve was hanging out by herself nude eating fruit, the subtle Serpent, or some say Lucifer disguised as the serpent, came to Eve and asks, “Did God say to you that you may not eat of the trees in the Garden?” Gen. 3:1. Eve replies, “We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden but of the tree in the middle of the garden, we must not eat of its fruit nor touch it for we will surely die that day.” The Serpent replies, ”No, you will NOT die! For God knows on the day that you eat of the fruit your eyes will be opened and you will have the knowledge of good and evil, and you will be like unto the Gods…” (Note the plural usage here).

Side tangent: Now here is a point of continuous delusion that is implied by most religious adherents, that there is some covenant that God intended for Adam, or both Adam and Eve, to be immortal unless they ate of the fruit and it is the immortality that is taken away after they do. Again all of this is implied to make the ‘story’ credible to the reader as a literal happening. This implied lack of death does not exist prior to this point in Genesis but in a point of often overlooked irony it is implied to exist only after they have partaken of the fruit and are being expelled from the garden. “…lest they eat of the Fruit of the Tree of life and have life forever…” Gen.3:22. For most Christians they simply don’t want to swallow this fact, that the fruit of the Tree of life was not eaten beforehand and no immortality was given in the first place, its implied as having been possible but never actualized (as it is still implied as possible to have the knowledge of the Tree of Life and to 'live forever'.). It makes a good guilt story though, to imply that Eve, by eating the fruit, brought sin and death into the world and that nothing would have ever died had she not gotten a little hungry and munched on the tempting fruit that God had put there and labeled 'Great for Wisdom yet Toxic to Immortality'. How many things are just wrong with toying with the childish and ignorant in that way? I mean seriously, would you put a loaded 38 caliber Smith & Wesson in your 4 year old’s toy box and tell them, “You can play with all of your toys but that one; it makes a super fun loud noise but if you play with it, it will kill you. Have fun, Junior.” Two parallels, neither Adam and Eve, nor Junior even know what death is at this point; both God and Junior’s parents should be brought up on charges of negligence. 

Back to who lied. After Eve eats the fruit and takes it back to Adam and he also eats it, this sudden ‘shame’ comes over them; they grab some fig leaves and cover their genitals. I mean really, you’re in your garden, no one else around, you’ve been naked since you were created and suddenly this awareness of something evil, and the first thing you do is cover your crotch? And we’ve been doing it ever since. Well, in their case ignorance really was bliss but they can't go back now! The scripture actually says several times, "Your eyes will be opened and you will have the knowledge… and you will be like the gods.” And this really is what happens, just like Serpent says; their eyes are indeed opened and they become aware, like the gods. God even recounts this in Gen 3:22, “See, now he has become like one of us and has the knowledge…”, again with the plural and speaking to the other gods.

So what God has said to Adam, that he would die the day he ate the fruit (he lived another 800+ years according the scripture), simply did not happen. God lied and did so to keep Adam in ignorance of the truth. And what the Serpent said was nothing more than the revelation of the truth. They did not die that day and their eyes were opened to the truth of the world, just as the serpent said it would happen. Most people read this story and label the Serpent as the deceiver, when in fact it was God that was using deception.

Side note: Some interesting points are revealed here as well. Eve was not around when Adam was given the edict of not eating of the tree but in the end she really suffers the most, her curse is more severe than both the Serpent or Adam. Second, God reveals very clearly the acknowledgement of other deities, that this god resides amongst many other gods. Thirdly, the Serpent, supposedly beguiling and evil (meaning ‘of Eve’), was actually the bearer of truth, so stated right there in the scripture. I personally find these things wonderfully telling!

Now everyone will spin the elements of the story however they choose, to get the result that is most comforting, to however they wish to believe. But one thing is absolutely certain, the Serpent, supposedly Lucifer ‘bearer of light’, gave them the truth and told them about the path to knowledge, while God denying them the path was keeping them in ignorance.

If this were a court case and God and the Serpent were on trial; God would be doing some jail time for negligence, perjury and creating evil in the first place…not to mention psychological terrorism according to Home Land Security. While the Serpent might get a slap on the wrist for… well, he doesn’t really have a wrist now does he… maybe for coercion or possibly for conspiring; but who would he be conspiring with? None other than the God that created him. So whether you like it or not, it all goes back to God… the buck stops there. 

To those who are brave enough for the truth, Bon Appetit!

Signed, the Serpent




Author's Note

Keep your wits....

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Added on November 7, 2009
Last Updated on February 5, 2010



Austin, TX

Writer, poet, author, taoist, entrepreneur, researcher; advancing spirituality without religion, through diversity awareness and the understanding of the feminine principle and the universal cosmology.. more..

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